10 Ideas For Perfect Wedding Gifts

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10 Ideas For Perfect Wedding Gifts

Wedding ceremonies are the stuff fairy tales are made of. Marriages are
made in heaven, it is said. Keeping this age-old adage in mind, a heavenly
atmosphere is created at the wedding venue. Aromatic smells fill the air.
Guests decked in their Sunday best walk the red carpet with wedding gifts in
tow. Giving gifts on the wedding day is part of the ceremony. A gift
symbolizes the good will guests have for the newly married. Through these
gifts, guests wish the couple a long and happy married life. Naturally, when
wedding gifts are purchased the most important thing that one keeps in
mind is their durability. It is usually felt that a wedding gifts should make a
lasting impression. Everyone wants to make a lasting impression. Here is

# FOR THE BRIDE: Jewelry is on the top of the list for wedding gifts for the
bride. Simple yet elegant pieces will ensure surprise and fascination when
your gift is opened. You can select from pendants, chains, necklaces,
bracelets, brooch pins, hairpins and earrings.

# Gift accessories include exquisite evening bags, tote bags, handbags and
clutch bags. Evening gowns and formal dresses are ideal clothing items.

# Jewelry boxes, perfumes, make-up kits and bags are among other gift

# Diamonds are considered to be the ideal gift grooms can give their
respective brides. Otherwise any of the above mentioned items would be
considered worthy enough.
# FOR THE GROOM: Formal gifts include ties, tiepins, cufflinks (gold, silver
or diamond studded ones), wristwatch and pocket watch among others. Suits
and shirts are formal wear that can be given as gifts.

# Informal gifts include golf club sets, baseball sets or musical instruments
like guitar.

# FOR BOTH BRIDE AND GROOM: Gift articles for both the bride and groom
can include funny and naughty items. However, such gifts can be given only
by those who know both of bride and groom from close quarters. Otherwise
such gifts can be deemed impolite. The list includes 'just married' goggles,
T-shirts, hats, caps, flip-flops and toilet paper (!). Naughty gifts can include
wedding night kits, honeymoon kits, marriage certificates, towels and robes.

# DECORATIVE PIECES: Such gifts help the couple beautify their homes.
Paintings, wall hangings and show pieces come under this category.

# PERSONILIZED GIFTS: Names or even photographs of the bride and groom

can be embossed on a variety of items like pillow cases, pillows, albums,
wedding plates, photo frames etc. to give a personal touch to the gifts.

# FRESH FLOWERS: Sweet smelling flowers are a natural choice for any
occasion. Flowers impart joy to both the sender and receiver. To enhance
the impact of the wedding gift you have selected, send some fresh flowers
along with it. They are bound to catch the eye of the couple.

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