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5 ‘José Eugenio Tello’

Planning 2019

What is the Creative Process?

‘As artists, our work is about making new discoveries of what´s possible, and
pushing to see beyond the familiar. As dancers, we use trial and error to make our
work. We use the process of experimentation to find solutions. Failure is not seen as
wasted effort; instead, it is viewed as an opportunity to recreate.’

What Blocks Creativity?

Fear of …failing
…making mistakes
…trying something new
…being thought silly or stupid
…the unknown
…being asked to think for oneself

An urge to …always be right

…get to the final product or answer
…get things over with quickly
…give up too soon when faced with challenges or obstacles.
…to get the approval of others
…forget the journey and get to the performance
…be just like everyone else

A lack of …belief in one´s own ability

…trust in people´s ability to be creative
…trust in one´s own intuition
…time to play, explore and invent
…courage and persistence
…appreciation for one´s own strengths and abilities

Prof. Jorge Orlando Cari

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