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Republic of the Philippines

Region 02- Division of Isabela
(Formerly Quezon High School Barucboc Extension)

Third Periodical Examination

Empowerment Technologies

A. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. A program designed to create spreadsheets which can later be used to analyzed statistical data
a. Microsoft Excel c. Microsoft Publisher
b. Microsoft Word d. Microsoft One Note
2. A number format that puts a dollar symbol before each value by default
a. Percent b. Accounting c. Comma d. Date/time
3. A function that adds a range of cells
a. ADD b. PLUS c. SUM d. TOTAL
4. This is the tab in the format cells dialog box where you can change the orientation of a text
a. Alignment b. Orientation c. File d. View
5. A function that gets the average of a range of cell.
6. What do you call the icon that displays the active cell?
a. Range b. Cell c. Name box d. File tab.
7. On what part of the Excel wherein you can input formulas and perform calculations?
a. Ribbon b. Formula bar c. Worksheet d. View Option
8. A grid of cells that are more than 16, 000 columns within tabs. Each tab provides buttons and
a. Ribbon b. Formula bar c. Worksheet d. View Option
9. The shortcut key use to automatically save a file or a document.
a. Ctrl + S b. Shift + F c. Ctrl + 1 d. Alt + 110.
10. A syntax in the AVERAGEIF function that includes the value or label that determines if the cell
is part of the range to be averaged
a. Range b. Criteria c. Average range d. Logical test
11. Which of the following is the shortcut for printing documents?
a. Ctrl + C b. Ctrl + F c. Ctrl + P d. Ctrl + S12.
12. What particular ribbon you are going to select when you need to Protect the worksheet that you
are doing?
a. Home b. Insert c. Page layout d. Review
13. These are line art drawings or images used as generic representation for ideas and objects.
a. Shapes b. Clip Art c. Chart d. Screenshots
14. Displays group of related commands within tab. Each tab provides buttons for commands. What
is being described?
a. Scroll bar b. Mouse pointer c. Tab d. Arrow key
15. What feature of Microsoft Excel that allows you to select a single Cell?
a. Mail merge b. Print merge c. Send message d. View merge
16. The following are components of Layout EXCEPT.
a. Margin b. File Name c. Size d. Columns
17. This can contain text, numbers and formulas.
a. Cell b. Name box c. Cell Range d. Status bar
18. Features of excel wherein you can see the different view mode of display worksheet.
a. File tab b. Mailings tab c. View option d. File tab
19. A grid of cell that are more than 16, 000 columns wide and more than 1,000,000 row?
a. Worksheet b. Insert Tab c. Cell range d. Review tab
20. This is where you can input the formulas and calculations?
a. Status bar b. Letters c. Formula bar d. Labels
21. What button allows you to see the result of your mail merge even before you print or send it out?
a. Preview results b. Insert merge fields c. Address block d. Greeting line
22. What files contains the information you need to merge with your main document?
a. Address block b. Contact list c. Data file d. Directory
23. Because of huge growth OF ICT-related jobs, Philippine is dub as_______.
a. Global ICT Hub c. ICT Hub of Asia
b. Selfie capital of the World d. None of these
24. This refers to the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the internet
protocol suite (TCIP/IP) to link billions of devices worldwide.
a. Computer b. Router c. Internet d. Wifi
25. This is an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form.
a. Typewriter b. External hard drive c. Computer d. USB disk
26. Tina opened a site for her research, wherein she can gather and copy information’s but
afterwards she realizes that she could not able to edit comments of any on its content. What type
of web version is being described?
a. Web 1.0 b. Web 2.0 c. Web 3.0 d. Web 4.0
27. Alysa was using Facebook and yahoo mail to connect with her friends and families. On this web
site she can able to read and write comments to her own user account. Based on the statement
what particular web version is being asked?
a. Web 1.0 b. Web 2.0 c. Web 3.0 d. Web 4.0
28. This is known as a flat page or stationary age in the sense that the page is “as is” and cannot be
manipulated by the user.
a. Dynamic IP address c. Static web page
b. Dynamic web pages d. None of these
29. This is a term use to allow user to categorize and classify information using freely chosen
keywords e.g tagging by FB, use tags that start with the sign #, referred as hashtag.
a. Long tail b. Mass participation c. Folksonomy d. Convergence.
30. Harold have two different kind of gadgets (e.g laptop and iphone) but can work on a similar goal
or task. For example, on his laptop he could able to encode files through the use of Microsoft
word while on his iphone he can do similar task through the use of his office mobile apps. Based
on the statement what particular term is being described?
a. Mass participation b. Folksonomy c. Long tail d. Convergence
31. Cristian is using a Reddit because it allows him to store and manage links to various website and
resources. Based on the statement, what kind of media is BEST use?
a. Media Sharing b. Microblogging c. Bookmarking sites d. Social news
32. Ailla is a tourism student, in order to promote the culture and beauty of different places around
the Philippines she makes her own user account that allows her to post her videos wherein other
users can also have an access on it and at the same time they could able to insert their comments.
Based on the statement, what type of social media is BEST use?
a. Microblogging b. Blogs and Forums c. Media Sharing d. Social news
33. This mobile operating system is use in apple devices such as iphone and ipad
a. Blackberry OS b. WebOs c. Symbian d. iOS
34. This refers to the original operating system of smartphone, used by Nokia devices.
a. Symbian b. Blackberry OS c. Windows Mobile d. WebOS
35. People are sharing diverse information through universal web access. Web 2.0’s content is based
on people from various cultures this statement refers to_______.
a. Folksonomy c. Rich user experience
b. Mass participation d. Long tail
36. Carla was very meticulous in sending messages online. She assures that she only sends important
messages to the person she really knows. In what rules of netiquette do Carla emphasize?
a. Rule No.1: Remember the Human
b. Rule No.2: Adhere to the same standards online that you follow in real life
c. Rule No.3: Respect other peoples time and bandwidth
d. Rule No.4: Make yourself look good online
37. Teresa was polite and pleasant to everyone she encounters online. Aside from that she also
assures that she was always doing the right things online by always checking her comments
before posting it, she checks even the spelling and grammar constructions of her messages and
comments to avoid negative impressions about her. In what rules of netiquette do Teresa
a. Share expert Knowledge c. Make yourself look good online
b. Help keep flame wars under control d. Respect other people’s privacy
38. What type of productivity tool you are going to use when you make a business documents or
even simple letters, and create attractive outputs wherein you can input text and images?
a. Microsoft PowerPoint c. Microsoft Excel
b. Microsoft Word d. Rich Internet Application
39. This software can be used to track and analyze stocks and bonds, it also analyze weather data to
make forecast.
a. Word Processing c. Presentation Software
b. Rich internet application d. Database software
40. When making a business presentation, what productivity tool is BEST use?
a. Microsoft word b. Excel c. Outlook d. PowerPoint
41. What type of text wrapping options you are going to select when the text sits nearer the image?
You can add a border and effects, and drag the image.
a. In-line wrapping b. behind the text c.Tight wrapping d. None of these
42. This type of Image wrapping is useful if you want to put a watermark on a page or in a table.
a. In front of text wrapping c. Through wrapping
b. Behind text wrapping d. In-line wrapping
43. This common function displays the largest value in a range of cells.
44. This common functions in excel calculates the number of values in a range of cells.
45. This is a “Read and Write Web” in this web version the user is able to see a website differently
than others. What web version is being referred?
a. Web 1.0 b. Web 2.0 c. Web 3.0 d. Web 1.0 and 2.0
46. This web version refers to the first stage in the World Wide Web, which was entirely made up of
the Web pages connected by Hyperlinks, this web version is also known as “information Portal”.
a. Web 1.0 b. Web 2.0 c. Web 3.0 d. Web 2.0 and 3.0
47. It is an information system on the internet that allows documents to be connected to other
documents by hypertext links, enabling the user to search for information by moving from one
document to another.
a. Web page b. Internet c. Worldwide Web d. Hypertext markup links
48. This is a hypertext document connected to the World Wide Web. It is a document that is suitable
for the www.
a. Webpage b. Internet c. World wide Web c. HTML
49. iOS- apple devices: Symbian is ________.
a. Blackberry devices b. Smartphone c. Pocket PC’s d. Nokia devices
50. The following are example of media sharing sites EXCEPT.
a. Flickr b. You tube c. Instagram d. Pinterest

Prepared by:
Princess Ann V. Canceran
Subject Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Region 02- Division of Isabela
(Formerly Quezon High School Barucboc Extension)
Answer Key


1. A 21. A 41. D
2. B 22. C 42. B
3. A 23. C 43. A
4. B 24. C 44. C
5. A 25. C 45. B
6. C 26. A 46. A
7. B 27. B 47. C
8. C 28. C 48. A
9. A 29. C 49. D
10. C 30. D 50. D
11. C 31. C
12. D 32. A
13. A 33. D
14. C 34. A
15. B 35. D
16. B 36. A
17. A 37. B
18. C 38. B
19. A 39. D
20. C 40. D

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