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Nuclear Waste


New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, New Mexico, United States
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Socorro, New Mexico, United States

daughter A nuclide that results from the radioactive decay

1. Nuclear Fission of another nuclide (the ‘‘parent’’ nuclide).
2. Nuclear Fuel Cycle depleted uranium Uranium containing less than the
natural fraction of U-235 (0.71%).
3. Radionuclides in Nuclear Waste electronvolt (eV) A unit of energy, defined as the kinetic
4. Classification of Radioactive Wastes energy acquired by an electron that is accelerated
5. Disposal of Low-Level Wastes through a potential difference of 1 volt; an electronvolt
6. Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel is equal to 1.6022  1019 J.
7. Disposal of High-Level Wastes enrichment The process of increasing the proportion of
a fissile isotope in a nuclear fuel above its natural
8. Radioactive Waste Management in the United States
9. Radioactive Waste Management in France fertile element A nonfissile element that can be made fissile
10. Radioactive Waste Management in Japan by the absorption of neutrons.
fissile element A heavy element that readily undergoes
fission by the absorption of thermal (i.e., slow) neutrons.
fission The splitting of a heavy nucleus into two roughly
Glossary equal fragments, with the accompanying release of
actinides The 14 elements having atomic numbers in the energetic neutrons and (sometimes) a light nucleus such
range from Z ¼ 90 (thorium) to Z ¼ 103 (lawrencium); as tritium.
the element actinium (Z ¼ 89) is sometimes included as gamma radiation (c) High-energy photons emitted from
well. unstable nuclei.
activation Creation of a radioactive element from a stable gaseous diffusion A separation process that depends on
one by the absorption of neutrons or protons. differences in diffusion rates of gaseous compounds
alpha radiation (a) Nuclear radiation consisting of helium through a membrane; gaseous diffusion is used to
nuclei, each comprising two neutrons and two protons. separate (238U)F6 and (235U)F6.
Becquerel (Bq) The SI unit of radioactivity, equal to one half-life The time required for half of the nuclei in a
disintegration per second. radioactive sample to decay.
bentonite A soft plastic clay formed by the chemical hex Abbreviation for uranium hexafluoride, UF6.
alteration of volcanic ash, which expands on the igneous rock Rock that solidified from molten or partly
absorption of water. molten material.
beta radiation Energetic electrons (denoted b) or posi- ion exchange A separation process in which ions are
trons (denoted b þ ) emitted from unstable nuclei. removed from a liquid solution to an insoluble solid
calcining (or calcination) The process of heating a material (typically a polymer resin) and are replaced by ions
to a high temperature below its melting point to drive from the solid.
off volatile species or promote chemical changes. isotope Any one of multiple forms of the same element
centrifugal separation An enrichment process that uses a having the same atomic number Z but different mass
series of high-speed centrifuges to separate (238U)F6 and numbers A.
(235U)F6 according to the difference in their molecular leaching The removal of soluble constituents from a solid
masses. by the action of a liquid solvent.
clay Unconsolidated sediments consisting of particles less nuclide A species of atom existing for a measurable length
than 1/256 mm in diameter. of time and having an atomic number Z, a mass

Encyclopedia of Energy, Volume 4. r 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 449
450 Nuclear Waste

number A, and nuclear energy distinct from any other U-235 (0.71% by weight) and U-238 (99.28% by
species of atom. weight). Only U-235 is fissile, meaning that it readily
radionuclide A radioactive nuclide. undergoes fission by the absorption of slow neutrons.
radiotoxicity A measure of the potential of a radioactive The fission of U-235 can be represented by
substance to cause harm to living tissue by radiation
after introduction into the body. n þ235 U-fission fragments þ 2:43n:
reprocessing The separation of spent nuclear fuel into
useful materials (especially uranium and plutonium) A fission reaction produces two (or more) fission
and wastes. fragments or products and additional neutrons (2.43
solvent extraction A process for removing chemical solutes neutrons on average); the latter can initiate further
from a liquid solution using a second immiscible liquid fission reactions. Each fission reaction releases
phase. approximately 200 MeV (million electronvolts) of
spent nuclear fuel Fuel after it has been used in a nuclear energy, predominantly as the kinetic energy of the
reactor, containing fission products, plutonium, and fission fragments. In contrast, the chemical combus-
unreacted uranium. tion of a hydrocarbon fuel typically releases less than
transuranic element An element having an atomic number 7 eV per molecule of CO2 formed.
Z greater than 92.
The more abundant uranium isotope U-238 is
tuff Rock formed from consolidated volcanic ash; welded
tuff results when ash particles are fused together by heat
not fissile. However, U-238 is fertile, meaning that
and pressure. it can capture neutrons and be converted to
vitrification The process of converting or incorporating plutonium-239:
nuclear wastes into a glass for permanent disposal. n þ238 U-239 Pu:
yellowcake The solid product of uranium milling, nomin-
ally U3O8 but actually consisting of mixed uranium Plutonium-239 is fissile:
oxides, hydrides, and impurities.
n þ239 Pu-fission fragments þ 2:88n:

Radioactive waste may be defined as any material

that contains a higher concentration of radio- 2. NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLE
nuclides than is considered safe and for which no
further use is contemplated. Nuclear waste is a The nuclear fuel cycle based on uranium is depicted
radioactive by-product of nuclear power generation, in Fig. 1. The complete cycle consists of nine
nuclear weapons production, and the medical and major steps: (1) mining and milling, (2) conversion,
industrial applications of radioactive substances. (3) enrichment, (4) fuel fabrication, (5) reactor
This article focuses on radioactive waste from operation, (6) interim storage, (7) reprocessing, (8)
civilian nuclear power. In 2002, there were 438 stabilization and immobilization, and (9) final
nuclear power plants operating in 31 nations, disposal.
producing more than 16% of the electricity gener-
ated worldwide. In some countries, nuclear power
plants supply more than half of the electricity 5. Reactor operation
generated. Worldwide, nuclear power generation
Fuel Spent nuclear fuel
produces more than 200,000 m3 of nuclear waste
annually, of which less than 5% is highly radioactive. 4. Fuel fabrication 6. Interim storage
The total volume of nuclear wastes is nearly 20 Plu
million m3. Enriched uranium ium

3. Enrichment 7. Reprocessing
Uranium hexafluoride Ur High-level waste
2. Conversion 8. Immobilization
All commercial nuclear power plants rely on the
Yellowcake Immobilized waste
fission of uranium and, to a lesser extent, plutonium.
(An alternative cycle, based on thorium, has been mill 1. Mining and milling 9. Final disposal
explored but never commercialized.) Naturally oc- tailings

curring uranium consists of two major isotopes: FIGURE 1 Nuclear fuel cycle based on uranium.
Nuclear Waste 451

2.1 Mining and Milling mately 75 metric tons (165,000 pounds) of enriched
uranium oxide fuel. Approximately 25 metric tons
Uranium is excavated from open-pit or deep-shaft
(55,000 pounds) of fresh fuel is required each year.
mines using conventional mining techniques (step 1 in
Thus, each fuel assembly spends about 3 years in the
the fuel cycle). The ore is crushed and the uranium is
reactor core. The heat from the fission reactions is
leached out using sulfuric acid or sodium carbonate
used to generate steam for running power turbines.
and bicarbonate. The uranium is recovered from the
Most of the power output comes from the fission of
liquid using processes such as ion exchange, solvent U-235. However, some U-238 is transformed into Pu-
extraction, precipitation, and drying. The product is
239, the fission of which provides about a third of
yellowcake, a solid consisting of U3O8 and various
the reactor’s energy output.
other oxides, hydroxides, and impurities.

2.6 Interim Storage

2.2 Conversion
When first withdrawn from the reactor, reactor fuel is
In the second step of the fuel cycle, yellowcake is both thermally hot and highly radioactive because of
reacted with hydrogen fluoride and fluorine to produce
fission products. Spent nuclear fuel (SNF) assemblies
uranium hexafluoride (UF6) or ‘‘hex.’’ Depending on
are kept in cooling pools at the reactor site until their
the temperature and pressure, hex may be handled as a
radioactivity and heat generation have declined to
solid, a liquid, or a gas.
safer levels. This generally requires several months.
(However, in the United States, spent fuel has
2.3 Enrichment remained in cooling ponds for decades awaiting the
Most commercial reactors require enriched fuel in development of a permanent national disposal site.)
which the concentration of U-235 has been increased
from its natural value of 0.71% to as much as 5% by 2.7 Reprocessing
weight. (A few power reactors, most notably the
early British gas-cooled reactors and the Canadian Irradiated fuel from reactors may be reprocessed to
CANDU reactors, do not require enriched fuel.) remove fission products and to recover the uranium
Weapons-grade uranium must be enriched even and plutonium. The fuel rods are chopped up and
further, to approximately 90% U-235. The most dissolved in acid, and the various components are
common enrichment processes are gaseous diffusion separated chemically. In a true cycle, the uranium
and centrifugation, both of which take advantage of and plutonium are recycled for use as fuel. However,
the minute difference in mass between U-235 and U- some countries (including the United States) employ
238. The by-product from enrichment is depleted the so-called once-through or open fuel cycle, which
uranium, which contains less than 0.71% U-235 omits this step.
(typically 0.25–0.30%).
2.8 Stabilization and Immobilization
2.4 Fuel Fabrication The high-level wastes from the reprocessing of SNF
Fuel for commercial power reactors may contain are mostly in liquid form. The liquid waste is calcined
uranium oxide (UO2), metallic uranium, or mixed to produce a dry powder, which is then converted to a
uranium and plutonium oxides (UO2 þ PuO2 or glass (a process called vitrification) or ceramic. (In a
‘‘MOX’’). The majority of commercial power reac- once-through cycle, this step is omitted because spent
tors use uranium oxide, produced by chemically uranium oxide fuel is already in ceramic form.) The
converting enriched UF6 to UO2 powder. The powder glass or ceramic is then sealed in corrosion-resistant
is pressed, sintered, and machined to form cylindrical canisters for long-term disposal.
pellets, which are then stacked inside metal tubes
called fuel pins or fuel rods. A number of fuel pins are 2.9 Final Disposal
gathered to form fuel bundles or assemblies.
High-level wastes resulting from reprocessing (and
SNF from a once-through cycle) must be deposited
2.5 Reactor Operation
for hundreds or thousands of years to allow the
The core of a nuclear power plant that produces radionuclides to decay to safe levels. Most proposals
1000 MW of electricity typically contains approxi- for final deposition envision some kind of deep
452 Nuclear Waste

geological repository in stable crystalline rock, salt tend to have neutron-rich nuclei with mass numbers
deposits, or clay. from approximately 70 to 160, with peak production
occurring near mass numbers 95 and 135. Most
fission products are beta or beta/gamma emitters.
3. RADIONUCLIDES IN  Heavy nuclei. Nuclei having mass numbers
NUCLEAR WASTE between 232 and 246 are used as fuels for nuclear
fission or are produced by neutron capture in fission
reactions. Most of these are long-lived alpha emitters.
More than 2500 nuclides have been discovered or
created. Most of these are too short-lived to be of Table I lists some radionuclides of concern in
practical interest. The Index of Radioisotopes, nuclear wastes. These radionuclides are also dis-
published by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- cussed in detail in what follows.
sion (NRC), lists some 770 isotopes. Those of
concern in radioactive wastes generally fall into one 3.1 Americium
of three categories:
Americium (Am, atomic number 95) is an artificial
 Activation products. Substances used as cool- actinide. Its most important isotope is americium-
ants, moderators, and reactor structures can become 241 (half-life 432.7 years), which is produced by the
radioactive by absorbing neutrons. These are usually beta-decay of plutonium-241. Americium-241 is
light- or medium-mass nuclides. used commercially in applications such as smoke
 Medium-mass fission products. The fission of detectors, thickness gauges, and fluid level gauges.
uranium produces more than 200 different radio- Although americium-241 has very high radiotoxicity,
nuclides, covering about a third of the periodic table it is not very mobile in the environment. It decays by
from copper to the lanthanides. Fission fragments alpha emission to neptunium-237.

Some Radionuclides in Nuclear Wastes

Decay energy Relative

Nuclide Z Half-life Decay mode (MeV) radiotoxicity

Americium-241 95 432.7 years a 5.4857 Very high

Carbon-14 6 5,730 years b 0.157 Moderate
Cesium-137 55 30.17 years b, g 1.17 High
Cobalt-60 27 5.272 years b, g 2.824 High
Hydrogen-3 1 12.26 years b 0.0186 Low
Iodine-129 53 16  106 years b 0.193 Low
Iodine-131 53 8040 days b 0.971 High
Iodine-133 53 20.8 hours b, g 1.76 Moderate
Krypton-85 36 10.72 years b, g 0.687 Low
Neptunium-237 93 2.14  106 years a 4.957 Very high
Plutonium-238 94 87.7 years a 5.593 Very high
Plutonium-239 94 24,110 years a 5.244 Very high
Plutonium-242 94 376,000 years a 4.983 Very high
Radium-226 88 1,600 years a, g 4.870 Very high
Radium-228 88 5.75 years b 0.045 Very high
Radon-222 86 3.82 days a 5.590 Moderate
Ruthenium-106 44 372.2 days b 0.039 High
Strontium-90 38 29 years b 0.546 High
Technitium-99 43 213,000 years b 0.293 Low
Thorium-232 90 1.40  1010 years a 4.081 High
Uranium-234 92 2.46  105 years a 4.776 Very high
Uranium-235 92 7.04  108 years a, g 4.679 Low
Uranium-238 92 4.46  109 years a 4.039 Low
Nuclear Waste 453

3.2 Carbon flow distributes the tritiated water evenly throughout

the soft tissues of the body. Its radiotoxicity is low.
Carbon (C, atomic number 6) occurs in nature
predominantly as the stable isotopes carbon-12
(98.89%) and carbon-13 (1.1%). Its most important 3.6 Iodine
radioactive isotope is carbon-14, a weak beta-emitter
having a half-life of 5730 years. Carbon-14 is formed Iodine (I, atomic number 53) is a halogen occurring
naturally in the upper atmosphere by the action of below bromine in the periodic table. Two radioactive
cosmic rays on nitrogen. It is also produced by isotopes of iodine are of importance in nuclear
neutron capture in nuclear explosions and fission wastes. Iodine-129 (half-life 1.6  107 years) and
reactors if nitrogen-containing materials are present. iodine-131 (half-life 8.040 days) occur as fission
Carbon-14 can replace carbon-12 in biological products. Both are beta-emitters that tend to con-
systems. The radiotoxicity of carbon-14 is moderate. centrate in the thyroid. The radiotoxicity of iodine-
129 is low; the radiotoxicity of iodine-131 is high.
Other isotopes (e.g., iodine-123, iodine-124) are
3.3 Cesium commonly used in medical imaging and treatment.
Cesium (Cs, atomic number 55) is an alkali metal
having 40 isotopes, ranging in mass from 112 to 3.7 Krypton
151. Of these, the fission product cesium-137 (half-
life 30.17 years) is of greatest concern. Cesium-137 is Krypton (Kr, atomic number 36) is one of the noble
one of the nuclides most responsible for the radio- gases, which as a group have little tendency to react
activity of used reactor fuel and high-level waste chemically with other elements. A total of 32
(with the other being strontium-90). Cesium-137 is isotopes of krypton have been identified, having
highly radiotoxic. It is widely used in moisture, atomic masses ranging from 69 to 100. Six of these
liquid level, and thickness gauges as well as to treat are stable. The fission product krypton-85 is a beta-
cancer. emitter having a half-life of 10.72 years. Because it is
chemically inert, krypton is difficult to separate from
process streams. Although krypton is not absorbed
3.4 Cobalt appreciably in body tissues, it may be inhaled and
The transition metal cobalt (Co, atomic number 27) affect the lungs. Its radiotoxicity is low.
is brittle, hard, and magnetic. Naturally occurring
cobalt, consisting of the isotope cobalt-59, is used to 3.8 Neptunium
make very hard and corrosion-resistant alloys. The
absorption of a neutron converts cobalt-59 to radio- Neptunium (Np, atomic number 93) is the first
active cobalt-60 (half-life 5.272 years), which decays transuranic element. Neptunium-239 (half-life 2.36
by the emission of a beta particle and a high-energy days) occurs as an intermediate in the formation of
gamma ray to nickel-60. plutonium from uranium but is too short-lived to be
of concern in most wastes. In contrast, neptunium-
237 (half-life 2.14  106 years) is a major source of
3.5 Hydrogen alpha radiation in spent fuel and high-level wastes. It
Hydrogen (H, atomic number 1) has two stable is formed by alpha decay of americium-241 or beta
isotopes: hydrogen-1 and hydrogen-2 (deuterium). decay of uranium-238. The radiotoxicity of neptu-
Hydrogen-3 (tritium) is a low-energy beta-emitter nium-237 is very high.
having a half-life of 12.26 years, produced naturally
by the action of cosmic rays in the upper atmosphere.
3.9 Plutonium
Tritium also occurs as a product in a small fraction of
fission reactions and is produced commercially by the Isotopes of plutonium (Pu, atomic number 94) are
irradiation of lithium-6. Tritium is most likely to be generated by neutron capture in uranium-238 or
found bound to oxygen to form tritiated water, thorium-232. Plutonium-239 (half-life 24,110 years)
which has chemical properties that are virtually is of greatest concern because it is fissionable. Other
identical to those of ordinary water. Tritium is important isotopes are plutonium-238 (half-life 87.7
usually taken into the body by inhalation and skin years), plutonium-240 (half-life 6564 years), pluto-
absorption, although ingestion is also possible. Blood nium-241 (half-life 13 years), and plutonium-242
454 Nuclear Waste

(half-life 3.76  105 years). All of these isotopes have 3.14 Technetium
very high radiotoxicity.
The first artificially produced element, technetium
(Tc, atomic number 43) occurs in nature only in
3.10 Radium minute amounts. At least 34 isotopes have been
produced, having atomic masses ranging from 85 to
Radium (Ra, atomic number 88) is a naturally
118; of these, the beta-emitter technetium-99 (half-
occurring radioactive element. Radium-228 (half-life
5.76 years) is a decay product of thorium; radium- life 2.13  105 years) is of special concern because it
is produced in fission reactors, both as a fission
226 (half-life 1600 years) is a decay product of
fragment and as an activation product. Like iodine,
uranium. Radium-226 and its daughters (including
technetium is absorbed by the thyroid. The radio-
radon-222) are the major sources of radioactivity in
toxicity of technetium is relatively low.
uranium mine tailings. Chemically, radium is an
alkaline earth metal like calcium and tends to
concentrate in the bone. The radiotoxicity of radium 3.15 Thorium
is very high.
Thorium (Th, atomic number 90) is a naturally
occurring radioactive element, several times more
3.11 Radon abundant than uranium, which has been considered
as the basis for an alternative fuel cycle. The most
Radon (Rn, atomic number 86) is a radioactive noble
important natural isotope is thorium-232 (half-life
gas produced by the decay of radium. The two most
14.0  10 years), which is weakly radioactive, decay-
important isotopes are the alpha-emitters radon-220
ing by alpha and gamma emission to radium-228.
(half-life 54.6 s) and radon-222 (half-life 3.82 days).
The radiotoxicity of thorium-232 is relatively low.
Being a gas, radon is highly mobile; in some areas,
radon is a concern because it can accumulate in Another isotope, thorium-230 (half-life 75,400
years) is produced naturally by the decay of
buildings. Both radon-220 and radon-222 are
uranium-234. The radiotoxicity of thorium-230 is
moderately radiotoxic.
very high. A third isotope, thorium-228 (half-life 1.9
years) also has very high radiotoxicity.
3.12 Ruthenium
Ruthenium (Ru, atomic number 44) belongs to the 3.16 Uranium
platinum family of metals. It has seven stable natural
isotopes. The most important radioactive isotope is Uranium (U, atomic number 92) is the heaviest
element found in appreciable amounts in nature,
ruthenium-106 (half-life 372.2 days), a fission
making up 2 to 4 grams per metric ton of the earth’s
product that decays by low-energy beta emission to
crust. Natural uranium consists of 99.283% by
rhodium-106 (a high-energy beta/gamma emitter
weight uranium-238 (half-life 4.468  109 years),
with half-life of 30 s). Ruthenium-106 has high
0.711% uranium-235 (half-life 7.04  108 years),
and 0.005% uranium-234 (half-life 245,000 years).
All three isotopes are alpha-emitters. Natural ura-
3.13 Strontium nium has relatively low radiotoxicity.
Strontium (Sr, atomic number 38) is an alkaline earth
metal lying below calcium in the periodic table. Four
stable isotopes are found in nature, and 16 radio- 4. CLASSIFICATION OF
active isotopes have been produced artificially. Most
of the radioactive isotopes of strontium are short-
lived and of little interest. The exception is stron-
There is no generally accepted classification scheme
tium-90 (half-life 29.1 years), a beta-emitter that is
for radioactive wastes. The following categories are
produced as a fission fragment. Much of the radio-
commonly defined in the United States:
activity of SNF results from strontium-90. Because
its chemical properties resemble those of calcium,  Uranium mill tailings (UMTs) are the residues
strontium-90 tends to concentrate in the bones. It is from the mining and milling of uranium ores. Most
highly radiotoxic, decaying into yttrium-90 (itself an uranium ores in the United States contain uranium at
energetic beta-emitter of moderate radiotoxicity). a concentration of approximately 0.2% (2000 ppm)
Nuclear Waste 455

by weight. Consequently, the production of 1 kg of Under the foregoing classification scheme, com-
uranium metal requires the excavation of 500 kg (or monly followed in the United States, wastes are
more) of ore. Milling creates additional solid and categorized according to their source as well as their
liquid wastes. Tailings generally contain relatively radioactivity. However, other countries tend to
low concentrations of radioactive materials; how- categorize wastes according to their radioactivity
ever, because of the high volumes of tailings, their alone. For example, in the United Kingdom, solid
overall radioactivity can be high. The principal wastes are classified as high-, intermediate-, low-, or
radionuclides of concern in UMTs are radium-226 very low-level wastes as follows:
(half-life 1600 years) and its daughter radon-222
 Very low-level waste (VLLW) can safely be
(half-life 3.8 days).
discarded as ordinary refuse. To qualify, bulk waste
 Depleted uranium, the major by-product from
must contain less than 400 kBq of beta/gamma
the enrichment process, is uranium containing
activity per 0.1 m3 of material; individual items
less than 0.71% uranium-235. Depleted ura-
must contain less than 40 kBq of beta/gamma
nium currently has few civilian uses but could
eventually be converted to fissile plutonium in
 Low-level waste (LLW) has higher levels of
breeder reactors. The U.S. Department of Energy
radioactivity than can be safely handled as ordinary
(DOE) stores approximately 730,000 metric tons
refuse but not exceeding 4 GBq per metric ton of
of depleted uranium, most of it as uranium hexa-
alpha radiation or 12 GBq per metric ton of beta/
gamma radiation.
 Low-level waste (LLW) has relatively low levels
 Intermediate-level waste (ILW) has higher radio-
of radioactivity and contains little or no transuranic
activity levels than does LLW but not so high that
radioisotopes (i.e., radionuclides beyond uranium in
heating becomes a concern.
the periodic table). LLW may be further divided into
 High-level waste (HLW) has such high levels of
classes A, B, and C, with A being the least hazardous
radioactivity that appreciable thermal heating oc-
and C being the most hazardous. (Some LLW is
curs. Consequently, storage and processing facilities
classified as ‘‘greater than C.’’) Mixed low-level
have to be designed to contain the radiation and
waste (MLLW) contains both low-level radioactive
dissipate the generated heat.
and chemically hazardous substances. Although not
shown in Fig. 1, LLW is generated at every step of
the nuclear fuel cycle and may include used
protective clothing, rags, paper, tools, filter elements, 5. DISPOSAL OF
and so on. LOW-LEVEL WASTE
 Spent nuclear fuel (SNF) is the irradiated fuel
discharged from nuclear reactors. It contains fission LLW accounts for approximately 90% of the total
products, plutonium, and unreacted uranium and is volume of all wastes produced in the nuclear fuel cycle
both thermally hot and highly radioactive. but only 1% of the total radioactivity. Various
 Transuranic waste (TRUW) contains alpha-emit- methods have been adopted for disposing of LLW,
ting radionuclides having atomic numbers greater depending on the type of waste and its levels of
than 92. To qualify as TRUW under U.S. law, the radioactivity. For example, the NRC requires that
radionuclides must possess half-lives greater than 20 Class A and B wastes be contained for at least 100
years and be present in concentrations greater than years, and Class C waste must be contained for 500
100 nCi/g. Although their radioactivity is relatively years. Combinations of natural and engineered bar-
low, the long lives of the radioisotopes require riers are used to prevent radioactivity from escaping to
long-term storage. Virtually all of the TRUW in the the environment. A major goal is to prevent the
United States is the by-product of nuclear weapons intrusion of ground water and surface water.
 High-level waste (HLW) includes the residues
5.1 Shallow Land Burial
resulting from the reprocessing of spent reactor fuel
and the production of nuclear weapons. HLW The cheapest way to dispose of LLW is to bury it in
contains highly radioactive fission products and shallow trenches dug in stable soil (Fig. 2). A typical
small amounts of plutonium isotopes. SNF may be disposal trench may be 6 to 10 m deep, 30 m wide,
considered as HLW in countries that do not reprocess and 100 to 300 m long. In some cases, the trench may
fuel. be lined with a layer of clay, polymer, or concrete.
456 Nuclear Waste

Topsoil Topsoil
Clay cap Clay cap
Backfill Backfill

Waste packages
French drain Drainage layer
Waste packages Vault
French drain Drainage layer
FIGURE 4 Belowground vault disposal.
FIGURE 2 Shallow land burial for LLW.

Waste packages Vault

Clay cap

Drainage layer
Drain Impermeable layer

FIGURE 5 Aboveground vault disposal.

Waste packages
buried in trenches. The canisters serve as an
French drain Drainage layer
additional barrier against the release of radioactivity.
Concrete canister

FIGURE 3 Modular concrete canister disposal. 5.3 Belowground Vault

In belowground vault (BGV) disposal (Fig. 4), a
The floor of the trench is sloped and covered with a
specially designed concrete, metal, or polymer vault
layer of sand, gravel, or crushed stone. A drainage
is placed in a trench below ground level. The floor of
system keeps the waste containers dry. Once the LLW
the trench is typically sloped and equipped with
containers are in place, the trench is backfilled with
drains. After the waste containers are placed in the
sand or earth, which is then compacted and capped
vault, the trench is backfilled with permeable sand or
with a layer of clay to reduce water infiltration. The
gravel and capped with impermeable clay, topsoil,
clay cap may be stabilized by a layer of topsoil
and vegetation. BGV disposal is used in Japan at the
planted with vegetation. Shallow land burial (SLB)
Low-Level Waste Disposal Centre at Rokkasho.
has been used throughout the world.

5.4 Aboveground Vault

5.2 Modular Concrete Canister
An aboveground vault (AGV) is a concrete, metal, or
Modular concrete canister (MCC) disposal (Fig. 3) masonry structure built above ground level (Fig. 5).
differs from SLB in that the waste containers are first A vault may be a simple reinforced concrete box with
placed inside concrete canisters, which are then a poured concrete roof, or it may be a more elaborate
Nuclear Waste 457

structure resembling a large warehouse. The princi- After the waste containers have been stacked in the
pal advantage of an AGV is that it allows easy shaft, it is backfilled with sand or clay and capped
recovery of wastes for further processing or reuse. Its with concrete. Shaft disposal of LLWs has been used
principal disadvantage is that the structure is not at a number of sites in the United States and Canada.
protected by earth from the effects of weather,
intrusions, or accidents. Consequently, an AGV is
often considered more for temporary storage than for 5.7 Deep Geological Disposal
permanent disposal. AGVs have been used at the Some countries have chosen to dispose of LLW and
West Valley Demonstration Project in New York and ILW in deep geological repositories similar to those
at the Point Lepreu and Bruce sites in Canada. planned for HLW. These repositories are to be
located in stable geological media such as igneous
5.5 Earth-Mounded Concrete Bunker rock, salt, or clay.

An earth-mounded concrete bunker (EMCB) is a

structure built partly below ground and partly above
ground (Fig. 6). Wastes are segregated according to 6. MANAGEMENT OF SPENT
activity; higher activity (class B/C) wastes are NUCLEAR FUEL
embedded in concrete vaults or ‘‘monoliths’’ below
ground level, and lower activity (class A) wastes are Nuclear fuel rods are highly radioactive when first
then placed atop the vaults. The wastes are covered withdrawn from the reactor core because they contain
with an impermeable layer of clay and a layer of fission products, principally relatively short-lived
topsoil to form a mound or tumulus. This method is radionuclides. For this reason, the SNF is transferred
used in France at the Centre de La Manche and the to an interim storage facility adjacent to the reactor to
Centre de l’Aube as well as in Canada at the allow the radioactivity to decline to safer levels. The
Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment. radioactivity of the spent fuel decreases by approxi-
mately 99% during a year of storage.
Most interim storage facilities keep SNF in pools
5.6 Shaft Disposal of water, commonly known as cooling ponds. The
In a typical shaft disposal (SD) scheme, a hole some water serves both as a radiation shield and a heat
3 m in diameter is sunk 40 or 50 m into the ground transfer medium. Where cooling ponds have become
(but well above the water table). The walls of the shaft crowded, some facilities put the SNF in dry storage
may be lined with clay, metal, or concrete, and the instead of building new ponds. Dry storage facilities
bottom of the shaft may be left unlined for drainage. may keep SNF in concrete or metal casks, reinforced
concrete vaults, or dry wells. Cooling is accom-
plished by natural convection of ambient air.
Packages for
class A wastes Impermeable layer As shown in Table II, there is no uniform policy
regarding the management of SNF. Some countries
(e.g., Japan, France, Russia, the United Kingdom)
currently reprocess their SNF. Other countries (e.g.,

National Policies on Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel

Reprocess (closed cycle)

Belgium, China, France, Germany, India, Japan,
The Netherlands, Russia, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Do not reprocess (once-through cycle)
Canada, Finland, Lithuania, Slovenia, Spain, South Africa,
Monoliths for Sweden, United States
Drain Drainage layer
class B and C
wastes Undecided on reprocessing
Argentina, Brazil, Czech Republic, Hungary, Mexico, Pakistan,
FIGURE 6 Earth-mounded concrete bunker (or tumulus) Slovenia, South Korea, Taiwan
disposal of LLW.
458 Nuclear Waste

Canada, Finland, the United States) do not reprocess. to escape containment. Seabed disposal is still
Still other countries (e.g., Czech Republic, South considered a viable option for the future. However,
Korea, Taiwan) have deferred the decision on an international agreement, the 1993 London Con-
whether to reprocess, relying on storage of SNF for vention, banned the disposal of all radioactive wastes
the near term. at sea for 25 years, after which such disposal
methods may be reconsidered every 25 years.

7. DISPOSAL OF 7.3 Very Deep Hole Disposal

Nuclear waste containers could be stacked in holes as
7.1 Objectives deep as 10,000 m (B6 miles) underground, putting
them out of reach of flowing ground water. Despite
Disposal of HLW (and SNF treated as waste) will uncertainties about the behavior of both the waste
require the isolation of the wastes from the biosphere containers and the surrounding rock at such depths,
for thousands of years. The principal concern is the recent advances in drilling technology have renewed
contamination of ground water that may be trans- interest in this approach.
ported to the biosphere. The design of a typical
repository is intended to accomplish all or most of
the following objectives: 7.4 Space Disposal
 Delay the intrusion of water into the repository. The National Aeronautical and Space Administra-
 Delay the release of radionuclides from the tion (NASA) and the DOE studied the possibility of
waste package. disposing of nuclear waste in space. Various schemes
 Retard the dissolution of radionuclides. were considered, including placing waste in orbit
 Limit the migration of any radionuclides that around the earth, the sun, or the moon; shooting
escape containment. waste into the sun; placing waste on the moon; and
 Dilute any escaped radionuclides to safe levels. sending waste into deep space. Although space
 Permit retrieval of the SNF for reuse. disposal would place the waste permanently outside
the biosphere, it would be expensive. Also, there is
A variety of methods for the disposal of HLW/SNF the possibility of an accident during launch, which
have been studied over the years. Most employ could scatter waste over a large area.
multiple barriers to provide ‘‘defense in depth.’’ A
typical scheme for HLW might involve solidification
and vitrification of the waste. The vitrified wastes 7.5 Ice Sheet Disposal
would then be placed inside one or more specially Radioactive waste could be buried in or under the ice
engineered metal, plastic, or ceramic containers. The sheets that cover much of the continent of Antarc-
containers would then be placed in cavities in a tica. Because the ice can be several kilometers thick
natural medium such as rock, clay, or salt and perhaps and there is no permanent human population on the
backfilled with a material such as bentonite, which continent, the waste would be effectively isolated
swells when wet and slows the passage of water. from human contact. However, ice disposal would be
expensive because of the harsh climate and the need
to transport the waste to a remote site. Climate
7.2 Seabed Disposal
changes also could cause melting of the polar ice,
In the past, low-level nuclear wastes have been releasing the waste. Moreover, the Antarctic Treaty
dumped somewhat haphazardly into the ocean. of 1959 prohibits the disposal of radioactive waste
Although most nations ended ocean disposal in the on the continent.
1970s, several proposals have been put forth for the
long-term disposal of HLW in the seabed. One
7.6 Deep Geological Disposal
approach would place the waste in specially designed
canisters that would then be buried in deep sediments Most current plans for the long-term disposal of
far from inhabited coasts. The sediments would nuclear waste involve the excavation of deep
provide a natural barrier to the movement of repositories in stable geological formations such as
radionuclides, and the seawater would act as a igneous rock, salt deposits, and clay. Each of these
dilution medium for any radionuclides that managed has advantages and disadvantages.
Nuclear Waste 459

Plans for High-Level Waste Repositories

Country Geological medium Estimated opening Status

Belgium Clay 2035 or later Searching for site

Canada Granite 2035 or later Reviewing repository concept
Finland Crystalline bedrock 2020 Site selected (Olkiluoto)
France Granite or clay 2020 or later Developing repository concept
Germany Salt Unknown Moratorium on development
Japan Granite or sedimentary rock 2030 or later Searching for site
Russia Not selected Unknown Searching for site
Sweden Crystalline rock 2020 Searching for site
Switzerland Crystalline rock or clay 2020 or later Searching for site
United Kingdom Not selected After 2040 Delaying decision until 2040
United States Welded tuff 2010 Site selected (Yucca Mountain)

7.6.1 Igneous Rock to be self-sealing. Clay layers have been under

Intact igneous rock, such as granite or tuff, tolerates consideration for repositories in Belgium, France,
relatively high temperatures and resists the flow of and Switzerland.
water. On the other hand, hard rock may fracture, Table III summarizes the HLW repository plans of
permitting the intrusion of water through the major nuclear countries. The nuclear waste manage-
resulting fissures. Both the Yucca Mountain reposi- ment policies of the three leading nuclear countries
tory in the United States and the SFR repository in (the United States, France, and Japan) are examined
Sweden are sited in igneous rock. in more detail in the following sections.

7.6.2 Salt Deposits

The presence of a stable salt deposit indicates that 8. RADIOACTIVE WASTE
little or no flowing water has been present at the site
for geological ages. Left undisturbed, the salt should
remain dry for thousands of years. Salt is easily UNITED STATES
mined. It deforms plastically under the influence of
The United States has by far the largest civilian
heat and pressure, eventually flowing around the
nuclear program in the world, with a total of 104
waste and sealing it in a tight, resolidified mass. Salt
reactors having a power capacity of 97.5 GW. In
has very low permeability. It also has a relatively high
2000, these plants produced approximately 20% of
thermal conductivity, which would aid in the
the country’s electricity.
dissipation of heat from the waste. On the other
hand, if water found its way into the repository, the
resulting salt brine would tend to be highly corrosive.
8.1 History
The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in the United
States is located in bedded rock salt. The Gorlben The world’s first nuclear reactor, built under the
repository in Germany is located in a salt dome. direction of Enrico Fermi, was put into operation at
the University of Chicago on December 2, 1942. This
7.6.3 Clay led to the rapid development of an immense industrial
By definition, clays are unconsolidated sediments complex for the wartime production of weapons-
consisting of particles less than 1/256 mm in dia- grade uranium and plutonium under the aegis of the
meter. (Clay particles are too small to feel gritty Manhattan Project. On July 16, 1945—less than 3
between the fingers or teeth.) Clays are commonly years after Fermi’s reactor achieved the first chain
composed of hydrous aluminum silicates having a reaction—the first atomic bomb (a plutonium device)
sheet–silicate structure, producing grains that tend to was exploded near Alamogordo, New Mexico. In
be flat. Clay resists the intrusion of water and retards August 1945, the United States dropped atomic
the migration of radionuclides. Like salt, clay tends bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.
460 Nuclear Waste

The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) was nominate five sites for study as possible SNF/HLW
established in 1946 and given the responsibility for repositories. Based on these initial studies, the
both civilian and military nuclear programs. Initially, secretary was to recommend (by January 1, 1985)
waste management was given lower priority than the three of the five sites for intensive study. Finally,
development of nuclear weapons and (later) a one site was to be recommended by March 31, 1987.
nuclear power industry. It was widely expected that The goal was to have the first repository in operation
plants would be constructed to reprocess SNF. by 1998.
Uranium and plutonium would be reused; reproces-  The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy
sing wastes would be solidified and transferred to a Amendments Act (LLRWPAA) of 1985 was crafted
permanent repository for disposal. to address difficulties arising out of the Low-Level
The National Academy of Sciences recommended Waste Policy Act of 1980. The formation of state
in 1957, and again in 1970, that a federal waste compacts and the development of disposal facilities
repository be built in a stable bedded salt deposit. had taken longer than was expected. The LLRWPAA
Accordingly, in 1970, the AEC investigated salt beds kept open the three existing commercial disposal
near Lyons, Kansas, as a possible site for a repository. sites and set regulations for the disposal of LLW.
However, the Lyons site was rejected in 1972 because  The Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of
of concerns about its geology and hydrology as well 1987 specified that Yucca Mountain be the sole site
as the large number of boreholes left by previous oil for study as an HLW repository instead of having
and gas drilling in the area. In 1974, the AEC began three site studies proceeding in parallel. The amend-
exploring salt beds in southeastern New Mexico. The ment also canceled the requirement from the NWPA
next year, a site for the WIPP was selected. of 1982 that a second repository be created. The
In 1974, the AEC was abolished by Congress, and selection of Yucca Mountain was a political decision,
its responsibilities were transferred to two new not a scientific or technical one; local opposition to
agencies. The Energy Research and Development other sites made them less attractive politically.
Administration (ERDA) was created to develop and  The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Land With-
promote nuclear power, and the NRC was created to drawal Act of 1992 transferred control of the WIPP
regulate civilian nuclear programs. In 1976, the U.S. site from the Department of Interior to the DOE. The
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was given act also gave the EPA responsibility for ensuring
the responsibility of setting radiation protection compliance with environmental regulations.
standards for nuclear wastes. The next year, the  The Energy Policy Act of 1992 was a large and
ERDA was replaced by a new cabinet-level agency, comprehensive piece of legislation covering a broad
the DOE. The new department was also given range of energy policy issues, including energy
responsibility for nuclear weapons programs. efficiency and conservation, integrated resource
Given these organizational changes, it is perhaps planning, alternative fuels, and competitive restruc-
not surprising that the executive branch of the turing of wholesale electricity markets. The act
federal government made little progress in formulat- required that the EPA set standards for the Yucca
ing a coherent policy for nuclear waste management Mountain repository based on recommendations by
during the 1970s. Congress has repeatedly stepped in the National Academy of Sciences. The NRC was to
and formulated policies for waste disposal. Some of assume long-term responsibility for the repository.
the major pieces of legislation include the following:
8.2 Low-Level Waste Repositories
 The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act of
1980 requires each state to be responsible for Six commercial LLW disposal sites have been created
disposing of LLW generated within its borders, either in the United States: Barnwell, North Carolina;
by providing a suitable disposal site or by entering Beatty, Nevada; Richland, Washington; Maxey Flats,
into compacts with other states to develop a shared Kentucky; Sheffield, Illinois; and West Valley, New
site. The disposal sites were to be in operation by York. All of these sites have used some form of SLB.
1986. Because of leaks, the latter three sites have been
 The Nuclear Waste Policy Act (NWPA) of 1982 closed.
created the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Low-level military wastes have been stored at a
Management in the DOE and gave it the responsi- number of sites around the country, including
bility for developing a system to manage SNF and Amarillo, Texas; Hanford, Washington; the Idaho
HLW. The act also directed the secretary of energy to National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory;
Nuclear Waste 461

Los Alamos, New Mexico; Paducah, Kentucky; and 120 km (75 miles) northwest of Las Vegas. The repo-
Savannah River, South Carolina. sitory is intended for the permanent disposal of SNF
and HLW from both civilian and defense sources.
As planned, the Yucca Mountain repository will
8.3 Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
hold SNF that is currently kept in 131 temporary
The WIPP is an underground waste repository storage facilities in the United States. By 2002, these
located in bedded salt formations in southeastern sites contained some 45,000 metric tons of SNF from
New Mexico, approximately 40 km (25 miles) east of commercial reactors and 2500 metric tons from
Carlsbad. The WIPP repository was created for the defense reactors. Another 380,000 m3 of liquid HLW
permanent disposal of TRUW resulting from nuclear from nuclear weapons production was stored at sites
weapons production. It is the first deep geological operated by the DOE; this waste is to be stabilized in
repository designed specifically for long-term dis- the form of borosilicate glass.
posal of nuclear waste. Yucca Mountain is composed of tuff, a material
The waste destined for the WIPP site consists of a formed from volcanic ash and dust. Some of the tuff
variety of materials contaminated with transuranic is welded, meaning that the fine glassy particles of
isotopes, including items such as protective clothing, the tuff have been fused together by natural heat and
laboratory equipment, used reagents, and solidified pressure. The repository would be sited at a depth of
sludge. The principal radionuclides are plutonium, approximately 350 m in a layer of welded tuff known
americium, and neptunium; small amounts of thor- as the Topapah Spring Member. Above and below
ium, uranium, and other nuclides may also be the repository are layers of nonwelded tuffs that
present. Although the overall radioactivity of TRUW contain few fractures.
is much lower than that of SNF and other high-level Yucca Mountain is located in an arid region,
waste, TRUW contains long-lived radionuclides that where the mean precipitation is less than 20 cm per
remain hazardous for thousands of years. year and an estimated 95% of the water runs off or
The WIPP repository is located in the 240 million- evaporates before it can seep into the ground. The
year-old salt beds of the Permian Salado Formation. water table lies approximately 300 m (1000 feet)
The salt beds are the remains of a shallow saltwater below the level of the repository. Ground water tends
sea that once covered what is now west Texas and to flow to the south toward the Amargosa Desert,
southeastern New Mexico. The Salado Formation is which lies in an isolated hydrological basin having no
200 to 400 m thick, consisting mostly of halite (rock outlet to the ocean.
salt) containing thin layers (0.1–1.0 m thick) of In July 2002, the U.S. Congress voted in favor of a
nonhalite materials such as anhydrite (calcium resolution recommending that Yucca Mountain be
sulfate) and potash. considered for development as a permanent reposi-
The WIPP repository is situated 658 m (2160 feet) tory. At that time, no final design for the repository
below the surface. It comprises a network of had been adopted, but two cases were being
excavations connected to the surface by four vertical considered.
shafts: a salt-handling shaft, a TRUW shaft, an air The base or statutory case would provide an
intake shaft, and an air exhaust shaft. Underground eventual storage capacity of 70,000 metric tons of
roadways called drifts lead from the shafts to the heavy metal (MTHM). The base case repository
waste disposal areas. TRUW is placed in rectangular would store waste containers in 58 tunnels called
rooms that are 4 m high, 10 m wide, and 91 m long. emplacement drifts, each 5.5 m (18 feet) in diameter.
Adjacent rooms are separated by pillars of unexca- The emplacement drifts would be spaced 81 m (266
vated salt that are 31.5 m wide. A group of seven feet) apart, and their total length would be 56,222 m
rooms is called a panel. A total of eight panels are (184,455 feet). An additional 12,988 m (42,612 feet)
planned, but only one had been excavated by the of excavations would be created for access to the
time the first shipment of waste arrived in 1999. repository, with another 6542 m (21,463 feet) of
Other tunnels and rooms have been excavated for excavations being created for the exhaust main.
various scientific experiments. The full inventory case would have a capacity of
97,000 MTHM. It would consist of 90 emplacement
drifts having a total length of 74,214 m (243,484
8.4 Yucca Mountain
feet). The design could be expanded to accommodate
The Yucca Mountain repository is located in the as much as 119,000 MTHM if such expansion ever
Mojave Desert of southern Nevada, approximately becomes necessary.
462 Nuclear Waste

9. RADIOACTIVE WASTE disposal. Vitrified HLW from foreign sources is

MANAGEMENT IN FRANCE returned to the countries of origin.
Since 1991, ANDRA and CEA (Commissariat à
France has the second largest civilian nuclear l’Energie Atomique) have been studying several
program in the world, with 59 reactors in operation. options for long-lived radioactive waste, including
In 2000, French nuclear plants had a total capacity of deep geological disposal in clay or granite. A decision
63.2 GW and produced 76% of the country’s power, to begin construction on a deep repository could be
a higher percentage than in any other country. made as early as 2006.

9.1 Low- and Intermediate-Level Wastes

Disposal of nuclear waste is the responsibility of MANAGEMENT IN JAPAN
ANDRA (Agence Nationale pour la Gestion des
Déchets Radioactifs). Waste is classified according to Japan operates 53 nuclear power plants, giving it the
half-life as well as activity. Waste having half-life less third-largest civilian nuclear program. In 2000,
than 30 years is designated as ‘‘short-lived’’ (SL), and Japan’s nuclear plants had a total capacity of
waste having half-life greater than 30 years is 43.5 GW, producing about a third of the country’s
designated as ‘‘long-lived’’ (LL). Four activity levels electrical power.
are defined: very low-level waste (VLLW), low-level
waste (LLW), intermediate-level waste (ILW), and
high-level waste (HLW).
The Centre de la Manche Disposal Facility, 10.1 Low-Level Wastes
located near Cherbourg in Normandy, operated from Since 1992, Japan has operated the Low-Level Waste
1969 to 1994 as a disposal site for LLW and ILW. Disposal Centre at Rokkasho at the northern end of
Initially, waste was placed in simple trenches. Over Honshu Island. The BGV is the preferred method of
the years, the EMCB concept was developed. The la disposal. Ultimately, the facility at Rokkasho will
Manche facility holds nearly 530,000 m3 of waste hold 600,000 m3 of waste.
and is no longer accepting waste shipments.
In 1992, the Centre de l’Aube Disposal Facility
near Troyes began accepting low- and intermediate-
level waste (LILW-SL). The Centre de l’Aube has a 10.2 Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel
capacity of 1 million m3, expandable to 2 million m3. SNF is stored in cooling ponds for 4 years or longer
before being sent on for reprocessing.
Since 1977, Japan has operated a small reproces-
9.2 Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel sing plant at Tokai Mura for SNF; however, most
SNF is kept in storage ponds for a year to allow its SNF is shipped to France or Great Britain for
radioactivity to decline to safe levels, after which it is reprocessing. Japan is constructing its own reproces-
transported to a reprocessing plant. sing plant at the Rokkasho nuclear complex. It is
France has reprocessed its own nuclear fuel since expected to begin full-scale operations in 2005.
1958 and has provided reprocessing services for
Belgium, Germany, Japan, The Netherlands, and
Switzerland. The French nuclear fuel company 10.3 High-Level Wastes
COGEMA (Compagnie Générale des Matiéres Nu-
Vitrified nuclear wastes are returned to Japan from
cléaires) currently operates two reprocessing plants
the reprocessor. High-level vitrified wastes are sent to
at La Hague, west of Cherbourg in Normandy.
the High-Level Radioactive Waste Storage Facility at
Rokkasho to be stored for 30 to 50 years.
In 2000, the Nuclear Waste Management Orga-
9.3 High-Level Wastes
nization (NUMO) was created to develop a dis-
HLW from reprocessing is vitrified at the reproces- posal repository in granite or sedimentary rock.
sing plant in La Hague. Vitrified HLW from French Construction of the repository is expected to begin
sources is currently stored at La Hague awaiting around 2030.
Nuclear Waste 463

SEE ALSO THE Further Reading

Bodansky, D. (1996). ‘‘Nuclear Energy: Principles, Practices,
and Prospects.’’ American Institute of Physics, Woodbury,
Nuclear Engineering  Nuclear Fuel: Design and NY.
Fabrication  Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing  Nuclear Murray, R. L. (1994). ‘‘Understanding Radioactive Waste.’’ 4th ed.
Fusion Reactors  Nuclear Power, History of  Battelle Press, Columbus, OH.
Nuclear Power Plants, Decommissioning of  Nucle- National Research Council. (1996). ‘‘The Waste Isolation
Pilot Plant: A Potential Solution for the Disposal of
ar Power: Risk Analysis  Nuclear Proliferation and
Transuranic Waste.’’ National Academy Press, Washington,
Diversion  Occupational Health Risks in Nuclear DC.
Power  Public Reaction to Nuclear Power Siting and Wilson, P. D. (ed.). (1996). ‘‘The Nuclear Fuel Cycle: From Ore to
Disposal  Radiation, Risks and Health Impacts of Waste.’’ Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

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