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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII-Eastern Visayas
Schools Division of Calbayog City
Calbayog 4 District
Calbayog City
Final Examination
Name:_________________________ Strand Grade & Section: __________ Semester:____ Date: ________ Score: ________
I - Multiple Choice
Instruction: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.
1. The following are the copyright protected works under Philippines copyright, which is not?
a. articles b. computer programs c. books d. procedure
2. If the writer mentions an author’s name of a source, but neglects to include specific information on the location of the
material referenced it called. b
a. the too-perfect paraphrase c. the perfect crime
b. the forgotten footnote d. misinformer
3. The following are the example of a wearable technologies, which is NOT?
a. jewelry b. watches c. google d. headbands
4. If the writer provides inaccurate information regarding the source, making it impossible to find them, it is called,
a. the resourceful cited b. the perfect crime c. the self-stealer d. misinformer

5. It is an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization; the
representation of that author’s work as one’s own, as by not crediting the original author.
a. cybercrime b. plagiarism c. copyright d. cyberbullying
6. If you are addicted to social networking sites, chat rooms, texting and messaging to the point where virtual, online friends
become more important than real-life relationships with family and friends.
a. cyber-relationship addiction c. information overload
b. computer addiction d. cybersex addiction
7. MOOC is a model for delivering learning content online to any person who want to take a course, with no limit on attendance.
MOOC is stand for?
a. Massive Open Online Courses c. Management On Online Course
b. More Open Online Courses d. Massive Open Offline Courses
8. The sign used on goods that have specific geographical origin and possess qualities, a reputation or characteristics that are
essentially attributable to that place origin.
a. trademark c. industrial design
b. geographical indication and appellation of origin d. copyright
9. Which of the following media modalities involve moving images with audio and interaction functions and with the most
impressionable character because of its cathartic(purification/cleansing) effect to its audiences?
a. audio b. visual c. motion d. text
10. This is the right of an author’s pertains to his/her right to claim authorship of a work and the right to oppose changes to a
work that could harm his/her reputation.
a. Copyright b. human right c. moral right d. economic right
11. It is an offensive action toward another which takes place using electronic technology.
a. flaming b. netiquette c. cyberbullying d. cybercrime
12. The IP law of the Philippines specifies certain limitations or exceptions to copyright. Which of the following, limits the rights of
holders who are entitled to reproduced works for a limited time period?
a. copyright b. creative common c. intellectual property d. fair use
13. The Republic Act 10175, otherwise known as,
a. cybercrime prevention Act of 2012 c. E-commerce Act of 2000
b. access device Regulation Act of 1998 d. Anti-trafficking in Person Act of 2013
14. Which of the following is the legal term used to describe the rights that creators have over their literary and artistic works?
a. copyright b. industrial design c. patent d. trademark
15. The World Intellectual Property Organization define intellectual property as,
a. someone who knowing attacks other netizens or express in aggressive manner his option on controversial issues.
b. creation of the mind such as invention, literary and artistic works, design and symbols, names and images used in
c. the protection of one’s expressions which only becomes tangible and concrete when objects are created.
d. the proper etiquette as you engage in activities over the internet.
16. The tagline “think before you click” what is really mean to you?
a. click before you think
b. you have to make sure that you share the information on the web.
c. share what you want on the web.
d. before you post anything on the web you have to think through the repercussions of sharing that information.
17. The provision in the 1987 Philippine Constitution that explicit (clear and detailed) mandates establishment of media
communication infrastructure in the country.
a. Section 11, Article VII b. Section 4, Article III c. Section 10, Article XVI d. Section 24, Article II
18. This right of an owner/author be properly compensated financially upon his or her permission for the work to be used by
a. moral right b. economic right c. human right d. copyright
19. The excessive use of computers to the extent that it interferes with daily life. This excessive use may for example interfere
with work or sleep, result in problems with social interaction, or affect mood, relationships, and thought processes.
a. creative common b. cyberbullying c. computer addiction d. cybercrime
20. The provision in the 1987 Philippine Constitution mandates that no franchise, certificate, or any other form of authorization
for the operation of public utility shall be granted except to citizens of the Philippines or to corporations or associations
organized under the laws of the Philippines.
a. Section 11, Article VII b. Section 10, Article XVI c. Section 4, Article II d. Section 24, Article XII
21. It is a sign capable of distinguishing goods or services of one enterprise from those of the other enterprise.
a. industrial design b. copyright c. trademark d. patent
22. This is a nonprofit organization licensing organization can enable the legal sharing and use of works.
a. intellectual property b. economic right c. creative commons d. copyright
23. Which of the following is considered the main mode of communication from which other media modalities are based from?
a. audio b. motion c. text d. visual
24. At what section, article in the 1987 Philippines Constitution, the state recognizes the vital role of communication and
information in nation building?
a. Section 24, Article IV b. Section 24, Section II c. Section 24, Section III d. Section 24, Article V
25. The Republic Act 8293, otherwise known as,
a. the Intellectual Property Code of 1997 c. the Anti-Wiretapping Law
b. the E-commerce Act of 2000 d. the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012
26. WIPO is stand for,
a. World Intellectual Property Organization c. World Intellectual Property Organization
b. World Intellectual Property Office d. World Internal Property Organization
27. Which of the following types of plagiarism, were the writer copies significant portions of text straight from a single source,
without alteration?
a. the self-stealer b. the potluck paper c. the ghost writer d. the photocopy
28. It refers to observing proper etiquette as you engage in activities over the internet. It is contrary to what the flame warriors
a. netiquette b. flaming c. fair use d. netizens
29. It is a heated argument between two individuals, that results are those involved posting personal attacks on each other during
or instead of debating the topic at hand.
a. plagiarism b. cyberbullying c. cybercrime d. flame war
30. When the writer tries to disguise plagiarism by copying from several different sources, tweaking the sentences to make them
fit together while retaining most of the original phrasing is called.
a. the self-stealer b. the ghost writer c. the labor of laziness d. the potluck paper
31. Which of the following constitutes the ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an article/object?
a. Trademark b. patent c. copyright d. industrial design
32. Which of the following is the compulsive use of internet pornography, adult chat rooms, or adult fantasy role-play sites
impacting negatively on real-life intimate relationship?
a. cybersex addiction b. cybercrime c. cyber-relationship addiction d. net compulsions
33. This type of intellectual property provides the patent owner with the right to decide how or whether, the invention can be
used by others in exchange for this right.
a. copyright c. geographical indication and appellation of origin
b. b. trademark d. patent
34. It is a non-profit association and community of IT leaders and professionals.
a. OER b. MOOC c. EDUCAUSE d. None of the above
35. A kind of e-learning experience that is more context-based and more adaptive to learner needs.
a. Wiki b. Ubiquitous learning c. Massive learning d. 3D graphic
36. Which of the following is NOT the basic phase in 3D computer graphics creation?
a. 3D modeling b. layout and animation c. 3D rendering d. 2D modeling
37. It is the most popular example of Wiki.
a. Wikipedia b. Wiki nodes c. Wearable d. Encyclopedia
38. It is the process of forming a computer model of an object’s shape.
a. 3D modelling b. Layout and animation c. 3D rendering d. 3D graphics
39. People media which roughly defined as,
a. any person engaged in the use, analysis, evaluation, and production of media and information.
b. group of people or a crowd is solicited for information by certain by certain entities or institutions.
c. Social journalist
d. none of these
40. What is a crowdsourcing?
a. collective mobilization
b. a person in social media
c. outsourcing
d. online research
II - True or False
Instruction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct otherwise write FALSE.
41. Being less conscious of time sent online or with gadgets that enable internet access is one of the signs and symptoms of internet addiction, or computer
42. Having more time with friends and family, is one of the sign or symptom of internet addiction/computer addiction.
43. Think before you click, because posts are public and maybe kept even when you have deleted them.
44. A parody is not covered by fair use.
45. The obsessive playing of off-line computer games or obsessive computer programming is called information overload.
46. Under the Philippines copyright law, both original works and derivative works are protected.
47. The compulsive online gaming, gambling, stock trading, or compulsive use of online auction sites often resulting in financial and job-related problems is called
net compulsions.
48. To avoid flame wars, do not provoke or attack other.
49. According to the Department of Justice. “a crime committed with or through the use of information and communication technologies is called cyberbullying.”
50. Feeling more excited with internet activities rather than physical activities is a symptom of internet addiction.

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