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MICROCODE VERSION 70-02-13-00/00

RELEASED 09/07/2011

Newly supported features and functions for Version 70-02-13-00/00

1. Mainframe & OPEN System

2. Mainframe System

3. OPEN System

The change of contents for Version 70-02-13-00/00

1 “All 0” report or MLRC error at pair status collection after a
planned power cycle
Phenomena When a pair status was obtained using a route list without any operation
from BCM after a planned power cycle (SM non-volatile), “All 0” was
reported to BCM or an MLRC error occurred with SSB=4B4F output on
the P site.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
(1) 2DC or 3DC configuration
(2) A planned power cycle (SM non-volatile) is performed.
(3) Pair status is obtained using a route list without any operation from
BCM after (2).
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category True Copy for Mainframe, Shadow Image for Mainframe, Universal
Replicator for Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

2 WCHK1 resulting from loop CHK3 due to unidentified failed

Phenomena When a failure in SW was detected, the failure part could not be
identified in rare cases, which caused CHK3 loop resulting in WCHK1.
In this case, SIM=3080 or 3073 was output.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur in rare cases when a failure in SW is detected.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

HDS Confidential 1 of 25
3 Data inconsistency occurs in DP/DT volume
Phenomena In DP (Dynamic Provisioning) or DT (Dynamic Tiering) virtual volume
described in condition of occurrence B below, invalid data can be read in
page (*1). As a result, file system error, data inconsistency, application
error, and so on, may be detected.
(*1) OPEN:42MB、Mainframe:38MB
Severity (High, Medium, Low) High
Conditions of Occurrence May occur with conditions A to C met and processing D is performed.
A. RAID700 all current versions.
B. External volume constituting DP/DT
C. OPEN/Mainframe environment (Mainframe is only DP)
D. Any of the following processing is performed.
D-1. Page migration processing by DP/DT pool expansion
D-2. Page migration processing by DP/DT pool shrinks
D-3. Page migration processing by DP/DT virtual volume zero data page
D-4. Page migration processing by DT tier relocation

As an internal condition, if Destaging processing is executed under any of
the conditions E-1, E-2 or E-3, the phenomenon may occur.
E-1. Sequential write in Mainframe/OPEN environment
E-2. Write Pending is over 10% in Mainframe environment
E-3. Write Pending is over 60% in OPEN environment
If SOM735 is set to ON, Write Pending is 20 to 50%. If SOM735 is set to
OFF and SOM732 is set to ON, Write Pending is 10%. In case of the
volumes listed below however, the phenomenon may occur regardless of
the above conditions E-1 to E-3. (The all of the following volumes meet
the occurrence condition B.)
- P-VOL in initial copy processing of True Copy
- S-VOL in copy processing of Universal Replicator, Shadow Image, or
Flash Copy
- Migration target volume being migrated by Volume Migration
Causes and Updates During Destaging processing for an external volume, if page migration
processing (change of volume to store the page) associated with DP
rebalance or DT relocation is executed, the Destaging target volume is
checked just before the start of Destaging processing from the assumption
that the target volume is changed during the processing. If the target
volume is changed, the target volume is switched and the Destaging
processing re-starts.
In the course of the above processing, due to a micro-program bug, the
target volume change may not be detected. In this case, the Destaging
processing is wrongly executed for the page migration source external
volume, but not for the migration target external volume, which causes
some data in the page to be invalid. The micro-program has been
modified to fix the problem.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic
Tiering, Universal Volume Manager
Changed Part DKCMAIN

HDS Confidential 2 of 25
4 S-VOL data inconsistency at backup from CoW Snapshot V-
Phenomena When the data in Copy-on-Write Snapshot (CoW) S-VOL is read after
pairsplit operation, the updated data can be read instead of the old data in
P-VOL and file system error and application error are detected. If the
same part of S-VOL is read, the correct data can be read.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) High
Conditions of Occurrence The phenomenon may occur when the following conditions A1 to A5 or
B1 to B6 are met.

(CoW pairs without other Copy-Program-Products volume sharing)

A1. RAID700 All versions
A2. The CoW Snapshot pair is changed to PSUS status by pairsplit
A3. A read I/O is issued to the CoW Snapshot S-VOL
A4. A write I/O is issued to the CoW Snapshot P-VOL
A5. The above read I/O (A3) and write I/O (A4) are received at the same
time, the area to be written contains the part to be read and the write I/O
(A4) is the first write I/O after the pairsplit operation.

(CoW pairs with True Copy volume sharing)

B1. RAID700 All versions
B2. True Copy S-VOL and CoW P-VOL share a volume.
B3. The True Copy pair is in COPY or PAIR status, and the CoW pair is
PSUS status.
B4. CoW Snapshot S-VOL receives a read I/O.
B5. Update to the CoW P-VOL by True Copy initial copy or update copy
is received.
B6. The above read I/O (B4) and the update (B5) are received at the same
time, and the update area contains the part to be read, and the update (B5)
is the first update after pairsplit operation.
Causes and Updates When a P-VOL receives a write I/O after a CoW pair status is changed to
PSUS by pairsplit operation, the data before update in P-VOL is copied to
a pool VOL (a) and then the P-VOL data is updated with the new data.
On the other hand, when an S-VOL receives a read I/O, in which VOL
the target data is stored, P-VOL or the pool VOL, is checked (c) and the
data stored in the P-VOL or pool VOL is transferred to a host.(d)
In the course of the above processing, if a write I/O is issued to P-VOL
during the processing of read I/O to S-VOL, the data is switched to the
data before update stored in the pool VOL and transferred to the host
under normal circumstances, however, the data cannot be switched in
some cases because the read I/O is in process, eventually the new data in
P-VOL is transferred to the host. (e)

The micro-program has been modified to fix the problem.

Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Copy-on-Write Snapshot, True Copy
Changed Part DKCMAIN

HDS Confidential 3 of 25
5 Response delay and SSB output at pair operation or pair status
Phenomena When a pair operation or pair status collection was performed using a
route list from BCM, the response might unexpectedly be delayed for a
maximum of 30 seconds, and SSBs=EBD7 and EBAD were output
several times at the L or R site.
If a response is returned to a host and the host time-out is set to 45
seconds (if BCM is used, the time-out needs to be set to 45 seconds), the
above phenomenon does not affect the host.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
(1) 2DC or 3DC configuration.
(2) A planned power cycle (SM non-volatile) is performed.
(3) Pair status is obtained using a route list without any operation from
BCM after (2).
(4) After (3), a pair operation or pair status collection is performed using
the route list from BCM.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category True Copy for Mainframe, Shadow Image for Mainframe, Universal
Replicator for Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

6 Failure of maintenance or SI pair operation after failure reset

Phenomena After a failure reset, SSB=15B9 was output and cache, LDEV, or PDEV
related maintenance or an SI pair operation failed.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when a failure reset occurs after the following
operation (1) or (2) is performed.
(1) Cache, LDEV or PDEV related maintenance.
(2) SI pair operation.
* The problem occurs when a failure reset occurs in a specific program
step during queue operations on job management areas.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

7 Memory leak at LDEV nickname reference

Phenomena Memory leak (about 2 MB) occurred while viewing LDEV nicknames.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when either of the following conditions is met.
(1) An LDEV nickname is set or changed.
(2) All Refresh is executed.
Affected Products/Version SVP: 70-01-61/00 and higher
Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part SVP

HDS Confidential 4 of 25
8 Failure of TC pair creation with SSBs output
Phenomena When a TC pair was created in N_port connection, the creation failed and
SSB=D9A7 and D985 were output from RCU.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
(1) N_port connection
(2) TC pair configuration where MCU is RAID700 and RCU is
(3) Any of the following is executed or occurs while a path is established.
(a) Link down
(b) PS-OFF and then PS-ON
(c) CHT replacement
(d) Offline micro-program exchange
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open
Changed Part DKCMAIN

9 Wrongly active button for DT function window

Phenomena When executing remote log-in to SVP while there was no P.P. supporting
Dynamic Tiering, a button to activate DT function window did not
become inactive.
Monitor Pools
Stop monitoring Pools
Start Tier Relocation
Stop Tier Relocation
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
(1) P.P. supporting DT (Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Tiering) is not
(2) A button for DT function window activation is displayed from SVP
remote log-in.
Affected Products/Version SVP: 70-02-03/00 and higher
Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Storage Navigator
Changed Part SVP

10 Failure of automatic cache directory recovery with SIM output

after frequent CHK3
Phenomena During automatic cache directory recovery, CHK3 occurred frequently
and the recovery failed. (SIM=0xFFEE0x)
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when there is a blocked CM PCB in a cluster where
the automatic cache directory recovery is executed.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

HDS Confidential 5 of 25
11 Application error during Define Configuration and Install
Phenomena During Define Configuration and Install processing, an application error
may occur.
However, this phenomenon has never occurred yet.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when Define Configuration and Install is
Affected Products/Version SVP: All
Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part SVP

12 "Aborted command" on a host with SSB=D1F3 output

Phenomena "Aborted command" appeared on a host and SSB=D1F3 was output.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all the following conditions are met.
(1) External storage system
(2) Cache mode is set to "Disable".
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

13 No output of SIM for external temperature problem

Phenomena The following SIMs which were supposed to be output when external
temperature problem occurred were not output.
SSB=BF1010, BF1110, BF1210, BF1011, BF1111, BF1211, BF1012,
BF1112, BF1212, BF1013, BF1113, and BF1213
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when an external temperature problem occurs.
Affected Products/Version SSVP: All
Fixed Product/Version SSVP: 70-02-01
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part SSVP

14 Invalid information contained in SSVP dump

Phenomena When SSVP dump was collected, invalid data was contained in the
header of SSVP dump data and architecture. In particular,
(2) Minute and second of DUMP collection time were incorrect.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when SSVP dump is collected.
Affected Products/Version SSVP: All
Fixed Product/Version SSVP: 70-02-01
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part SSVP

HDS Confidential 6 of 25
15 Failed data writing and actual value reading
Phenomena A request of environment monitor read and writes for an interface
between SVP and SSVP succeeded but the data was not written in some
cases. Also, the actual value could not be read.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when register write and read of DKCMAIN is
executed from a PC for production line test.
Affected Products/Version SSVP: All
Fixed Product/Version SSVP: 70-02-01
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part SSVP

16 No output of SIMs for internal temperature warning/alarm

Phenomena SIM=BFA4A4 for internal temperature warning disagreement of CLI on
module1 side was not output.
SIM=BFA3A5 for internal temperature alarm disagreement and BFA4A5
for internal temperature warning disagreement of CL2 on module1 side
was not output.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when internal temperature warning disagreement of
CL1 on module1 side, or internal temperature alarm/warning
disagreement of CL2 on module1 side is detected.
Affected Products/Version SSVP: All
Fixed Product/Version SSVP: 70-02-01
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part SSVP

17 Incorrect version display of SSW, Expander and DKAF

Phenomena When micro-program was exchanged on a system without DKU, the
versions of SSW, Expander and DKAF on Replace (current) side were
displayed as "xx-xx-xx".
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
- Failure of SSW and Expander version display
(1) DKU is not installed.
(2) Micro-program exchange is performed.
- Failure of DKAF version display
(1) DKA is not installed.
(2) Micro-program exchange is performed.
Causes and Updates The micro-program has been modified to display "Not used" instead of
"xx-xx-xx" when no DKU or DKA is installed.
Affected Products/Version SVP: 70-02-03/00 and higher
Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part SVP

HDS Confidential 7 of 25
18 ABEND of SSW or Expander micro-program exchange
Phenomena When SSW or Expander micro-program was exchanged on a system
without DKU, the exchange ended abnormally and SVP message [2433
E] appeared.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
(1) DKU is not installed.
(2) SSW or Expander micro-program is exchanged.
Affected Products/Version SVP: 70-02-03/00 and higher
Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part SVP

19 Wrongly same LBA start points of LDEVs

Phenomena When a command was executed from CLI in the order below, LBA start
points of LDEVs created in (1) and (2) were the same.
(1) Install CV command was requested.
(2) CoW Snapshot VOL creation was requested for the LDEV# same as
that in (1).
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
(1) Install CV command is received from CLI.
(2) CoW Snapshot VOL creation is requested with the same LDEV#
specified before the processing result is reflected to the actual
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open
Changed Part DKCMAIN

20 Incorrect display of non-mounted LDEV

Phenomena On Logical Devices window, when a LDEV which was displayed on the
window but not mounted was selected and then any of the following
operation was executed, the LDEV information was not displayed on
Confirm window. In this case, if Apply was clicked, Storage Navigator
message [20122 106004] appeared.
- Format LDEVs - Block LDEVs - Shred LDEVs - Restore LDEVs
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence Problem occurs when the following operations are executed in that order.
(1) LDEV selected on Logical Devices window and Delete LDEV is
(2) Before the above operation is completed, Logical Devices window is
displayed for 5 minutes (until the operation is completed).
(3) The LDEV selected in (1) is selected and Format LDEVs, Block
LDEVs, Shred LDEVs or Restore LDEVs is executed.
Affected Products/Version SVP: All
Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Open Volume Management, Virtual LVI
Changed Part SVP

HDS Confidential 8 of 25
21 Command reject after CoW Snapshot VOL creation fails
Phenomena After CoW Snapshot VOL creation from CLI failed (SSB=2E30, 4119)
failed, a command of configuration change for the VOL specified at the
CoW Snapshot VOL creation from CLI was rejected. (SSB=2E11, 0153)
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when CoW Snapshot VOL creation fails and
SSB=2E30 and 4119 are output.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open
Changed Part DKCMAIN

22 Incorrectly enabled operations

Phenomena On Logical Devices window, when LDEVs other than those with Access
Attribute of read/write were selected and then any of the following
operation was executed, a Wizard could be opened.
- Format LDEVs
- Shred LDEVs
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when the following operations are executed in that
(1) On Data Retention window, a LDEV is selected and Access Attribute
is changed to Read Only or Protect.
(2) On Logical Devices window, the LDEV selected in (1) is selected and
Format LDEVs or Shred LDEVs is executed.
Affected Products/Version SVP: All
Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Open Volume Management, Virtual LVI
Changed Part SVP

23 Failed MPB maintenance with WCHK1

Phenomena When MPB replacement was performed after ESW PCB replacement
failed, WCHK1 occurred in the replaced MPB and maintenance failed.
SIM=3072 or 3073 or 3080 or combination of the 3 SIMs
SVP message ONL2412
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
(1) ESW PCB replacement or installation fails. Or ESW PCB removal
and installation without maintenance is performed.
(2) After the above operation, MPB is replaced or installed.
(3) Micro-program version on FM in the above MPB is before V02.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

HDS Confidential 9 of 25
24 Memory leak of 254Kbytes
Phenomena During Storage Navigator operation, memory leak of about 254Kbytes
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when Option tab of Shadow Image or Shadow Image
for Mainframe is opened, or the window is updated while the tab opens.
Affected Products/Version SVP: All
Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Storage Navigator
Changed Part SVP

25 Increased time to enable log-in to Storage Navigator

Phenomena The time to enable log-in to Storage Navigator after SVP activation
increased 10 minutes at the maximum.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when SVP micro-program is downgraded from the
version 70-02-03/00 and higher to 70-01-61/00.
Affected Products/Version SVP: 70-01-61/00 and higher
Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Storage Navigator
Changed Part SVP

26 Failure of SSWs display in message after removal fails

Phenomena In a system with DKU-00/01/02 were mounted, when DKU-02 was
removed, the removal failed due to SSW cable failure. At this time, only
SSWs in the top DKU (DKU-00) were displayed in a message
[ONL4189] to prompt SSW dummy replacement.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
(1) DKU removal
(2) Operation other than removal from DKU minimum configuration in
(3) The above operation fails due to SSW hardware failure.
Affected Products/Version SVP: All
Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part SVP

27 Performance degradation and time-out error

Phenomena In all Storage Navigator operations, performance degraded or time-out
error (1-4011) might occur.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all the following conditions are met.
(1) Operation after logging into Storage Navigator
(2) A user program which logs into the same SVP via RMI executes log-
in and log-out many times.
Affected Products/Version SVP: All
Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Storage Navigator
Changed Part SVP

HDS Confidential 10 of 25
28 TC/TCz pair suspension with SSB=1042 output
Phenomena TC pair/TCz pair during copy was suspended and SSB=1042 was output.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
(1) True Copy/True Copy for Mainframe is in use on MCU.
(2) Pair status on RCU side is changed (including operations from SVP)
or a path failure occurs during update I/O to TC P-VOL/TCz M-VOL.
(3) MCU side is overloaded. (overload likely causes LMJCB depletion)
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category True Copy, True Copy for Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

29 Suspend or temporary high JNL usage rate (70%)

Phenomena When online micro-program was exchanged in UR, UR delta resync or
UR Mainframe 4x4 environment, the following might occur and
SSB=BBAC was output.
(1) Suspend
(2) In case of delta resync, JNL usage rate became 70% temporarily.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all the following conditions are met.
(1) UR, UR delta resync or UR Mainframe 4x4 environment.
(2) Online micro-program exchange is performed.
(3) Data transfer which occurs in the above environment takes time.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Universal Replicator, Universal Replicator for Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

30 Wrong part blockade after MFDMA failure of CMF PCB

Phenomena When an MFDMA failure of CMF PCB occurred due to a hardware
failure, any of the following parts was wrongly blocked and SIM was
- HSN logical path (SIM=32XXYZ, 33XXYZ, 340XYZ or 342XYZ)
- MP (SIM=3073XY)
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
(1) A CM failure or ESW failure has occurred before.
(2) After recovering from the above failure, PS OFF/ON is never
(3) An MFDMA failure of CMF PCB occurs.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

HDS Confidential 11 of 25
31 Disabled TC/UR pair operation
Phenomena LDEVs in a device group could not be referred from RAID Manager and
TC/TCz and UR/URz pair operations (pair create, pairresync, pairsplit)
were disabled.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all the following conditions are met.
(1) Volatile power ON or offline micro-program exchange is performed
while a device group exists.
(2) After the above operation, RAID Manager is rebooted.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

32 Memory leak at communication failure

Phenomena At pool name or LDEV nickname setting, if communication between
SVP and DKC fails, memory leak occurred (about 233KB).
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when communication between SVP and DKC fails at
pool name or LDEV nickname setting.
Affected Products/Version SVP: All
Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part SVP

33 Failure of UR/TC pair creation with SSBs output

Phenomena In 3DC configuration with direct Point-to-Point connection, when a UR
pair was created between RAID700 and RAID600, SSB=D004, EBEF
were output and the pair creation failed.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
(1) Direct Point-to-Point connection.
(2) TC or UR connection.
(3) Initiator port is on RAID700 side.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category True Copy, Universal Replicator
Changed Part DKCMAIN

34 Taking longer time to execute SI pair split and resync

Phenomena Split and resync operation of SI/SIz pair took longer time.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all the following conditions are met.
(1) SI copy for 3 or more pairs is executed.
(2) SI pair split or resync is executed. (*)
* The problem likely occurs when there is no difference in data.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Shadow Image, Shadow Image for Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

HDS Confidential 12 of 25
35 Install CV command reject with SSBs output
Phenomena When Install CV (raidcom add ldev) was executed from CLI, SSB=2ECD
and 0000 were output and the command was rejected.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
(1) Install CV is executed from CLI.
(2) The above processing is stopped by reset.
(3) Install CV is executed from CLI again while the same RAID group# is
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

36 Creation of LDEV with the same LBA start point

Phenomena When Install CV was executed more than 4 times in series from CLI,
LDEV with the same LBA start point might be created.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all the following conditions are met.
(1) The different RAID group# is specified in the first Install CV and the
second Install CV.
(2) In the second and later Install CV, the same RAID group# is specified.
(3) LBA start point of third LDEV is smaller than the second LDEV.
(4) LBA start point of fourth LDEV is smaller than the second LDEV.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

37 Command reject and SSBs output

Phenomena When external group deletion was executed from CLI, the command was
rejected and SSB=2E11 and 0153 were output.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when a MP reset occurs in the synchronous
processing of Install CV command with external group specified.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open
Changed Part DKCMAIN

38 Unable to complete asynchronous command

Phenomena Asynchronous command being executed could not be completed and get
command_status did not return the result.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when logical inconsistency occurs in DKC.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open
Changed Part DKCMAIN

HDS Confidential 13 of 25
39 Command reject with SSBs output due to logical confliction
Phenomena The following commands from CLI were rejected and SSB=2E11 and
0153 were output.
- Install CV
- Volume to Space
- LDEV format (normal, quick)
- LDEV blockade/recovery
- DP-VOL deletion
- CoW Snapshot VOL creation
- CoW Snapshot VOL deletion
- Shredding
- External VOL creation
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when a logical confliction occurs in DKC.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open
Changed Part DKCMAIN

40 Incorrect displayed or output Long range LDEV usage rate

Phenomena The displayed Long range LDEV usage rate or the Long range LDEV
usage rate with "PhyLDEV" command specified output by Export Tool
might be incorrect.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all the following conditions are met.
(1) A disk failure occurs.
(2) Memory depletion
Affected Products/Version SVP: All
Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Performance Monitor
Changed Part SVP

41 SSBs output during backup from CoW V-VOL to tape device

Phenomena During backup from CoW Snapshot V-VOL to a tape device,
SSB=14DC, 14FF and DD88 were output.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all the following conditions are met.
(1) Read commands.
(2) Conflict at the same slot.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open
Changed Part DKCMAIN

HDS Confidential 14 of 25
42 TC pair suspension or Check Condition with SSB
Phenomena A TC Sync pair was suspended due to SSB=B826, or Check Condition
was returned due to SSB=D034.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all the following conditions are met.
(2) A host I/O is issued to P-VOL of a TC Sync pair or HAM pair.
(3) The pair status is PAIR or COPY.
(4) Host I/Os concentrate on the neighboring block area.
(5) The following (a) or (b) occurs.
(a) ECC group where VOL belongs to is in correction copy processing.
(b) One side of CM or SM of MCU where VOL belongs to is blocked.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category True Copy
Changed Part DKCMAIN

43 Incorrect indication of pool VOL for LDEV

Phenomena After pool shrink was executed for an LDEV (pool VOL), the LDEV was
deleted on the Pools window but LDEV window continued to show that
the LDEV was a pool VOL.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
(1) Shrink Pool is executed but not completed.
(2) For LDEVs other than the above Shrink Pool target LDEV, one of the
following maintenance operations is performed.
- LDEV installation
- LDEV removal
- PDEV installation
- PDEV removal
- System option setting change
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Dynamic Provisioning
Changed Part DKCMAIN

44 Failure of micro-program exchange

Phenomena Micro-program exchange failed. (SVP message SMT2433 E)
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all the following conditions are met.
(1) Version before exchange is earlier than 70-02-03-00/00 (before V02).
(2) The version exchanged with the above is 70-02-03-00/00 or higher
(V02 and higher).
(3) The combination of CHA configuration and selected reboot type is
either one of (a) or (b).
(a) CHA is BASIC only; the selected type is 1/4, 1/8, or By One.
(b) CHA is OPTION1 and later, and the selected type is By One.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-03-00/00 and higher
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

HDS Confidential 15 of 25
45 Extremely large response time and transfer length
Phenomena When RMF (Resource Measurement Facility) was used with ESS option
specified on an IBM host, the values of response time and data transfer
length which were displayed on [PPRC SEND] and [PPRC RECEIVE] of
[ESS LINK STATISTICS] were extremely large.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
(1) RMF is used with ESS option specified.
(2) Initial copy or update copy of TC/TCz pair is in process.
(3) During the measurement of (1), the integrated value of data transfer
length of a port used for TC pair M-R connection exceeds 4 bytes (2,047
Gbytes) or the integrated value of data transfer time exceeds 4 bytes
(4,294 seconds).
* The problem occurs only at the time when each integrated value
exceeds 4 bytes. Once the value has exceeded 4 bytes, the problem does
not occur until the value is exceeded again.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category True Copy for Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

46 Wrongly returned setting of SSID or cache mode

Phenomena Phenomenon1
SSID setting (raidcom modify ldev) made from RAID Manager returned
to the previous setting.
Cache mode setting of external VOL (raidcom modify external_grp)
made from RAID Manager returned to the previous setting.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
Phenomenon 1
(1) An LDEV whose provisioning type is BASIC is created or deleted
from Storage Navigator.
(2) SSID setting is performed from RAID Manager during the time period
from execution to completion of the above operation.

Phenomenon 2
(1) An LDEV whose provisioning type is BASIC is created or deleted
from Storage Navigator.
(2) Cache mode setting of external VOL is performed from RAID
Manager during the time period from execution to completion of the
above operation.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-03-00/00 and higher
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category RAID Manager
Changed Part DKCMAIN

HDS Confidential 16 of 25
47 Incomplete alternate path addition with SSBs output
Phenomena While 2048 external groups were mapped in the same path group, if the
8th path was added as external path addition from CLI (raidcom add
path), alternate paths were only added to 1024 groups out of 2048 groups
and SSB=2E23 and 4303 were output at executing GetCommandStatus.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
(1) The number of alternate paths in a path group is 7.
(2) There are 1025 or more external groups in the same path group.
(3) External path addition is executed from CLI. (raidcom add path)
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open
Changed Part DKCMAIN

48 ESW PCB internal failure with SSB=3250 leading to WCHK1

Phenomena When an ESW PCB internal failure occurred, SSB=3250 was
continuously output and WCHK1 occurred (SIM=3073XY, SSB=1663 or
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all the following conditions are met.
(1) The storage system is in ready status.
(2) An ESW PCB internal failure occurs. (SSB=3250)
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

49 WCHK1 occurrence due to ESW PCB internal failure leading

WCHK1 in all MP
Phenomena When an ESW PCB internal failure occurred (SSB=3250), WCHK1
occurred (SSB=3585).
In the worst case, WCHK1 occurred in all MPs except 1MP in 1DKC.
(SIM=3073XY, SSB=3250 and 3585)
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all the following conditions are met.
(1) The storage system is in ready status.
(2) An ESW PCB internal failure occurs (SSB=3250).
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

HDS Confidential 17 of 25
50 Internal logical error when command device is set to LU of
external VOL
Phenomena When command device including User Authentication Device Group
Definition was set for an external VOL LU, an internal logical error
occurred. (Storage Navigator message 01005-00196, SVP message SEC-
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when command device (User Authentication, Device
Group Definition) is set for an external VOL LU.
Affected Products/Version SVP: All
Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part SVP


Phenomena In UR Mainframe configuration, YKQUERY issued from BCM to RCU
side ended abnormally. (BCM message: 0C9)
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all the following conditions are met.
(1) Universal Replicator for Mainframe
(2) C/T TIME MODE of BCM Copy Group Attributes is JOURNAL or
(3) System Option Mode530 is set to ON.
(4) An I/O is issued while an URz pair is in DUPLEX status.
(5) YKQUERY is executed from BCM to RCU side.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Universal Replicator for Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

52 CHK2 occurrence in MCU with SSBs output

Phenomena In TCz pair configuration, when MP replacement, DKA replacement or
MP installation/removal is performed on MCU or RCU, CHK2 occurs in
the MCU. In addition, SSB=B21B, 8BEC, 8BEA, 3570, B2FF and B2C8
are output.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
(1) Mainframe TC Sync
(2) Write Track Data command
(3) Multiple track write
(4) Temporary abnormal end occurs in copy job (it occurs by path failure
(including micro-program exchange), CHK2 or receiving attention)
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

HDS Confidential 18 of 25
53 Wrong SIM output
Phenomena Even though, SVP-BASIC JP1 was placed, SIM=BFE3A2 for dual SVP
setting failure was output.
* The SIM is supposed to be output when there is an error in SVP high
availability kit setting.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when one of the following operations is executed
while SVP-BASIC JP1 is placed.
(1) SVP high availability kit setting without setting SVP-OPTION
(2) SVP high availability kit setting releases while SVP-OPTION is set.
Affected Products/Version SSVP: All
Fixed Product/Version SSVP: 70-02-01
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part SSVP

54 LDEVs wrongly created with the same LBA start point

Phenomena If Install CV (raidcom add ldev) was sequentially executed more than 3
times from CLI, LDEVs with the same LBA start point might be created.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when Install CV is executed from CLI under the
conditions below.
(1) The LBA start point of the second LDEV is smaller than that of the
first LDEV.
(2) The LBA start point of the third LDEV is smaller than that of the first
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

55 Delay of restore and increase in JNL usage rate on RCU

Phenomena In configuration where URz S-VOL was also shared by SIz, if an update
I/O was issued to URz P-VOL while SIz was changing to SPLIT, restore
was delayed and JNL usage rate on RCU side increased.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all the following conditions are met.
(1) Universal Replicator Mainframe pair.
(2) Shadow Image for Mainframe uses the URz S-VOL.
(3) SIz is changing to SPLIT.
(4) An update I/O is issued to URz P-VOL.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Universal Replicator for Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

HDS Confidential 19 of 25
56 Failures of SVP/SN operation and Audit Log Buffer function,
and WCHK1 occurrence
Phenomena [Phenomenon1]
The following Storage Navigator or SVP operation might fail.
(Operation from SVP: SVP message 2728 W, operation from Storage
Navigator: Storage Navigator message 3305 2015)
- Make Volume
- Volume To Space
- Volume Initialize
- LDEV maintenance blockade

The following function using system disk might be disabled.
(Operation from SVP: SIM=1801-00, operation from Storage Navigator:
Storage Navigator message=8005 65783, 8005 68761)
- Audit Log Buffer function

WCHK1 might occur by the following operations.
- Operations of Phenomenon1
- Enabling the function of Phenomenon2
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when 9 or more system disks are defined.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: 70-01-62-00/00 and higher
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

57 Failure of rebalance initiation

Phenomena The rebalance initiation was disabled at the following operations.
(1) Pool expansion
(2) Pool shrink
(3) Tier relocation
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all the following conditions are met.
(1) An MP PCB is removed in a maintenance operation.
(2) After executing any of the following operations, you will not be able
to execute the same operation again.
(a) Pool expansion
(b) Pool shrink
(c) Tier relocation
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

HDS Confidential 20 of 25
58 PS status disagreement (SIM)
Phenomena In the system with DKC-1 mounted, if SSVPMN was replaced,
SIM=BFB2A0 (DKC-0 PS status disagreement) and SIM=BFB2A4
(DKC-1 PS status disagreement) might be reported.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all the following conditions are met.
(1) Configuration where DKC-1 is mounted
(2) Ready status
(3) SSVPMN PCB is replaced.
Affected Products/Version SSVP: All
Fixed Product/Version SSVP: 70-02-01
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part SSVP

59 Incorrectly enabled or disabled external VOL/V-VOL

Phenomena On Virtual Partition Manager, DP V-VOL or CoW Snapshot V-VOL
migration by a user without access right to a resource group of the target
LDEV# was enabled or the migration by a user with access right to the
resource group of the target LDEV# was disabled.
Storage Navigator messages: 8505-75015, 8505-75026
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when any of the following conditions is met.
(1) In an environment where an external VOL whose parity group number
is 16384-xxx (xxx is within the range from 1 to 4096) exists, the external
VOL with 16384-xxx is migrated to another CLPR.
(2) In an environment where 64,389 or more DP V-VOLs exist, the
64,390th or later DP V-VOL is migrated to another CLPR.
(3) In an environment where 64,389 or more CoW Snapshot V-VOLs
exist, the 64,390th or later CoW V-VOL is migrated to another CLPR.

Affected Products/Version SVP: 70-02-03/00 and higher

Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Virtual Partition Manager
Changed Part SVP

60 Output of non-existent host group information

Phenomena When host group information was obtained by RMAPI API:
dsvp_GetHostGroupInf(), the information of host group which did not
exist was output as the host name of "xx-Gyy"(xx=Port Location,
yy=Host Group#).
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when the host group IDs are not continuous.
* Host IDs are sequentially assigned from 0 in ascending order, but if
any host group ID is deleted, the ID may not be continuous.
Affected Products/Version SVP: All
Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part SVP

HDS Confidential 21 of 25
61 Application error when creating 256 or more URz pairs
Phenomena When 256 or more URz pairs were created from CFL, an application
error might occur.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when 256 or more UR for Mainframe pairs are
created from CFL.
Affected Products/Version SVP: 70-02-03/00 and higher
Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Universal Replicator for Mainframe
Changed Part SVP

62 Checkout failure in delta resync configuration

Phenomena In delta resync configuration, even though an LDEV belonging to a
resource group that the user had no permission existed, checkout might
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all the following conditions are met.
(1) UR Delta Resync configuration.
(2) 2,048 or more pairs exist.
Affected Products/Version SVP: 70-02-03/00 and higher
Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Universal Replicator, Universal Replicator for Mainframe
Changed Part SVP

63 Incorrectly enabled JNLG registration and deletion due to no

resource group check
Phenomena When a JNLG was registered or deleted on EXCTG window, resource
group check was not executed, which wrongly enabled a user with no
access right to an LDEV belonging to the JNLG to register or delete the
JNLG to/from the EXCTG.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence Occurs when a JNLG is registered or deleted on EXCTG window.
Affected Products/Version SVP: 70-02-03/00 and higher
Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Universal Replicator for Mainframe
Changed Part SVP

64 Incorrect drive number display on Alerts window

Phenomena When the details of drive-related SIM was displayed on Alerts window,
the drive number in Location was incorrect.
For example, in case of SIM=EF1397, CDEV#/RDEV#=07/17 was
displayed while 03/97 was correct.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when drive-related SIM is displayed on Alerts
window of Storage Navigator.
Affected Products/Version SVP: All
Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Storage Navigator
Changed Part SVP

HDS Confidential 22 of 25
65 Failure of mode change
Phenomena During SVP mode change from Modify to View, if a user logged out
from SVP while mode change button was inactive, the mode could not be
changed from Modify to View after logging into SVP and changing the
mode from View to Modify.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when a user logs out from SVP while mode
change button is inactive during SVP mode change from Modify to View.
Causes and Updates The micro-program has been modified to display correct numbers.
Affected Products/Version SVP: All
Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Open and Mainframe
Changed Part SVP

66 Wrongly enabled operations without appropriate permission

Phenomena When remote command device registration/deletion or EXCTG
registration/deletion was executed for an LDEV of external VOL that was
allocated to a journal while the user had no permission for a resource
group where the external VOL belonged to, the error was not detected
and the operation was wrongly enabled.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when remote command device registration/deletion
or EXCTG registration/deletion is executed for a journal where an
external VOL is defined.
Affected Products/Version SVP: 70-02-03/00 and higher
Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Universal Replicator for Mainframe
Changed Part SVP

67 LDEVs wrongly created with the same LBA start point

Phenomena When the following were executed from CLI, LBA start points of LDEVs
created in (1) and (2) were the same.
(1) Install CV command was requested.
(2) CoW Snapshot VOL creation was requested for the LDEV# same as
that in (1), but the command was rejected with SSB=2E11 and 0053
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
(1) Install CV command is received from CLI.
(2) CoW Snapshot VOL creation is requested with the same LDEV#
specified before the processing result is reflected to the actual
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open or Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

HDS Confidential 23 of 25
68 WCHK1 occurrence in an MP with SIM=3073 output
Phenomena When cache failure blockade (single side) occurred on UR RCU side,
WCHK1 occurred in an MP and SIM=0x3073 was output.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all the following conditions are met.
(1) UR Mainframe pair.
(2) Update I/O (FMTWR) is executed.
(3) Cache failure blockade (single side) occurs on RCU.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Universal Replicator for Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

69 Wrong light up of LEDs for removal

Phenomena After the removal of all HDDs in a DKU failed, when the same operation
was executed as a recovery, SVP message, [ONL 4050i] appeared and the
LEDs of SSW, HDDPWR, HDDFAN, and DKUPS, which indicated that
removal was enabled, lit up.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
(1) All HDDs in a DKU are removed. (Including DKU frame removal)
(2) The above removal fails.
(3) The removal is retried as a recovery. (Excluding DKU frame removal)
(4) Either (a) or (b) below is met.
(a) The DKU where HDDs are removed is the last one.
(b) A DKU next to the one where HDDs are removed has no HDDs
Affected Products/Version SVP: All
Fixed Product/Version SVP: 70-02-09/00
Category Open or Mainframe
Changed Part SVP

70 Failure of recovery maintenance after device removal

Phenomena After a device removal (PDEV removal/Volume To Space/Make
Volume) failed with SVP message [ONL0813E], the recovery failed with
the same message output again and the following recovery maintenance
was disabled.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all the following conditions are met.
(1) During device removal maintenance (PDEV removal/Volume To
Space/Make Volume), SVP message [ONL0813E] is output and the
maintenance fails. (*a)
(2) As a recovery maintenance for the above, a removal setting different
from the above is made on the window and maintenance is performed.
*a: Depending on the timing of the above message display, the problem
may not occur.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open or Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

HDS Confidential 24 of 25
71 Failed MPB maintenance with WCHK1
Phenomena When MPB replacement was performed after ESW PCB replacement
failed, WCHK1 occurred in the replaced MPB and maintenance failed.
SIM=3072 or 3073 or 3080 or combination of the 3 SIMs
SVP message ONL2412
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
(1) ESW PCB replacement or installation fails. Or ESW PCB removal
and installation without maintenance is performed.
(2) After the above operation, MPB is replaced or installed.
(3) Micro-program version on FM in the above MPB is before V02.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open or Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

72 Incorrect DIMM failure report

Phenomena Even a failure occurred in a DIMM, 2 DIMMs were reported as failed
and SIM=FFF0 and SSB=32E4 were output.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
(1) Configuration where the 2 DIMMs are mounted in slots which are
next to each other.
(2) A correctable error occurs in one DIMM.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category Open or Mainframe
Changed Part DKCMAIN

73 Incorrect display of copy progress status (pair consistency rate)

Phenomena After TC pair or UR pair creation using LUSE volumes with capacity of
10.24 TB or larger in total, the progress status of copy (pair consistency
rate) was not displayed correctly on Storage Navigator or CCI.
Severity (High, Medium, Low) Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all the following conditions are met.
(1) True Copy or Universal Replicator
(2) The total capacity of a LUSE volume is 10.24 TB or larger.
(3) The pair status is either (a) or (b)
(a) In case of TC pair, any pair status other than SMPL
(b) In case of UR pair, any pair status other than SMPL or PAIR.
(4) The copy progress status is referred from Storage Navigator or CCI.
Affected Products/Version DKCMAIN: All
Fixed Product/Version DKCMAIN: 70-02-13-00/00
Category True Copy, Universal Replicator
Changed Part DKCMAIN

HDS Confidential 25 of 25

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