Mary Meeting Minutes 5

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Front Street Clinic Internship Meeting

May 6, 2019| 2:00 – 2:30 PM | Meeting called by Mary Sass

Members in Attendance Location: Phone

Alysha Henderson and Mary Sass

Time Item

10 minutes Discuss successes and challenges/concerns

10 minutes Progress update on employee handbook

5 minutes Plan for the rest of internship

5 minutes Questions

Discuss successes and challenges/concerns – No challenges since I have been working with Brittany.

Progress update on employee handbook – Almost done with the handbook. Still need to make the
recommendation journal.

Plan for the rest of internship – Almost done with the handbook, meeting with Brittany soon to go
over the final copy. Still need to make the recommendation journal.

Questions – Asked Mary if she emailed Ben for the mid quarter review and if he has replied. She said
yes she has and he has not replied but not to worry about it.

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