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construct a median heap

graph search and dynamic programming

About basic graph theory (BFS, DFS) and dynamical programming.

Expected value of game with 3 dice re-rolls

Sum of iid U[0,1] variables; find expected number of them to get a sum of 1.

Place bets on 7 World Series games to achieve a certain payoff

How do you decide which variables are the most important in a regression.

dice/coin/conditional prob/expectation

One question from graph theory, and one question about string manipulation and search

got a call from a quant guy who gave me two probability problems (tournament-related) and one algorithmic task:

find a cycle in a single-linked list I solved all problems

How to test randomness

Optimize answers for test cases

1. You have two time series Xt and Yt. You do a regression of Y over X and get coefficient \beta, t-stats and R2.

Now you double the size of the original series with original data and do the regression with new \beta, t-stats

and R2. How will \beta, t-stats and R2 change?

2. given an array of size n, find the fastest way to find maximum and minimum element.

data analysis and statistical testing problems

tell me about finite element methods.

One interviewer asked me to implement an iterator of iterators** and another asked me to write a method

that took a string and returned all of the missing letters that kept the string from being a pangram

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