Table IV: Whether There Is Need For Rural Planning Response Frequency Percentage

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The study respondents were also asked whether there is need for rural planning in

the sub county and the table below is a summary of the findings:-

Table IV: Whether there is need for rural planning

Response Frequency Percentage
Yes 65 100
No 0 0
Total 65 100
Source: Primary Data

The study results thus indicate that there is need for rural planning in the sub
county as indicated by the overwhelming 100%response rate. This thus shows that
rural planning is part and parcel of any community development concept.

Regarding as to whether the community in Bumbo sub county has been

participating in the rural planning decision process, the responses are depicted in
the graph below:-
Figurer II: Whether the community is involved in rural planning decision




Source: Primary Data

The figures from the above table thus indicate that the locals do not participate in
the rural planning decision process as indicated by 82% of the study respondents
who said No. however, 12% stated that they participate in the rural planning
decision process.
The results thus imply that the Local Government officials of sub county officials
do not involve the locals in the rural planning decision process.

What has been happening during the rural planning process in the sub
The respondents were also asked to state what has been happening during the
rural planning process in the sub county and they stated the following:-

Seminars and workshops have been organized to sensitize the locals of Bumbo
Sub County on the rural planning concept so that they can be part and parcel of its
Garbage collection centres have been established whereby all the garbage in the
each sub county are collected.

A sewerage and water system is being established so that water and sewerage in
the sub county can have a systematic flow.

A housing estate with modern housing facilities, coupled with roads, electricity
and water is in the process of being set up to provide accommodation to the
middle class. The housing estate is to be located next to Bumbo Health Centre.

A hospital is to be established at the sub county to act as a referral one from all
the health centres that all being established in the sub county parishes.

A website for the sub county is in the process of being designed. This is to expose
the sub county to the outside world.

Schools are being established ranging from nursery, primary, secondary, tertiary
and also a branch from IUIU is in the process of being opened up in Bumbo sub

Rural planning approaches in the sub county

The respondents were asked to state the rural planning approaches in the sub
county and they stated only the following two approaches which were categorized

Land Use Patterns

Under this approach, land has been divided up, with the swamp areas being
considered for agriculture while the other areas for agriculture.

Residential, commercial and institutions area at a low percentage.

Settlement Patterns
The nature of settlement in the sub county is disappeared because people live and
construct their own houses on their privately owned land.

A new housing estate near the health centre is in the process of being set up to
provide decent accommodation to the middle class.

Has rural Planning addressed the needs of Bumbo sub county

The respondents were asked whether rural planning has helped address the needs
of Bumbo sub county and the table below is a summary of the findings:-

Table V: Whether rural Planning has addressed the needs of Bumbo sub
Response Frequency Percentage
Yes 32 49
No 33 51
Total 65 100
Source: Primary Data

The results indicate that rural planning to a larger extent has slightly not
addressed the needs of the sub county as indicated by 51% response rate; while
49% stated that it has addressed the sub county needs.

The respondents who stated No were asked to give reasons to support their
answer and they stated the following:-

Land wrangles still exist since most of the land has traditional landmarks like
trees which have increased on land encroachment.

People are dispersed in all corners of the sub county.

Health and educational institutions are located in far places.
There is no central market for all the produce that the peasants produce. They
instead move long distances to other areas.

Some areas do not have electricity yet they are located near the sub county head

Current Developments in the sub county as a result of rural development

Regarding the above question, the respondents stated the following:-

Building of an IUIU Branch in the sub county. This is as a result of the

overwhelming cheap education that the University has provided to all the people
in Mbale district and other neighboring districts.

A new administrative unit for the sub county is being built.

A hospital that will cat as a referral for health centres in the parish is in the
process of being established.

A recreational facility under the SHARING YOUTH CENTRE umbrella is

awaiting to be constructed once land is allocated.

The roads leading to the sub county administrative units are beings maintained
and more murram put on them.

Free mosquito nets are being distributed to all households to help malaria.

Why there is need for rural planning

The respondents were also asked to state why there is need for rural planning and
they stated the need to promote and enhance a better environment and to also
create awareness of development.
How the locals have benefited from rural planning
Regarding the above question, the locals stated the following:-

Roads are periodically being maintained as indicated by the ones that have
murram being poured on them.

SACCOs are being formed at Parish level to help increase on the social and
economic welfare of the locals.

A new fully functional administrative unit is in the process of being constructed.

More NGOs are putting up a lot of developments in the area to help improve on
the social and economic welfare of the locals.

A Police Housing Station fully equipped with also housing facilities for
Policemen has been renovated and more units setup.

The sub county is in the process of being granted town council status by the

Higher Institutions of learning such as IUIU branch in Bumbo Sub County is

being constructed and also Bumbo Tertiary Institution to offer vocational studies.

Schools and health centres are being constructed by the government with help of
Manafwa District Local Government.

Challenges faced as a result of rural planning

The respondents were asked to state the challenges that they face and they stated
the following:-
Illiteracy; this was the main and is still the main problems facing the locals.
Majority of them are primary leavers or primary school drop out and therefore are
resistant as regards the implementation of the rural planning approach process.

Moreso, the locals are conservative, they do not want change. One local stated
that change was serious damaging their culture.

Poor transport and communication network in some parishes since the sub county
is hilly.

The sub county officials are ignorant of some aspects regarding rural planning
such as its importance and the approaches.

The sub county officials often take bribes to allow certain developments in the
sub county to take place which at times lead to land wrangles.

Poor record keeping since they sub county uses a manual record keeping system
that makes it hard to keep track of the sub county plans.

The sub county officials are hardly at their offices since they report in the
morning and then after signing, leave for their private work. This thus makes
them inaccessible.

Measures put in place.

Workshops and seminars are being organized to sensitize the locals and the sub
county officials on the need for rural planning in their area.

Cupboards have been procured to ensure that records are well kept and also a
record system has been established whereby files regarding development aspects
in the sub county are all coded for easy retrieval.
Issuing out warning notices by the CAO Manafwa to the Bumbo sub county
officials against dodging office work and also taking or accepting bribes to allow
certain developments in the area to take place.

Periodic maintaining of roads to ease on transport since the who sub county is

Encouraging the locals to take good use of Universal Secondary Education (USE)
system whereby they can continue with their education in secondary. This will
help in fighting illiteracy and also making them change agents.
5.1 Introduction
This chapter is covers the discussion of the study findings from which the
conclusion and recommendations are derived. They are however all base don the
study findings in the previous chapter.

5.2 Discussion of the study findings

The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of rural planning on Bumbo sub
county, Manafwa district as the case study.

The objectives of the study were to assess whether there is and rural planning
approach applied in the sub county, identification of the difefrnet land use
pattersns that exist and the possible solutions to the challenges resulting from
rural planning.
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendations

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