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Interim Professional Experience Report

Name of Pre­Service Teacher
Jessica Thompson
Unit Code
School Name
Frederick Irwin Anglican School
Name of person completing form
Stephen King
Role of person submitting form
Teacher of HASS and ATAR Politics and Law and Modern History
Standard One 
Know students and how they learn
Please indicate if the pre-service teacher's performance is satisfactory
Jess has taken an interest in all students in her participating classes. She adjusts her approach and materials to differentiate
between learning styles and capabilities.
Standard Two
Know the content and how to teach it 
Please indicate if the pre-service teacher's performance is satisfactory
Jess is knowledgeable on how to teach the content and is working towards mastery of the content. Lesson preparation always
reflects content detail.
Standard 3
Plan for and implement for effective teaching and learning
Please indicate if the pre-service teacher's performance is satisfactory
Jess's planning is detailed and comprehensive. She seeks and takes advice during the planning phase of her lessons.
Standard Four
Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
Please indicate if the pre-service teacher's performance is satisfactory
Jess has a firm but approachable manner. Students feel respected and comfortable in her classes. She sets expectations well and has
developed a good rapport with students.
Standard Five
Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
Please indicate if the pre-service teacher's performance is satisfactory
Jess has not had the opportunity for formal summative assessment. Her anecdotal and formative feedback to students has been
positive and encouraging with suggestions on how to improve.
Standard Six
Engage in professional learning
Please indicate if the pre-service teacher's performance is satisfactory 
Jess actively seeks and takes advice. She engages well with Department staff and shows a keen interest in her own professional
development and learning. She has been open to critical feedback, which she receives positively.
Standard Seven
Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Please indicate if the pre-service teacher's performance is satisfactory
Jess engages with other HASS staff and the wider school community very well. She is polite and a good listener.
Areas of strength
Planning and organisation. Openness to advice. Approachable and pleasant personality, Relationships with staff and students.
Areas for further development
Development of content knowledge.

Actioned by Tammy Cowan on 27/05/2019 9:32:23 AM

Actioned by Robert Knox (138) on 3/06/2019 7:20:41 PM

Actioned by Jessica Thompson (32002378) on 28/05/2019 2:20:14 PM

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