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Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr.

Memorial National High School

Senior High School Department



A Research Paper Presented To

The Faculty of Senior High School Department

As a Requirement for the Subject

Practical Research - 2

Kennyben M. Gallogo
Ace Agustines
Kenjie Alejandrino
Steven Apatan
Reygie Abrio

October 2018
Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School i
Senior High School Department


This research endeavor would not have been possible without the support and

help of the following people who in many ways contributed much for the success of this

research work.

The researchers would like to express their sincerest thanks to the ALMIGHTY GOD,

for the divine love, good health, bountiful blessings, guidance and wisdom He has given

to them.

Mr. Niño L. Ecle, their research adviser, for his continuous encouragement,

guidance, support, patience, and constructive supervision throughout their work.

Dr. Teresita P. Loca, their principal, for the untiring consideration,

encouragement, inspiration, and motherly support given to the researchers.

The respondents, for their cooperation to answer the researchers’ given


The researchers’ heartfelt gratitude and thanks to their families for their financial

help, inspiration, endless love and support to make this research possible.

Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School ii
Senior High School Department




Kennyben M. Gallogo
Ace Agustines
Kenjie Alejandrino
Steven Apatan
Reygie Abrio

This study aimed to determine the residential wiring connection in Barangay

Mahayahay, Municipality of San Jose. The respondents of the study were the 225

selected households using the Slovin’s formula of the respondents. The study utilized a

researcher-made questionnaire as the instrument in data gathering. The data gathered

were treated using the frequency and percentage in determining the status and extent

compliance of the respondents according to the Philippine Electrical Code. Also

utilized descriptive and frequency statistics in determining the number of respondents

and each profile. It also utilized Spearman’s rho in determining the significant

relationship between the profile and extent compliance of the respondents according

to the Philippine Electrical Code.

The results revealed that the status of the respondents on residential wiring

connection, most of the respondents followed the standard sizes of wires and the
Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School iii
Senior High School Department

amapacity of circuit breakers. The Extent compliance of the respondents according to

the PEC, most of the respondents complied the all requirements.

The study led to the conclusion, most of the houses of Barangay Mahayahay.

Municipality of San Jose complied all requirements and follows the regulation of the

Philippine Electrical Code and followed the standard sizes of wires and ampacity of

circuit breaker.

The barangay captain can provide more opportunities for residents in terms of

residential wiring connection.

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Senior High School Department



ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................................i


TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………………………….iv

LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………………………………vi

LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………………………….vii



Introduction .......................................................................................1

Conceptual and Theoretical Framework .....................................2

Statement of the Problem ...............................................................5

Hypothesis ..........................................................................................5

Significance of the Study .................................................................6

Scope and Limitation .......................................................................7

Definition of Terms .............................................................................8

Review of Literature ..........................................................................9

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Senior High School Department


Research Design ........................................................................ 17

Research Environment.................................................................. 17

Research Respondents ............................................................ 18

Research Instrument .................................................................. 19

Validity………………………………………………………………… 19

Reliability……………………………………………………………….. 19

Ethics and Data Gathering Procedure ................................... 19

Data Analysis………………………………………………………… 20

3 RESULTS AND DISCUSION…………………………………………………… 21


Summary .........................................................................................29

Findings ........................................................................................... 29

Conclusion ............................................................ ………………..30

Recommendation ....................................................................... 31

REFERENCES ................................................ …………………………………………………. 32


A Letter of Validation to the Expert ..............................................................37

B Letter of Request for the Conduct a Dry Run to

the Barangay Captain ............................................................................. 38
C Letter of Request for Conduct a
Survey Questionnaire…………………………………………………………. 39
D Questionnaire for the Respondents……………………………………….....40
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Table Page

1 On the Profile of the Respondents Results………………………………21

2 On the Results of the Status of the Respondents

on Residential Wiring Connection………………………………………...23

3 On the Extent of Compliance of the Respondents

According to the Philippine Electrical Code and

Fire Safety Requirements……………………………………………………25

4 On the relationship between profile and extent

compliance according to Philippine Electrical Code

and Fire Safety Requirements……………………………………………..27

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Figure Page

1 Schematic Model…………………………………………………………...4

2 Location Map of Barangay Mahayahay…………………………….....18

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Electrical connection issues are often just a loose connection that may cause

electrical fires in your home. Sometimes the connections are fine, but the terminals are

loose and haven’t been tightened correctly. This can cause the same problem and is

quite dangerous if it isn’t fixed immediately. (Carlson2018). Some are caused by faulty

twine nuts or an unfastened twine crimp connection, a few without fault to the one that

mounted them. I have seen some defective materials which have prompted those

troubles, but there are also lots of the relationship faults caused by the man or woman

making the relationship, often the house owner (THIELE 2017).

In Germany the wiring connection system is particularly suitable for investigations of

wiring specificity. They will examine the wiring specificity and our present understanding

of wiring connections between these topics is to how to fix the wiring connection at

home. In Japan this is commonly done in residential wiring schemes by application of a

safety ground at each convenience outlet. To maintain the safety ground at an

equipotential level throughout a residence some form of earth electrode connection is

typically used, but not in all cases as will be shown.

According to Petilla (2018), it should be studied very carefully as several things

should be first considered, such as the installation cost.

Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School 2
Senior High School Department

Hence, the researcher sought a solution about residential wiring connections

that has to be resolved. The importance of this study is to know the household wiring

connection in Barangay Mahayahay, Municipality of San Jose.

Conceptual and Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on Hung’s Theory: Having residential fires due to low-

voltage power system faults. Three possible mechanisms that generate transient heat

are by poor connection, arcing and overloading. Poor connection is a high-resistance

connection (HRC) is a problem that results from loose or poor connections in traditional

electrical accessories and switchgear which can cause heat to develop, capable of

starting a fire. Arcing is a luminous discharge of current that is formed when a strong

current jumps a gap in a circuit or between two electrodes. Overloading is to load an

excessive amount in or on something, such as an overload of electricity which shorts out

the circuits.

Figure 1 shows the Schematic model of the study. The first box contains a

variable, profile and status of the respondents on residential wiring connection,

considering that it may affect the variable in the second box which is the extent of

compliance of the respondents according to the Philippine Electrical Code and Fire

Safety Requirements. The independent variable, profile and status of the respondents

on residential wiring connection and box 2 contain the dependent variable, extent of

compliance of the respondents according to the Philippine Electrical Code and Fire
Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School 3
Senior High School Department

Safety Requirements. This take a look at pursuits to realize the connection of the 2 and if

the variable in field 2 truly relies upon on the variable in box 1.

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Senior High School Department

 Profile of the

Age Extent Compliance

Sex of the Respondents
High Educational According to the
Attainment Philippine Electrical
Economic Status Code and Fire
 Status of the Safety
Respondents on Requirements.

Figure 1. Schematic Model of the Study

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Senior High School Department


The main problem of this study is to determine the residential wiring connection in

Baranagay Mahayahay, Municipality of San Jose

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the profile variables of the respondents in terms of Age, Sex, High

Educational Attainment and Economical Status?

2. What is the status of residential wiring connection of the selected households

in Barangay Mahayahay?

3. What is the extent of compliance of the respondents according to Philippine

Electrical Code?

4. Is there a significant relationship between profile and the extent compliance

of the respondents according to Philippine Electrical Code?


At 0.05 level of significance, it is hypothesized that

Ho – There is no significant relationship between profile and the extent

compliance of the respondents according to Philippine Electrical Code.

Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School
Senior High School Department


This study would be significant to the following:

Barangay Captain. If the barangay captain would know the wiring

connection in every residence through this study, this can help them in

implementing standard wiring connection that would be safety in every


Barangay Officials. If the barangay officials will be informed of the number

of houses with improper wiring connection it may be lessened and they can help

in implementing standard wiring connection on households.

Residence. The findings in this study may help residence in barangay

mahayahay to improve their wiring connection. Through this, they may know if

their household wiring does not follow the proper wiring connection and they

can change it.

Researchers. This may serve as one of the references for future researchers

in conducting similar studies.

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Senior High School Department


To clarify thoughts and precisely understood of the findings may provide, the

scope of this study is limited to the following:

Focus. This study focused on determining the wiring connection in Barangay

Mahayahay, Municiaplity of San Jose in residential sector.

Respondents. The respondents of the study were the 514 houses in Barangay

Mahayahay, Municipality of San Jose.

Place and Time. This study was conducted at Barangay Mahayahay in San Jose,

Dinagat Islands during the first semester of school year 2018-2019.

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Senior High School Department


Residential Wiring - consists of an electrical wiring system that distributes energy

to be used in equipment and appliances around the house. It also involves the proper

installation and operation of the electrical outlets, switches, breakers, meter base and

different electrical circuits.

Extent of Compliance – the act of process of doing what you have been the

range or distance that is covered by something to asked or ordered to do.

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Wiring Connection in Residential Sector

A wiring connection is a simple visual representation of the

physical connections and physical layout of an electrical system or circuit. It shows how

the electrical wires are interconnected and can also show where fixtures and

components may be connected to the system. Wiring connection is not just easy to do

it. These days almost everybody uses electricity in their houses and work places. So

having at least a basic understanding of domestic electric circuits would help you

immensely (CHATHURANGA 2018). I discussed knob and tube wiring and the potential

problems and issues that may arise if your home still contains legacy knob and

tube. Perhaps your home still contains knob and tube, or you are considering

remodeling or planning new construction. In this article I will explain current options and

residential wiring best practices (SASSE 2013).

First, it is necessary to explain what an “electrical fire” is. It is not simply a fire

originating in a device powered by electricity. If this were the case, then a fire caused

by overheating cooking oil on an electric hob would be an electrical fire, which it is not.

Instead, an electrical fire is a fire directly caused by the flow of electric current or by

static electricity. Next, one should get some measure of how important are such

occurrences. Even at this simple level, we already encounter obstacles, if we want to

examine the US statistics. The NFIRS/NFPA national statistical database does not have

an overall category of “electrical fires,” but it does provide classifications according to

Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School
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the “Factor contributing to ignition” and a different classification according to the type

of device that led to the ignition. If all of the Factors that denote an electrical fire are

aggregated, the results in Table 1 emerge [1]. This implies that 16% of the structure fires

that are reported to fire departments are electrical fires (BABRAUSKAS 2017).

According to National Electrical Code the earliest residential wiring systems were

an open wiring system often referred to as “knob-and-tube.” The individual conductors

were run spaced apart at least 2-1/2 inches (if exposed), but as the wires passed

through walls and floors, they could be susceptible to dampness and abrasion, which

could eventually lead to leakage currents and arcing fires. For protection in these

places, “insulating tubes” which could be placed in wood holes were used. These tubes

were made of porcelain, with a flange on one end and set on an angle to prevent the

tube from sliding through the hole. To support the individual conductors in other places,

a wide variety of insulators, including porcelain knobs and cleats were used. These were

nailed to the wood structure, and included a leather washer under the nail head to

prevent the porcelain from being cracked when it was hammered in place. Although

knobs had two grooves, they could not be used to support two wires of opposite

polarity. However, cleats could be used when wires were run in parallel. In addition to

keeping the wires spaced apart, these knobs and cleats also helped in keeping the

conductors away from wood and other damp surfaces, as well as providing a degree

of strain relief. Where free ends of wire attached to boxes, fixtures, and other devices,

special water resistant cotton braid tubing known as “loom” was used to cover the wire.
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Knob-and-tube wiring systems began being phased out in the 1930s, probably because

of the then growing popularity of nonmetallic and armored cable systems for residential

buildings. For new installations, the NEC has not permitted knob-and-tube wiring since

the mid-1970s, however, it is still described in the NEC for existing installations and by

special permission.

Wiring connection should be safety to be integrated as discount of danger to a

stage that is as low as reasonable and as workable. It is a country of built-in and built-in

that ought to emerge as an built-in integrated part of each built-in system. This is what

built-included protection and completely effective. Electrical protection is more crucial,

because we couldn't built-in realize that, what amount of current a easy cable or a

naked conductor built-in or at a glance we could not built-in whether a conductor is

stay or dead. This built integrated look could misguide us. And this is the basis reason of

maximum of electrical accident. Chance is chance of integrated built-in integrated

built integrated have an effect and might be counted by means of its result and

chance. Twist of fate is a built-in event inflicting lack of life or bodily built-in built

integrated and loss of built-in. accident is an unplanned occasion which hampers the

technique of production and provides miseries. Built integrated arise both due to unsafe

act or hazardous motion of work or both. Protection Precaution approach to strictly

observe the prescribed guide built integrated for safety of self, built-in personnel and

gear to behavior electric paintings, built-in opportunity of electric powered surprise or

hazards could be skilled. Protection of an electrical integrated might be ensured via

Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School 12
Senior High School Department

proper integrated solution, right earth integrated system and adopt integrated

adequate safety and manage systems (GHOSH et al, 2015).

According to Stauffer and Rosenberg (2009), electrical wiring includes all types

of electrical installations. Learning residential wiring requires students to identify

electrical products and to understand important terms and rules in electrical wiring. In

addition, they learn to use appropriate conductors to carry electricity among related

devices to construct electrical systems in residential construction.

Electrically initiated fires can be caused by old as well as new wiring. Potentially

hazardous conditions, such as overloaded extension cords, loose wires on outlets,

broken wires with intermittent connection, deteriorated wiring, damaged and abused

cord sets, corroded plugs and sockets, damaged insulation, etc can be created in old

as well as new wiring. There are also many variables, especially with portable cord sets

and extension cords, that can increase the probability of starting a fire, such as rugs

over cords, curtains near cords, or other highly flammable objects at the site of

unintended overheating. (Shea 2010).

“Electrical wire” is a catchall term that refers to conductors that route electricity

from a power source to lights, appliances, and other electrical devices. Wires and

cables of various sizes bring electricity to a house and route it to all the lights, switches,

receptacles, and electrical appliances. Generally speaking, large cables deliver

electricity to the house and smaller cables and wires distribute it throughout

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According to Peace and Rights Development of Society (2018), electrical wiring

some devices like ranges and electric water heaters use a lot of power. Phones and

thermostats use very little. No matter what kind of wiring you have there can be

problems. Electrical wiring is not generally for the novice. However, you do not need an

electrical engineering degree to make some repairs. Before attempting any electrical

repair you want to take safety precautions. Pay close attention to the warnings and

make sure that the power is off before you mess around with anything. With the right

information and precautions you may find that you are able to fix some things yourself

and save the cost of a repairman.

Power comes into the home through overhead service strains or underground

electric powered traces. Your electricity usage is measured at a meter container,

earlier than the main feed goes to a switchboard of circuit breakers or fuses that

manipulate the various electrical circuits in your home. Your strength supplier is

answerable for the electric energy connections, but they may be not chargeable for

any infrastructure, cabling or electricity poles beyond the connection point. At your

switchboard, there ought to be a switch labelled ‘principal switch’ on the way to flip off

all strength and lighting circuits in your house. now and again a separate tariff will

energy pool pumps or hot water structures, and this could have a separate switch. Any

hooked up protection switches may be for your switchboard and, if your property has a

sun electricity device, there will be a nearby inverter. your own home will even have an

‘earth stake’ in the floor outdoor, with an earth twine connected. The stake can
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deplete a static discharge, such as a lightning strike, at once to earth. You must now

not eliminate or tamper with this stake and also you need to have it checked

periodically, mainly for corrosion (The State of Queensland, 2017).

The electrical wiring must be installed correctly and safely in accordance with

electrical regulations and standards. If the electrical wiring is carried incorrectly or

without confirming to any standard, devices could damage or leads to the

malfunctioning of device which further causes for the reduction of device life

(, 2015).

Electrical wiring is a process of connecting different accessories for the

distribution of electrical energy from the supplier to various appliances and equipment

at home like television, lamps, air conditioners, etc (D&F Liquidators, 2018). Our

domestic’s electrical machine is more than only a bunch of wires – it’s a complex

gadget, carefully designed to supply all the power you need for cutting-edge life within

the safest manner possible. understanding how your own home’s electrical system

works will assist you be a extra “empowered” property owner electrical gadget consists

of the line from the pole, a meter in which electrical usage is tallied, a major circuit

breaker panel (now and again referred to as “load facilities” and, in older homes, fuse

panels), separate wiring circuits to all of the rooms in the home, outlets, mild fixture

boxes, and numerous difficult-wired appliances (Wilson, 2018). On this technique of

wiring, connections to home equipment are made thru joints. Those joints are made in

joint containers by using suitable connectors or joints cutouts. This technique of wiring
Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School 15
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doesn’t eat too much cables length, you may suppose because this technique of

wiring doesn’t require an excessive amount of cable it is consequently cheaper. it's far

of route however the money you saved from shopping for cables may be utilized in

shopping for joint bins, as a result equation is balanced. This approach is appropriate for

transient installations and it's miles cheap (Electrical Technology, 2018).

Electricity flows to your lights and appliances from the power company through

your panel, its breakers, out on your circuits and back. Your electrical utility company

and its distribution system bring power over wires and through switches and transformers

from the generating plant all the way to a point of connection at your home. The

utility's system itself can have trouble that can affect things in your home. Its built-in

safety features can stop power in time, but other connections, broken lines, storms,

imperfections, or mistakes can sometimes allow unusual voltages into your system,

possibly damaging parts of it. The sensitivity of home electronic equipment to this has

made us more aware of this possibility, so that our use of surge protectors has become

common. But some surges are difficult to protect against and can be similar to lightning

strikes in their effects (Dimock 2015).

More than 30 million homes, or about one-third of the homes in the United States

are at least 50 years old, and studies have shown that the frequency of fires in these

aging homes is disproportionately high. Many older homes were built with electrical

systems and components which are no longer safe and may be considered as fire

hazards. Fire and other electrical safety concerns may arise due to aging, improper
Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School 16
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installation and alteration, or misuse. It is important to identify what type, color, and size

wire is needed in order to properly address hazardous situations before they become

critical (Electrical Safety Foundation International, 2018).

The Connect Wiring System is a simple to use solution that saves time and cuts

the cost of installation, whilst providing future maintenance and flexibility benefits. Ideal

for today's fast paced project requirements. Each luminaire specified with the Connect

system is fitted with an integral panel mounted socket. A pre-fabricated lead kit,

consisting of a T-connector plus 3 or 5 metres of 4 core LSOH cable fitted with a

connector at each end, rapidly links standard or emergency converted luminaires

together. Future maintenance or reconfiguration is straightforward, with luminaires

simply plugged in and out of the circuit. If time and cost is paramount, the Connect

Wiring System is an indispensable option (Eaton 2018).

Synthesis. This review of literature have direct bearing with the present study,

understanding how your own home’s electrical system works will assist you be an extra

“empowered” property owner electrical gadget consists of the line from the pole, a

meter in which electrical usage is tallied, a major circuit breaker panel, separate wiring

circuits to all of the rooms in the home, outlets, mild fixture boxes, and numerous

difficult-wired appliances.
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Senior High School Department



Research Design

The study applied the descriptive research layout. It is appropriate as it

described the residential wiring connection at Barangay Mahayahay, Municipality of

San Jose and decided their considerable difference on wiring connection in residential

area. The result may be analyzed through SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences).

Research Environment

This study is to be conducted at Barangay Mahayahay, Municipality of San Jose.

There are 225 selected households in Barangay Mahayahay, Municipality of San Jose.

Mahayahay is one of 12 Barangays of the municipality of San Jose, Dinagat

Islands, Philippines. The barangay is east of the town proper of San Jose, in the Southern

portion of the province.

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Barangay Mahayahay,
Municipality of San Jose

Map of Barangay Mahayahay, Municipality San Jose

Research Respondents

The respondents of the study were the 225 randomly selected households of

Barangay Mahayahay, Municipality of San Jose.

Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School
Senior High School Department

Research Instruments

The researchers used a survey instrument to gather the needed data. A

researcher–made questionnaire will be given to the household respondents to know

about wiring connection.


To ensure validity of the instrument, a draft of the questionnaire was presented

first to the research adviser for some corrections, and after it the questionnaire was

carefully revised.


To ensure reliability of the survey instrument, a dry run was conducted. The researchers

administered the instrument to 10 samples from the Barangay Aurelio, Municipality of

San Jose. It obtained a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.928 indicating a reliable instrument.

Ethics and Data Gathering Procedure

This professional task will be done with utmost prudence and confidentiality.

Whatever data gathered were kept and only authorized persons were allowed to read

in order to give due respect to the respondents.

To gather the data needed for the study, the researchers sent a formal letter to

the office of the Barangay Captain, requesting permission to administer the instrument.
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Upon approval, the researchers will personally administer the questionnaires to

the respondents. Retrieval of the data will be made personally by the researchers. The

data will be tallied, computed, analyzed, and interpreted.


Descriptive Statistics were used for table no 1 to determining the minimum and

maximum of age.

Frequency Statistics were used for table no 1, 2 and 3 to determining the number of the

respondents in terms of profile, status of the respondent on residential wiring connection

and extent of compliance of the respondents according to Philippine Electrical Code

and Fire Safety Requirements.

Spearman’s rho were used for table no 4 to determine the relationship between the

profile and extent compliance of the respondents according to the Philippine Electrical

Code and Fire Safety Requirements in Sex, Age, High Educational Attainment and

Economical Status.
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This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the data gathered in the study.

On the Profile of the Respondents

Table 1 presents the profile of the respondents in terms of sex, economical

status, high educational attainment and age.

Table no 1


PROFILE F(n=225) %
Male 123 54.7
SEX Female 102 45.3
Below 5000 18 8
5000 – 10000 51 22.7
11000 - 15000 80 35.6
ECONOMICAL 16000 - 20000 45 20
STATUS 20000 Above 31 13.8
Elementary Level 13 5.8
Elementary Graduate 16 7.1
High School Level 37 16.4
High School Graduate 65 28.9
HIGH College Level 39 17.3
EDUCATIONAL College Graduate 43 19.1
ATTAINMENT Post Graduate 12 5.3
N Minimum Maximum Mean
Age 225 15 80 43.2
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Senior High School Department

Table 1 shows that there were 123 male (54.7%) and 102 female (45.3) that

comprises the 225 respondents. It had been statistically described that the economical

status were 18 respondents below 5000 (8%), 51 respondents 5000-10000 (22.7%), 80

respondents 11000-15000 (35.6%), 45 respondents 16000-20000 (20%) and 31

respondents 20000 above (13.8%). The respondents’ High Educational Attainment were

13 respondents elementary level (5.8%), 16 respondents elementary graduate (7.1%),

37respondents high school graduate (16.4%), 65 respondents high school graduate

(28.9%), 39 respondents college level (17.3%), 43 respondents college graduate (19.1%)

and 12 respondents post graduate (5.3%). Meanwhile, the respondents’ age has a

minimum of 15 years old and maximum of 80 years old with the mean 43.2.
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On the Status of the Respondents on Residential Wiring Connection

Table 2 presents the status of the respondents on residential wiring
Table no 2
Status of the Respondents on Residential Wiring Connection

Status of the Respondents on Residential Wiring F % F %
1. I have temporary wirings within the house. 55 24.4 170 75.6

2. I use circuit breakers enclosed in a panel board 191 84.4 34 15.1

with corresponding proper ampacity.
3. I use safety breaker that controls all the 162 72 63 28
4. I have separated wirings for lighting fixtures and 154 68.4 71 31.6
small appliance circuit.

5. The wires used in installation were 117 52 108 48

6. The wires used in installation were PDX wires. 155 68.9 70 31.1
7. There are missing covers on junction boxes, 101 44.9 124 55.1
panels, switches or receptacles.

8. Moisture or excessive dirt or dust can be seen 136 60.4 89 39.6

on some of the electrical equipment or panels.

9. We have encountered electrical shocks in our 94 41.8 131 58.2


Table 2 reveals that the status of the respondents on residential wiring

connection were 55 respondents (24.4%) have temporary wirings and 170 respondents

(75.6%) have not temporary wirings. 191 respondents (84.4%) have circuit breakers
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enclosed in a panel board with corresponding proper ampacity and 34 respondents

(15.1%) have no circuit breakers enclosed in a panel board with corresponding proper

ampacity. 162 respondents (72%) have safety breaker that controls all the installation

and 63 respondents (28%) have no safety breaker that controls all the installation. 154

respondents (68.4) have separated wirings for lighting fixtures and small appliance

circuit and 71 respondents (31.6%) have not separated wirings for lighting fixtures and

small appliance circuit. 117 respondents (52%) wires used in installation were

THHN/THWN/THW/TW and 108 respondents (48%) did not used in installation were

THHN/THWN/THW/TW. 155 respondents (68.9%) wires used in installation were PDX wires

and 70 respondents (31.1) did not used in installation were PDX wires. 101 respondents

(44.9) have missing covers on junction boxes, panels, switches or receptacles and 124

respondents (55.1%) have not missing covers on junction boxes, panels, switches or

receptacles and 124 respondents. 136 respondents (60.4%) have moisture or excessive

dirt or dust of the electrical equipment or panels and 89 respondents (39.6) have not

moisture or excessive dirt or dust of the electrical equipment or panels. 94 respondents

(41.8%) have encountered electrical shocks and 131 respondents (58.2%) have not

encountered electrical shocks.

According to National Electrical and Communications Association, Electricity

comes into the home via overhead service lines or underground electric lines. Your

electricity usage is measured at a meter box, before the main feed goes to a

switchboard of circuit breakers or fuses that control the various electrical circuits in your
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home. Sometimes a separate tariff will power pool pumps or hot water systems, and this

will have a separate switch. Any installed safety switches will be on your switchboard.

On the Extent of Compliance of the Respondents According to the PEC

Table 3 presents the extent of compliance of respondents according to PEC

Table no 3

Extent of Compliance of the Respondents based on PEC Requirements

Extent Compliance of the Respondents according to the Complied Not

PEC Requirements Complied
F % F %
1. An electrical plan was acquired before 143 63.6 82 36.4
requesting for a permit.
2. The electrician who have installed our wiring 173 76.9 52 23.1
connections have a license.
3. The electrician who have installed our wiring 189 84 36 16
connections follows the standard sizes of
4. The wirings in our house were properly 132 58.7 93 41.3
installed and conduits/raceways were used.
5. I have acquired a permit before requesting 128 56.9 97 43.1
electrical installation.

Table no 3 shows that the extent of compliance of the respondents according to

the PEC requirements were 144 respondents complied an electrical plan was acquired

before requesting for a permit with 63.6% and 82 respondents are not complied and

electrical plan was acquired before requesting for a permit with 36.4%. 173 respondents

(76.9%) complied the electrician who have installed the wiring connection have a

license and 52 respondents (23.1%) are not complied the electrician who have installed
Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School 26
Senior High School Department

the wiring connection have a license. There are 189 respondents (84%) complied the

electrician who have installed wiring connection follows the standard of sizes of wires

and 36 respondents (16%) are not complied the electrician who have installed wiring

connection follows the standard of sizes of wires. 132 respondents complied proper

installed such as wirings and raceway were used with 58.7% and 93 respondents are not

complied proper installed such as wirings and raceway were used with 41.3%. Based

on the results were 128 respondents (56.9) complied the permit before requesting

electrical installation.

According to the Philippine Electrical Code, the installation of electrical

conductors, device, and raceways; signaling and communications conductors, system,

and raceways; and optical fiber cables and raceways hooked up inside or on, to or

from personal buildings, such as residential, that could require sensible safeguarding of

folks from the hazards springing up from using electricity.

Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School 27
Senior High School Department

On the Significant Relationship between Profile and Extent Compliance of the

Respondents according to Philippine Electrical Code

Table no 4

Significant Relationship between Profile and Extent Compliance of the Respondents

according to Philippine Electrical Code

Variables Correlation p-value Decision Interpretation

Sex -0.013 0.844 Not rejected Not significant

Age -0.94 0.159 Not rejected Not Significant

High 0.213 0.001 Rejected Significant
Economic 0.213 0.001 Rejected Significant
p value < 0.05 is significant

It can be deduced from the table that sex have a computed correlation

coefficient of -0.013, p value 0.844, age has an correlation coefficient of -0.94, p value

0.159, the null hypothesis is not rejected. Thus, there is no significant relationship

between the sex, age and extent of compliance of the respondents according to PEC.

The high educational attainment were the correlation coefficient of 0.213, p value

0.001, economic status has an correlation coefficient of 0.213, p value 0.001, the null

hypothesis is rejected. Thus there is a significant relationship between educational

attainment, economic status and extent of compliance of the respondents according

to PEC. Thus, it implies significant because the high educational attainment and

economical status will affect the extent of compliance of PEC because if your high
Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School 28
Senior High School Department

educational attainment is elementary level you did not know what the PEC

requirements are. If your economical status below 5000 you cannot comply with PEC

compliance such as electrical plan and permit. According to Philippine Electrical

Code, contains provisions that are considered minimum requirements necessary for

safety. Compliance therewith and proper maintenance will result in an installation that

is essentially free from hazard but not necessarily efficient, convenient, or adequate for

good service or future expansion of electrical use.

Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School 29
Senior High School Department



This chapter summarizes the results and findings of the study, on the basis of

findings, conclusions were drawn and recommendations were given.


This study aimed to ascertain the Residential Wiring Connection in Barangay

Mahayahay, Municipality of San Jose. It determined as to what are the status and the

extent compliance of the respondents according to Philippine Electrical Code and Fire

Safety Requirements. Furthermore, it also determined the significant relationship

between profile and the extent compliance of the respondents according to Philippine

Electrical Code and Fire Safety requirements.

Findings. The findings of the study are herein given:

1. Most of the respondents followed the standard sizes of wires and the amapcity

of circuit breaker.

2. Most of the respondents complied the all requirements according to PEC

3. There is a significant relationship between high educational attainment,

economic status and extent of compliance of the respondents according to the

Philippine Electrical Code.

4. There is no significant relationship between sex, age and extent of compliance

of the respondents according to the PEC.

Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School 30
Senior High School Department


Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. The houses of Barangay Mahayahay. Municipality of San Jose complied all

requirements and follows the regulation of the Philippine Electrical Code.

2. Most houses followed the standard sizes of wires and ampacity of circuit

Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School 31
Senior High School Department


Based on the conclusions of the study, the following recommendations were


Barangay Captain. Can provide more opportunities for residents in terms of

residential wiring connection.

Barangay Officials. Must implement the standard wiring connection in


Residents. must provide the license electrician to be installed in wiring


Researchers. Can conduct more studies about the survey on residential wiring

Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School 32
Senior High School Department


Carlson (2018). Electrical Wire Connection Problems and Solutions. Retrieved from:

CHATHURANGA (2018). Basic Electrical Parts & Components of House Wiring Circuits.
Retrieved from:

D&F Liquidators (2018). About House Electrical Wiring System – A Small Guide. Retrieve

Dimock (2015). Your Home Electrical System. Retrieve from:

Eaton (2018). Connect Wiring System - luminaire linking for lighting controls. Retrieved

Electrical Safety Foundation International (2018). Understanding Your Home Electrical

System. Retrieve from:

Electrical Technology (2018). Different Types of Wiring Systems and Methods of Electrical
Wiring. Retrieve from:
Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School 33
Senior High School Department

FUSARO (2012). Five common problems with wiring and connections. The Most
Sophisticated Network Can't Do Its Job With Loose Ends, Corrosion, and Interference
Plaguing the Wiring. Retrieved from:

GHOSH et al, (2015). An Article on Electrical Safety. Retrieve from:



In Japan The characteristic differences in residential grounding practices from several

areas of the world are explored. Retrieved from:

National Electrical and Communications Association. The electricity in the home

Retrieved from:

NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE. Residential Electrical System Aging Research Project.

Retrieved from:

Peace and Rights Development of Society (2018). Electrical House Wiring. Retrieved

Petilla (2014). Issued the statement after the Manila Electric Co. (Meralco) said it is
“seriously” considering putting electric wires underground after the damage inflicted by
Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School 34
Senior High School Department

Typhoon Glenda caused widespread power outages. Retrieved from:

Philippine Electrical Code. The requirements of residential wiring connection

Philippine Household Electrical (2014). I generally prefer to make blog entries showing
off my vacations and laughing at you schmucks still working for a living. Retrieved from:

SASSE(2013). Residential Wiring Best Practices. Retrieved from:

Shea (2010). Identifying causes for certain types of electrically initiated fires in residential
circuits. Retrieved from:

Stauffer and Rosenberg (2009). Learning residential electrical wiring through computer
simulation: The impact of computer‐based learning environments on student
achievement and cognitive load. Retrieve from:

The State of Queensland (2017). Electricity in the home. Retrieved from:

THIELE (2017). Electrical Wire Connection Problems and Solutions.
Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School 35
Senior High School Department

VANDERVORT (2014). Home Electrical Wiring. Retrieve From:

Wilson (2018). Get to Know Your Home's Electrical System. Retrieved from:
Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School 36
Senior High School Department

Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School 37
Senior High School Department

October 1, 2018
Teacher II: Junior High School Department
DREESMNHS: P-4 Don Ruben, San Jose, Dinagat Islands


The researchers are currently conducting their study titled “A SURVEY ON RESIDENTIAL
requirement for their subject in Practical Research (Quantitative Research

With this, they may ask your expertise to validate their survey-questionnaire/checklist
attached her with and kindly reflect your suggestions and recommendation for its

Anticipating your positive response regarding this matter.

Very truly yours,

(SGD) Kennyben M. Gallogo (SGD) Steven Apatan (SGD) Kenjie Alejandrino

Researcher Researcher Researcher

(SGD) Raygie Abrio (SGD) Ace Agustines

Researcher Researcher

Noted by:


Research Instructor

Action taken: VALIDATED

Name of Validator: (SGD) HERMAN F. CEBUANO
Date of Validation: October 2, 2018
Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School 38
Senior High School Department

Letter of Request for Conduct of Dry – Run
October 9, 2018
Barangay Captain, Aurelio
San Jose Dinagat Islands


The undersigned is presently undertaking a research entitles “A SURVEY ON RESIDENTIAL


In this connection, the undersigned would like to ask permission from your good office
to administer a dry run of our research instrument to the residents of Barangay Aurelio.

Please be assured that all the respondents shall be treated with utmost confidentially.
Attached herewith is a copy of the questionnaire for your reference.

Thank you very much for the most generous approval.

Respectfully yours,
Kennyben M. Gallogo (SGD)
Kenjie Alejandrino (SGD)
Steven Apatan (SGD)
Reygie Abrio (SGD)
Ace Agustines (SGD)

Noted by: Approved by:

Research Instructor Barangay Captain
Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School 39
Senior High School Department

Letter of Request for Conduct of the Survey Questionnaire
October 8, 2018
Barangay Captain, Mahayahay
San Jose Dinagat Islands


The undersigned is presently undertaking a research entitles “A SURVEY ON RESIDENTIAL


In this connection, the undersigned would like to ask permission from your good office
to administer a dry run of our research instrument to the residents of Barangay

Please be assured that all the respondents shall be treated with utmost confidentially.
Attached herewith is a copy of the questionnaire for your reference.

Thank you very much for the most generous approval.

Respectfully yours,
Kennyben M. Gallogo (SGD)
Kenjie Alejandrino (SGD)
Steven Apatan (SGD)
Reygie Abrio (SGD)
Ace Agustines (SGD)

Noted by: Approved by:


Research Instructor Barangay Captain
Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School 40
Senior High School Department

Name (Optional): ___________________________________________

Sex: MALE FEMALE Age:_______
Economic Status: Highest Educational Attainment:
Below 5,000 Elementary Level
5,000 – 10,000 Elementary Graduate
11,000 – 15,000 High School Level
16,000 – 20,000 High School Graduate
Above 20,000 College Level
College Graduate
Post Graduate

Dear Mam/Sir
We are in the process of gathering data through survey that will be used in our
study. We would like to request for your outmost cooperation and support by answering
our questionnaire and rest assured that all the information derived will be kept for
research purposes only. Thank you for your honest response.

Direction: Answer the following question. Then check If YES OR NO at the other box.

Status of the Respondents on Residential Wiring Connection
1. I have temporary wirings within the house.

2. I use circuit breakers enclosed in a panel board with

corresponding proper ampacity.
3. I use safety breaker that controls all the installation.

4. I have separated wirings for lighting fixtures and small appliance


5. The wires used in installation were THHN/THWN/THW/TW.

6. The wires used in installation were PDX wires.
7. There are missing covers on junction boxes, panels, switches or
Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School 41
Senior High School Department

8. Moisture or excessive dirt or dust can be seen on some of the

electrical equipment or panels.

9. We have encountered electrical shocks in our home.

Extent Compliance of the Respondents according to the PEC
10. An electrical plan was acquired before requesting for a permit.
11. The electrician who have installed our wiring connections have
a license.
12. The electrician who have installed our wiring connections follows
the standard sizes of wires.
13. The wirings in our house were properly installed and
conduits/raceways were used.
14. I have acquired a permit before requesting electrical

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