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School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School


School ID: #301008
Baquilan Resettlement Area, Malomboy , Botolan, Zambales

School Year 2019-2020 to 2021-2022


School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School


Title Page …………………………………………………………………………………………………1

Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………………………… 2

Chapter I. Dep. Ed Vision, Mission, and Core Values Statement

1.1 Dep.Ed. Mission, Vision and Core Values Statement----------------------5

1.2 Aspiration for the School Learners/ School Goals and Objectives------5-6
1.3 Documentation of the Vision Sharing Activity-----------------------------6-7
1.4 List of Roles and Responsibilities of All SPT Members--------------------7-8
1.5 SPT Timetable ----------------------------------------------------------------8

Chapter II. School’s Current Situation

2.1 School Current Situation with Initial List of PIA’s (Annex 1A to 2C) ---9-14
2.2 List of Priority Improvement Areas - PIA’s (Annex 4) --------------------14-15
2.3 Planning Worksheet (Annex 5) ----------------------------------------------16-18

Chapter III. Plan

3.1 List of Solutions ---------------------------------------------------------------19

3.2 Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix ------------------------------------- 19-30
3.3 Annual Implementation Plan – Year 1 (Annex 10) -----------------------36-43

Chapter IV. Monitoring and Evaluation

4.1 Project Monitoring Report --------------------------------------------------------------31-35

List of Acronyms --------------------------------------------------------------------3

List of Tables and Illustrations ----------------------------------------------------4

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

List of Acronyms

Dep Ed – Department of Education

SIP- School Improvement Plan

AIP- Annual Implementation Plan

SPT – School Community Planning Team

PT – Project Team

PWP – Project Work Plan

LRMDC- Learning Resource Management and Development Corner

RICE – Re structured Instructional Classroom Environment

GLIMPSE – Gender Sensitive, Live able, Inter active, More Peaceful, Safe, School

KRA – Key Result Areas

SLAC – School Learning Action Cell

SP – Stakeholders Participation

RELEAS – Read, Lead, Succeed

BHF – Basic Hand washing Facility

ETC – Enhance the Curriculum

TESDA- Technical Vocational School Development Authority

ICT – Internet Connectivity Technology

3R’s – Repair, Rehabilitate, Reconstruct

YEZDO- Yes to Zero Drop Out

B2R – Back - 2 - Reality

“AMBAP” – “Aral Muna Bago Ang Pag- Aasawa”

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

List of Tables and Illustrations Page

Table 1. Roles and Responsibility of SPT------------------------------------------8
Table 2. SPT Timetable--------------------------------------------------------------8
Table 3. Number of Textbooks per learning area---------------------------------9
Table 4. Fund Sources---------------------------------------------------------------10
Table 5. Enrolment for the last 3 years--------------------------------------------11
Table 6: Other data on the different types of learners---------------------------11
Table 7. Attendance for the last 3 years-------------------------------------------11
Table 8. Percentage of Attendance for the last 3 years--------------------------12
Table 9. Number of Promoted for the last 3 years--------------------------------13
Table 10. Promotion/Graduation for the last 3 years ----------------------------13
Table 11. MPS per learning for the last 3 years -----------------------------------13
Table 12. Literacy level in English SY 2018-2019---------------------------------14
Table 13. Literacy level in Filipino SY 2018-2019 -------------------------------14
Table 14. List of PIA’s ----------------------------------------------------------------15
Table 15. Planning Worksheet (Annex 5)-------------------------------------------16
Table 16. List of Solutions------------------------------------------------------------19
Table 17. Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix -----------------------------------20-30
Table 18. Project Monitoring Report Forms ----------------------------------------31-34

Illustration 1. Document on planning and organizing of SPT----------------------4
Illustration 2. Document on vision sharing and brain storming of SPT-----------4
Illustration 3. Document on finalization of school goals & objectives of SPT----4

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School C
SY 2019-2020 to SY 2021-2022 R
Chapter I Department of Education, Mission, Vision, and Core Values

Anchored with the Dep. Ed’s mission and vision, every school has to set a plan in order to
meet the standards of teaching and learning. The success of achieving the goals of education depends
solely on how consistent and efficient the school system is. Thus, planning is essential towards
achieving the noble mission and vision of education. This School Improvement Plan is our road map
to lay down our specific interventions that our school with the help of our community and other
stakeholders which will undertakes within a period of three consecutive school years. This will aims us
to improve the 3 key result areas in the basic education, the access, quality, and governance through
evidenced- based , results based, and child or learner- centred. This SIP is the central of our School
Based Management (SBM) and is prepared by the School-Community Planning Team (SPT) and School
Project Team.

1.1. Dep. Ed Vision, Mission, and Core Values Statement


We dream of Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose competencies and
values enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to building
the nation.

As a learner-centered public institution, the Department of Education continuously

improves itself to better serve its stakeholders.


To protect and promote the right of ever Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based and
complete Basic Education where:

· Pupils learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe and motivating environment;

· Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner;

· Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution to ensure enabling and supportive
environment for effective learning to happen;

· Family, community and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsible for
developing life-long learners.


Maka-Diyos, Makakalikasan, Makatao, at Makabansa

1.2 Aspiration for the School Learners/ School Goals and Objectives

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School


Baquilan Resettlement High School en-vision to provide a practical, competitive,

responsible and child caring secondary education in the eastern part of Botolan, Division of
Zambales by the year 2022.


Baquilan Resettlement High School aims to provide enhanced different aptitudes and
interests of the learners, equip them with skills for productive endeavour, resilient, self-
sufficiency and develop them in GOD fearing and responsible citizens.

1.3 Documentation of the Vision Sharing Activity

Illustration 1. The School Performance Team while conducting the planning and organizing

the SPT Project Teams for the development of school goals and objectives last March

Illustration 2. The School Performance Team while conducting vision sharing and brain

storming on school goals and objective last March 13,2019

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

Illustration 3. The School Performance Team during the finalization of School Vision,
Goals and Objectives and organize the different Project Team last March 21, 2019.
1.4. List of Roles and Responsibility of School- Community Planning Team /Members (SPT)
School-Community Planning Team (SPT)

School- Community Planning Team – 2019 -2020

Team Leader: Gener B. Dela Cruz

Members: Nimfa D. Domulot
Rodrigo Q. Jamito
Aifer D. Mendoza
Eden D. Yap
Hilda D. Dragon
Josephine C. Uclaray
Mejicano F. Quinsay Jr
Ireen P. Baluyot
Lloyd D. Dagan
Jean D. Lim
SGC Chairman: Hon. Erwin D. Dolojan
Kagawad In-Charge of Education: Mercy D. Abiera
GPTA President: Enrico D. Parilla
SSG President: Michelle D. Dolueras
Project Teams 2019-2020
Over - All Chairman: Gener B. Dela Cruz
Project Team 1 Project Team 2
Chairman: Nimfa D. Domulot Chairman: Rodrigo Q. Jamito Jr
Vice Chairman: Mejicano F. Quinsay Jr Vice Chairman:Josephine C. Uclaray
Member: Paulyn D. Pardua Member: Abegail A. Asuncion
Project Team 3 Project Team 4
Chairman: Eden D. Yap Chairman: Hilda D. Dragon
Vice Chairman: Lloyd D. Dagan Vice Chairman: Ireen P. Baluyot
Member: Danica Rose T. Acenas Member: Hyacinth P. Villanueva
Project Team 5 Project Team 6
Chairman: Aifer D. Mendoza Chairman: Jean D. Lim
Vice Chairman: Rose F. Gemperle Vice Chairman: Joan P. Dagsaan
Member: Gemma D. De Padua Member: Oliver D. Domacilla
Table 1 Roles and Responsibility of SPT

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

Composition/ Designation Roles and Responsibility

SPT Team Leader/ School Head 1. Gather and organize the necessary data for SIP
2. Form the Composition of the SPT
3. Convene the SPT for orientation for vision
sharing & scheduling
4. School Report Card Reporting
SPT Planning Team/ Members 1. Present School Data
2. Identify and review Priority Improvement Areas
3. Set the general objectives
4. Organize Project Team
5. Analyze the Priority Improvement Areas
6. Review general objectives and targets
7. Write the School Improvement Plan and
prepare the Annual Implementation Plan
8. Check the progress of the Annual
Implementation Plan
9. School Report Card Reporting
Project Team/ Members 1. Listen to the voice of the learners and
2. Analyze the school processes
3. Select area of focus and do root cause analysis
4. Present the root cause to the SPT
5.Formulate solutions
6. Develop project designs
1.5 School - Community Planning Team (SPT) Time Table

Table 2 SPT Time Table

Schedule Activities
January 7, 2019 to March 29, 2019 Preparation for SIP Development
1. Secure the CBMS from the LGU 1. January 7, 2019
2.Organize data using the School Community Data Template 2. January 30, 2019 – February 1, 2019
3. Conduct Dyad, Triad, FGD or Survey 3. February 8, 2019 & February 15,2019
4.Discuss the root cause/brainstorming 4. March 7 - 8 2019 and March 14 - 15,
5.Preparation and Submission of AIP year 1 and submission of 2019
monitoring forms for year 3 of previous cycle 5. April 11 - 12, 2019
6. Preparation and Submission of AIP year 2 &3 and 6. April 18 - 19, 2019
submission of project monitoring forms of AIP 7. April 22 - May 10,2019
7. Writing the School Improvement Plan 2019-2022 8. May 13 - 17, 2019
8. Review of the SIP by the School Planning Team and Project

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School C
Chapter II: School’s Current Situation
2.1 School Current Situation with Initial List of Improvement Areas -PIA’s (Annex 1A to 2C) E
The school is located in a Resettlement Area called Baquilan and is geographically situated in a hilly par
of the eastern part of Municipality of Botolan. 2
The school is seven (7) kilometres away from the “poblacion” as well as the nearest to a two
elementary schools and barangay office; ten (10) meters away from the nearest public elementary
school; and one hundred (100) meters away from another elementary schools, four (4) kilometres away
from the nearest integrated schools seven (7) kilometres away from the district office, other secondary
school in the municipality and fourteen (14) kilometres away from the schools division office.
Most frequently, student to student conflict is the most prevailing incident. There were times that
students were being threatened by outsiders. Malaria sickness is the most prevailing human induced
hazards for the past 3 years.
Drought is very evident in the locality especially during summer time. Tropical cyclones such as
storm/typhoon with heavy rain affect the area.
The school was not yet utilized as an evacuation centre since there are school nearer to the area prone
to disasters.
The school’s classroom-seat ratio is 1:1 and the school’s learner-seat ratio is 1:1.
The school’s water source is local pipe water. There is only limited space for hand washing area in the
school. Aside from some classrooms with toilets, there were toilets provided for those without comfort
rooms in their classrooms. The toilet learner ratio is 1:50.
Table 3 Situational Report of Textbooks per learning area
Level English Filipino Math Science
No. Ratio No. Ratio No. Ratio No. Ratio
Grade7 150 1:1 150 1:1 150 1:1 150 1:1
Grade8 125 1:1 125 1:1 125 1:1 125 1:1
Grade9 100 1:1 100 1:1 100 1:1 100 1:1
Grade10 100 1:1 100 1:1 100 1:1 100 1:1
Grade11 800 1:1 818 1:1 809 1:1 33 1:1
Grade12 33 1:1 100 1:1 100 1:1 100 1:1
Total 675 675 675 675


No. Ratio No. Ratio No. Ratio No. Ratio
Grade7 150 1:1 150 1:1 150 1:1 150 1:1
Grade8 125 1:1 125 1:1 125 1:1 125 1:1
Grade9 100 11 100 1:1 100 1:1 100 1:1
Grade10 100 1:1 100 1:1 100 1:1 100 1:1
Grade11 100 1:1 58 1:1 33 1:1 NA NA
Grade12 938 1:1 28 2:1 100 1:1 NA NA
Total 675 675 675 475

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

There is an existing school library and at the same time used also as LRMDC Corner.
The school has two (2) computer laboratory room with 50 computer units, per laboratory
intended for Junior and Senior HS and one (1) laboratory room intended for TVL Animal
Production for Senior HS and different Science equipment like compounded microscope 10 pcs,
human torso 1 pc, beaker 1pc, mortar & pestle 5 pcs, telescope 1 pc, balance triple beam, 1 pc
human torso, 1 pc, and model human skeleton, 1 pc.
The school’s source of electricity is grid supply and there is no available service provider in the
barangay, however, teachers make use of the WI-FI Broad band to access the internet in the
There is a total of nineteen (19) nationally funded teachers, four (4) males and eighteen (15)
females. As of this time no master teacher in the school, but all of our teachers of meet the
desired competencies based on RPMS/PPST.
To improve the basic competencies of our teachers, they were sent to trainings. They were
also encouraged to make action research, conduct test interpretation, make problem
assessment, and evolve solutions. The school used the results of the developmental needs of
teachers as basis for planning their delivery of classroom instruction.
Eight (5) teachers were sent to K to 12 seminars for Grade 10, three (3) teachers attended the
Teachers’ Induction Program, two (3) were trained in T.L.E. for NC II for the school year 2018-
2019. Two (2) teachers attended K to 12 English Seminar for Grade 7 & 8, nineteen (19)
teachers revisited their IPPD/ Development Plan for the school year 2018-2019. During the
school year 2018-2019, the school sent two (2) teachers for the training methodology, one
teacher (1) sent as Writer on the TVL Animal Production while nineteen (19) teachers were
trained on their Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form for their RPMS/PPST.
In the current school year, there were 24 wasted and 94 severely wasted from the baseline
data was reduced to 11 wasted and 32 severely wasted.,
Supplementary Feeding Program is the main program of the school. These malnourished
students were also encouraged to be engaged in backyard gardening.
As assessed by the teachers, the most frequent illness reported was stomach ache. As
studied, these students performed low because of this illness. As per findings, the reason why
these students suffered from stomach ache was poor economic status where students
frequently fail to eat three times a day.
The school has no reported case of abuse and violence for the last three years.
Supplementary Feeding Program was still the priority project of the school as parents
submissively render their help and services during the implementation of the program.
Advocacy campaign to reach out students not in school is continuous and they were
encouraged to enrol in our “Oplan Balik Eskwela”.
Table 4: Fund Sources

Activity Contributions No of Attendance

Hours Cash No of Invited Rate
Co-Curricular 28 4,500 70 140 50%
Extra-Curricular 75 5,500 300 350 86 %

Other Major Activities 100 90,000 200 300 67%

Fund Source Amount

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

General Appropriations Act (MOOE)JHS&SHS P 797,000.00

Local Government Unit funds 10,000.00
Canteen funds 10,000.00
Donations 30,000.00

There are One hundred two (102) children in the barangay who are of high school age. These children
went to different secondary schools both public and private in the municipality. As per data given by the
barangay council, eight (8) out of this number are not in school which 7.8 % of the total population.
Out of the eight (8) children not in school, five (5) of them did not enrol because of financial matters
while three (3) of them because of child labor. Ten identified children who are not in school failed to
come back schooling for the last two years. At present, no report on children with disabilities reached
the school.
Table 5: Enrolment for 3 years
Level 2017 2018 2019
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7 51 60 111 50 48 98 47 65 112
Grade 8 40 58 98 41 57 98 45 48 93
Grade 9 28 43 71 31 42 73 39 48 87
Grade 10 26 45 71 27 39 66 29 33 62
Grade 11 20 20 40 13 28 41 13 18 31
Grade 12 - - - 17 18 35 13 26 39
Total 165 226 391 179 232 411 186 238 424
Table 6 Other data on the different type of learners
No. of No. of IP No. of No. of 4Ps
Level Over-aged Learners Muslim Learner-
Learners Learners Recipients
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7 0 111 0 95
Grade 8 0 92 0 80
Grade 9 0 86 0 70
Grade 10 0 61 0 48
Grade 11 0 31 0 25
Grade 12 0 39 0 31
Total 0 420 0 349

Table 7 Attendance for 3 years

Level 2017 2018 2019
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

Grade 6
Grade 7 51 60 111 47 51 98 47 66 113
Grade 8 40 58 98 39 54 93 46 46 92
Grade 9 28 43 71 30 38 68 37 46 83
Grade 10 26 42 68 27 36 63 30 33 63
Grade 11 20 20 40 13 28 41 13 18 31
Grade 12 - - - 17 18 35 10 25 35
Total 165 223 388 173 225 398 183 234 417

Table 8 Percentage of Attendance for 3 years

Level 2017 2018 2019

Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7 98 98 98 94 100 96 100 100 100
Grade 8 96 97 97 95 94 94.5 100 96 98
Grade 9 96 98 97 97 90 93.5 95 96 95.5
Grade 10 94 95 94.5 94 92 93 100 100 100
Grade 11 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Grade 12 - - - 100 100 100 100 100 100
Total 96.8 97.6 97.3 96.7 96 96.2 99.2 98.7 98.9

There are 254 students who are recipient of Conditional Cash Transfer. However, it is
estimated that only 25 of them are frequently absent.
As per findings of an action research, the reason why these students are frequently absent is
the poor health condition of the children. Next most prevalent reason is the poor economic
status of their families.
Home visitation is the usual program /intervention being implemented by the school to address
the problem on frequent absences. Also, classes with less number of absences are being
recognized weekly and being posted on the school’s bulletin board. Also, to avoid absences,
talents and potentials of these students were traced and given chances to be developed by
intensely involving them in school activities.
During the school year 2016-2017, there are 6 who drop out in the school. However, in the
school year 2017-2018, there were 9 students who were reported as dropped out of 394. In
the current school year, 2018-2019 there is a decrease in the number of drop- out, out of 425
students there are 3 who dropped out or 0.7% drop out rate.
The school has 2.5% dropout rate for the school year 2016-2017. It became 2.3% in the
school year 2017-2018. In the school year 2018-2019, it decreases in to a 0.7% drop -out rate.
It was only in the school year 2018-2019 that the drop-out rate was decrease, to a 0.7% in the
last school year 2017-2018 the drop-out rate was 2.3% and in school year 2016-2017 the
drop-out rate was 2.5%. As per study, the topmost reason is family problem, followed by poor
health condition, and third in rank is the poor family status.
To reduce the percentage of Students at Risk of Dropping Out (SARDO’s) home visitation was
done by the teachers and advisers. The school increased students’ participation like sports
activities, dancing, singing, theatre arts etc. Reading interventions, remedial programs, peer

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

teaching and some others were implemented to sustain students’ interest in studies.
Table 9: No of promoted in 3 years
Level 2017 2018 2019
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7 51 60 111 47 51 98 50 70 120
Grade 8 40 58 98 39 54 93 46 46 92
Grade 9 28 43 71 30 38 68 37 46 83
Grade 26 42 68 27 36 63 30 33 63
Grade 17 18 35 12 27 35 13 18 31
Grade - - - 17 18 35 10 25 35
Total 162 221 383 172 222 394 186 238 424
Table 10: Promotion/Graduation Rates in 3 years
Level 2017 2018 2019
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Grade 8 100 100 100 95 95 95 99 99 99
Grade 9 100 100 100 92 94 93 94 96 95
Grade 10 94 98 96 95 95 95 100 100 100
Grade 11 87 89 88 84 86 85 100 100 100
Grade 12 - - - 100 100 100 89 91 90
Total 96 97 97 94 95 95 97 98 98

Table 11: MPS of School Achievement (GSA) Grade 7 to 10 per learning area per learning
area for 3 years
Subject SY 2016-2017 SY 2017-2018 SY 2018-2019
Filipino 68.15 73.65 69.97
AP 68.94 74.75 72.84
Math 62.92 76.86 70.16
Science 66.86 74.20 72.50
English 66.51 69.83 58.99
TLE 73.66 79.70 76.94
MAPEH 71.78 72.75 71.36
ESP 71.13 82.05 76.27
Overall 68.74 75.47 71.13
Majority of the students belong to poor family status so that supplementary feeding program is really
important. Students identified as malnourished children are the subject of this program. Remediation is
also one of the interventions done. As observed, group activities contributed a lot in the success of
teaching and learning.
Table 12: Literacy Level in English SY 2018-2019

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

Frustration Instructional Independent

Grade level Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
Grade 7 8 1 41 34 59 73
Grade 8 16 0 72 7 0 81
Grade 9 12 0 43 28 29 57
Grade 10 4 0 39 37 21 27
Total 40 1 195 106 109 237
Table 13: Literacy Level in Filipino S.Y. 2018-2019
Frustration Instructional Independent
Grade Level Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
Grade 7 0 0 10 3 100 105
Grade 8 0 0 2 0 86 86
Grade 9 0 0 3 0 80 83
Grade 10 0 0 2 0 65 67
Total 0 0 17 3 331 341
Conduct of PHIL-IRRI is being done every school year in all grade levels, pre- test and post- test.
Students in the pre-test who are under the frustration and instructional level are the subject of the oral
reading test. Also in English and Filipino teachers were encouraged to initiate contest in reading that will
sustain their interests to read books.
Based on the analysis and school current situation the following are the top ten that needs to prioritized
for improvement to attain the school goals and objectives for the succeeding 3 school years, these are
the high percentage on drop out, high cases of absenteeism, low school performance level on Math,
Science and English subjects, early marriage, poor reading comprehension, lack of interest in reading in
Grade 7 to 10, large number of malnutrition, absence of potable drinking water source and lack of hand
washing facility, low percentage participation of external stakeholders and poor learning environment.
The school was awarded 4th place in the search for Best “Brigada Eskwela” Implementers-small school
category last school year 2015-2016 to the School Division Search for Best “Brigada Eskwela
“Implementers 2016 and also the Municipal Entry in the Search for “Brigada Eskwela” in school year
2018 in small school category, recognized also as SBM Level II (Maturing) last December 15, 2016 and
district entry as SBM level 2 for the search for the best SBM implementers last December 15, 2017 The
school was able to produce a student contestant as division qualifier in POP Quiz second place last
October 25, 2018, 3rd placer on “Balye sa Kalye” district level last October 26, 2018, and 2nd placer on
TVL Senior HS food processing contest district level last October 29, 2018 and , first place on 100 meter
run district level on Municipal Meet last September 27, 2018.

2.2 List of Priority Improvement Areas (PIA’s) - ANNEX 4

Table 14: List of PIA’s – Annex 4

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

Improvement Areas Strategic Importance Urgency Magnitude Feasibility

High Drop Out Eliminate/ Zero Drop Out 5 5 5

Eliminate frequent
High Absenteeism Absentees 5 5 5

Increase cohort survival

Low School performance level rate, retention rate,
based on performance completion rate, and drop-
indicators out rate 5 5 5

Poor reading habits, poor

reading comprehension and Increase at least from 75%
lack of interest in reading in to 85% from frustration
Grade 7 to Grade 10 level to independent level 5 5 5
Install potable water source
for the school and students
Absence of Potable Water welfare and additional 2
Source and lack of hand- hand washing facility for
washing facility 100% of WINS 5 5 5

Low Participation of Create a harmonious

Stakeholders relationships 5 5 4

Large number of Mal Eliminate/ decrease number

Nutrition Cases of severely wasted learners 5 5 4
Lessen the case of early
marriage to eliminate
Early Marriage increase in dropping out 5 5 4
Provide additional
ventilations and lighting and
aligned lay out classrooms
Inadequate classroom that will provide for
ventilations, lightings and effective learning
poor lay out of classrooms environment 5 5 4
Increase the number of
numerates from non-
Eliminate Non Numerates in numerates of at least 90%
Grade7 turn out 5 5 4
100% repair of rooted
Eliminate damaged classroom ceiling and broken jalousie
facilities/structures and damaged door knob 4 5 4
Enhanced ICT/Library/LRMDC 100% functional and
learning updated learning facilities
facilities/environment for full access of learning 4 5 4
100% implementation of
Limited Training of Teachers School Based INSET/SLAC 4 5 4
Limited number of teachers 100% enrolled in master’s
with Master’s Degree and degree and NC/TM 4 5 4

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

with NC and TM teaching in

Junior HS & Senior HS
AVERAGE RATING 4.73 5.0 4.36

2. 3 Planning Worksheet – (Annex 5)

Table 15: Planning Worksheet Annex 5


2019- 2020- 2021-
2020 2021 2022
Distance from
To reduce the
school, transport
number of
Students’ absenteeism service,
absenteeism and /
and tardiness unconcerned
tardiness from 25%
parents, poor
to at least 10%.

To decrease by at
least 90% from the
Social media
baseline number of
Poor reading influence, peer
students who are /
comprehension in English influence, low
poor in
interest in reading
comprehension skills
in English.

To increase students’
tardiness and
Low academic absenteeism, peer
performance by at /
performance and social media
least 15% from the
influence, family

To reduce the Poor family

number of economic status,
Poor nutritional status malnourished little background /
children by at least of parents in
85%. proper nutrition

Poor knowledge of
students in the
To decrease the
four fundamental
number of students
who are with poor
Poor problem solving frustrations
problem solving skills /
skills in Mathematics because of failure
in Mathematics by at
and inability to
least 85% from the
solve problem
solving in

To reach the Poor students

School Achievement
national standard in reading
results below the K to 12 /
School Achievement comprehension
national standard
which is 85% MPS skills in English,
and increase MPS in Science, and

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School


2019- 2020- 2021-
2020 2021 2022
all learning areas by Mathematics, poor
at least 10% every study habits

To upgrade teachers’
skills and
Skills of some teachers consistent with the Non-holders of
in T.L.E. are inconsistent TESDA standards National /
with TESDA standard through scholarship Certificate
and enrolment to
TESDA accredited

To improve Poor attendance

classroom setting of parents in
Poor classroom
and maintain a HRPTA meetings, /
hazard-free and poor networking
child-friendly room. and linkages

Library/LRMDC is
To achieve the not adaptable,
Enhanced the
learning needs of accessible,
LRMDC/Library for
learners through the conducive for /
effective and conducive
E Library/ functional interactive and
to learning need
LRMDC electronic mode of

School location
(elevated from the
highway)so that
To provide
water supply hard
Poor water safe/potable drinking
to flow from
supply/Unsafe drinking water and put up
months of January /
water facilities and lack additional and
to May and lack of
of hand-washing facility functional hand-
washing facility
facility that
students need to
wait longer to do
the hand-washing

To request for the

construction of these
Lack of classroom/ needed instructional No buildable
Science Laboratories/ rooms and shall have space, un followed
Industrial and Home constructed these site development
Economics Building rooms by the end of plan
school year 2018-

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School


2019- 2020- 2021-
2020 2021 2022
To repair the poorly
Poorly constructed constructed
Lack of fund /
perimeter fence perimeter fence with
100% completion.

To provide needed
materials, tools,
Lack of instructional sports equipment
materials, tools, sports and other equipment
Shortage of fund /
equipment and other through requisition
equipment and utilization of
school MOOE, LSB,
and other source of

To increase the
Poor participation of number of parents
Distance from the
parents and other and other external
school, working
external stakeholders stakeholders during
parents, not so /
during meetings, meetings, assemblies
concern to their
assemblies, and and programs from
programs. 55% to at least

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School
Chapter III Plan A
3.1 List of Solutions E
Table 16: List of Solutions
Most Identified Problems List of Solutions
1. High drop- out rate for the last 3 years Project YEZDO- Yes to Zero Drop Out Project “
Balik at Sagip Eskwela Program,/ DORP/SARDO
and Project “AMBAP – Aral Muna Bago ang Pag-
2. High Absenteeism Home Visitation regularly / Parents consultative
meeting every month/ Youth development session
activities very month/ Implementation of DORP
3. Low School Performance Level based on GSA Provision of School Based INSET/LAC/ICT based
for the last 3 years Learning Enhancement Program/Project B2R and
MATHEMATECHY –Using Technology to learn and
practice/ Project RELEAS – Read, Lead and
Succeed/ and Project ETC – Enhancement the
Curriculum through
4. Lack of Hand washing facilities , lack of source Project BHF –Basic Hand Washing Facility/ and
of water supply and poor learning environment Project 3R’s –Repair Rehabilitate and Reconstruct
5. Poor Nutritional status for the last 3 years Regular Feeding Program through Adopt A School
project and Advocacy program on Mal Nutrition
6. Early Marriage Regular implementation of Youth Development
session/ Guidance and Counselling/ Advocacy
Program on Early Marriage/ and implementation of
Project “AMBAP”
7. Poor participation of parents and other external Regular HRPTA Meeting every last Friday of the
stakeholders during meetings, assemblies, and month/ Implement Project “SP” and Initiate
programs Alumni Home coming activity
8. Lack of Instructional Materials, Equipment, Initiate Adopt A school Program/ Implement the
Sports equipment and other tools Project “ ASEPIL”, Project RICE, Project
“GLIMPSE” and Project “NEGOLAB”

3.2 Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix – Annex 9

Project Title: E-LIBRARY

Problem Statement: The Baquilan Resettlement High School is far from the town proper, our school
needs to cater the growing number of increasingly demanding costumers (students and teachers) and
diverse various learning research style and for traditional and electronic mode of learning.

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

Project Objective Statement: To achieve a balance between the needs of teaching learning and
research communities.
Root Cause: The BRHS library is not adaptable, accessible, conducive and interactive to our
Table 17: Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

Date of Person
Activity Output Budget Budget Source
Implementation Responsible

Project Library ko, Additional Library ICT/LRMDC

pagagandahin ko Tables/ 100% Coordinator/Librarian,
access sa Access on June, 2019-March, Students, Teachers, Donations and
downloaded Downloaded 2020 School Head, Solicitations
learning materials Learning PTA and LGU’s and
palalakasin ko” Materials Non-Government

Students, Teachers,
Project “Abot ko Additional June, 2019-March,
School Head, P 5,000.00 MOOE
ang Mundo” Internet Source 2020
PTA and LGU’s and

Project Title: YEZDO (Yes to Zero Drop-Out)

Problem Statement: The Baquilan Resettlement High School is located at the resettlement area and
mostly of the people in the community is below poverty line and education is not their priorities but
their daily living needs
BRHS needs to address the drop out of students due to poor living condition and educate to them the
importance of education in their lives.
Project Objective Statement: To achieve a zero drop- out rate by implementing a developed plan
and strategic measures in addressing the possible drop out problem of the learners
Root Cause: Poor living conditions and Custom on an Early Marriage
Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

Date of Person Budget

Activity Output Budget
Implementation Responsible Source

Monthly report on
the number of Advisers,
SARDO’s Guidance
Project YEZDO-
Accomplished and June, 2019-March, Counselor Donations/
Yes to Zero Drop P5,000.00
signed Agreement 2020 Teachers, Canteen/MOOE
Form School Head, and
Home Visitation PTA

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

Project Title: RICE (Re structured Instructional Classroom Environment)

Problem Statement: The learning environment must be updated and in line with the enhanced
curriculum and 100% conducive to learning.
Project Objective Statement: To be able to re structured the classrooms as an effective, functional
updated and reliable instructional classroom suited to an effective learning.
Root Cause: Classrooms are not updated for Classroom Instruction for SY 2019-2020
Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

Date of Person
Activity Output Budget Budget Source
Implementation Responsible

Project RICE Re Classroom
structured conducive to
June, 2019-March, Teachers, Donations/
Instructional classroom P5,000.00
2020 School Head, and Canteen/MOOE
Classroom atmosphere and
Environment effective learning

Project Title: Project B2R (Back to Reality)

Problem Statement: 10 out of 20 students or to turn 90% out of 94 students in Grade 7 are non-
numerates into numerates
Project Objective Statement: To turn 90% of non-numerates in Grade 7 (10 out of 20) into
numerates status.
Root Cause: Poor Foundation in Mathematics especially the Mastery of 4F’s/ Basic Operations in
Mathematics in the Elementary Grade Level
Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

Date of Person
Activity Output Budget Budget Source
Implementation Responsible

Mastery of 4F’s
and multiplication
table Advisers, Math
Project B2R (Back “Mathematiniks” Teachers,
June, 2019-March, Donations/
to Reality) (Contest for non- School Head, and P5,000.00
2020 Canteen/MOOE
numerates only) Math Club
List of Awardees Organization
every end of the

Project Title: Project RELEAS (Read, Lead, Succeed)


Problem Statement: 80 out 94 in Grade 7, and 66 out of 78 in Grade 8 are under the frustration
level based on the Phil IRRI result.

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

Project Objective Statement: To be able to turn at least 85% of these students under the frustration
level (80 out 94 in Grade 7, 66 out of 78 in Grade 8) into an independent level at the end of the school
Root Cause: Poor Reading Habits, Poor Reading Comprehension and Lack of Interest in Reading
Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

Date of Person
Activity Output Budget Budget Source
Implementation Responsible

Oral Reading
Test Results
Advisers, English
Project RELEAS Read a thon
(Read, Lead, Results June, 2019-March, Donations/
School Head, and P5,000.00
Succeed) Improved reading 2020 Canteen/MOOE
English Club
skills and
vocabulary of

Project Title: Project GLIMPSE (Gender-sensitive, Livable, Interactive, More

Peaceful, Safe School Environment)
Problem Statement: Inadequate ventilations, lightings and poor layout of classrooms that affect the
learning environment for group work and interaction.
Project Objective Statement: To be able to provide additional ventilations and lightings and aligned
layout classrooms that will provide enough space for group work and interaction.
Root Cause: Lack of ventilations, lack of lightings and un- aligned lay out classrooms in the
construction of old classrooms
Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

Date of Person
Activity Output Budget Budget Source
Implementation Responsible

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

Well-lighted and
awareness of Advisers, Subject
students on Teachers,
Interactive, June, 2019-March, Donations/NGO/PTA/
DRRM School Head, and P15,000.00
More) 2020 Canteen/MOOE
activities,report DRRM School
on fire and Organization
earthquake drill
every quarter

Project Title: Project AMBAP- “Taga Baytan Kami” “ARAL MUNA BAGO ANG PAG- AASAWA,
Problem Statement: Early Marriage affects the Drop- Out Rate of School Learners
Project Objective Statement: To increase students’ awareness on the importance of
education rather than early marriage practice.
Root Cause: Early Marriage Custom and Tradition of IP people.
Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

Date of Person
Activity Output Budget Budget Source
Implementation Responsible

Project AMBAP-
“Taga Baytan
100% passing
Kami” “ARAL
and promotion Advisers,
rate/retention Guidance
rate/ zero drop- June, 2019-March, Coordinator, Donations/NGO/PTA/
AASAWA, YAN P5,000.00
out rate and 2020 School Head, and Canteen
increase in cohort SSG/ PTA
survival rate Organization

Project Title: Project ETC - Enhance the Curriculum

Problem Statement: Below average in the performance of 19 teachers in the contextualization of
learning materials/activities in different learning areas.

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

Project Objective Statement: To be able to become 100% actively and productively engaged the 19
out of the targeted 19 teachers in enrichment and contextualization activities.
Root Cause: Lack of interest and knowledge of the Teachers in Contextualization of Learning Materials
Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

Date of Person
Activity Output Budget Budget Source
Implementation Responsible

of participation to
INSET trainings,
materials /Action
Project ETC Teachers, School
researches, proof of
Enhance the LAC Committee,
enrolment to Master’s June, 2019-March, MOOE/NGO/
Curriculum School Head, and P10,000.00
degree/Doctoral 2020 Canteen
degree program Organization
Methodology( TM)

Project Title: Project: Provision of School-Based INSET

Problem Statement: Insufficient training and improved the different key result areas based on the
needs assessment of every teacher.
Project Objective Statement: To be able to conduct SLAC’s for teachers based on their
training needs and assessment every quarter.
Root Cause: Lack of trainings attended and insufficient knowledge on the different KRA’s.
Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

Date of Person
Activity Output Budget Budget Source
Implementation Responsible

100% of teachers
shall have been Teachers, School
Project: Provision trained/improved LAC Committee,
June, 2019-March, MOOE/NGO/
of School-Based based on their School Head, and P5,000.00
2020 Canteen
INSET identified needs Faculty
and assessment Organization

Project Title: Project: “Balik at Sagip Eskwela” Program

Problem Statement: Eradicate the possible reason on students at risk on dropping out and
strengthen the “Oplan Balik Eskwela” Program of Dep.Ed.
Project Objective Statement: To be able to save students at risk of dropping out and encourage the
out of school youth to go back to school.

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

Root Cause: Lack of interest of parents to pursue their children to finished Junior and Senior HS.
Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

Date of Person
Activity Output Budget Budget Source
Implementation Responsible

Home Visitation
Project: “Balik at School Head, PTA,
Dialogue with June, 2019-October, MOOE/NGO/
Sagip Eskwela” & P2,500.00
parents/Family 2019 Canteen
Program Faculty
Mapping Organization

Project Title: Project: ICT-based Learning Enhancement Program/ Enhanced

Problem Statement: Only 75% of the students have a full access to ICT-based/Library/LRMDC.
Project Objective Statement: To be able to ensure that 100% of the students should have full
access to ICT-based/Library/LRMDC learning enhancement programs.
Root Cause: Lack of interest of some students in using ICT Based/Library/LRMDC in their free hours. _
Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

Date of Person
Activity Output Budget Budget Source
Implementation Responsible

Functional Computer
Room/Library/LRMDC Teachers, Advisers,
Project: ICT-
Improved hands-on School Head,
based Learning
experience ICT/LRMDC
Enhancement June, 2019-March, MOOE/NGO/
Compiled researches/ Coordinator/Librarian P3,500.00
Program/ 2020 Canteen
Compiled and
Downloaded Reading School Publication
Materials/Educational Organization

Project Title: Project: From Ten to Fifteen - Increased Enrolment by at least 15%
Problem Statement: For the last 3 years, It was observed that the increase in enrolment is only up to
10% increase every year.
Project Objective Statement: To be able to increase enrolment from 424 to 488 or 15% increased.
Root Cause: Some Elementary Graduate students in BRS 1 and BRS 2 Elementary did not pursue high
school due to lack of interest and family/financial problems.
Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

Date of Person
Activity Output Budget Budget Source
Implementation Responsible

enrolment record
Project: From by 15% /
Ten to Fifteen Enhanced Oplan
School Head,
Increased Balik Eskwela May, 2019- MOOE/NGO/
Guidance P1,000.00
Enrolment by at Program/School August,2019 Canteen
least 15% Mapping and
Implementation School DORP

Project Title: Project NC: Improved teachers’ skills and competencies consistent to
TESDA standard and 100% NC passers of Grade 12 TVL Animal Production students.
Problem Statement: For the last 3 years, It was observed that only 3 teachers out of 9 teachers
teaching TLE subjects in Grade 7 to 12 has acquired the NC TESDA standard.
Objective Statement: To be able to encourage teachers to acquire National Certificate by
enrolling to TESDA accredited schools and acquire 100% NC passers of all Grade 12
students in Animal Production.
Root Cause: Lack of interest of Grade 7 to 12 TVL/TLE Teachers to acquire NC TESDA standards and
Limited Immersion partners in the province and NC Assessment for Animal Production in the province. _
Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

Date of Person
Activity Output Budget Budget Source
Implementation Responsible

Project NC: At least 90% of

Improved teachers in TLE
teachers’ skills shall have
and acquired National School
competencies Certificate Head/PSDS,
consistent to (NCII/NCIII) and June, 2019- MOOE/NGO/LSB/PTA
TVL/TLE Teachers P15,000.00
TESDA standard 100% Grade 12 March,2020 Canteen Fund
and 100% NC students acquire and
passers of Grade NC in Animal SDO
12 TVL Animal Production

Project Title: Project: 3R’s – Repair, Rehabilitate and Reconstruct

Problem Statement: Minor Repair of Classroom (rooted ceiling/broken windows-jalousie) /Installation
of Additional Water Source (Hose) for Senior HS.
Objective Statement: To repair rooted ceiling and broken jalousie window of classrooms
and install additional water hose for Senior HS
Root Cause: Rooted ceilings and broken window glasses in the Old Building structures and lack of
water hose to supply water needs for Senior HS.

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

Date of Person
Activity Output Budget Budget Source
Implementation Responsible

3R’s Program of Work
Repair, Implemented/Completed School
Project with June,2019- MOOE/NGO/LSB/PTA
Rehabilitate Head/Teachers, P50,000.00
Pictorials December,2019 Canteen Fund
and /PTA and
Reconstruct Liquidation Reports LGU

Project Title: Project: MATHEMATECHY – Using Technology to Learn and Practice.

Problem Statement: Technology is being incorporated into teacher education in numerous ways. Not
surprisingly, there are different ways to categorize the various approaches taken by teacher educators
to bring technology into their programs. One way to categorize these approaches is according to the
primary user or controller of the technology, the teacher educator, the teacher, or student.
Objective Statement: To explore the use of computer and mobile phone applications to
solve mathematical problems. To explore the use of calculators to practice problem solving
skills and to devise technology based activities for certain learning competencies in Math.
Root Cause: Technology is essential in teaching and learning in Mathematics, it influences the
mathematics that is taught and enhances student’s learning.
Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

Date of Person
Activity Output Budget Budget Source
Implementation Responsible

Students are
enjoined to be a
School Head
Join the Khan member of Khan June,2019-
ICT Coordinator P500.00 MOOE
Activity Academy using March,2020
their personal e
mail addresses

School Head
Solving Geometry Students used
June,2019- ICT Coordinator
Problems Using Geogebra in solving P 500.00 MOOE
March,2020 Mathematics
GeoGebra App geometry problems

Students installed
and use Desmos School Head
Solving Problems
calculator and November,2019- ICT Coordinator
Using Desmos P 1,000.00 MOOE
Photo Math in March,2020 Mathematics
solving problems Teacher
involving Geometry

Project Title: Project: Project “Sama sama Tulong Tulong Para sa Bata para sa Bayan”
Stakeholder’s Participation

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

Problem Statement: Only 75% to 85% participation rate of internal and external stakeholders in all
school programs and projects for the last 3 years.
Objective Statement: To be able to increase for at least 90% to 100% participation rate of
both internal and external stakeholders in all school programs and projects.
Root Cause: Lack of interest of some of the stakeholders from internal and external stakeholders in
the programs and project participation.
Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

Date of Person
Activity Output Budget Budget Source
Implementation Responsible

number of
internal and
stakeholders from
85% to at least School
Project SP
100% Head/Teachers,
Stakeholders’ June,2019- MOOE/NGO/LSB/PTA
participation to all /PTA and P20,000.00
Participation March,2020 Canteen Fund
schools programs LGU/Internal and
and External
activities/acquired Stakeholders
MOU/Deed of

Project Title: Project: “Araling Panlipunan Sulok ng Karunungan”

Problem Statement: The problem of low academic achievement of students is one of the most
challenging problems that teachers are facing now a days. Student’s performance in the teaching
learning process has many factors. One that could be possible contributory factor is the instructional
materials or educational resources is to improve student’s knowledge, abilities, and skills to monitor
their assimilation of information and to contribute to their over- all development and upbringing.
Project Objective Statement: Increase the mastery level of student’s in Araling Panlipunan through
the use of various instructional materials especially audio visual.
Root Cause: Lack of Instructional Materials (IM)
Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

Date of
Activity Output Person Responsible Budget Budget Source

“Sulok ng Maps,
Karunungan Globes, Led
June,2019- School Head/AP NGO/Donations/Solicitation
para sa Mag TV for P25,000.00
March,2020 Coordinator/Teachers, PTA from LGU private sector
aaral ng educational
Kasaysayan” lessons

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

Project Title: Project: “Husay mo Sagot Ko”

Problem Statement: Isa sa mga suliranin ng mga guro sa Filipino sa Mataas na Paaralan ng Baquilan
ay ang mababang antas sa Pagbasa at pagbasa ng may pagka unawa.
Project Objective Statement: Layunin nitong maitaas ang antas ng pagbasa mula 85% hanggang
100% nang may pang- unawa ng mga mag aaral.
Root Cause: Kawalan ng interes ng mga mag aaral sa pagbasa.
Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

Date of Person
Activity Output Budget Budget Source
Implementation Responsible

Mahihikayat ang
Paligsahan sa
mga mag aaral na June,2019- Ulong Guro/Mga
Pagbasa P 500.00 MOOE
magbasa ng mga March,2020 guro sa Filipino

Project Title: Project: “ASEPIL” Additional Sports Equipment for Participative and
Interactive Learning
Problem Statement: The problem of lack of sports equipment and facilities affect the performances
of students in sports. Students cannot show his or her talent well because they did not use proper
venue that can be interactive and participative.
Project Objective Statement: To be increase the level of performance in sports from 75% to 90 %
and showcase the real abilities and talents in sports events.
Root Cause: Lack of Sports Equipment and Facilities.
Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

Date of Budget
Activity Output Person Responsible Budget
Implementation Source

Homecoming Sports Equipment in
to support Volleyball &
sport Net/Basketball/”Sepak June,2019- School Head/ MAPEH
equipment Takraw” & Net March,2020 Teachers/MAPEH Club 15,000.00
and Facility /Throws/Chees/ Table Organization/PTA/Students
and Conduct Tennis
Family Day
Sports Clinic

Project Title: Project: “BHF” Basic Hand Washing Facility

Problem Statement: There is need to ensure the proper and adequate facilities (sink/lavatory) that
are available, ready to use and functional to promote WINS in school.

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

Project Objective Statement: To be able to have an access to hand washing and implement the
100% project WINS in school of Dep. Ed. and DOH.
Root Cause: Lack of Hand-washing Facilities.
Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

Date of
Activity Output Person Responsible Budget Budget Source

Functional and accessible

Hand washing facility/area
Project June,2019- School Head/ Science NGO/PTA/Alumni/
with faucets, supply of
BHF March,2020 Teachers/Science Club 15,000.00 LSB
water and hand washing

Project Title: Project: “Negolab”

Problem Statement: To enhance the talents and skills of students in the TLE laboratory.
Project Objective Statement: The BRHS is located at resettlement area , Botolan, Zambales. Most of
the people belong to a low income family. This project needs to enhance the entrepreneurial skills of
students to help themselves and their families and have additional source of income.
Root Cause: The BRHS has no JHS TLE laboratory thus performing various skills are hindered and that
teaching learning process is greatly affected.
Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

Date of Person
Activity Output Budget Budget Source
Implementation Responsible

TLE Laboratory
TLE “Negolab” June,2019- Head/PTA/LGU/ NGO/Donations/Solicitation
Room for TLE- P100,000.00
March,2020 NGO/TLE from LGU private sector
Teachers / TLE

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School C
Chapter IV. Monitoring and Evaluation P
4.1 Project Monitoring Report Forms E
Scheduled Dates of Monitoring

Mid-year: October 2019 Year-end: March 2020

Table 18: Project Monitoring Report Forms

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Name of Project Date of Accomp Issues/Prob Recomm Signature of
Project Objectives and Monitori lishmen lems/ endation SPT and
Targets ng ts/ Challenges s/ Action Project Team
Status Points
to Date
To be fable to
save students at August
Project “Balik risk of dropping 2019
and Sagip out and DOMULOT
Eskwela” encourage the
Program out of school
youth to go back
to school.
RELEAS: Read March
To reduce the EDEN D. YAP
Lead & Succeed 2020
percentage of
Oral reading
students who
test, PHIL-IRRI,
have low reading
Peer Teaching,
skills by at least
“Translate me”
85% in Grade 7
Program, ”Read
and Grade 8
Me, Understand
Me” Program
To explore the Novem-
use of computer ber
and mobile 2019 and
phone application March JAMITO
in solving 2020
& Mastery of
problems and
decrease number
of non-
numerates by at
least 85%
Improved March
To provide the
availability of 2020
needed learning OLIVER D.
materials, tools,
materials, tools, DOMACILLA
and sports
and sports
Access to on- October
To provide 2019
line HILDA D.
additional pocket
wi-fi for teachers DRAGON
in school

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

Coaching, October
mentoring, Peer To help and 2019
teaching, and assess teachers
intensive to their teaching DELA CRUZ
instructional needs
To conduct March
SLAC’s for
Provision of 2020 NIMFA D.
teachers based
on their teaching DOMULOT
needs and
To encourage March
Project NC
teachers 2020
Improved GENER B.
teachers’ skills
National DELA CRUZ
Certificate to
enrol at TESDA
consistent to
schools and
standards and
acquire 100%
100% NC passer
passing of
of Grade 12 TVL
Grade 12 TVL
To increase
students’ HILDA D.
awareness on
the importance
of education
To repair poorly
installed March
PERIMETER perimeter fence
FENCE and construct a PARILLA
new one in the
donated lot
To enhanced the
entrepreneurial March
skills of students
Project to help DOMULOT
“Negolab” themselves and
their families to
have additional
To request
construction of March
NEW SCHOOL additional school
BUILDING building with DELA CRUZ
100% completion
in three (3) years
To achieve
between the
needs of 2020 C. UCLARAY
Project E Library
learning and
To have a full
access and
March AIFER D.
Project “ BHF”
hand-washing 2020 MENDOZA
facility to
implement the

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

100% project
WINS in school
of Dep. Ed.
To repair
rooted ceiling
December GENER B.
and broken
jalousie 2019 DELA CRUZ
windows of
Project 3R’s
classrooms and
water hose for
Senior HS
To increase
Project Ten to enrolment
August GENER B.
Fifteen from 424 to a
Increased in target of 488 2019 DELA CRUZ
Enrolment or 15%
To ensure that
100% of
Project ICT March HILDA D.
based learning
should have a 2020 DRAGON
full access to
ICT based
To be able to
become 100%
March GENER B.
actively and
productively 2020 DELA CRUZ
Project ETC
engaged the
Enhanced the
19 teachers in
on activities
To provide March
2020 GENER B.
and lightings DELA CRUZ
and aligned
layout of
Project GLIMPSE classrooms
that affect the
for group work
and inter
To turn 90% of March
non -
numerates in
Project B2R Grade 7 (10 JAMITO
out of 20 ) to
To re- August
structured the
2019 GENER B.
classrooms as
Project RICE an effective, DELA CRUZ
updated and

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

suited to
To achieve a March
zero drop -out
2020 HILDA D.
rate by
implementing DRAGON
a developed
plan and
Project YEZDO
measures in
addressing the
possible drop
out problem of
Maitaas ang October
antas ng
2019 PAULYN D.
interes sa
Project “ Husay
pagbasa mula PARDUA
mo Sagot Ko”
85% to 100%
nang may
Increased the October
mastery level
of of students
85% to 100%
Project “ Sulok
through the
ng Karunungan”
use of various
audio visuals
To increase the October
2019 OLIVER D.
Project “ASEPIL” level in sports
from 75% to DOMACILLA
To increase March
participation of
2020 GENER B.
both internal
Stakeholder’s and external DELA CRUZ
participation stakeholders in
all school
programs and

Project Monitoring Report Form

This Project Monitoring Form will determine if the plan programs/projects were
accomplished during the given dates of evaluation and this will be used in the monitoring
and evaluation of the given programs and projects on the month of October 2019 and
month of March 2020. This will served as the instrument on the tracking of status of the
accomplishment of programs/projects, its functionality and also used as a tool to gather
solutions on issues/problems and challenges that was encountered during the
implementation of the different programs and projects.

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School

Prepared by:

School-Community Planning Team (SPT)-2019-2020

SPT Member Name Signature

Team Leader: Gener B. Dela Cruz _____________

Members: Nimfa D. Domulot _____________
Rodrigo Q. Jamito _____________
Aifer D. Mendoza _____________
Eden D. Yap _____________
Hilda D. Dragon _____________
Josephine C. Uclaray _____________
Mejicano F. Quinsay Jr _____________
Ireen P. Baluyot _____________
Lloyd D. Dagan _____________
Jean D. Lim _____________
SGC Chairman Hon. Erwin D. Dolojan _____________
Kagawad In-Charge of
Education Mercy D. Abiera _____________
GPTA President Enrico D. Parilla _____________
SSG President Michelle D. Dolueras _____________

Reviewed and Checked by:


Public School District Supervisor

Recommending Approval:


OIC- Assistant Schools Division Superintendent



Schools Division Superintendent

School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Baquilan Resettlement High School


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