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Department of Education

Region VI- Western Visayas

Division of Aklan
District of Balete
Aranas, Balete, Aklan

Mid-term Exam in Hairdressing NC II Grade 11 (2nd Semester)

Name: ______________________________________Yr. & Section: ___________ Date__________

School ___________________________________________________________Score___________

I. Multiple Choice
Direction: Read the question carefully and choose the answer from the choices. Write the letter of
the correct answer.
1. It is the length of time required for the hair strands to absorb the waving lotion and complete the total
rearrangement of the hair cells around the rod.
a. Test curls b. processing time c. wave pattern d. application
2. It is the method of neutralization wherein it’s cleanses away the waving lotion and so-called instant
a. Self-lathering method b splash or pour-over method
c. applicator method d. neutralizer
3. Which kind of comb used in combing out newly permed hair?
a. teasing comb b. all-purpose comb c. fine toothed comb d. large toothed comb
4. What refers to a special type of magazine, photo collection of various haircuts and hair styles?
a. magazine b. brochure c. hair catalogue d. tabloid
5. It is a meeting between the client and the hairdresser at which advice is given, and taken.
a. assessing b. consultation c. discussion d. briefing
6. This type of hair requires frequent combing while cutting.
a. Thin hair b. fine hair c. very curly hair d. straight hair
7. What quality of hair is essential for good styling?
a. Shiny and healthy hair b. fine and straight hair c. coarse hair d. shiny hair
8. Type of hair that is difficult to cut when it is fine textured.
a. thin hair b. fine hair c. very curly hair d. straight hair
9. What type of hair is best suited for a blunt cut?
a. Coarse hair b. curly hair c. wiry hair d. fine hair
10. We should examine patron’s hair to determine _____.
a. What materials to use c. the condition of hair
b. the service fee d. appropriate clothing to use
11. Facial shape that are characterized by smoothly curved lines and a round chin, forehead and chin are both
a bit wide, with slightly wider cheekbones.
a. heart-shaped b. diamond shape c. square shape d. round shape
12. Facial shape that is feature by broad cheekbones, set off by narrow chin and forehead.
a. heart-shaped b. diamond shape c. square shape d. round shape
13. Faces that maintain the same proportion to round face but more elongated. This means that the forehead
and chin are about the same width, with slightly wider cheekbones and smooth lines going down to the chin .
a. oval shape b. heart-shaped c. square shape d. round shape
14. ________ faces feature broad cheekbones, set off by a narrow chin and forehead.
a. heart-shaped b. diamond shape c. square shape d. round shape
15. Faces that maintain the same proportion throughout the face. This means forehead, cheekbones and chin
share about the same narrow width.
a. long faces b. oval face c. square shape d. round shape
II. True or False
Direction: Read the statement carefully and write TRUE if it is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.
1. Avoid excessive brushing or combing in the wrong direction.
2. Shampoo hair weekly with proper shampoo and rinse.
3. Combs should not be washed frequently.
4. Leave your hair to dry naturally after washing and conditioning.
5. Wave products which are unused should be put back to its original container.
III. Essay
Explain the following:
Choose a facial shape and describe it. Explain also the suitable haircut and styles for the chosen
shape. (10 pts.)

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