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Ancient Science of Life  Vol.

No XX January 2001 3DJHV

Folk Medicine of Nasik District

(Maharashtra), India
Department of Botany, Gangamai Education Trust’s Arts, Commerce and science college,
Nagaon, District Dhule, Maharashtra, India.
Post-Graduate Department of Botany, S.S.V.P.S’s L.K. Dr. P.R. Ghogrey science College,
Dhule-44 005, Maharashtra, India.

Received: 12.9.2000 Accepted: 22.01.2000

ABSTRACT: The study concerns the first –hand information on 50 ethnomedicinal plants
traditional used by aborigines and rural folks o Nasik district, Maharashtra, for the treatment of
various human ailments and disorders. The paper gives botanical identity, local name, family
and mode of administration.

Keywords: Folk Medicines, Nasik District, Maharashtra.


Nasik is a northwestern district of state of

Maharashtra. The ranges of Western Ghats MATERIALS AND METHODS:
extend in the district. The forests in the
region vary from evergreen to dry deciduous The ethnobotanical surveys are carried out
types. It is a preaominantly tribal district. since June 1997. Ethnobotanical data were
Bhils, Katkaris, Kunabi-Kokana, Thakur, accrued after discussions with tribal and
Warli and Mahadeo Koli constitute major rural physicians, tribal headmen. Elder tribal
segment of tribal population. They have ladies and other local informants. Repeated
their own socio-cultural traditions and way enquiries were made in different pockets of
of life. The forests, forest products and the district different seasons. To
traditional crop plants are the main source of authenticate the information, plant
their livelihood. specimens have been collected, preserved
and housed in the Herbarium of Botany
Sharma and Lakshimanarsimhan paid some department of G.E. Trust’s Arts, Science
cursory attention to the traditional utility of and commerce college, Nagaon District
plants (1986, 1997) while surveying the Dhule (Maharashtra). Plants arranged
district floristically. Te present authors alphabetically by their botanical name
extended ethnobotanical observations as an followed by local name, family and uses.
exclusive topic of research since June 1997,
the results of which are being ETHNOBOTANICAL ENUMERATION:
communicated. This paper reports
especially plants of medicinal importance as Aerides crispum Lindl. (Vinchu, Bandgul;
used by aborigines and rural folks of the Orchidaceae): Seed powder is applied on
district. injuries. Plant material used is collected if it

pages 26 - 30
is epiphytic on Mangifera indica L.
exclusively. Cryptolepis buchanani R. and S.
Bhuikawali; Asclepiadiceae): Roots of this
Ailanthus exceisa Roxb. (Maharukhi; plant along with the roods of solanum
Simaroubaceae): Tablets are prepared from anguivi lam. And Kyllinga tenuifolia steup
leaf paste and given with banana fruit for a are crushed The extract is obtained used
day or two, thrice a day to treat jaundice. urine of child. It is then boiled ad solidified
into a paste it is applied for skin disease like
Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. (Phanas; itching (Wagh chevda), swelling (Uthav,)
Moraceae); The ash obtained from bar of bruises (Phodwa).
this plant and leaves of Amaranthus
spinosus L. is mixed coconut oil. It is Curcuilgo orchioides Gaerth. (Kalacheda;
applied for echzema. Hypoxidaceae): Root paste is applied onto
injuries to expel worms and also in case of
Cassia occidentalis L. (Rantarota; septics.
Caesalpiniaceae): Leaves are burnt are burnt
and the soot is collected on a plate applied Dendrobium barbatulum Lind 1. (Zadya-
with coconut oil. It is then applied onto losan; Orchidaceae): Extract obtained form
eyebrows to induce sleep. pseudobulbs is administered orally to treat
stomach-ache and improve digestion.
Cassine albens (Retz.) Korstern
(Bhutyakalas, Buscut; Celastraceae): Leaf Dendropthoe falcate (L.f.) Etting (Bandgul;
powder is snuffed to relieve from headache. Loranthanceae): Stem pieces of this species
are collected only when it is epiphytic on
Catunaregum spinosa (Thunb) maginfera indica L. They are tied together
Trivegadum (Gal: Rubiaceae); Te paste of by black thread. Lead is smeared on them
fruits along with seeds is applied onto neck and are held in the fumes obtained by adding
of a patient suffering from tonsillitis. ghee on burning charcoal. After wards they
are placed onto abdomen of a pregnant lad
Celmatis triloba Heyne ex Roth (Mogra; to avoid abortion.
Ranunculaceae); Leaf paste is applied on
head against headache. Dichrosachys cinerea(L) Wight and Arn.
(Yelatur; Mimosaceae): Roots are rubbed in
Clerodendrum serratum (L) Moon water. It is kept overnight. The slurry
(Dhaiti; Verbenaceae): Roots are rubbed on obntained is applied in case of lymph
gums in case of children for better teething. adenitis or torsion in things.

Coix gigantean koen. Ex Roxb. (Kachura; Diplocyclos palmatus (L) C. Jeffery

Gramineae); Extract of rootstock is mixed in (Shivlingi, Patnari; Cucurbitaceae): Entire
bath water for person suffering form joint plant along with fruits is crushed and made
pains for 3-7 days into paste. It is applied against septics.

Cordia macleodii (Griff) Hook.f. and Elytraria acaulis (L.f) Lindau (Vismuli;
Thoms (Davisa; Cordiaceae): Stem bark is Acanthaceae) : Roots are chewed for urinal
crushed, boiled and decoction is given to complaints.
anaemic person for 2-3 times a day.

pages 26 - 30
Emilia sonchifolia (L) DC (Dhampan;
Compositae): Plants are dried, powdered and Jatropha curcas L. (Mogli Erand, Parsi
boiled in water. The decoction is taken Erand,; Euphorbiaceae): To Kill germs in
orally for asthma. teeth cavities, Patients are advised to use
stem pieces as tooth brush.
Erythrina indica Lam. (Pangara;
papilionaceae): Leaf juice of this plant are Launea coromadelica (Houtt). Merr.
Butea monosperma (Lam) Taub is given for (Modal; Anacardiaceae): Bark paste is tied
3-4 days twice a day to treat cough. on injuries for healing.

Euphorbia neriifolia L. (Sabar; Maytenus emarginata (Willd) Dig Hou

Euphornoaceae): Peels of outer parts young (Henkal; Celastraceae): Leaves are chewed
stem are heated. The extract is them for cough.
obtained which is dropped I ears to treat ear
–ache. Meyna laxiflora Robyns ( Aliv;
Rubiaceae)Fresh leaves are smeared with
Geodorum densiflorum (Lam). Schlecht. coconut oil and then slightly heated. These
(Haryakand; Orchidaceae) : Dry rhizomes are wrapped on goiter or swellings.
are powdered which is applied on swellings.
Miliusa tomentosa (Roxb) Sinclair (Humb;
Heracleum grandis (Dalz) S.M. Almeida Anonaceae) Unriped fruits are dried and
(Bhaphali; Apiaceae): Entire plant or tubers crushed. They are burnt and the smoke is
are crushed in water. This extract is allowed to pass over the body of lad after
administered for 3-4 days to patients delivery to reduce body swelling.
suffering form cholera.
Mucuna pruriens (L) DC (Kachquiri;
Heterophragma quadriloculare (Roxb.) Papilionaceae): Hairy tomentum removed
K.Schum. (Waras; Bignoniaceae): Paste of from the fruits is homogenised in jaggery. It
fresh bark is applied on injury caused is given to children as a wormicide.
accidentally due to axe.
Mukia maderaspatana (L) Roem (Meka;
Ipomea illustris (C.B.CI.) prain (Gogveli; Cucurbitaceae): The ash of the dried leaves
Convolvulaceae): The fumes after burning is mixed in coconut oil. this paste is applied
the leaves are passed over the body of a onto injuries locally called ‘Chikhali’ caused
child suffering from chicken-pox. due to constant contact of mud or water.

Ipomea pes-tigris L. (Borvel, Borvak; Oroxylum indicum (L) Vent Tetu;

Covolvulaceae): Stem powder is boiled in Bignoniaceae) : Bark is crushed and the
water and extract missed with sugar-candy. extract obtained is boiled. This decoction is
Tablets are prepared and given for 21 days administered to women to control
for impotency. leucorrhoea and menorrhoea.

Ipomoea turbinate Lag. (Guggalvel; Phanera integrifolia (Roxb) Benth

Convolvulaceae): Stem powder is boiled in (Chamel; Ceasalpiniaceae) :Bark extract is
water. The decoction obtained is given used to wash hands for 3-4 days regularly to
against cold and fever. treat jaundice.

pages 26 - 30
stage of leprosy. This causes temporary
Piliostigma malabaricum (Roxb) Benth injury on these spots.
(Shid; Ceasalpiniaceae): Rot paste is applied
onto injuries caused due to weapons. Bark of Butea superba Roxb is burnt and
black ash is rubbed or placed on injured spot
Plumbago zeylanica L. (Chitrok; which help cures later.
Plumbaginaceae): The roots covered with
clot are placed beneath the stone-grinder. Terminalia arjuna (Roxb ex Dc.) Wight
They are then burnt and the smoke is and Arn (Arjun Sadada; Combretaceae):
allowed to pass though the hole of the Bark paste is applied to cure wounds.
grinder so as to react the annus of the patient
suffering form piles. Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb.
(Behada; Combretaceae): Fruit wall is dried
Pogostemon parviflora Bth. Phangula; and powder finely. A pinch of turmeric
Labiatae): Leaves of this plant and vitex powder is added. A spoonful of this mixture
negundo L. are crushed together. The paste is mixed in water and advised for 7-15 days
prepared is kept in jaws to relieve toothache. for patients suffering from chronic cough.

Pongamia pinnata (L) Pierre. (Karanji; Trewia polycarpa Bth and Hk.ex Hk.f.
Pierre. (Karanji; Papilionaceae) : Bark (petari; Petara; Euphorbiaceae); Leaves are
extract is applied on tongue of patients burnt and the ash, locally called ‘misri’ is
suffering form malaena. applied in case of piles.

Schrebera swieteinoides Roxb. (Moka; Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers ex

Oleaceae): Few drops of leaf juice are Hook f. and Thoms (Ghamoli;
dropped in ears as a reedy against ear-ache. Menispermaceae): Twigs are collected in
early morning and lead is applied of the. Te
Solanum virginianum L. (Bhuiringni; are fumed while enchanting. Stem pieces are
solanaceae) : Heated fruit are cut into pieces. tied together around the neck of a patient
They are in moth. Saliva is continously suffering form jaundice.
dropped of to cure toothache.
Tylophora dalzelli Hook .f. (Kawalvel;
Solena amplexicaulis (Lam) Ghandhi Asclepiadaceae): Bark of this plant, fruits of
(Gomett; Cucurbitaceae): Tuber of this plant Aegle marmelos (L) Corr, and kernels of
and of momordica dioica Roxb. Ex willd. cocos nucifera L. are sliced into fine pieces.
Are crushed and paste is given orally to They are wrapped by using leaves of
improve appetite. piliostigma malabaricum (Roxb) Bth It is
smoked for 3-4 days in case of throat
Stemodia viscose Roxb. (Ramban; infection.
Scrophulariaceae): Naturally dried leaves of
this plant are collected and wrapped in the Vitex negundo L. (Nirgudi; Verbenaceae):
leaves of butea monosperma (Lam. Taub. Pulp of boiled leaves is applied onto joints
This wrapped packet is heated slightly. The as a remedy against rheumatic pains.
hot leaves of stemodia viscose are
immediately bandaged on white spots of DISCUSSION:
human body, which are indicative of earlier

pages 26 - 30
This paper reports ethnomedicinal uses of 50 marsupium, solanum virginianum,
angiospermic species belonging to 47 genera Terminalia arjuna, terminalia bellirica,
and31 families locally available to the tribals tinospora cordifolia, vitex negundo ect. Are
and rural people of Nasik district, to treat well known medicinal plants and their uses
various human ailments and disorders. The in other diseases are widely documented in
local populace depend on native medicinal tradtional systems of Indian medicine. In
plants. This stud may brig to light new some cases, administration of medicine is
drugs of vegetable origin. The magical in character, designed to reinforce
ethnomedicinal lore on the uses of plants in the effect of medicine.
various diseases and ailments provides
valuable clues. These species, however, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:
need further investigation in respect of their
active principles, pharmacology and clinical The junior author (MVP) is thankful to the
trials to evaluate their efficacy and safety of principal of Gangamai Education Trust’s
use. These may provide lead in the arts, commerce and science college, Nagaon
development of new drugs. The and L.K. Dr. P.R. Ghogrey science college,
vegetational wealth of the district as Dhule, for necessary facilities and
enormous potential to run herbal drug inspiration during the course of
industry and cultivation of medicinally investigation.
significant species through social forestry
programmes for the benefit of local REFERENCES:
inhabitants. The medicinal uses of plants
recorded during this study are unknown for Sharma, B.D. and Lakshminarsimhan P.
such uses from this region in extant Ethnobotanical studies on the tribals of
literature. Nasik District (Maharashtra). J. Econ. Tex
Bot 8:439-454(1986).
However, some species e.g., Clenodendrum
serratum, curculigo orcioides, plumbago Lakshminarsimhan P Sharma, B.D. Flora of
zeylanica, pongamia pinnata, pterocarpus Nasik District, BSI, Calcutta (1991).

pages 26 - 30

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