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1. Tulis namamu di tempat yang telah disediakan! Nama : ……………

2. Baca dahulu dan kerjakan soal – soal yang dianggap mudah! Mata Pelajaran: ENGLISH
3. Laporkan pada pengawas jika terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas! Kelas :8
4. Periksa kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas! Hari/Tanggal : ……………
5. Kerjakanlah ujianmu dengan jujur!
6. Gunakan pulpen untuk menjawab soal!

I. Answer these questions by crossing A,B,C, or D for the right answer!

The text is to answer number 1 to 4 She was very sad because of it. She
didn’t want to marry him. She thought hard
The Legend of Sikidang Crater how to cancel the marriage. Then, she got a
A long time ago in Dieng plateau, there good idea. She told to the prince that she
lived a beautiful princess named Shinta would marry him in one condition. She said
Dewi. She lived in a luxurious castle. Many to the prince “We have difficulties in getting
princes were amazed of her beauty. Some of water, so you should make a well for us.
them proposed to marry her, but none got You should make it by yourself in a day”
her because there were none can fulfill her and the prince agreed with it. Shinta Dewi
dowry. She wanted a lot of dowries. thought that it was very impossible for him.
One day, there was a very rich prince But, she didn’t know that the prince had the
named Kidang Garungan. He wanted to magic power.
propose Shinta Dewi. He thought that his The next day, the prince, Kidang
wealth can fulfill the dowries. Then, he Garungan started to make a well. He dug the
asked some of his guards to go to Shinta ground with his hand, and sometimes he
Dewi’s castle to give the information about used his horn to dig it. In the afternoon, the
that. Shinta Dewi accepted Kidang well would almost finish and Shinta Dewi
Garungan to be her husband because she was afraid if about it. She asked their guards
thought that the rich prince was usually a to pile Kidang Garungan.
handsome prince.
Finally, Kidang Garungan fell and
After that, the guards came back to Kidang burried in the well. Before he died the well
Garungan and told that Shinta Dewi exploded because of his power and he
accepted him to be her husband. Kidang cursed Sinta Dewi that she and her descents
Garungan was very happy to hear this news. would have ‘gimbal’ hair. Now, the well
Then, he prepared all the things needed for was known as ‘Sikidang Crater’.
the dowries.
1. The purpose of the text is...
The next day, after all the dowries were A. To entertain the reader about
completed, he and his guard went to the Sikadang Crater history
Shinta Dewi’s castle. When they arrived B. To invite the reader to come to
there, there were some dance performances Sikadang Crater
as the welcome party. However, after Shinta C. To inform the reader about an event
Dewi met Kidang Garungan, she was very D. To persuade the reader to buy
shock. Kidang Garungan was very ugly. He Sikadang Crater
was not a handsome prince as in her
imagination. He was a human with a deer
2. The second paragraph tells about... 9. Alfina : ...?
A. Kidang Garungan made a well Adil : Last Sunday
B. Kidang Garungan wanted to propose A. When did they hold the show
Shinta Dewi B. When do they hold the show
C. Kidang Garungan came to Shinta C. When was they hold the show
Dewi’s castle D. When did they held the show
D. Kidang Garungan prepared 10. Calisti : Eriko, I called you last night
everything for the dowries but you didn’t pick up the
3. Shinta Dewi became afraid because... phone.
A. Kidang Garungan was very rich Eriko : Really? What time did you
B. Kidang Garungan wanted to marry call?
her Calisti : I called you at about 9 p.m.
C. Kidang Garungan almost finished Eriko : Oh, I ... to the drugstore at
the well that time.
D. Kidang Garungan was a human with A. go C. was going
a deer head B. gone D. going
4. “you should make it by yourself.” 11. My children ... excited when we told
(paragraph 5) them we ... on vacation.
The underlined word refers to... A. was – were going
A. Shinta Dewi C. The water B. were – were going
B. Kidang Garungan D. The well C. was – was going
D. were – was going
The following picture is to answer number
5 to 7 The text is to answer number 12 to 16

Once upon a time, there was a flock of

doves that flew in search of food. This flock
was led by their king. Once, the flock had
flown a long distance and got tired. The king
of the doves told them to fly a little more.
One of the doves picked up pace and found
some rice grains scattered under a banyan
tree. All the doves were happy to find the
5. We can find the announcement in the...
food and happily landed on the ground. As
A. hospital C. airport
soon as they began to eat the grains, a huge
B. market D. harbor
net fall over them and all of them got
6. The purpose of the text is...
trapped. The doves fluttered their wings
A. to announce about the delayed flight
desperately trying to come out, but it was of
B. to inform about GA-303
no avail. Just then, they saw the hunter
C. to tell the passenger about the bad
coming towards them.
D. to invite the passanger to join the However, the king of doves was very
flight intelligent and clever. He advised to other
7. “... will be delayed.” doves,” In order to get free from the net of
The underlined word has the same this hunter, we should all fly up together
meaning with... clutching the net in our beaks. Now, come
A. Postponed C. Removed on and let’s fly.” Soon, they flew high over
B. Canceled D. Flight hills and valleys getting out of the sight.
8. Della didn’t ... because she got cold.
A. swimming C. swam When the king dove saw that the hunter had
B. swim D. swum given up the chase, he said to his friends,
"Now we all have to get out of this net. A
mouse lives on the nearby hill. He is good
friend of mine. When the doves arrived, The 17. Narta needs ... water to wash the car.
King dove asked, “Dear friend, I have come, A. few C. a lot of
the king dove. We’re in great difficulty. B. less D. many
Please come out and help us.” Hearing the 18. Dini bought ... flowers to be sent to
voice of the king dove, the mouse came out Misel’s house.
of his hole and saw the king dove and his A. fewer C. some
friends trapped in the net. B. little D. much
19. We enjoyed our holiday. We had ...
The king dove explained the whole story to A. no interesting things
the mouse and told him that they require B. little interesting things
mouse’s help to nibble the net and set them C. few interesting things
free. D. a lot of interesting things
The mouse immediately started nibbling the 20. We should cook another pot of rice.
net around the king dove. The king dove There isn’t ... rice in the pot.
said,” No, dear. First set my followers free. A. many C. much
A king cannot keep his subjects in pain and B. all D. any
enjoy the freedom for himself." The mouse 21. We ... geography lessons twice a week.
praised the king for his nobleness. As per the We ... about volcanoes at the moment.
king’s wish, the mouse nibbled at the A. have – learn
portion of the net and one by one all the B. have – learns
doves got freed. C. have – are learning
D. had – are learning
12. What is the main idea of paragraph 5?
A. The flock of doves flew in search of The following picture is to answer number
food 22 to 24
B. The dove king was trapped in a
hunter’s net
C. The mouse was willing to help the
fock free
D. The flock flew together to free
13. What is the suitable title of the text?
A. The Dove King
B. Trapping the Flock
C. Unity is the Greatest Strength
D. The Cruel Dove Hunters
14. What lesson can you learn from the
A. Be selfish and proud of yourself
B. Unity is a great strength
C. Fly together and you will be free
D. Be a kind king
15. “they require mouse’s help to nibble the 22. From the regulation, we know that the
net and set them free.” library members should not...
The underlined word has the closest A. read the books during lunch time
meaning with... B. read the library book at home
A. cut C. break C. eat and drink inside the library
B. peck D. achieve D. rent the books for two weeks
16. What is the chacarter of the King dove? 23. The word them in the rule number one
A. Selfish C. wicked refers to...
B. Proud D. thoughtful A. The foods, drinks, and bags
B. The library cards
C. The librarians 25. Facebook has been launched for ... and
D. The students has been used by millions of people
24. The following statements are true based around the world.
on the regulations, except... A. 15 years C. 13 years
A. The librarian will return the books B. 14 years D. 16 years
to their proper shelves 26. The main idea of the second paragraph
B. Library visitors can visit the library is...
everyday A. Zuckenberg and his friends
C. The members can rent the books up launched facebook in 2004
to two weeks B. Facebook was first used in limited
D. Only library members can rent the area around Harvard University
books C. Zuckenberg faced many problems
regarding to facebook’s share
The text is to answer number 25 to 28 D. Zuckenberg’s disputes with his
Mark Zuckerberg friends
27. Why would Zuckenberg and his wife
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg was born on May give the majority of their wealth?
14, 1984. He is an American computer Because...
programmer and Internet entrepreneur. He is A. They need to pay off their debts
the chairman, chief executive officer, and B. They want to flaunt what they’ve
co-founder of Facebook. His net worth is already gained
estimated to be US$58.6 billion as of March C. They want to be involved in
2017, ranking him the fifth richest person in developing other people’s quality of
the world. life
D. They need to promote their Chan-
Zuckerberg launched Facebook from his
Zuckenberg Initiative
Harvard University dormitory room on
28. Rakel : ... ?
February 4, 2004. He was assisted by his
Rindy :Yes, she does.
college roommates and fellow Harvard
A. Does your uncle come here every
students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew
McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris
B. Do Smith’s parents call everyday
Hughes. The group then introduced
C. Does your sister visits you every
Facebook to other college campuses.
Facebook expanded rapidly, reaching one
D. Does your aunt buy you some
billion users by 2012. Meanwhile,
apples every day
Zuckerberg was involved in various legal
29. I buy a newspaper every day but
disputes brought by others in the group, who
claimed a share of the company based on
A. I don’t sell it
their involvement during the development
B. I don’t read it
phase of Facebook.
C. I don’t burn it
In December 2012, Zuckerberg and his wife D. I don’t write it
Priscilla Chan announced that over the 30. Okti : What ..., Daddy?
course of their lives they would give the Father : I’m fixing your bite. You’ll
majority of their wealth to “advancing be riding it soon.
human potential and promoting equality” in A. you are doing
the spirit of The Giving Pledge. On B. you have done
December 1, 2015, they announced they C. are you doing
would eventually give 99 percent of their D. have you done
Facebook shares (worth about US$45 billion
at the time) to the Chan-Zuckerberg
31. Nasya : I coudn’t do biology test 33. When does the writer usually read
yesterday a book?
Kavin : Neither could I, I think that A. When the writer is tired
was ... test I’ve ever had
B. When the writer is bored
A. more difficult
B. the most difficult C. When the writer has free time
C. difficult D. When the wiriter needs to do an
D. less difficult assignment
32. Jung : Is Niya as tall as Tami? 34. Why does the writer like reading?
Alfa : Yes, she is the same ... as
A. age C. height A. He has been reading since four
B. size D. weight years old
B. His teacher taught him when he
The text is to answer number 33 to 35
was a kid
My Favourite Hobby C. Reading can improve his
My favourite hobby is reading. I enjoy knowledge and make him feel
reading a book when I am free. I relaxed
started to do it when I was four years D. Reading is his hobby
old. The first time I did it, I felt 35. The writer hopes in the future...
interested. So I kept reading. The A. He can write a book to inspire
teachers always taught me to read the people
difficult words. I was happy when I B. He will encourage more people
read a story with a happy ending. I was to read a book
thrilled when I read a detective story. C. He can read as many books as
I enjoy reading because I like to possible
explore the imaginative world of my D. He could improve his English
favourite author, J.K.Rowling who
writes “ Harry Potter” . There are a lot
questions on the blank spaces!
of advantages of reading. Reading can
make me relaxed and calm. I can also For number 1 to 5, complete the
learn new vocabulary items. Then I following paragraph with the correct
can further improve my English. form of verb
Moreover, it can give me an unlimited
imagination, so I can write books in Angel (1) ... (eat) three meals a day.
the future. I can learn the different She eats a lot of salad and vegetables,
cultures and customs of other but not much meat. She hates carrots!
countries in the world too. She (2) ... (not eat) a lot of snacks but
she sometimes (3) ... (have) an ice
I read at least one hour every day. I
cream or some chocolate. She drinks
read books by myself. I usually read it
about two litres of water a day. Angel
at home. I wish I could read different
(4) ... (think) it’s important to keep fit.
kinds of books because it might be very
She plays basketball once a week. She
swims and rides her bike, too, and she
enjoys going for (5) ... (walk) at the
6. A/An ... helps to make roads and
7. Jenny is a shop keeper. She is always
happy when her shop has many ... .
8. I took my cat to the ... because he
wasn’t well.
9. The boys are hungry, but there’s only ...
orange and ... tomatoes in the kitchen.
10. You can’t make pasta. You’ve only got
... carrot and ... onions!

PART III. ESSAY. Answer the questions

correctly on the blank spaces!

1. Write 4 sentences about the things that

are on your or your friends’ desks now.
Use There is/are with a, an, or some.
Example: There are some pens and
some pencils on my desk.
2. Write about your dream and give 2 good
things and not so good things about the
3. Write two paragraphs (4 sentences each
paragraph) and include this information:
a. Where and when did you meet this
person (par. 1)
b. What do you like doing together?
(par. 2)

4. Describe the picture in 4 sentences!

5. Write 3 things about yourself that you
need to change or improve in the future!

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