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Pre-Test Analysis

In this unit, I will be covering three different aspects about time. These aspects will include parts
of a clock, time on the hour, and the difference between AM and PM. Since I am working with
kindergarteners, I didn’t make the pre-test very long. The pretest was only 6 questions. The majority of
the questions were centered on being able to tell time to the hour using an analog clock. This was the
topic that I wanted to focus on the most while I was working with the students.

This pretest showed that my students knew about telling time to the hour more than they knew
about the difference between AM and PM. I knew that teaching AM and PM could be a tricky subject for
kindergarteners, but I knew that it was something that I wanted to focus on for a couple of my lessons
to make sure that they understood the difference. After the pre-test, I have found that there is nothing
that I want to leave out that I plan on teaching the students.

Overall Achievement

The overall results of the assessment were actually not surprising to me. I could tell after
working with the children for one day who was going to be lower achieving, and who was going to excel
more. There was one student who was proficient in the pre-assessment and she is ahead of the rest of
her peers in all other areas as well. Summer is going to be a great child to work with because she will
need to be pushed. Maria and Sarayi’s scores were not a surprise to me. I spoke with my mentor teacher
and she had informed me that Maria and Sarayi were both being looked at for special needs and may be
held back. I think that they are going to need extra help with their work during the unit.

Post-Test Analysis

Overall, I was pleased with the student’s performance. It may not seem like a huge
improvement, but I am happy that it was improvement. I was pleased in the first place with how the
students did, and was not sure if I would see improvement in the first place, so I am glad that I got to see
improvement in the short time that I was there. The students have a great understanding of time on the
hour now. I think that something I would touch on again is AM and PM and the difference between the
two. From here, my mentor teacher and I want to move on to being able to tell time to the half-hour.
Overall, I was pleased with the student’s performance. It may not seem like a huge
improvement, but I am happy that it was an improvement. I was pleased in the first place with how the
students did, and was not sure if I would see improvement in the first place, so I am glad that I got to see
improvement in the short time that I was there. The students have a great understanding of time on the
hour now. I think that something I would touch on again is AM and PM and the difference between the
two. From here, my mentor teacher and I want to move on to being able to tell time to the half-hour.

Overall achievement by student was fun to compare. I was glad to see that most of the students
made improvements on their work. The two students that need attention are Maria and Sarayi. These
girls are going to need extra time and intervention as well. The students will need continued support
and extra help in their work. I have a belief that it is a retention issue and the students do not remember
the things that they are taught. Sarayi, especially, I am concerned about because the way that she does
most of her work is by guessing if she does not know the answer which is most of the time. My mentor
teacher and I have decided that we need to get the special education teacher to come in and evaluate
these two young ladies.

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