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58-60 Teodor Mihali, 400591, Cluj-Napoca
Phone +40-264-418652, 418653, Fax: +40-264-412570



28-29 OCTOBER, 2005



8.00-9.00 h Participants’ registration

9.00-10.00 h Official Opening - Room A1: ground floor

10.00-11.30 h Plenary Session - Room A1: ground floor

11.30-12.00 h Coffee Break

12.00-14.00 h Plenary Session - Room A1: ground floor

14.00-15.30 h Lunch Break - Campus Cafeteria

15.30-17.00 h Proceeding Papers - see the programmes

on sections

17.00-17.30 h Coffee Break

17.30-19.30 h Proceeding Papers - see the programmes

on sections

20.30 h Cocktail - At Piramida Restaurant,

1 Martonne street


9.00-11.00 h Proceeding Papers - see the programmes

on sections

11.00-11.30 h Coffee Break

11.30-13.00 h Proceeding Papers - see the programmes

on sections

11.30-13.00 h Sightseeing (1)

- departure meeting in
front of the faculty main
13.00-14.30 h Lunch Break - Campus Cafeteria

15.30-17.00 h Sightseeing (2) - departure meeting in

front of the faculty main


No Section/subsection Proceedings Friday Saturday

Type 2005 October 28th 2005 October 29th
1 Accounting S1 Presentation 221 221
S2 Presentation 235 235
S3 Presentation 241 241
Posters - 1st floor
2. Economics S1 Presentation 511 511
S2 Presentation 513 513
S3 Presentation 501 501
Posters - 1st floor
3 Finance S1 Presentation 216 216
S2 Presentation 217 217
S3 Presentation 218 218
Posters - 1st floor
4 Business S1 Presentation 036
Information S2 Posters 441, 442, 446 Beliş Location
Systems S3 Workshop 036 Beliş Location
5 Modern S1 Presentation 102 102
Languages S2 Presentation 102 102
Applied in S3 Presentation 102 102
6 Management S1 Presentation 127 127
S2 Presentation 207 207
S3 Presentation 209 209
S4 Presentation 245 245
Posters - 1st floor
7 Marketing S1 Presentation 314 314
S2 Presentation 315 315
S3 Presentation 320 320
S4 Presentation 321 321
Posters - 1st floor
8 Quantitative S1 Presentation 211 211
Economics S2 Presentation 211 211
S3 Presentation 211 211
S4 Presentation 211 211
Posters - 1st floor
9 Regional and S1 Presentation 006, 009 006, 009
Rural S2 Presentation 242,244 242,244
Economics Posters - 1st floor
10 Technology S1 Presentation 329 329
and Quality S2 Presentation 335 335
of Products Posters - 1st floor


Prof. Attila CHIKÁN, PhD, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary

Prof. Miklos VASARHELYI, PhD, Rutger University of New Jersey, USA
Prof. Dumitru OPREA, PhD, “Al. I. Cuza”, University of Iaşi, Romania
Prof. Ion IVAN, PhD, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Iván BÉLYÁCZ, PhD, University of Pécs, Hungary
Dr. Dr. Johannes KNEIFEL, Munchen, Germany
Prof. Danimir GULIN, PhD, Graduate School of Economics & Business, Zagreb,


Prof. Dumitru Matiş, PhD, general chair Assoc.Prof. Cristina Ciumaş, PhD
Prof. Maria Vincze, PhD, secretary Assoc.Prof. Diana Filip, PhD
Prof. Gheorghe Ciobanu, PhD Lect. Alexandra Dulău, PhD
Prof. Rodica Frăţilă, PhD Lect. Loredana Mocean, PhD
Prof. Liviu Ilieş, PhD Assist. Raluca Comiati
Assoc. Prof. Delia Marga, PhD Assist. Victor Oprean
Prof. Anton S. Mureşan, PhD Assist. Mihaela Salanţă
Prof. Ioan E. Nistor, PhD Assist. Lucia Scorţar
Prof. Ştefan I. Niţchi, PhD Oana Gică, PhD student
Prof. Ioan Plăiaş, PhD Kinga Kerekes, PhD student

 “Al. I. Cuza” University, Iasi, Romania
 “Constantin Brancusi” University, Tg-Jiu, Romania
 “Transilvania” University, Braşov, Romania
 ”Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, Romania
 „1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba-Iulia, Romania
 „Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
 „Ovidius” University, Constanţa, Romania
 „Petre Andrei” University, Iaşi, Romania
 „Petru Maior” University of Târgu-Mureş, Romania
 „Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Romania
 „Vasile Goldiş” University, Arad, Romania
 Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
 Agricultural Consulting Satu Mare County, Romania
 Agricultural Economics Research Institute, Budapest, Hungary
 AISTEDA Universitary Foundation of Alba-Iulia, Romania
 Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
 Bogdan Vodă University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
 Catholic University of Lille (HEI of Polytechnicum Federation), France
 Central European University, Hungary
 College of Kecskemét, Hungary
 Constantin Brâncoveanu University Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania
 Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
 Deutsches Verpackungsinstitut e. V. DVI-Arbeitsstelle Leipzig, Germany
 Dunărea de Jos University, Galaţi, Romania
 Eftimie Murgu University, Resita, Romania
 EMTE–Sapientia University, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania
 Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest, Hungary
 Georgikon University Keszthely, Hungary
 Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Regional Studies, West-Hungarian
Research Institute, Győr, Hungary
 Institut of Actuaries Asitrans, Bucharest, Romania
 Institute for Agricultural Economics, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
 Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romania
 Intercollege, Nicosia, Cyprus
 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
 Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Lithuania
 Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Brno, Slovakia
 Military Technical Academy, Romania
 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Department for EU Coordination,
 Nokia, Helsinki, Finland
 NSPSPA, Bucureşti, Romania
 Nyugat Magyarorszag University, Mosonmagyarớvár, Hungary
 Oil&Gas University, Ploiesti, Romania

 OJCA Satu – Mare, Romania
 Oncological Institute “I.Chiricuţă”, Cluj-Napoca
 Partium University, Oradea, Romania
 Poznan University of Economics, Poland
 Prodatum Association, Romania
 Research Institute for Agricultural Economics, Hungary
 Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
 Romanian- German University, Sibiu, Romania
 Rutger University of New Jersey, USA
 S.C. Asirom S.A., Romania
 SC Software ITC Cluj, Romania
 Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia
 Spiru Haret University, Romania
 Szent István University Gödöllő, Hungary
 Technical University Cluj-Napoca, Romania
 Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
 The North University of Baia Mare, Romania
 The University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest,
 The West University of Timisoara, Romania
 Tibiscus University Timişoara, Romania
 Universitary College of Sighetu Marmaţiei, Romania
 University „Danubius” of Galaţi, Romania
 University College Tessedik Sámuel Faculty of Economics, Békéscsaba, Hungary
 University La Sapienza Rome, Italy
 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
 University of Bacău, Romania
 University of Bucureşti, Romania
 University of Craiova, Romania
 University of Debrecen, Hungary
 University of Kaposvar, Hungary
 University of Klagenfurt, Austria
 University of Miskolc, Hungary
 University of Nevada Reno, USA
 University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
 University of Oradea, Romania
 University of Orleans, France
 University of Pécs, Hungary
 University of Szeged, Hungary
 University of Veszprem Georgikon, Hungary
 University of West, Hungary
 University of Zagreb, Croatia
 University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
 University T.E.I. Of Larissa, Greece
 USAMVB Timisoara, Romania
 Valahia University, Târgovişte, Romania
 Warsaw Agricultural University, Poland


1. Prof. Attila CHIKÁN, PhD (Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary): Logistics in

Central and Eastern Europe: a Source of National Competitiveness

2. Prof. Miklos VASARHELYI, PhD, Michael ALLES (Rutger University of New

Jersey, USA): Continuous Monitoring and Assurance in a Real-Time Economy

3. Prof. Iván BÉLYÁCZ, PhD (University of Pécs, Hungary): Corporate Financing

Practice in Hungarian Economy

4. Dr. Dr. Johannes KNEIFEL(Munchen, Germany): Transportation and Logistics in the

European Union

5. Prof. Dr. Dumitru OPREA, Conf. Dr. Gabriela MEŞNIŢĂ (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
University of Iasi, Romania): The Information System and the Global Terrorism


ION PEREŞ, Professor, Ph.D, University of the West, Timisoara
ADELA DEACONU, Assistant Professor, PhD, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-

SZILVESZTER FEKETE, PhD Student, “Babeş-Bolyai” University


1. Radoslav TUSAN, ing. PhD: Technical University of Košice, Adopting of

International Financial Reporting Standards by Slovak companies

2. Atanasiu POP, Professor PhD: “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, The

European Union position regarding IFRS

3. Dumitru MATIŞ, Professor PhD: “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca,

Romanian Accounting between International Standards and European Directives

4. Ion PERES, Professor, PhD, Cristian PERES, Lecturer PhD Student, Aura Emanuela
DOMIL, Assistant, PhD Student: University of the West, Globalisation effects on

5. Popa IOAN, Professor, PhD: “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca,

Considerations regarding internal audit

6. Attila TAMAS-SZORA, Lecturer PhD: “Spiru Haret” University, The analiytical

procedings – techniques of financial audit; Audit: modality of guarantee the
conformitaty and legally of financial annual reports

17,00 – 17,30 Coffee Break

7. Szilvester FEKETE P.P., PhD Student, Volkan Ildiko REKA, PhD Student: “Babeş-
Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Research expenses through the prism of national
and international regulations

8. Reka MARTEL, Scientific Assistant, PhD Student: Corvinus University of Budapest,

World-wide Tendencies in Accounting Education

9. Ovidia DOINEA, Lecturer, PhD, Augustin CÂŞMĂROIU, ec.: University of Craiova,

Comparative study regarding the structure and content of Financial Statements
agreed upon by IFRS/European Accounting Directives

10. Irimie Emil POPA, Lecturer, PhD: “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca,

Interferences Between Law and Accounting

11. Crina PINTICAN, Assistant, PhD Student, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-
Napoca, IFRS's impact on Romanian Accounting

12. Adela DEACONU, Associate Professor, PhD: “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-

Napoca, Considerations about accounting and valuation standards link, The treatment
of "fair value" in accounting and valuation standards


13. Virgil DRAGOŞ, Lecturer PhD: “Vasile Goldis” University of Arad, Modern methods
of evaluation

14. Daniela-Neonila Mardiros, Associate Professor, PhD, Marinela Mironiuc, Associate

Professor, PhD: “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi, Faculty of Economics, General
reasons, categories and price estimations using the accounting dates

15. Carmen PAHONE, Lecturer PhD.: “Petre Andrei” University, Decisions and
prognosis on the ground of financial situations

16. Adrian GROŞANU, Assistant PhD candidate: “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-

Napoca, The role of Cash-flows in achieving financial equilibrium

17. Rodica Gabriela BLIDISEL, Assistant: Tibiscus University, Accrual accounting and
budgeting practices in different countries

11,00 – 11,30 Coffee Break

18. Maria MORARU, Lecturer, PhD, Marian MORARU, Lecturer, PhD: Western
University of Timişoara, Electronic payment system – measure for improvement of the
public treasury / Measure for improvement of the Public Treasury’s activity

19. Sorina-Flavia TECAR, PhD Student, Monica BARZA, PhD Student: “Iuliu
Haţieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, The reform of public
accounting of Romania

20. Lucica ARMANCA: University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

Cluj-Napoca, IAS 41 “Agriculture” for agricultural stations

21. Lorena CHITU: Economic activity of agricultural farms – Farm Accountancy Data

22. Ludovica BREBAN, PhD Student, Partenie DUMBRAVA, Professor, PhD: CECCAR
Salaj, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Formation and accounting
recognition of silviculture specific funds

23. Arpad Zoltan FULOP, Assistant: Sapientia University, Hidden treasures

24. Vasile Cardos, PhD Student: “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca,

Communication and Coordination Among the Internal and External Audit

DOREL MATEŞ, Professor, PhD, University of the West Timisoara
LUCIA SUCALĂ, Associate Professor PhD, “Babeş-Bolyai” University

SORIN BERINDE, Assistant, PhD Student, “Babeş-Bolyai” University


1. Iacob Petru PÂNTEA, Professor PhD, Sorin DAMIAN, PhD: “Babeş-Bolyai”

University of Cluj-Napoca, Current avocations of liberal accounting profession in

2. Emil HOROMNEA, Professor PhD, Carmen PAHONE, Lecturer PhD: “Al.I.

Cuza”University / “Petre Andrei” University, Starting with the Ethics of Business and
ending with Morality and Honest Image in the Field of Accounting

3. Dorel MATEŞ, Professor, PhD, Mihaela ŞTEŢ, Lecturer, PhD Student, Ion
PUŞCAŞU, ec., PhD Student: University of the West Timisoara/ West University
“Vasile Goldiş” Arad – subsidiary Baia Mare, The accountant of XXI century,
mediator between stakeholders and administrators

4. Daniel BOTEZ, Lecturer PhD: University of Bacău, Competence professional

accountants - a subjects of permanences actuality

5. Partenie DUMBRAVĂ, Professor, PhD, Victor OPREAN, Assistant, PhD Student:

“Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Fixed assets in Romanian economic

6. Iuliana GEORGESCU, Associate Professor, PhD: “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi,

Accounting aspects about recognition and measurement of an intangible asset

7. Ştefan PETE, Lecturer PhD, Szilvester FEKETE P.P., PhD candidate, Volkan Ildiko
REKA, PhD candidate: “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, The problem of
financial investments in accounting

17,00 – 17,30 Coffee Break

8. Cerasela PÎRVU, Associate Professor PhD, Radu BALUNA, Assistant D.Sc., Daniel
GOAGĂRĂ Assistant D.Sc.: University of Craiova, Faculty of Economics and
Business Administration, Characteristics of the contemporary amortization systems

9. Dorel BERCEANU, Lecturer PhD: University of Craiova, Capital investment


10. Vaclav VYBIHAL, Danuse NERUDOVA: Mendel University Brno, Czech Republic,
The Problems of Measurement of Compliance Costs of Taxation in the Set of
Industrial Companies with the Registered Office in the Czech Republic

11. Nicoleta FARCANE, Professor, PhD, Adina POPA, Lecturer, PhD Student, Leonora
CACIUC, Professor, PhD: University of the West Timisoara, Significant evolutions of
accounting development in the 10 new members of the European Union and of the
potential candidates / Accounting reform in Romania and the Czech Republic;
Similarities and Differences.

12. Gheorghe IALOMITIANU, Associate Professor, PhD: Transilvania University, Some

aspects regarding accounting and fiscal treatment of the depreciation of assets

13. Dorel MATEŞ, Professor, PhD, Mihaela ŞTEŢ, Lecturer, PhD Student: University of
the West Timisoara/ West University “Vasile Goldiş” Arad – subsidiary Baia Mare,
Approaches of accountancy and fiscal treatment in case of subventions for investments

14. Ramona RĂCHIŞAN, PhD student, Sorin BERINDE, PhD Student: “Babeş-Bolyai”
University of Cluj-Napoca, Taxes impact in accounting

15. Iustin POP, Lecturer, Ec. MBA, PhD Student, Cristina POP Ec. MBA, PhD Student:
“Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Business, Fiscal paradises - an
alternative to Romanian fiscality?


16. Corina GROSU, Professor, PhD, Laurentiu MARIUT, Alina ALMASAN: University
of the West Timişoara, Computing costs versus managing costs

17. Lucia SUCALĂ, Associate Professor PhD, Cristina CIUMAŞ, Associate Professor
PhD: “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Financial-accounting aspects of
insurance in calamity situations

18. Victoria FIRESCU, Associate Professor, PhD: University of Pitesti, The principle of
"working unit" used in the calculating the costs

19. Gheorghe FĂTĂCEANU, Lecturer PhD: “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca,

Activity Based Costing Method – a challenge for managerial Accounting

20. Marius MOTOCU, Professor PhD, Gheorghe FĂTĂCEANU, Lecturer PhD: “Babeş-
Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Necesity of managerial accounting in the company
of banking systems

21. Lucia SUCALĂ, Associate Professor PhD, Mariana MURESAN, Professor PhD:
“Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Integrated tools of performance

11,00 – 11,30 Coffee Break

22. Mariana MUREŞAN, Professor, PhD, Victor MULLER, PhD Student: “Babeş-Bolyai”
University of Cluj-Napoca, Intangible Assets According to IAS/IFRS and the German
Commercial Code (HGB)

23. Carmen Gabriela HORNET, Lecturer PhD, Emanuel Ştefan MARINESCU, ec.
analysis expert, PhD: Danubius University, Galati/ Uzinexport Bucharest, The
Manufacturing Cost – A Management Instrument at Firm Level

24. Leontina BETIANU : “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi, Environmental Management

Accounting - an Essential Component of Business Strategy

25. Cristian PERES, Lecturer PhD Student: University of the West Timisoara, Remarks
concerning segment of customers in the field of banking

26. Aura Emanuela DOMIL, Assistant PhD Student: University of the West Timisoara,
Help yourself to be helped

DANIMIR GULIN, Professor, PhD, Graduate School of Economics & Business, Zagreb
ADRIANA TIRON-TUDOR, Associate Professor, PhD, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-

Ştefana CRISTEA, PhD Student, “Babeş-Bolyai” University


1. Danimir GULIN, Professor, PhD, Lajoš ŽAGER, Professor, PhD: Graduate School of
Economics & Business, Zagreb, Croatia, Quality of financial statements under fair value

2. Dumitru MATIŞ, Professor PhD, Sorin ACHIM, Lecturer, PhD, Răzvan MUSTAŢĂ,
Assistant, PhD Student: “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, The impact of
globalization on regulations and accounting systems. Dimensioning.

3. Katarina ŽAGER, Professor, PhD: Graduate School of Economics & Business, Zagreb,
Croatia, Changes of framework of financial statements according IFRS

4. Hrvoje PERČEVIĆ, Assistant, Graduate School of Economics & Business, Zagreb,
Croatia, Accounting policies on inventories according to IAS 2 and their impact on
Financial result

5. Boris TUŠEK, Professor, PhD: Graduate School of Economics & Business, Zagreb,
Croatia, Internal auditing as a management control tool

6. Ivana Dražić LUTILSKY, Assistant, M.Sc.: Graduate School of Economics & Business,
Zagreb, Comparison of Croatian and European Tax and Accounting Regulations

11,00 – 11,30 Coffee Break

7. Adriana TIRON-TUDOR, Associate Professor, PhD, Victor MULLER, Assistant, PhD

Student: “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Admeasuring goodwill – Romanian
Study case

8. Florin Ioan SCORTESCU, Lecturer, PhD Student: “Petre Andrei” University, Iaşi, The
diference between consolidation bonus and goodwill

9. Ioana Monica HORJA, Assistant: “Dimitrie Cantemir” University of Targu-Mures, The


10. Ştefana CRISTEA, PhD Student: “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Europe on

the search of achieving consistent application of IFRS/ Financial Reporting: an overview
of the historical decisions reshaping the future

11. Răzvan MUSTAŢĂ, Assistant, PhD Student: “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca,

The impact of globalization on regulations and accounting systems. Model of

** Zita-Rózália BEDŐHÁZI, ing., PhD candidate: University of Pécs, Changes in

the Hungarian accounting system after the accession in the EU. Ways toward firm
competitiveness (poster)

** Dorina LUTA, Associate Professor, PhD, Alina PIETRARU, Assistant, PhD

Student: “Constantin Brancoveanu” University of Pitesti, Recognition and
measurement of intangibles assets – Principal changes from the previous IAS -




GHEORGHE POPESCU, Professor PhD, “Babeş-Bolyai” University
PETER BIELIK, Professor, PhD, Slovak Agriculture University of Nitra

OCTAVIAN JULA, Teaching Assistant, “Babeş-Bolyai” University

1. Peter BIELIK, Professor, PhD, Natalia TURUKOVA, Slovak Agriculture University of

Nitra, Direct payments and their influence on the Agriculture Economy in the Slovak

2. Ivo DRUŽIĆ, Professor, Vladimir ČAVRAK, Assistant Professor, Dominik PRIPUŽIĆ,

Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb,
Croatia, Macroeconomic impact of GDP composition changes in Croatian economy

3. Gheorghe POPESCU, Professor, PhD, Ruben FILIMON, PhD Student, Faculty of

Economics, „Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, An entropic approach of

4. Magdalena GHIŞOIU, Professor, PhD, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-Bolyai” University,

Cluj-Napoca, Romania, The Incomes Evolution in integration perspective

5. Judit MOLNÁR, Lecturer, PhD Student, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-Bolyai”

University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Romania- Major Pre-Integration Risks

6. Vincent SOLTES, Michal SOLTES, The impact of FDI on the reducing of Productivity
Gap (the CEE’s experience)

7. Livia BACIU Lecturer, PhD, Laura ASANDULUI, Senior Lecturer, PhD, FEAA,
”Al.I.Cuza” University, Iaşi, Romania, Competitiveness Analysis of the Human Capital in
Romania within the Framework of the Strategy of Lisbon

8. Cristian POPESCU, Lecturer PhD, FEEA, ”Al. I. Cuza” University, Iasi, Romania, Role
of technology and human capital in the economic growth of the United States,

9. Mariana NICOLAE, PhD, Institute of Economic Forecasting, Romanian Academy,

Bucureşti, Gheorghe-Stelian BĂLAN, Engineer, S.C. ALSTOM Transport S.A. Bucureşti,
The Socio-Economic Implications of Labor Force and Individual Migration. The Case of

10. Livia BACIU Lecturer, PhD, Laura ASANDULUI, Senior Lecturer, PhD, FEAA,
”Al.I.Cuza” University, Iaşi, Romania, The Analysis of Emigrants of Romania by Country
of Destination

11. Gabriela BODEA, Senior Lecturer, PhD, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-Bolyai”
University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Deference for opposite points of view.
Communicating and compromising in conflictual situations

17,00-17,30 Coffee Break

12. Ioana Claudia DOBRE, Lecturer, PhD Student, „Ovidius” University, Constanţa,
Romania, Merger analysis and pass-on of cost savings into consumer prices

13. Dan CÂNDEA, Professor, PhD, Doris CADAR, Economist, PhD Student, Technical
University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Trends towards sustainable consumption and
production (SCP) in the EU and Romanian initiatives in line with SCP

14. Cristina TĂNĂSESCU, Lecturer, PhD, Camelia OPREAN, Assistant Professor, PhD
Student, Economic Growth And Cyclical Volatility – Study Case Romania

15. Claudiu CICEA Lecturer, PhD, Economic Efficiency Department, Academy of the
Economic Studies, Bucureşti, Romania, Education and the economic growth

16. Ionela GAVRILA-PAVEN, Teaching Assistant, PhD Student, Alba Iulia, Theories
Regarding Economical Cycles

17. Vasile DOGARU, “D. Cantemir” University, Bucureşti, Romania, The necessity of the
use of the labor work’s variable in the national economy’s projection

18. Paul COCIOC, Senior Lecturer, PhD, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-Bolyai” University,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, European experiences in funding the film industry

19. Diana POCIOVĂLIŞTEANU, Assistant Professor, PhD Student, “C-tin Brâncuşi”

University, Tg-Jiu, Adam Smith’s Contribution On Laissez-Faire Policy

20. Claudiu TIGANAS, Assistant Professor, PhD Student, Liberal Individualism Mirage and

21. Erika TUSA, Alternative instruments for sensing the macroeconomic environment in

22. Octavian JULA, Assistant Professor, PhD Student, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-
Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Tax Competition - A Hope For Eastern

23. Flavius ROVINARU, Assistant Professor, PhD Student, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-
Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Principles of Economics in G.N. Leon’s

24. Angela MIFF, Lecturer, PhD, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-
Napoca, Romania, Considerations Regarding Cooperative Enterprises

25. Ciprian PĂUN, Assistant Professor, PhD Student, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-Bolyai”
University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Aspects Regarding the Application of the Unjustified
Enrichment Principle in the Commercial Law



MIHAELA LUŢAŞ, Professor PhD, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca
VIOREL CORNESCU, Professor PhD, University of Bucharest

SORIN CÂLEA, PhD Student, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca

1. Svatopluk KAPOUNEK, Lucina LUBORA, Faculty of Business Economics, Mendel

University of Agriculture and Forestry, Brno, Czech Republic, Taylor Rule –
Determination Of Interest Rate By European Central Bank

2. Judit SÁGI, Is the EMU currency regime the way forward?

3. Szuszanna NOVAK, Converging monetary policy of New Member States in the run-up to
eurozone membership

4. Viorel CORNESCU, Professor, PhD, Magdalena PLATIS, Professor, PhD, University of

Bucureşti, Market Mechanism and European Integration

5. Silvia MĂRGINEAN, Senior Lecturer, PhD, „L. Blaga” University, Sibiu, Social Policy:
A Challenge for an Enlarged European Union

6. Bogdan BOLDEA, Assistant Professor, PhD Student, Faculty of Economics, University of

West, Timisoara, European Union Enlargement: Dysfunctionalities and Problems

7. Sarolta SOMOSI, Assistant Lecturer, University of Szeged, Existing Market Barriers

Related to the European Integration

8. Constantin DUGULEANĂ, Senior Lecturer, PhD, Faculty of Economic Sciences,

“Transilvania” University, Braşov, Integration And Concurrence

9. Mihaela LUŢAŞ, Professor, PhD, Sorin CÂLEA, PhD Student, Darie ILIEŞ, PhD
Student, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
Central and Eastern Europe one year after enlargement

10. Muhsin KAR, Assistant professor, PhD, Huseyin AGIR, Instructor, A. Yavuz ELVEREN,
PhD Student, Challenges and Opportunities of European Integration for Candidate
Countries: The Turkish Case

17,00-17,30 Coffee Break

11. Doina DAVID, Senior Lecturer, PhD, “D. Cantemir” University, Târgu Mureş, Romania
in the way of European economic integration

12. Roxana Ispas, Lecturer, PhD Student, The impact of Romania’s Accession to the
European Union - Advantages and Disadvantages

13. Adela COMAN, Lecturer, PhD, The North University of Baia Mare, Some Effects of the
Nonrefundable Economic Assistance Programs for Romania from the Perspective of
Integration into the European Union

14. Corina Ionela DUMITRESCU, Lecturer, PhD, Economics Department, Technical

University of Bucureşti, The Impact Of The European Environmental Acquis On The
Mining Sector In Romania

15. Cosmin FRATOŞTIŢEANU, Lecturer, PhD, Faculty of Economics, University of

Craiova, Romania’s Economic Integration - form of Development and Application of
Multilateral Regulation

16. Gabriel MURSA, Lecturer, PhD, FEAA, “Al. I. Cuza” University, Iaşi, European
Integration – Gains and Costs for Romanian Economy

17. Marina SARBOVAN, PhD Tibiscus University of Timisoara, The Integration of the
Romanian Economy in the Competitive European Market

18. Elena PELINESCU, PhD, Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romanian Academy,
Bucureşti, Competitivity and real exchange rate in the context of EU joint

19. Ioana VĂDĂSAN, Faculty of Economics, University of West, Timisoara, Real

Convergence and nominal convergence. The Case of Romania, in the conditions of EU

20. Liviu-George MAHA, Assistant Professor, PhD, Claudia Bobâlcă, PhD Student, The
Romanian labor market in the context of the European integration

21. Beatrice LEUSTEAN, Teaching Assistant, PhD Student, Technical University of

Bucureşti, Policy Recommendations In The Perspective Of Romania’s Accession To The
European Union

22. Anca TĂNASIE, Teaching Assistant, PhD Student, University of Craiova, Faculty of
Economic Sciences, The Implications of the Introduction of the Euro for Romania and
other Non-Eu Countries

23. Mihaela SALANŢĂ, Assistant Professor, PhD Student, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-
Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, The End of Cold War and the Beginning of
Integration in Central and Eastern Europe

24. Mihaela LUŢAŞ, Professor, Adriana Tiron TUDOR, professor, Faculty of Economics,
„Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Managing Cultural Aspects of
European Projects -case study on MANAGEUR



SORIN BURNETE, Professor PhD, ”L. Blaga” University, Sibiu
DANA BAKO, Lecturer PhD, „Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca

MONICA POP-SILAGHI, Assistant professor, PhD Student

1. János BARANCSUK, László SUCIU, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of

Pécs, Hungary, Coase’s Theorem and Scitovsky’s Paradox

2. László CZAGÁNY, Zsolt FENYŐVÁRI, The Mundell-Fleming Model and the

Opportunities of Hungarian Economic Policy before the Accessing the EMU

3. Eva Katalin POLGAR, Corvinus University of Budapest, Monetary Policy Rules in a

Converging Small Open Economy

4. Gheorghe CIOBANU, Professor, PhD, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-Bolyai” University,

Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Recent Trends in the Terms of Trade

5. Simona GHIŢĂ, Lecturer, PhD, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucureşti, Romania, The
Impact Of Minimum Wage On Youth Employment In OECD Countries

6. Andrea PARAG, Assistant Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Pecs,

Migrations of Baltic Labor towards the Nordic countries

7. Sorin BURNETE, Professor, PhD, ”L. Blaga” University, Sibiu, Romania, The Impact of
Globalization on Romania’s Economic Policy

8. George CIOBANU, Lecturer, PhD, Andreea Maria ENEA, PhD Student, Faculty of
Economics, University of Craiova, Romania, Transnational Corporations and the
Globalization Process

9. Ioan LUMPERDEAN, Professor, PhD, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-Bolyai” University,

Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Itineraries and avatars of a concept word: Globalization

10. Liana SON, Senior Lecturer, PhD, Faculty of Economic Studies, University of West,
Timisoara, Romania, Romania’s integration impact on foreign trade: one use of gravity

11. Aurel BURCIU, Professor, PhD, Gabriela PREPLICEAN, Professor PhD, University of
Suceava, Mircea BOŞCOIANU, Senior Lecturer, PhD, Military Technical Academy,
Bucureşti, Romania, A dynamical analysis of the international financial adjustment

17,00-17,30 Coffee Break

12. Cătălin POSTELNICU, Senior Lecturer, PhD, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-Bolyai”
University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Some Issues Concerning the Targeting of the Foreign

13. Dana BAKO, Lecturer, PhD, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-
Napoca, Effects of Financial Integration on Financing Business in the New EU States

14. Dana BAKO, Lecturer, PhD, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-
Napoca, Stefana VARVARI, PhD Student, Evolution of FDI in the North West Region
over the Past Decade

15. Liviu C. ANDREI, Senior Lecturer, NSPSPA, Bucureşti, Romania, International Money -
Between Worldwide, Regional-Wide And Euro

16. Irina BAN, Assistant Professor, PhD Student, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-Bolyai”
University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, The competitiveness in the international trade frame

17. Emil INCZE, PhD Student, Development analysis of the Romanian exports to UE
markets. Study case: industrial products

18. Gabriel MURSA, Lecturer, PhD, FEAA, “Al.I.Cuza” University, Iaşi, Romania, The
advantages of an extended market

19. Judit POOR, Assistant Lecturer, Nora HEGEDUSNE BARANYAI, Assistant Lecturer,
University of Veszprem, Connection of Foreign trade of Hungary and the Middle-East
European countries

20. Florin Ioan SCORŢESCU, Lecturer, PhD Student, „Petre Andrei” University, Iaşi, Some
Aspects Regarding the Export of Goods on its own Accounting Achieved by the Foreign
Trade Societies

21. Monica POP-SILAGHI, Assistant Professor, PhD Student, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-
Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Measuring trade performance of Romania

22. Ştefan VUZA, PhD Student, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-
Napoca, Romania, Romanian firms’ competitive force and commercial negotiations with
partners from EU countries

23. Adina RUS, Assistant Professor, PhD Student, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-Bolyai”
University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania , Factoring Activity in Romania and   Abroad

24. Marius RUS, PhD Student, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-
Napoca, Romania, Financing Choices - From Simple to Complex Alternatives



10,00 – 11,30

1. Romana CRAMARENCO, PhD Student, Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai

University, Cluj Napoca, Romania, The migration of the Romanian labour force- Does
the “brain drain” threaten Romania’s integration into the European Union?

2. Dalina ANDREI, Ph.D. Student, The foreign direct investments in Romania since
nineties. A country specific inside the C.E.E. region

3. Adrian M. GANEA, Ph.D. Student, Poland. European Integration

4. Ovidiu SIMINA, PhD Student, West University of Timisoara, Romania, Counsellor,

Ministry of Administration and Interior, Romania, Migration: some benefits for all. The
Romanian case

5. Andreea ZOMBORI, Timişoara, Incomes and Expenses structure for the families in the
west side of the country

6. Cristina Doina GORDAN, Ph. D. Student, Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai

University, Cluj Napoca, Romania, FDI and Sustainable Development

7. Darie ILIEŞ, Ph.D. Student, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-

Napoca, Romania , WTO And The Evaluation Of Dumping Claims

8. Sorin CÂLEA, Ph.D. Student, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-

Napoca, Romania , The notion of external debt

9. Imre SZÉKELY, Ph.D. Student, Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-

Napoca, Romania, Some Aspects of Inflation Targeting – Possibilities for Romania in
International Context

10. Árpád FERENCZ, Assoc.Prof. Phd, Faculty of Horticulture, College of Kecskemét,

Hungary, Work Organization And Economical Evaluation Of Intensive Orchards

11. Árpád FERENCZ, Assoc.Prof. Phd, Faculty of Horticulture, College of Kecskemét,

Hungary, Evaluation Of The Horticulture Production In Hungary With The Method Of
Standard Gross Margin

12. Liliana Maria CHIS, PhD student International University Institute For European Studies
(I.U.I.E.S.), Universita’ delli Studi di Trieste, Italy, The regional policy in Central
Europe: concept and post-integration process




Professor Ph. D IOAN E. NISTOR, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
Professor Ph. D KATALIN BOTOS, University of Szeged
Professor Ph. D Nicolae SICHIGEA, University of Craiova

Ph. D. Stud. Juhasz JACINT, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

1. Professor Ph. D. Ioan E. NISTOR: The implications of financial incomes and charges on
the budgetary year result of enterprise, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca,

2. Professor Ph. D. Katalin BOTOS, Assistant Lecturer Peter HALMOSI: SME’s in the
viewpoint of economic policy, University of Szeged, Hungary;

3. Professor Ph. D. Erzebet KOVACS, Assistant Professor Ph. D. Borbala SZULE: Pension
Schemes and Mortality Reduction in Hungary, Corvinus Univerity of Budapest, Hungary;

4. Professor Ph. D. Ana POPA, Lecturer Ph. D. Laura GIURCA VASILESCU: Aspects
regarding the development of the real estate market at the national and internationl level,
University of Craiova, Romania;

5. Professor Ph. D. Nicolae SICHIGEA, Lecturer Ph. D. Laura GIURCA-VASILESCU, Ph.

D. Student Dan Florentin SICHIGEA: Restraints and Means For Insuring The
Microeconomic Financial Equilirium, University of Craiova, Romania;

6. Professor Ph. D. Csaba LENTNER, Assistant Professor Ph. D. Robert KOVACS: The
Financial Strategies of The Hungarian Transnational Companies In East-Central Europe,
in Consideration of Roumanian Relations, University of West, Hungary

7. Assistant Professor Ph. D. Student Karoly SZOKA: The scientific Approach of The
Controlling, University of West, Hungary

8. Assistant Professor Ph. D. Student Csanad HORVATH: The Comparative analysis the
most Controling Organisation in State Institutes in East-Middle-Europe, University of
West, Hungary

9. Assistant Professor Ph. D. Student Csanad HORVATH: Improving of Company Control

of Competition in Pannon Basin as a Present and the Potential point in Euro Region,
University of West, Hungary;

17,00-17,00 Coffee Break

10. Professor Ph. D. Ioan BĂTRÂNCEA: Eva Business Modeling, Babeş-Bolyai University
of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

11. Professor Ph. D. Teodor HADA: Aspects of Immobilized Assets Financial Management,
„1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba-Iulia, Romania;

12. Professor Ph. D. Ştefan SONEA: The Cost of Risc Management in a Private Firm,
Technic University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

13. Associate Professor Ph. D. Cristina CIUMAS: The insurance privat/public cooperation,
Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

14. Associate Professor Ph. D. Viorel LACATUS: Aspects regarding the debt structure of
small and midlle enterprises, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

15. Lecturer Ph.D. Student Andrei PELIN: Presentation and critical analysis of several
methods for separating costs into fixed and variable components, West University of
Timişoara, Romania

16. Lecturer Ph. D. Student Daniela-Neonila MARDIROS, Assistant Professor Ph. D.

Marilena MIRONIUC: General Reasons,Categories and Price Estimations Using The
Accounting Dates, „Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania

17. Lecturer Ph. D. Dorel BERCEANU, Ph. D. Student Dan Florentin SICHIGEA: Capital
Investment Decisions, University of Craiova, Romania

18. Lecturer Ph. D. Nela ŞTELIAC: Quantification`s Models of Some Economical Indicators
Based on Break-Even Point, Universitary College of Sighetu Marmaţiei, Romania

19. Lecturer Ph.D.Constantin CUCOŞEL, Ec. Crina Maria CUCOŞEL: General

Considerations on The Financial Equilibrium of an Enterprise, Northern University of
Baia Mare, Romania

20. Lecturer Ph. D. Felicia-Cornelia MACARIE: The Effect of European Integration on The
Book Industry, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

21. Lecturer Ph. D. Gabriel BIZOI: Foreign exchange risk for Romanian firms involved in
international import / export activities, West University of Timişoara, Romania.

22. Associate Lecturer Simona FIT: The inversion of the pension pyramid – danger or
opportunity, West University of Timişoara, Romania.

23. Ph. D. Decebal Manole BOGDAN: An inside look on Romanian insurance market in
2004, S.C. Asirom S.A., Romania.

24. Ph. D. Student Alin BĂIESCU: Social Insurance vs. Commercial Life Insurance, „Lucian
Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania;


Professor Ph. D Ioan E. NISTOR., Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
Assoc. Professor Ph. D Cristina CIUMAS, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
Professor Ph. D Ioan BĂTRÂNCEA Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

Ph. D. Student Juhasz JACINT, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

25. Associate Professor Ph. D. Cristina CIUMAS: The new tendencies in professions of
insurance industry imposed by dinamics, productivity and enterpreneurschip, Babeş-
Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

26. Associate Professor Ph. D.Viorel LACATUS: Particularities in financing small

enterprises, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

27. Lecturer Ph. D. Student. Sabin ILIEŞI: Direct Method for Analysing Cash-Flows (poster),
„Vasile Goldiş” University, Arad, Romania;

28. Lecturer Ph. D. Iulia IUGA: Advanced Systems for Companies – ways to prevent or to
attenuate the risks, Univesity „1 Decembrie 1918” of Alba Iulia, Romania;

29. Assistant Ph. D. Student Simona Laura DRAGOŞ: Unit-linked insurance in Europe :
opportunities and challenges, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

30. Assistant Ph. D. Student Ioan Ovidiu SPĂTĂCEAN: Some Cosiderations upon
Investment Policies and Performances within The Financial Investment Companies – on
The Romanian Capital Market (poster), „Petru Maior” University of Târgu-Mureş,

31. Ph. D. Student Alin BĂIESCU: The Functions and Operating Principles of Life
Insurance, „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania;

32. Ph. D. Student Juhasz JACINT: Competitive advantages in capital budgting for big
companies versus small and medium enterprises, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-
Napoca, Romania;

11,00-11,00 Coffee Break

33. Ph. D. Student Letiţia SIMIONCA: The Corporate Treasury Budget (poster), Babeş-
Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

34. Ph. D. Student Ioan POP: Financial Control System of Entreprises (poster), Babeş-Bolyai
University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

35. Ph. D. Student Victor ARDELEAN: Annual Financial Reports-Sources of Information for
Cash-Flows Analysis (poster), Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

36. Ph. D. Student Ion-Gigi TRIFOI: The Diagnosis of The Cost Information System in The
Mining Enterprises (poster), Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

37. Ph. D. Emilia GOGONEAŢĂ: Aspects of Analysis in Oil Trade Companies (poster),
Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.



Professor Ph. D. Constantin TULAI, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
Ph. D. Maciej CIESLUKOWSKI, Poznan University of Economics
Associate Professor Ph D. Bogdan DIMA, West University of Timişoara

Ph. D. Student Ramona NANDRA, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

1. Professor Ph. D. Constantin TULAI: Strategy of Fiscal Armonisations, Babeş-Bolyai

University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

2. Ph. D. Maciej CIELUKOWSKI: The role of tax harmonization in „fair” taxation of

individuals in Poland, The Poznan University of Economics, Poland;

3. Professor Ph. D. Liliana DONATH, Ph. D. Student Doina MIHALCOVICI: Strategii de

imbunatatire a performantelor impozitelor, West University of Timişoara, Romania;

4. Professor Ph. D. Marius HERBEI: Double taxation of dividends, West University of

Timişoara, Romania;

5. Ph. D. Marian GAL: Local Fees and their Inluence on Total Revenues of The City Presov
and Bardejov, Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia;

6. Professor Ph. D. Gheorghe VOINEA, Ph. D. Student Elena RUSU: The impact of
European Integration on Local Fiscal Policies, „Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania;

7. Professor Ph. D. Marius HERBEI: Debt management and fiscality, West University of
Timişoara, Romania;

8. Assistant lecturer Peter HALMOSI: Regulation of local government borrowing in

European countries, University of Szeged, Hungary;

9. Lecturer Ph. D. Raluca DRĂCEA, Ph D. Student Radu CRIVEANU: The challenges of

the fiscal policy in the new member ststes of EU, University of Craiova, Romania;

10. Ph. D. Student Gabriella OCSKAI, Ph. D. Student Katalin KLAPSZ, Ph. D. Student
Szabolcs BARTOS: The Most Significant Milastones of Welfare States in Eastern Central
Europe with special regard to Hungary, Kaposvar University, Hungary;

11. Lecturer Ph. D. Mihai MUTASCU, Associate Professor Ph. D. Bogdan DIMA: Politics
and the Inter-Jurisdictional Transfers: the Romanian Case, West University of Timişoara,

12. Lecturer Ph D. Adrian Mihai INCEU: Some aspects regarding Romanian Fiscal Policy,
Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

13. Assistant lecturer Ph. D. Student Cosmin Eugen ENACHE: Sustainability of the Public
Debt: Empirical Evidence from Romania, West University of Timişoara, Romania;

14. Ph. D. Student Balint LAUER, Ph. D. Student Virag CSIKOS: Tax planning within the
European Union Tax advantages of the different company forms, Pécsi
Tudományegyetem, Hungary;

15. Lecturer Ph. D. Student Laura Eleonora POPA AVRAM, Tax evasion and the laffer
curve, „Dimitrie Cantemir”University of Târgu-Mureş, Romania;

16. Lecturer Ph. D. Student Marcel BOLOŞ: Local government`s financing reform – an
international examination, University of Oradea, Romania;

17. Lecturer Ph. D. Daniel TOBA: Inflation in the macroeconomic pattern. The inflationist
shocks of the offer, University of Craiova, Romania;

18. Lecturer Ph D Radu NECHITA, Ph Student Otilia PAL, Flat Tax in Romanian Fiscal
Policy, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

19. Lecturer Ph. D. Mihaela GONDOR, Assistant Ph. D. Student Simona CĂTANĂ: The
effects of Romanian custom policy alignment to Europe Union demands, „Petru Maior”
University of Târgu-Mureş, Romania;

20. Assistant lecturer Sebastian LAZĂR: The impact of European integration on the public
budgets in Romania, „Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania;

21. Lecturer Ph. D. Petru FILIP, Lecturer Ph. D. Student Marcel BOLOŞ: Decentralization
and local budgets in four Balkan countries : Albany, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Serbia,
University of Oradea, Romania;

22. Associate assistant lecturer Ph. D. Student Anca Mirela COBZARU: The completion of
the special consumption taxes (excises) in the background of the European integration
and their impact on the Romanian commercial exchanges, „Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi,

23. Assistant Lecturer, Ph. D. Student Andreea COSTEA: The Lump Sistem – a funding form
of international trade, „Dimitrie Cantemir”University of Târgu-Mureş, Romania;

24. Assistant Ph. D. Student Simona ŞERBU: The adoption of the flat income tax – is it really
a fiscal relief ?, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

25. Teaching Assistent Bogdan BOLDEA: Disfunctionalities of the EU Enlargement, West

University of Timişoara, Romania;

26. Economist Béla SCHOLTZ: The law of public budget in context of the integration in
European Union, OJCA Satu – Mare.

27. Ph. D. Student Ramona NANDRA: Tax Harmonization versus Tax Competition in
European Union, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;


Professor Ph. D. Constantin TULAI, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
Lecturer Ph. D. Adrian INCEU, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

Ph. D. Student Ramona NANDRA, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

28. Ph. D. Student Ionut CUCEU: Uniform VAT Rate versus multiple VAT rates, Babeş-
Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

29. Ph. D. Student Claudia RADU: Some aspects concerning the redistribution of incomes
in society, comparative study, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

30. Ph. D Student Ioan DOBRA: The Specific Methods of Romanian Financial and Fiscal
Control (poster), Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

31. Ph. D Student Teodor POP: The Fiscal Policy in Romania(poster), Babeş-Bolyai
University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

32. Ph. D. Student Teodor POP: Tax Evasion Measuring Methods (poster), Babeş-Bolyai
University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

33. Ph. D. Student Sandor CSEGEDI: The Base of Taxation – Fundamental Criteria of
Fiscality (poster), Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

34. Ph. D. Student Ioan DOBRA: The rolle and The Importance of The Financial and
Fiscal Control in The Market Economy (poster), Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-
Napoca, Romania;

35. Ph. D. Student Iulian DOBRA: The Organisation of Romanian Health House (poster),
„1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba-Iulia, Romania;

36. Ph. D. Student Cristina Doina GORDAN: Foreign Direct Investment and Sustainable
Development, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

37. Ph. D. Student Dana GHENESCU, The Management of public debt, Babes-Bolyai
University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

38. Ph. D. Student Ramona NANDRA: Tax competition and fiscal pressure – in the
globalization context, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;


Professor Ph. D. Ioan TRENCA, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
Associate Professor Ph. D. Marilen PIRTEA, West University of Timisoara
Associate Professor Ph. D. Cristi SPULBER, University of Craiova

Ph. D. Student Angela FILIP, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca


1. Professor Ph.D. Ioan TRENCA, Ph. D. Student Ioana COROIU: Creditmetrics – o metoda
performanta de evaluare a riscului de credit, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca,

2. Professor Ph. D. Gabriela PRELIPCEAN: An Analysis of The Value Premium in Bucarest

Stock Exchange by Using a Duration Based Model, „Ştefan cel Mare” University of
Suceava, Romania;

3. Professor Ph.D. Liliana DONATH, Ph. D. Student Dragos NEAMTU: Foreign banks
entry. The case of Romania, West University of Timişoara, Romania;

4. Associate Professor Ph. D. Bogdan DIMA, Associate Professor Ph. D. Marilen PIRTEA,
Lecturer Ph. D. Aurora MURGEA: Technical Analysis of the Romanian Financial
Market Indexes, West University of Timisoara, Romania;

5. Associate Professor Ph. D. Cristi SPULBAR, Lecturer Ph. D. Raluca DRACEA, Lecturer
Ph. D. Roxana NANU: Considerations regarding the possibilities of improving the bank-
client relations, University of Craiova, Romania;

6. Associate Professor Ph.D. Ovidiu STOICA, Assistant Lecturer Bogdan CĂPRARU:

Challenges in the Romanian banking industry in the framework of the European
integration, University „Al.I.Cuza” of Iaşi, Romania;

7. Associate Professor Ph. D. Marius DINCĂ: Considerations about the use of warrants,
Transilvania University of Braşov, Romania;

8. Associate Professor Ph.D. Daniel CÂRCIUMARU, Lecturer Ph.D. Marian SIMINICĂ:

Alternative Methods for Assessing the Bankruptey risk, University of Craiova, Romania;

9. Professor Ph. D. Ioan TRENCA: Liquidity risk management – new challenges for
romanian comercial banks, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

10. Associate Professor Ph. D. Horia TULAI: The Romanian Capital Market – present
situation and future perspective, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

11. Lecturer Ph. D. Flavia BARNA, Ph. D. Student Miruna NACHESCU: Integrating the
Capital Markets in the Globalization Context, West University of Timisoara, Romania;

12. Lecturer Ph. D. Dalia SIMION: Evaluation and Usage of Term Contracts within Hedging
Operations, University of Craiova, Romania;

13. Lecturer Ph. D. Roxana NANU, Lecturer Ph. D. Ramona GRUESCU: Bank privatization
in six transition economies and impact over the bank efficiency, University of Craiova,

14. Lecturer Ph. D. Mariana TRANDAFIR: Romanian Integration in European Union – The
Impact of Liberalization of capital transfer in the context of similar experiences of the
recently integrated states, University „Danubius” of Galaţi, Romania;

15. Lecturer Ph. D. Anca BĂNDOI, Lecturer Ph. D. Mirela CRISTEA: The prices and the
Stock Exchange Market, University of Craiova, Romania;

16. Lecturer Ph D Radu NECHITA, The new role oh the agencies in the Basel II agreement:
some potential drawbacks, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

17. Lecturer Ph. D. Mihaela GONDOR, Lecturer Ph. D. Student Simona CĂTANĂ: From the
European Currency Unit to the World Currency Unit, „Petru Maior” University of
Târgu-Mureş, Romania;

18. Lecturer Ph. D. Marinică BOSÂNCEANU: Globalized Financial Markets and Monetary
Policy, „Ştefan cel Mare”University of Suceava, Romania;

19. Lecturer Ph. D. Codruţa Maria FĂT, Ph. D. Student Flaviu APAHIDEAN, Theoretical
framework of hedging, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

20. Lecturer Ph. D. Daniela GIURESCU: Implication of the Romanian Exchange Rate
Arrangement, Univesity of Craiova, Romania;

21. Lecturer Ph. D. Lavinia Maria NEŢOIU: Objectives and strategic measures taken by the
central savings bank in the privatisations process, University of Craiova, Romania;

22. Lecturer Ph. D. Daniela BEJU: Considerations regarding the new basel capital accord
(Basel II), Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

23. Lecturer Mircea STANCULESCU, Teaching Assistent Bogdan BOLDEA : Information

Technology Modeling on Monetary Policy, Dimitrie Cantemir University of Craiova,
West University of Timisoara, Romania;

24. Lecturer Ph. D. Student Marilena MOGA: The monetary policy of National Bank of
Romania in the perspective of the adhesion to European Union, AISTEDA Universitary
Foundation of Alba-Iulia, Romania.

25. Lecturer Ph. D. Lavinia Maria NEŢOIU: Placing clients that apply for credits into
reliability catagories an important stage of granting credits process, University of
Craiova, Romania;

26. Ph. D. Eva Katalin POLGAR: Monetary Policy Rules in a Converging Small Open
Economy, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary;


Professor Ph. D. Ioan TRENCA, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
Associate Professor Ph. D. Horia TULAI, Babeş-Bolyai University
Lecturer Ph. D. Codruta FAT, Babeş-Bolyai University

Ph. D. Student Angela FILIP, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

27. Associate Professor Ph. D. Horia TULAI: Some regards about romanian mutual funds
market, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

28. Lecturer Ph D. Codruţa Maria FĂT, Advanced strategies in transacting options- The
Spread, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

29. Lecturer Ph. D. Alexandru TODEA, Informational Effienccy in weak form. Test for
Evolving Efienccy on Romanian Stock Market, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca,

30. Assistant Ph. D. Student Sorin GRIGORESCU, Lecturer Ph. D. Marin POPESCU: The
evaluation of products prices and of banking services – recent trends, „Constantin
Brâncoveanu” University of Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania;

31. Assistant Ph D Student Sorin GRIGORESCU: The evaluation of products prices and of
banking services – recent trends, „Constantin Brâncoveanu” University of Râmnicu
Vâlcea, Romania;

32. Ph. D. Student Krisztina MAROSI: The history of the economic and monetary union,
Univesity of Szeged, Hungary;

33. Ph. D. Student Diana MIHALCEA: Transformation in the monetary policy of BNR (the
National Romanian Bank) in the context of the entry into EU, University „Al.I.Cuza” of
Iaşi, Romania;

34. Ph. D. Student Diana Maria CABA: New Europe Banking System, Babeş-Bolyai
University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of European Studies, Romania;

35. Ph. D. Aniela Raluca DANCIU, A comparison of Country Risc Rating for Central and
Eastern Europe, The Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania;

36. Ph. D. Student Roxana HETES: Globalization: a new age of financial inovation, West
University of Timisoara, Romania;

37. Ph. D. Student Dana-Lucia BIZO: The legal status and the prerogatives of brokers, as
bearers of proxy on the stock exchange market, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca,

38. Ph.D. Student Angela FILIP: Performance atribution analysis, Babeş-Bolyai University
of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

39. Zsolt NAGY, Recent developments in stock prices on the Bucharest Stock Exchange,
Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

40. Monica POP: Influences of EU integration on SME banking marketing, Bancpost SA

Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

41. Ph. D. Alexandra HOROBEŢ: Explaining Romanian stock market returns : local versus
European factors, The Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania;

42. Ph. D. Student Dana-Lucia BIZO: The legal ground and conditions for performing
brokerage services on the account of third parties, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-
Napoca, Romania;

43. Ph. D. Student Gheorghe BURLACU: The Financial-Banking Corruption Result of

Disfunctions in Crediting Activity (poster), Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca,

44. Ph. D. Student Grigore BÂCE: The Importance and The Role of Credit Sistem in
Economy (poster), Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

45. Ph.D. Student Anca SOCACIU-BINŢINŢAN: The Bank`s Liquidity Analysis (poster),
Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

46. Ph. D. Student Ioan SUCIGAN: Romania –the advisability of investments in financial
titles, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

47. Ph. D. Student Angela FILIP: Some aspects regarding international diversification,
Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

48. Ph. D. Student Annamaria BENYOVSZKI, Ph. D. Student Lehel Zoltan GYORFY:
Mortgage loans in Romania, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania




Prof. Ioan ANDONE, PhD, University of Iaşi, Faculty of Economics and Business
Prof. Bogdan GHILIC-MICU, PhD, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

Lect. Cristian Bologa, PhD, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

1. Prof. PhD Ioan I. ANDONE, New Directions And Tools For Using Of Expert Systems
Technology In Business, “AL.I.Cuza” University of Iaşi, Faculty of Economics and
Business Administration

2. PhD Sanda BERAR, E-Management In Multicultural Software Projects, Nokia, Helsinki,


3. Prof. PhD Ion IVAN, Assist. Cătălin BOJA, Assist. Cristian VLAD, IT&C PROJECT
Implementation Team Evaluation, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

4. Assoc. Prof. Habil. PhD István BORGULYA, A Parallel Evolutionary Strategy For
Continuous Optimization, University of Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics

5. Prof. PhD, Rodica Doina DĂNĂIAŢĂ, Lecturer Camelia MARGEA, Lecturer Diana
MOGOŞANU, Issues Concerning The E-Administration Phenomenon, The West
University of Timisoara, Faculty of Economic Sciences

6. Senior Lect. PhD., Doina FOTACHE, Ph. D. Stud. Assistant Octavian DOSPINESCU,
Erp Market Romanian Case Study, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Faculty of
Economics and Business Administration

7. Prof. Bogdan GHILIC-MICU Phd, Remodeling Businesses In Information Era, Academy

of Economic Studies

8. Prof. Mihaela MUNTEAN, PhD., Some Considerations About Customer Knowledge

Management, West University Of Timisoara



1. Prof. Dr. Rodica MIHALCA, Conf. Dr. Adina UŢĂ, Univ.-Assist. Anca
ANDRONESCU, Univ.-Lect. Dr. Iulian ÎNTORSUREANU, Requirements Analysis of a
Tutorial System for Work Security and Health In Smes According To The European Union
Directives, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

2. Phd. Stud. Raluca ARBA, Building Trust for an E-Commerce Site, Babes-Bolyai
University Cluj-Napoca

3. Prof. Ph.D., Constantin AVORNICULUI, Prof. Ph.D., Nicolae TOMAI, Mihai

AVORNICULUI, Business process modeling with enterprise architect, “Babeş-Bolyai”
University, Cluj-Napoca

4. PhD Stud. Ionela BÂCÂIN, Experiments and results in developing expert systems in
managerial accounting, Department of Economic Informatics, Faculty of Economics and
Business Administration, “AL.I.Cuza” University of Iaşi

5. PhD. Stud. Eva BALINT, Mathematic model by “direct – costing method” for financial
optimization of a hydroelectrical power plant

6. Assist. Lorena BĂTĂGAN, The Grow of National Economy Through the New Business
Solution, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania

7. Lect. PhD, Cristian BOLOGA, Eng. Cristian FAUR, On the disconnected multi-tier

8. Assist. Răzvan BOLOGA, IT education in Romania, Academy of Economic Studies,

Bucharest, Romania

9. PhD. Stud. Vasile Paul BREŞFELEAN, Mobile technologies in education, ,,Babes-

Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

10. Assist. PhD. Robert Andrei BUCHMANN, Xml Connectivity within Flash Presentations
– Part II (Connector Implementation Issues), “Babes Bolyai” University Cluj Napoca,
Faculty of Economic Sciences

11. Assist. PhD Robert Andrei BUCHMANN., XML Connectivity Within Flash Presentations
– Part III (Data Management Issues) “Babes Bolyai” University Cluj Napoca, Faculty of
Economic Sciences

12. Claudiu CHIRU, Aura Marilena DIN, Liana Elefterie, Using Fujitsu software for XBRL
documents generation, Spiru Haret University

13. Assist. Radu CONSTANTINESCU, Senior Lecturer Răzvan Daniel ZOTA, Vulnerabilities
in E-commerce applications, Business Informatics Department,Academy of Economic
Studies, Bucharest, Romania

14. Assist. Dragos CRISTEA, Assist. Gianina RIZESCU, Knowledge management, part of
the modern enterprise, University “Dunarea de Jos” GALATI, Faculty of Economical and
Administrative Science, Department of Accounting and Informatics for Economics

15. Lect. Ph.D. Marian Cristescu, Assistent Ph.D. Candidate Daniel Hunyadi, New technology
used for develop multi-tier applications, "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu

16. PhD Stud. Anca DISCANT, Digital image processing, Dept. Of Electronics and
Telecommunications, Technical University

17. Assist. Octavian DOSPINESCU, Ibm Lotus Software For collaborative Enterprise
Environments, Department of Economics Informatics, Faculty of Economics and Business
Administration, Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi

18. PhD. Stud Ciprian-Nicuşor DRAGOTĂ, The banking risks. the management of the
banking risks, The Faculty of Economics, „Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca

19. Senior Lect.. Florin DUMITRIU, Offshore outsourcing – an opportunity for

romania,"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi

20. Assoc. Prof., PhD Daniela ENĂCHESCU, Lect. PhD. Dorel DUSMANESCU, E-work,
more and better jobs in a knowledge-based economy, Oil&Gas University, Ploiesti

21. Robert ENYEDI, The structure of language translators, Academy of Economic Studies,

22. Assist. Fabian RALF-DETLEF, Development of techniques for process modeling with
abstract state machines, The “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Faculty of Sciences,
Department for Computer Sciences and Economic Informatics

23. PhD Stud. Norbert GERGELY, Possibilities of applying OLAP queries regarding reports
in the banking industry. samples in Oracle discoverer, The Faculty of Economics, Babes-
Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca

24. Ph.D. Stud. Daniel HOMOCIANU, A Data-Mart Model in the context of the Knowledge
Society, Department of Business Informatics, Faculty of Economics and Business
Administration, „Al. I. Cuza” University“ of Iaşi

25. Senior Lect. PhD. Luminiţa HURBEAN , Performance management with business
intelligence, West University Of Timisoara

26. Prof. PhD. Ion IVAN, Assist. Marius POPA, Alexandru POPESCU, Text entities
representativeness, Economic Informatics Department, Academy of Economic Studies,

27. PhD Stud. Paul-Ioan LUNGU, Modern Electronic Systems of Clearing and Settlement,
Faculty of Economics and Business Management, “Babeş – Bolyai” University, Cluj–
Napoca, Romania

28. Assist. Ana-Ramona LUPU, Research directions in agent oriented methodologies,

Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania

29. Assist. Romeo MARGEA, Lect. Camelia MARGEA, The Strike of Dual Core Processors,
The West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Economic Sciences

30. PhD Stud Nicolae MARGINEAN, Fuzzy logic in expert systems, Universitatea “Babes-
Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca

31. Valentin - Petru MĂZĂREANU, Ph. D. Student, E-Risk in E-World, Department of

Economic Informatics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

32. PhD Stud Sabina MIHALACHE, Intelligent Tools for Accounting Decisions’ Modeling,
Department of Economic Informatics, Faculty of Economics and Business
Administration, “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iassy

33. Assist. Marinela MIRCEA, Participation on the electronic markets– a necessity in digital
economy, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania

34. Lect. PhD., Loredana MOCEAN, ERP Warehousing Applications, Babes-Bolyai

University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Economics, Business Information Systems

35. Senior Lect. Mihaela MUNTEAN, A Framework for Integration of Rolap And Molap
Systems Design Processes, Academy of Economic Studies, Faculty of Economics
Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics, Economic Informatics Department,Bucharest

36. PhD Stud. Iustina MURESAN, Opinions and conclusions from The ERP Market,
Universitatea “Babes – Bolyai” Cluj-napoca

37. Prof. Univ. Dr. Floarea NĂSTASE, Web Services Security, Academy of Economic
Studies, Bucharest, Romania

38. PhD. Stud. Denisa NEAGU, Demands for Knowledge Management, Al I Cuza Iasi
University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Business Information
Systems Department

39. PhD Stud. Luciana NEAMŢIU, Databases applied in pharmacoeconomic evaluation,

Oncological Institute “I.Chiricuţă” Cluj-Napoca

40. PhD. Stud. Iulian OPREA, Designing a user choices aware user interface, “Al. I. Cuza”
University of Iaşi, Romania

41. Prof. PhD. Dumitru OPREAN, Lect. PhD, Dr. Silviu Claudiu POPA, Eng. Franz Stieber,
TI&C: Management with projects

42. Assist. Daniel PĂVĂLOAIA, A comparative approach of expert system shells to be used
in the designing process of an intelligent prototype for financial and economic diagnose
of an enterprise, FEAA, UAIC, Department of Business Information Systems

43. PhD. Stud. Răzvan PETRUŞEL, On cash-flow DSS. model base, “Babes-Bolyai”
University of Cluj-Napoca

44. Lect. PhD Paul POCATILU, Mobile applications testability, Academy of Economic

45. Assist. Gheorghe Cosmin SILAGHI, AgentSearch: an Architecture of a Collaborative

Multi-agent Web Search System, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Faculty of Economics, Cluj-
Napoca, Romania

46. Assist. Catalin SILVESTRU Organizations management, Informatics in Economy

Department, Faculty of Cybernetics,Statistics and Informatics in Economy, Academy of
Economic Studies

47. Constantin Florin SÎRBU, On-Line links between DB2 and Oracle Database Servers,
teaching assistant at Business Information Systems Chair, Faculty of Economics and
Business Administration, ‘Al. I. Cuza’ Iaşi University

48. Prof. PhD. Georgeta ŞOAVĂ, Dynamic enterprise modeler, University of Craiova,
Faculty of Economic Science

49. Assist. PhD Liana – Maria STANCA, Some aspects regarding the target of the on-line
advert, Faculty of Economic Sciences, “Babeş – Bolyai” University

50. Lect. Cătălin STRÎMBEI, Towards an mda approach in defining guidelines for an
application development framework: Java tools space orchestration, Faculty of
Economics and Business Administration

51. Lect. Carmen TIMOFTE, Phd, E-Commerce and Payment Methods, ASE, Bucharest

52. Florin TOADERE, Amplitude filters optical image processing, Of Dept. Electronics and
Telecommunications, Technical University

53. Prof. PhD. Nicolae TOMAI, PhD Stud. Ana Maria MURESAN, Some performance tests
of wireless computer networks, “Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of

54. Assist. Cristian Valeriu TOMA, Smart Cards Technologies in E-Commerce, Department
of Economic Informatics, Academy of Economic Studies

55. Senior Lect. Monica VANCEA, A brief analysis of or parallel execution models, “Babes-
Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca

56. PhD Stud. Miranda-Petronella VLAD, Some remarks about the e-book - DRM framework,
SC Software ITC Cluj

57. Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Mirela-Catrinel VOICU, Hypercubes construction and exploitation,
Faculty of Economic Sciences, West University of Timişoara

58. PhD Stud. Mihaela BURCĂ, PhD Stud. Paul BREŞFELEAN, Mobile banking, “Babes-
Bolyai” University, Faculty of Economic Sciences

59. PhD. Stud. Ioan NEGREA, PhD Stud. George Sebastian CHIŞ, Encapsulation of
properties, methods, and behaviors in MSAccess, “Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj-

60. Prof. PhD. Stefan Ioan NITCHI, Prof. PhD. Rodica AVRAM-NIŢCHI, Some Remarks on
a Fuzzy-Neural Hybrid System, Business Information Systems Department, “Babeş-
BolyaI” University of Cluj-Napoca

61. Assist. Dan-Andrei SITAR-TĂUT, An overview on database federated systems, „Babeş-

Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

62. PhD Stud. Sergiu JECAN, Firewalls and internet security, ,,Babeş-Bolyai” University of

63. Adrian Munteanu, Ph.D, About Information Security Qualitative Risk Assessment,
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration


9,30- 12,00 BELIŞ LOCATION




Prof. Ion IVAN, PhD, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest
Prof. Ştefan I. NIŢCHI, PhD, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca

Lect. Loredana MOCEAN, PhD, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca

1. PhD. Stud. Daniel STUPARU, PhD. Stud. Alina ANDREICA, PhD. Stud. Iulia MANTU,
Comparing access techniques on databases in distributed application frameworks, IT
Department, ,,Babes-Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca

2. PhD. Stud. Raluca ARBA, Collaborative electronic marketplace, ”Babeş-Bolyai”

University Cluj-Napoca

3. PhD. Stud. Vasile Paul BRESFELEAN, PhD. Stud. Mihaela Antonia BURCA,
Collaborative e-learning systems, ,,Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca

4. PhD. Stud. Alexandru BUTIRI, Using mobile agents in mobile commerce, ”Babeş-
Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca

5. Liviu-Gabriel CREŢU, Semantic web. A(nother) possible solution for b2b cooperation,
“AL.I.Cuza” University, Iaşi

6. Liviu-Gabriel CREŢU, Ebxml. expressing semantics in b2b collaborations, Business
Information Systems dept., “AL.I.Cuza” University, Iaşi

7. Ovidiu DOBRICAN, An example of collaborative system, Faculty of Economic Sciences,

West University of Timişoara

8. Octavian DOSPINESCU, Mobile applications – protocols and architectures, Department

of Economics Informatics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Al.I. Cuza
University Iasi

9. Ph.D. Stud. Ciprian-Nicuşor DRAGOTĂ, The information society nowadays. What will
come next?, „Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca

10. Florin DUMITRIU, Coordination in groupware systems, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza"

University Of Iasi

11. Senior Lect. PhD., Doina FOTACHE, Octavian DOSPINESCU, Information integration
in romanian companies, ,,Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi

12. Laura – Diana GENETE, Estimating inherent risk in audit with intelligent solutions, “Al.
I. Cuza” University of Iasi

13. Mircea GEORGESCU, The future of e-learning: designing tomorrow's education, “Al. I.
Cuza” University, Iaşi

14. PhD. Stud. Norbert GERGELY, The role of the data marts in simplifying the interaction
between data and end-users, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca

15. Florina GHETIE, Mining for association rules in shopping cart analysis, “Babeş-Bolyai”
University, Cluj-Napoca

16. Lacrimioara GRAMA, A simple ilustration of tabu search

17. Daniel HUNYADI, Marian CRISTESCU, A multi-agent architecture for human learning,
The „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu

18. László ILLYÉS, Traveling salesman problem with time windows solved with genetic
algorithms, “Emte–Sapientia” University, Miercurea-Ciuc

19. Prof. PhD. Ion IVAN, Cătălin BOJA, Collaborative systems components empirical
software optimization effect assessment, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

20. PhD. Stud. Gyöngyvér–Emese KOVACS, Targeting the right audience with online ads,
“Babeş – Bolyai” University, Cluj–Napoca

21. Daniel MICAN, Collaborative system in handling freelancer it projects, “Babeş – Bolyai”
University, Cluj–Napoca

22. PhD. Stud. Alin MIHAILA, Negotiation techniques in multiagent systems, “Babes-
Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca

23. Gabriela MIRCEA, Interoperability and business models for e-commerce, West
University of Timişoara

24. Paulina MITREA, Ovidiu BUZA, Web technology based multimedia enterprise
simulator, as interactive enterprise oriented continuous learning platform, Technical
University Cluj-Napoca

25. Lect. PhD. Loredana MOCEAN, Assist. PhD. Robert Andrei BUCHMANN, The
management of the informational flux in group decision support systems (GDSS), “Babes-
Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca

26. Simina MOLDOVAN, Conformational energy search using simulated annealing,

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

27. Mihaela MUNTEAN, Collaboration – a business strategy in the global economy, West
University of Timisoara

28. Alin MUNTEANU, Cristina Ofelia SOFRAN, The development of document management
in romanian companies, Tibiscus University Timişoara

29. Adrian MUNTEANU, Doina FOTACHE, Auditing integrated systems. A romanian

approach, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi

30. Prof. PhD. Stefan Ioan NITCHI, Prof. PhD. Rodica AVRAM-NIŢCHI, On the apradigm
of collaborative support systems, BIS Department, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-

31. Prof. PhD. Victoria OPREAN, Prof. PhD. Dumitru OPREAN, Lect. PhD. Silviu Claudiu
POPA, The performant automatisation: the engineering of organizing companies, “Babeş-
Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca

32. Maria PÂRV, Multicriteria analysis decision support tool based on electre method,
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca

33. PhD. Stud. Razvan PETRUSEL, Awareness in collaborative work, “Babes-Bolyai”

University of Cluj-Napoca

34. Prof. PhD. Ion IVAN, Marius POPA, Alexandru POPESCU, The text entities’
engineering, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

35. Corneliu RUSU, Prof. PhD. Lucia RUSU, Data compatibility in biometrics research,
“Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca

36. Prof. PhD. Lucia RUSU, Cristina PEREANU, Using castor jdo in develope collaborative
systems, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca

37. Assist PhD. Stud.Gheorghe Cosmin SILAGHI, About a naïve algorithm for producing
collaborative recommendations, “Babeş-Bolyai” University

38. Assist. Dan-Andrei SITAR-TĂUT, Assist. PhD. Liana – Maria STANCA, Federated
database integration, „Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca

39. Marian STOICA, Communication between organizations and clients through internet,
Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

40. Cătălin STRÎMBEI, Enterprise architecture integration: database alignment, “Al.I.Cuza”

University, Iaşi

41. Leontin TODERICI, It banking systems with decentralized architecture versus it banking
systems with centralized architecture (case study at banca transilvania)

42. Prof. PhD. Nicolae TOMAI, Zsolt XANTUS, Simulating internet congestion, Faculty of
Economics, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca

43. Senior Lect. Monica VANCEA, Alexandru VANCEA, Parallel collaborative task
scheduling in the management of complex projects, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-

44. Mirela-Catrinel VOICU, Considerations on the Olap, West University of Timişoara

45. Prof. PhD. Dan DUMITRESCU, Laura SAS, Gabriela ŞERBAN, Alina CÂMPAN,
Adrian S. DĂRĂBANT, Horia F. POP, Leon ŢÂMBULEA, Cooperative learning for
distributed data mining, Department of Computer Science, Babeş-Bolyai University

46. Carmen POP, A sociological approach upon strategic management in the university,
,,Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca

47. PhD. Stud. Sergiu JECAN, Developments in dos research and mitigating technologies,
,,Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca

48. Liana STANCULEA, Modèles utilisé dans le project des systèmes managerials
informatiques des petit et moyen entreprendre dans le domain de commerce. Modèles et

49. PhD. Stud. Paul SIME, Computer assisted audit tools, ,,Babeş Bolyai” University of


09,30-12,00 BELIŞ LOCATION

ROUND TABLE: “Business Information Education according to Bologna documents”




Associate Professor Delia Felicia MARGA, “Babeş – Bolyai” University, Cluj–Napoca
Lecturer Luminiţa ANDREI-COCARTA, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi

Cristian ILYES, “Babeş – Bolyai” University of Cluj–Napoca

1. Delia Felicia MARGA (Ph. D., Associate Professor, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-
Napoca): Professional Communication

2. Liana POP (Ph. D., Associate Professor, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca),

Victoria MOLDOVAN (Ph. D., Associate Professor, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-
Napoca): Professional Communication. An Intercultural Perspective

3. Ileana ORLICH (Ph. D., Prof., Arizona State University, United States of America):
Withheld Title

4. Elena Arina GREAVU (Assistant, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu): Aspects of the
Economic Discourse in English and Romanian

5. Raluca BUCIUMAN (Ph. D. Student, Assistant, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-

Napoca): Corporate Discourse

16,30-17,00 Coffee Break

6. Mariana NICOLAE (Associate Professor, Academy of Economic Studies from

Bucharest): ”Translating and Interpreting” European Integration – Impact on the
National Economy

7. Adriana Corina FEKETE (Ph. D. Student, Assistant, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-

Napoca): Managing Professional Communication Crisis: Communicating Examination
Results to Students

8. Diana-Christine ZAGAN-ZELTER (Ph. D. Student, Assistant, Babeş-Bolyai University of

Cluj-Napoca): Problems of Organizational Communication in the Context of European

9. Maria DARABANT (Assistant, Academy of Economic Studies from Bucharest): English

– the Hardest Currency?

18,00-18,30 Coffee Break


Associate Professor Victoria MOLDOVAN, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
Lecturer Alexandra Viorica DULAU, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

Cristian ILYES, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

1. Sanda IGNAT (Ph. D. Student, Assistant, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca):

Theatrical Discourse in Teaching Foreign Languages

2. Timea TOCALACHIS (Ph. D. Student, Teaching Assistant, Babeş-Bolyai University of

Cluj-Napoca): Trampas y dificultades en la adquisición del lenguaje de especialidad en
el español

3. Delia MORAR (Ph. D. Student, Teaching Assistant, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-

Napoca): L’insegnamento dell’italiano come L2 nella Comunita Europea

4. Cristiana TESCULA (Ph. D. Student, Assistant, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca):

Un module d’initiation au français de la technique

5. Alexandra Viorica DULAU (Ph. D., Lecturer, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca),

Miruna OPRIS (Ph. D. Student, Lecturer, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca): Le Rôle
de la CCIP dans la promotion du français des affaires



Associate Professor Mariana NICOLAE, Academy of Economic Studies from Bucharest
Assistant Adrian CIUPE, “Babeş – Bolyai” University of Cluj–Napoca

Cristian ILYES, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

1. Luminiţa ANDREI-COCARTA (Ph. D., Lecturer, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of

Iaşi): Testing Students in English for Business and Administration

2. Maria PETRUT (Ph. D., Lecturer, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca): Some

Approaches to the Teaching of Basic Business Communication Skills in the Romanian

3. Mariana TOMA (Ph. D., Lecturer, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca): Acquisition

of Business English in a CALL Environment – Classroom Activities

4. Eugenia IRIMIAS (Ph. D., Lecturer, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca) : Oral
Communication Skills in Business English

5. Emilia PLACINTAR (Ph. D., Lecturer, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca):

Management of Information and Interpersonal Relationships in Business Conversation: A
Case Analysis

6. Veronica ARMASU (Ph. D. Student, Assistant, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca):

Teaching Business English: Language Training vs Skills Training

10,00 – 10,30 Coffee Break

7. Olesia LUPU (Ph. D., Assistant, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi): Approaches to
Teaching Professional Writing

8. Ioana Gabriela NAN (Assistant, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca): Teaching

Writing Skills: Steps Towards a Learner-Centered Approach

9. Simona MITOCARU (Assistant, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi): The

Importance of Teamwork Ability Development in the Study of Business English

10. Réka KALMAN (Teaching Assistant, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca):

Language Acquisitions

11. Ana Maria PASCU (Ph. D. Student, Teaching Assistant, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-
Napoca): Representation in Second Language Acquisition

12. Gabriela Ioana MOCAN (Ph. D. Student, Teaching Assistant, Babeş-Bolyai University of
Cluj-Napoca): Teaching Advertising



Professor Theodore BUCUR, Lille, France
Associate Professor Roxana STEGEREAN, Ph.D., Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj

Ph.D. Student Ciprian DOBOCAN, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca

1. Adrian PETELEAN (Associate Professor Ph.D., Petru Maior University, Târgu- Mureş,
Romania) Angela ON (Ph.D.Student, Petru Maior University, Târgu- Mureş, Romania)
An Analysis of Conflicting Situations in Romanian Organizations,;

2. Agnes ERICH (Lecturer Ph.D., Valahia University, Târgovişte, Romania), Information

Management in Organisations,

3. Simona MINA (Assistant Lecturer, Ovidius University, Constanţa, Romania), The

managerial involves of the conflicts in organisational behaviour;

4. Lia Codrina CONŢIU (Lecturer, Petru Maior University, Târgu-Mureş, Romania), A

Model of Organizational Culture in the Public Area;

5. Mihaela ŞTEŢ (Assistant Lecturer, West University "Vasile Goldiş" Arad, Romania),
The Development of a New Career - Logistics Specialist;

17,00–17,30: Coffee Break

6. Claudia OGREAN (Lecturer Ph. D., Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu), Business Ethics and
Corporate Social Responsibility- Demands of a New Approach of the Management
Practice in Accordance with the Sustainable Development Requirements;

7. Theodore BUCUR (Professor HEI, Catholic Univeristy FUPL of Lille, France),

Berangere, GOSSE (Assoc. Prof. UVHC of Valenciennes, France), Concrete Strategies
for enhancing the industry's competitiveness with technological and cultural impact upon
the development of the local economy and the acceleration of the transition to a
functional market economy by tools of decision making aid specific to the competitive and
strategic inteligence;

8. P.G. IPSILANDIS (Professor, University T.E.I. Of Larissa, Greece),L.G. SDROLIAS

(Associate Professor, University T.E.I. Of Larissa, Greece), I.G. CHOULIARAS
(Associate Professor, University T.E.I. Of Larissa, Greece), Innovation and Tradition:
Synergy instead of Conflict -a Study on organizational aspects;

9. Delia POPESCU (Associate Professor, Valahia University, Târgovişte, Romania),

Entrepreneurship and Growth: Managerial Challenges ;

10. Flavia ARDELEAN (Lecturer, Petru Maior University, Târgu- Mureş,Romania); The
Managerial Functions in Pharmacies,;

11. Petru ŞTEFEA (Associate Professor, Ph.D,West University, Timişoara, Romania),

Marilen PIRTEA (Associate Professor, Ph.D., West University, Timişoara, Romania) ,
The technological audit – support for the development of the innovative potential at
microeconomic level- The case of the West Region – Romania;

12. Lucreţia LAZĂR (Lecturer Ph.D., Bogdan Vodă University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Career Mobility and Administration;

13. Arcadie HINESCU (Professor Ph. D.,” 1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba- Iulia,
Romania), Mălina CORDOŞ (Assistant Lecturer,”1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba-
Iulia, Romania), The Management by Politics in Quality Control;

14. Istvan SZINTAY (University of Miskolc, Hungary), Orsolya HOGYA, (University of

Miskolc, Hungary), Innovative Organisations- The Role of Human Factor.

15. Alina Teodora CIUHUREANU (Assistant Ph. D. Student, Romanian- German

University, Sibiu, Romania), Adapting the human resources to the requests of the
financial-accounting activity management;

16. Ioan MIHUŢ (Professor Ph. D., Dimitrie Cantemir University, Cluj Napoca, Romania),
About the End of Management;

17. Ioan LAZĂR (Professor Ph. D, Babeş- Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania),
Vincentiu Vereş (Assistant Lecturer Ph. D Student, Babeş- Bolyai University, Cluj
Napoca, Romania), Delegation and Empowerment- a management technique,;

18. Anca BORZA (Professor Ph. D, Babeş- Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania),
Ciprian DOBOCAN (Ph. D Student, Babeş- Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania),
Modern Strategic Orientations for Achieving Competitivness;;

19. Cristian DUMITRAŞ, (Teaching Assistant), Specific features of projecting and of

implementing management sistems of quality in the domain E-Commerce;

20. Ioan MIHUŢ (Professor Ph. D., Dimitrie Cantemir University, Cluj Napoca, Romania),
Ion PĂCURARU (Ph. D Student, Babeş- Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania) ,
Determinants and Interactions in Roads Safety Management;

21. Eugenia CÂMPEANU- SONEA (Associate Professor Ph.D, Babeş- Bolyai University,
Cluj Napoca, Romania), Adrian SONEA (Teaching Assistant, Petru Maior University,
Târgu Mureş, Romania),The Negociation Phases as a Communication Context;

22. Roxana STEGEREAN (Associate Professor Ph.D, Babeş- Bolyai University, Cluj
Napoca, Romania) Innovation in Touristic Services- a source of Competitive Advantage;

11,00-11,30 Coffee Break

23. Arcadie HINESCU (Professor Ph. D.,” 1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba- Iulia,
Romania), Ionela Gavrilă (Teaching Assistant, Ph. D. Student .,” 1 Decembrie 1918”

University, Alba- Iulia, Romania) Risk Situation's Management Program, Planning- a
Risc Situations Management Model;

24. Anca BORZA (Professor Ph. D, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania),
Ciprian DOBOCAN (Ph. D Student, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania) ,
The Need for Changing the Strategic Thinking in the Context of Globalization;

25. Cătălin AFRĂSINEI, (Lecturer, Ph.D.Student, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca,

Romania ), Concepts of Quality Costs Measuring;

26. Dorel URSU (Lecturer Ph.D. ,Vasile Goldiş University Arad, Romania) , Measures for
Perfecting the Project of Management in Romanian firms,;

27. Janetta SÂRBU (Lecturer Ph. D., Bogdan Vodă University, Cluj Napoca , Romania), The
offshore - a form of outsourcing?;

28. Mihai NAGHI (Professor Ph. D, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania), Oana
GICĂ (Ph. D Student, Babeş- Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania), Strategy
formulation and the Resource Based Theory;


1. Natalia NEGREA (Ph. D Student, Babeş- Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania),
Project Management in Romanian Public Administration;

2. Ioan VOICAN, (Ph. D Student, Babeş- Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania)
Development of SME's;

3. Radu TODORAN, (Ph. D Student, Babeş- Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca,

Romania)Plan of Business-imperativ of the activities development of SME's;

4. Sorin Alexandru KUN, (Ph. D Student, Babeş- Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca,
Romania)The Purpose of National Postal Company" Posta Romana" S.A.;

5. Radu PINTEA, (Ph. D Student, Babeş- Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania)
Specific management strategies- the diagnostic analysis of insurances company;

6. Ion BLANARIU (Ph. D Student, Babeş- Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania),
Considerations Regarding Romania's National Security Strategy and Defense Policy

7. Ioan POP, (Ph. D Student, Babeş- Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania)
Suggestions for Promoting Certain Development Strategy of Beer Internal Market in

8. Mihai MIEILĂ, (Ph. D Student, Valahia University,Târgovişte, Romania)The Necessity

and opportunity of implementing Total Quality Management in Romanian Enterprises;

9. Florin BELA, (Ph. D Student, Babeş- Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania)The
Management of Changes in the Textile Industry;

10. Daniel VLAD, (Ph. D Student, Babeş- Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania),The
Evaluation of Organisational Development at Post Company Cluj;

11. Ion PĂCURARU (Ph. D Student, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania),The
Optimization of Urban Traffic Through Gyrating Solutions;

12. Codruţa OSOIAN (Lecturer Ph. D., Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania),The
Experience of Central and Eastern European Countries in the Field of Industrial

13. Oana GICĂ (Ph. D.Student, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania), Mihai
NAGHI (Professor Ph. D., Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania) ,
Communicating and Controllind efficientlythe Strategy Using the Balanced Scorecard;

14. Roxana STEGEREAN (Associate Professor Ph. D., Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj
Napoca, Romania), Development Strategies in Retail;

15. Diana ZĂGAN ZELTER (Teaching Assistant, Ph. D Student, Babeş-Bolyai University,
Cluj Napoca, Romania), The Role of Communication in Staff Appraisal;

16. Petru BINŢINŢAN (Professor Ph. D.Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania) ,
,Investment Strategies in the U.E. Adeheration Perspective;

17. Radu ILIEŞ (Ph.D. Student, Babeş- Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania) Costumer
Relation Management- A Component of Logistics Management;

18. Horia Mihai RABOCA, (Ph. D Student, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca,
Romania), Customer Satisfaction in Public Service-the Relashionship Between,,Service
Quality and Customer Satifaction;

19. Violeta DUMITRIU (Ph. D Student, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania)
The Evolution of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Market  (LPG) in Romania in the Last Twenty
Years and its Perspectives;

20. Horaţiu CÂRTIŢĂ (Ph. D. Student, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania),
Liviu ILIEŞ( Professor Ph.D., Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania),
Modelling Techniques in Supply Chain Management- a conceptual approach;

21. Maria MORTAN (Lecturer Ph.D., Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania),
SWOT Analysis- Specific Management Tool, Professor Liviu Ilieş, Ph.D., Logistics
Organization in Product Companies;



Associate Professor Gyula BAKACSI, Ph.D., Sapientia University, Miercurea Ciuc
Associate Professor Mirela POPA, Ph.D., Babeş Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca

Ph.D. Student Costin GEORGIANA, Babeş Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca

1. Marcela Cornelia DANU(Associate Professor, Ph.D, University of Bacău, Romania), The

Attitude of Managers Towards Risk, in the Context of Romanian Integration in E.U,;

2. Gyula BAKACSI (Associate Professor,Ph.D., Sapientia University, Miercurea Ciuc,

Romania), Leadership and Cultural Variatio,;

3. Nicolae BIBU (Professor, Ph.D., West University, Timişoara, Romania), Maria

PREDIŞCAN (Professor, Ph.D., West University, Timişoara, Romania), Elena
SĂRĂTEAN (Associate Professor,Ph. D., West University, Timişoara, Romania),
Characteristics of Change Management in Romanian Organizations under the Impact of
Romannia's European Integration;

4. Deak SZABOLCS (Associate Professor, University of Szeged, Hungary), Imreh

SZABOLCS (Associate Professor, University of Szeged, Hungary), Company
Cooperation Characteristics in Csongrad County;

5. Marian NĂSTASE (Lecturer, Ph.D, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucureşti,

Romania ), Mirela NĂSTASE (Lawyer), The Change of Organizational Culture for
Alining to European Union Business Environment;

6. Erich SCHWARZ (University of Klagenfurt, Austria), Malgorzata WDOWIAK

(University of Klagenfurt, Austria), The Impact of Human and Financial Capital of
Young Small and Medium Sized Entreprises in the European Transition Economies: Case
of Poland;

17,00 –17,30 Coffee Break

7. Ana-Maria BERCU (Assistant Lecturer, Ph. D. Student , Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi,
Romania), Public Administration Leadership;

8. Radu OGARCĂ (University Of Craiova, Romania), Leadership and Organizational

Culture- Implications for decision Making Process;

9. Amedeo ISTOCESCU (Lecturer, Ph.D., Academy of Economic Studies, Bucureşti,

Romania), International Cultural and Managerial Comparative Approaches;

10. Lazăr RUSU (Associate Professor, Ph.D.,Babeş Bolyai University of Cluj –Napoca,
Romania), Chief Information Officer Role and Responsibilities in Successfully
Management of IT Resources in a Multinational Corporation;

11. Lucreţia LAZĂR (Lecturer, Ph.D., Bogdan Vodă University, Cluj –Napoca, Romania),
Organisational Development in the Context of Globalization;

12. Gyorgy MALOVICS (Assistant Professor, University of Szeged, Hungary), Gabor RACZ
(Ph.D Student, University of Pecs, Hungary), Possible effects of the EU accession on
management practices in Hungary: environmentally conscious management and
corporate social responsibility;

13. Rozalia NISTOR (Associate Professor, Ph.D, Dunărea de Jos University, Galaţi,
Romania), Costel NISTOR (Lecturer, Ph.D., Dunărea de Jos University, Galaţi,
Romania), The Adhesion Impact on the Reorganization and Development of the
Romanian Companies;

14. Adina NEGRUŞA (Lecturer, Ph.D., Babeş Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca, Romania),
International Brewing Foreign Companies Strategies in Romanian Market

15. Larisa COCOI (Teaching Assistant, Ph.D.Student , Management- Science of The Modern
World ;

16. Marius DODU (Assistant Lecturer,Ph.D. Student ,” 1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba-
Iulia, Romania), A Comparative Approach to the Personnel Performance Appraisal
System in Public and Private Sectors- Disimilarities and Similitudes;



1. Gina Ionela BUTNARU (Ph.D. Student, Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania), The
Electronic Commerce in the Perspective of the European Integration- the Key of the
Competitivity of all Romanian firms;

2. Gina Ionela BUTNARU (Ph.D. Student, Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania), Gelu
ELISEI, The Necessity of a Quality Strategy at “Estival Tur” Tourism Agency from
Bacău in the Context of Market Economy;

3. Zsolt Oszkar KISS (Ph.D. Student, Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary), The
Development of Products Organizations and Critical Points of its Extension in Hungary;

4. Georgiana COSTIN (Ph.D. Student, Babeş Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca, Romania),
Decision Making- product fabrication and Supply Strategy at the Boeing Company;

5. Mirela POPA (Associate Professor, Ph.D, Babeş Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca,
Romania), Ethics and Business Involvement;



Professor Joseph TROXLER Ph.D, Veterinarmedizienische Universitat Wien
Associate Professor Maria MORTAN, Ph.D, Babeş Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca

Assistant Lecturer Vincenţiu VEREŞ, Ph.D. Student, Babeş Bolyai University of Cluj

1. Marilena MIRONIUC (Associate Professor, Ph.D., Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania),
Daniela Neonila MARDIROS (Lecturer, Ph.D, Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania),
Analysis of the Environmental Management Systems for a Continuous Improvement of
Ambiental Performances;

2. Joseph TROXLER (Professor, Ph.D., Veterinarmedizienische Universitat Wien, Austria),

Cornelia MULLEDER (Ph.D., Veterinarmedizienische Universitat Wien, Austria), Dezso
MOTIKA (Szent University, Godollo, Hungary), Research of efficiency increasing effect
and practical use of stock management systems based on electronical identification in
Austrian small and middle sized dairy farms;

3. Ioana FLORESCU (Babeş Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca, Romania), Traditions &
Operational Planning: The Magic Potion For Romanian Rural Tourism?;

4. Crina TURTOI (Senior Researcher, Romanian Academy, Bucureşti , Romania), Concepts

involved in defining and identifying farms for assessing employment in agriculture in the
new acceded countries and the acceding countries;

5. Istvan TAKACS (Associate Professor, Ph.D., Szent Istvan University, Godollo, Hungary),
Some theoretical issues of optimal rate of economic efficiency of agricultural assets;

17,00 – 17,30 Coffee Break

6. Marius SABĂU (Ph.D. Student, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine Cluj Napoca, Romania), Sabina Funar (Professor, Ph.D., University of
Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj Napoca, Romania), Study Regarding
"Bioterra" Association;

7. Viorica GAVRILĂ (Researcher, Romanian Academy, Bucureşti, Romania ),The Impact

of EU Accession Upon the Romanian Wine Sector;

8. Timea KUPAI (University of Kaposvar, Hungary), Oliver SZEKELY(University of

Kaposvar, Hungary), Organic Farming in an Ecovillage;

9. Elena SIMA (Researcher, Romanian Academy, Bucureşti, Romania ), Organic Farming :

regional dimensions, trends and implications;

10. Bela SCHOLTZ (Ph.D., Agricultural Consulting Satu Mare County), The Impacts of
Agricultural Cooperations Law on the Romanian Agriculture,;

11. Peter SZELES (University of Veszprem Georgikon, Hungary), Miklos WEISZ

(University of Veszprem Georgikon, Hungary), Agricultural employment in Hungary and
in the countries of Lake Balaton Resort District;

12. Ioana Anda MILIN (Ph.D., The University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary
Medicine of Bucharest), Labour force in agriculture between 1990-2003;

13. Levente BARKASZI (Szent Istvan University, Godollo, Hungary), Alex ARUTYUNJAN
( Ph.D., Szent Istvan University, Godollo, Hungary), Katalin Takacsne GYORGY ( Ph.D.,
Szent Istvan University, Godollo, Hungary), Eva LEHOTZKY (Ph.D., Georgikon
University, Keszthely, Hungary), Peter REISINGER (Ph.D. , Nyugat Magyorszag
University, Mosonmagyarovar, Hungary), The economic aspects of precision weed
management as a part of integrated cop production;

14. Andrea KURTI ( Research Institute for Agricultural Economics, Hungary): Food safety in
the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Foreign Trade

15. Katalin TAKACS-GYORGY (PhD Dr. habil, Szent István University, Hungary):
Consideration of environmental aspects in changing strategies of agricultural enterprises


16. Samochiş BORIS (Professor, Ph.D., Babeş Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca, Romania),
Authentic co-operativism- a chance for Romanian Agriculture;

17. Peter SZELES ( University of Veszprem Georgikon, Hungary), Miklos WEISZ

( University of Veszprem Georgikon, Hungary), Agricultural emplyiment in Hungary and
in the countries of Lake Balaton Resort District;

18. Moraru ADRIAN (Lecturer, Ph.D. Student,North University of Baia-Mare, Romania),

The evolution of cooperatist principles impact upon financial improvement of agricultural

19. I.M JITEA, A CAPATINA., V.C .MIHAI, From a self producing agriculture to a
sustainable one;

11,00 – 11,30: Coffee Break

20. Vincenţiu VEREŞ (Assistant Lecturer, Ph.D. Student, Babeş Bolyai University of Cluj
Napoca, Romania), The necessity of Romanian Agricultural markets' Organisation;

21. Nicoleta DOSPINESCU (Teaching Assistante, Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania),
The Leasing System in Agricultur;

22. Moraru ADRIAN (Lecturer, Ph.D. Student, North University of Baia-Mare, Romania),
European tendencies of the Romanian credit cooperatives for agricultural organizations

23. Paul Sorin LAZĂR (Lecturer, Ph.D. Student, Bogdan Vodă University, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania), The rural economy diversification;

24. Marian-Nicu SPÎNU (Lecturer, Ph.D., Aurel Vlaicu University Arad, Romania),
Resources rarity and limitation in the economic growth context.


1. Timea KUPAI (University of Kaposvar, Hungary), Oliver SZEKELY (University of

Kaposvar, Hungary), Possibilities for a Hungarian sheep and deer farmer under special

2. Erzseber PETER ( University of Veszprem Georgikon, Hungary), Peter SZELES (Ph.D.

Student, University of Veszprem Georgikon, Hungary), The growth of food distribution
entreprises in Hungary, with special regard to Lake Balaton resort District;

3. Beatrisz VASARHELYI (Ph.D. Student, Babeş Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca,

Romania), MOSIMGESA – A simplified model for the management of family farms;

4. Oana Eleonora KUN (Ph.D. Student, Babeş Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca, Romania),
Development Policies of Agricultural Exploitations;

5. Marius CRIŞAN (Ph.D. Student), Perspective Directions in the Management of

Agriculture Exploitation;

6. Maria MORTAN (Lecturer, Ph.D., Babeş Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca, Romania),
The sustainable development of the rural regions;

Professor Erszebet GIDAI, Ph.D., University of West Hungary

Assistant Lecturer Lehel GYORFY, Ph. D. Student, Babeş Bolyai University of Cluj

1. Erzsebet GIDAI (Professor, Ph.D., University of West Hungary), Csaba LENTNER

(Professor, Ph.D., University of West Hungary), The Transformation of Higher Education
In Hungary;

2. Maria Viorica GRIGORUŢĂ (Associate Professor, Ph.D., Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi,
Romania), Training system in the Romanian Public Sector -Impact of the Objectives of
the Accession to the European Union;

3. Istvan BESSENYEI (Associate Professor, Ph.D., University of Pecs, Hungary), Lehel

GYORFY (Assistant Lecturer, Ph. D. Student , Babes Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca,
Romania), Innovation and Infrastructural Development in Higher Education Institutes;

4. Marianna Lizak MATISCSAK (Assistant Professor, University of Miskolc, Hungary),

Klara RAFFAY (Ph.D. Student, University of Miskolc, Hungary), Gender Mainstreaming
in the Adult Education;

5. Virginia MĂRĂCINE (Professor, Ph.D, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucureşti,

Romania), Emil SCARLAT ( Professor, Ph.D, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucureşti,
Romania), European Versus National Vision on Higher Educational Systems: The case of

17,00–17,30 Coffee Break

6. Moraru GHEORGHE (Professor, Ph.D., North University of Baia-Mare, Romania) ,

Contributions of the students’ scientific research in management to the qualitative
enhancement of higher education production;

7. Cristina FENIŞER (Ph.D. Student), Florin FENIŞER (Lecturer, Ph.D.), Managerial

Competence Management- the Organizational Learning Contribution;


1. Jakub BRDULAK (Ph.D. Student, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland), Knowledge

Management in Polish Companies;

2. Nicolae MARINA (Ph.D. Student, Babeş Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca, Romania)
Managerial activities sustaining the research programs’ scientific objectives;

3. Roxana ŢOPA (Ph.D. Student, Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania), Improvement of
Higher Education Financing in the Context of European Integration;

4. Ioan TOMA (Ph.D. Student, Babeş Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca, Romania), , The
Improvement of Administrative Management in higher Education;

5. Ancuţa RAŢIU (Assistant Lecturer, Ph.D. Student, University Babeş Bolyai of Cluj
Napoca, Romania), Strategic Management in Universities;




Ioan PLAIAS, Professor Ph.D., Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
Carmen BALAN, Professor Ph.D., Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest

Ovidiu MOISESCU, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

1. Carmen BALAN (Professor Ph.D., Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania):

Relationship Marketing Programs

2. Marius BIZEREA (Professor Ph.D., West University of Timisoara, Romania): Innovation

Paradigm in Marketing

3. Angela BRETCU (Assistant Professor Ph.D., Eftimie Murgu University, Resita,

Romania): Certain Aspects Concerning the Brand Protection Against Confusion and

4. Costinel DOBRE (Professor Ph.D., West University of Timisoara,

Romania):Considerations Towards Innovation Adoption by Consumers

5. Eugen FALNITA (Professor Ph.D., West University of Timisoara, Romania): Customer

Satisfaction Through Total Quality Marketing

6. Florin FOLTEAN (Professor Ph.D., West University of Timisoara, Romania):

Entrepreneurial Marketing - A Process Aproach

7. Corneliu MUNTEANU (Associate Professor Ph.D., Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi,
Romania): Timing Considerations in Strategic Marketing. A Perspective on Managing
Educational Products

8. Constantin NEGRUT, Ciprian MAN (Professor Ph.D., Lecturer Ph.D., West University of
Timisoara, Romania): The Strategic Potential of Public Relations

17,00 – 17,30 Coffee Break

9. Dorina TANASESCU (Professor Ph.D., Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania):

Communication and Promotion Strategies in the Public Health Service Field

10. Carmen BALAN (Professor Ph.D., Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania):
3PL: Focus on the Providers of Integrated Logistics Services

11. Lucian LADAR, Florin FOLTEAN (Professor Ph.D., Professor Ph.D., West University of
Timisoara, Romania): The Antecedents and Consequences of Entrepreneurial Marketing

12. Bogdan ANASTASIEI (Assistant Professor Ph.D., Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi,
Romania): The Affiliate Programs on the Romanian Internet

13. Nicoleta CRISTACHE (Lecturer Ph.D., Dunarea de Jos University, Galati, Romania):
Communication – a Function of the Modern Organization

14. Corneliu MUNTEANU (Professor Ph.D., Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi,
Romania): Marketing Strategies on Mature Markets: Turning Decline into Growth

15. Smaranda COSMA (Lecturer Ph.D., Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania):,

Conceptual Models for Optimizing Organization's Performance

16. Ioan PLAIAS (Professor Ph.D., Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania):

Learning Curve's Utility in Price Negotiation


Florin FOLTEAN, Professor Ph.D., West University of Timisoara
Costinel DOBRE, Professor Ph.D., West University of Timisoara

Ovidiu MOISESCU, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

17. Ioana BORZA (Economist, Romania): Bank’s Personnel – Essential Part of the
Marketing Mixt

18. Ciprian MAN (Lecturer Ph.D., West University of Timisoara, Romania): Marketing -
Information Technology Interface

19. Marcel POP (Lecturer Ph.D., Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania):

Precision Marketing

20. Sorin PRADA (Lecturer Ph.D., West University of Timisoara, Romania): Strategies of
Innovation in Shopping Center Marketing

21. Cosmin Voicu NISTOR (Lecturer, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania):

Alternations in Price Strategies for Banks as Consequence of the Romanian Marketing

22. Mihaela STET (Assistant Lecturer, Vasile Goldis West University, Arad – subsidiary
Baia-Mare, Romania): Realities and Perspectives in Urban Freight Distribution

23. Ciprian ADAM (Assistant Lecturer, West University of Timisoara, Romania): Web -
Enable Marketing Innovation

24. Cristian DUTU (Lecturer, West University of Timisoara, Romania): Relationship

Entrepreneurial Marketing Interface

25. Ovidiu MOISESCU (Teaching Assistant, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca,

Romania): The Concept of Brand Equity

17,00-17,30 Coffee Break

26. Horatiu HALMAJAN (Assistant Lecturer, West University of Timisoara, Romania):

Measurement of Innovativeness in Entrepreneurial Marketing

27. Ioana BORZA (Economist, Romania): The Banking Customer Adopting Process

28. Remus Naghi (Assistant Lecturer, West University of Timisoara, Romania): An

Historical Perspective to Entrepreneurial Marketing

29. Ovidiu MOISESCU (Teaching Assistant, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca,

Romania): Brand Extensions

30. Mihai BACILA (Assistant Lecturer, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania):

Marketing in Higher Education Institutions



Elena HORSKA, Professor Ph.D., Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra
Stefan SONEA, Professor Ph.D., Tehnical University of Cluj-Napoca


1. Elena HORSKA (Professor Ph.D., Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra, Slovak

Republic): Some Assumptions and Expectations of Perspectives for Regional
Cooperation Development in Central and Eastern Europe

2. Liliana DUGULEANA (Professor Ph.D., Transilvania University from Brasov,

Romania): The Buyers’ Intentions – Improvement Factor of the Economic Forecasting

3. Stefan SONEA, Adrian SONEA (Professor Ph.D., Assistant Lecturer, Tehnical

University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania): The Cultural Pattern and Their Change

4. Mariana NICOLAE (Associate Professor Ph.D., Academy of Economic Studies

Bucharest, Romania): Can Teaching Marketing to American Students be Relevant for
Romania's Development?

5. Marius D. POP, Livia Niculina NEDISAN (Professor Ph.D., Economist, , Babes-Bolyai

University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania): Ethics In Advertising – Marketing Research
Among Advertising Consumers from Cluj’s Area

6. Zsolt POLERECZKI: Analysis of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises' Marketing

Characteristic in Hungary

7. Alin STANCU (Teaching Assistant, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest,
Romania): The Associative Sector after 2007. A Delphi Survey towards the Future of
Romanian NGO's

17,00 – 17,30 Coffee Break

8. Liliana DUGULEANA (Professor Ph.D., Transilvania University from Brasov, Romania):

Custer Analysis in Forecasting Product Sales

9. Ede LAZAR (Assistant Professor, Sapientia University, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania): Logit
and Tobit Regression Models in Market Research

10. Attila SZOCS (Assistant Lecturer, Sapientia University, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania): The
Consumer and Global Marketing Management: Benefits and Protection

11. Karmen KOVACS (Ph.D. Student, University of Pecs, Hungary): Brand Strategies in the
European Market

12. Monica Melania SISERMAN (Economist, Romania): Influences of EU Integration on

SME Banking Marketing

13. Florina GHETIE (Ph.D. Student, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania):

Mining Association Rules in Market Basket Analysis

14. Cosmin Voicu NISTOR, Raluca COMIATI (Lecturer, Assistant Lecturer, Babes-Bolyai
University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania): Marketing Inferences Regarding the Romanian
Currency Denomination

15. Mihai BACILA (Assistant Lecturer, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania):

Marketing Research in Higher Education Institutions



Ana ISPAS, Professor Ph.D., Assistant Lecturer, Transilvania University from Brasov
Alexandru CHIS, Associate Professor Ph.D., Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

JUHASZ Monika Anetta, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

1. Lucian BELASCU (Lecturer Ph.D., Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu, Romania): Dynamics
in Commerce in the Offing of the Next Decade

2. Gina BUTNARU (Ph.D. Student, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania): The
Electronic Commerce in the European Integration Perspective – the Competitivity Key of
Romanian Firm

3. Corina RUSU (Lecturer, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania):
Characteristics of Commercial Services in the Commerce with Industrial Products

4. Kanya HAJNALKA (Assistant Lecturer, Partium University, Oradea subsidiary,

Romania): Romanian Electronic Commerce in the Context of European Integration

5. Denisa TRANDAFIROIU (Assistant Lecturer, Valahia University, Targoviste, Romania):

The Growth of Electronic Commerce and Informational Society in Romania

6. Adrian Gabriel POCOL, Corina RUSU (Lecturer, Lecturer, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian
University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania): Persuasion in Sales

17,00 – 17,30 Coffee Break

7. Ana ISPAS, Elena-Nicoleta ONUT (Professor Ph.D., Assistant Lecturer, Transilvania

University from Brasov, Romania): The Analysis of the Main Tourist Traffic's Indicators.
A Comparative Study: Romania and Croatia

8. Constanta GEAMANU (Lecturer Ph.D., Constantin Brancusi University, Targu-Jiu,

Romania) Globalisation and Factor Returns in Competitive Markets

9. Alexandru CHIS (Associate Professor Ph.D., Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca,


10. Malina CORDOS (Assistant Lecturer, 1 Decembrie 1918 University, Alba-Iulia,

Romania): Medical Tourism - New Perspectives for the Romanian Tourism

11. Adrian Gabriel POCOL (Lecturer, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania): Particularities of Price Strategies in Tourism Industry

12. Constanta GEAMANU (Lecturer Ph.D., Constantin Brancusi University, Targu-Jiu,

Romania) The Production of Tourism Experiences and the Equation of the Durable

13. Smaranda COSMA, Monica Maria COROS (Lecturer Ph.D., Babes-Bolyai University of
Cluj-Napoca, Romania): Branding Transylvania as a Touristic Destination

14. Mirela COSTESCU (Lecturer, Eftimie Murgu University, Resita, Romania): Marketing
Visitor Attractions

15. Claudia MOISA (Assistant Lecturer, 1 Decembrie 1918 University, Alba-Iulia, Romania):
The Youth Travel Market - Important Generator of Tourism

16. Ioana ABRUDAN (Teaching Assistant, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca,

Romania): Aspects of Distribution Channels Organization in the Romanian Hotel

17. Gina BUTNARU (Ph.D. Student, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania): The
Touristic Products Quality and Quality Characteristics



Victor MANOLE, Ph.D. Professor, Romanian Academy, Bucharest
Camelia SERBANESCU, Ph.D., Romanian Academy, Bucharest

Cristian DABIJA Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

1. Dinu GAVRILESCU, Camelia SERBANESCU (Professor Ph.D., Ph.D., Romanian

Academy, Bucharest, Romania): Changes in Wheat and Milk Channels under the
Pressure of Modern Retailing Developments

2. Mariana GRODEA (Ph.D., Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania): Is Romanian Milk

Market Abble to Meet the EU Requirements?

3. Victor MANOLE, Raluca Andreea ION (Professor Ph.D., Assistant Lecturer, Romanian
Academy, Bucharest, Romania): Marketing of Tomatoes in Perspective of Romanian
Integration in European Union

4. Minodora MOLDOVAN (Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania): Romanian Meat

Market in the EU Accesion Period - Size and Particularities

5. Stauder MARTA (Senior Researcher, Agricultural Economics Research Institute,

Budapest, Hungary): Private Labels in the Food Retailing with Special Regard to the
Supplier-Retailer Relationships

6. Cristian DABIJA (Teaching Assistant, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca,

Romania): Determinant Factors over the Behavior of the Organic Products Consumers

17,00 – 17,30 Coffee Break

7. KISS Oszkar Zsolt, PECZE Denes, SZEKELY Geza (Ph.D. Student, Ph.D. Student,
Professor Ph.D., Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary): The Description of Fruit and
Vegetable Buyers in Different Kind of Retail Units in Hungary

8. MOLNAR Eszter, POLERECZKI Zsolt, SZEKELY Oliver (Ph.D Student, Ph.D Student,
Kaposvar University, Hungary): Wine Marketing in Pannon Wine Growing Region

9. Cristian DABIJA (Teaching Assistant, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca,

Romania): The Importance of Packaging in the Marketing of the Products


1. Raluca COMIATI (Assistant Lecturer, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca,

Romania): Considerations on Cultural Values Influences in Advertising

2. JUHASZ Monika Anetta (Teaching Assistant, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca,

Romania): Development Strategy of Romanian Commercial Companies

3. PETER Zsolt (Assistant Lecturer, University of Miskolcs, Hungary): Tourism Trends in

Borsod - Abauj - Zemplen County Since the Middle of the Nineties

4. NOTARI Marta, HAJDU Istvanne (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, College of

Kecskemet, Hungary): Attitudes of domestic Consumers to Unique Hungarian Products

5. NOTARI Marta, HAJDU Istvanne (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, College of

Kecskemet, Hungary): Marketing Evaluation of Main Hungarian Horticultural Products




Maria PARLINSKA, Associate Professor, PhD, Warsaw Agricultural University
Maria MIHOC, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca



1. Nicolaie LUNGU (Professor PhD), Tiberiu TORSIN, Sorina Anamaria CIPLEA

(Assistant PhD candidate) (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania), On some
homogeneous economic growth models

2. Mădălina BERINDE (Teaching Assistant PhD candidate, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-

Napoca, Romania), Vasile BERINDE (Professor PhD, North University of Baia Mare,
Romania), Empirical Study of the rate of convergence of some fixed point interation

3. Alexandru I. MITREA (Professor PhD, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania),

Remarks on the norms of a class of linear functionals of approximation theory

4. Cireşica JALOBEANU (Associate Professor PhD, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,

Romania), Pattern recognition and time series forecasting

5. Viorica MUREŞAN (Professor PhD, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania),

Mathematical models in which appear differential equations with linear modification of
the argument

6. Ion MIHOC (Professor PhD, Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir, Cluj-Napoca,

Romania), Estimation problems involving stochastic processes.



Ernesto VOLPE di PRIGNANO, University La Sapienza Rome
Diana Andrada FILIP, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

Mădălina BERINDE

1. Vincent SOLTES (Professor PhD), Michal SOLTES (Assistant PhD) (Technical

University of Košice, Slovakia), Factors influencing market indexes and active
investment strategy to mutual funds.

2. Michal SOLTES (Assistant PhD), Vincent SOLTES (Professor PhD) (Technical

University of Košice, Slovakia), The impact of foreign direct investment on reducing of
productivity gap.

3. Vladimir PENJAK (Professor PhD), Peter KISIDAJ (Professor PhD) (Technical

University of Košice, Slovakia), Forecasting methods in economics.

4. Emil SCARLAT (Professor PhD), Virginia MĂRĂCINE (Professor PhD) (Academy of

Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania), Virtual Organizations – a new Approach of
Companies Management on the European Market.

5. Judit POÓR (Assistant Lecturer), Nóra HEGEDŰSNÉ BARANYAI (Assistant Lecturer)

(University of Veszprém, Hungary), Connection of foreign trade of Hungary and the
Middle-East European countries.

6. Gergely KOVACS (Professor PhD), Tivadar SZILAGYI (Professor PhD), Bela VIZVARI
(Professor PhD) (Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest, Hungary), Giffen effect and utility

7. Vasile Aurel CĂUŞ (Lecturer PhD, University of Oradea, Romania), ,,Papy-boom” crisis
in Europe. How can this affect Romania in the next years?

8. Cristina-Ioana FĂTU (Lecturer PhD, Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir, Cluj-

Napoca, Romania), Logarithmic convexity and Fisher s information.

9. Nicoleta MOLDOVAN (Lecturer PhD), Loretti DOBRESCU (Assistant PhD candidate)

(West University of Timişoara, Romania), Firm s competitiveness and dynamics
regarding its main characteristics – general aspects within the case of Romania.



Vincent SOLTES
Ilie PARPUCEA, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

Alin ROŞCA, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

1. Maria PARLINSKA (Associate Professor PhD, Warsaw Agricultural University, Poland),

The tendency of learning on the base of educational projects of UE.

2. Elena CARDONA (Professor PhD), Paolo De ANGELIS, Ernesto VOLPE di

PRIGNANO (Professor PhD), Andrea FORTUNATI (University La Sapienza Rome,
Italy), Life amortization in deterministic and stochastic environment.

3. Gregory MAKRIDES (Professor PhD, Intercollege, Nicosia, Cyprus), Student mobility as

an economy factor.

4. Virginia MĂRĂCINE (Professor PhD, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest,

Romania), European versus National Vision on Higher Educational Systems: the case of

5. Alexandru MINEA (PhD student), Patrick VILLIEU (Professor PhD, University of

Orleans, France), Persistent Deficit, Growth and Indeterminacy: The ,,Golden Rule” of
Public Finance Revisited.

6. Claudia CICEA (Lecturer PhD, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania),

Education and the economic growth.

7. Maria MIHOC (Associate Professor PhD, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca,

Romania), Chained and branched nomograms for the equation with superposition.

8. Ramona SCUTELNICU (Economist - Actuary, Institute of Actuaries Asitrans, Bucharest,

Romania), Aurel FRĂŢILĂ (Actuary, Euroasig - Insurance and Reinsurance Company)
The Econometrics of Insurance.



Emil SCARLAT, Professor, Ph.D, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucureşti
Anton MUREŞAN, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

Ana Maria DUMITRU, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

1. Ioana CHIOREAN (Associate Professor PhD, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca,

Romania), Parallel LU Method for Solving the Black – Scholes Equation.

2. Camelia ŞERBĂNESCU (PhD) (Institute for Agricultural Economics, Romanian

Academy, Bucharest, Romania), Cristian KEVORKIAN (PhD) (Craiova University,
Romania), Dinu GAVRILESCU (Professor PhD) (Institute for Agricultural
Economics,Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania), Application of agmemod – an
econometric model for the Romanian agricultural sector.

3. Dorina LAZĂR (Lecturer PhD), Ana Maria DUMITRU (Teaching Assistant PhD
candidate, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Cointegration relationships
between macroeconomic variables.

4. Mihai DĂSCĂLESCU (Assistant PhD candidate, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca,

Romania), On the financial asset pricing in the Black and Scholes world.

5. Emilian MERCE (Professor PhD), C.C. MERCE (PhD) (University of Agricultural

Science and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Adjusted values – an
instrument to eliminate autocorrelation in a system of interdependences with an
incomplete data base.

6. Diana E. DUMITRAŞ (Assistant PhD candidate, University of Agricultural Science and

Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Kimberly ROLLINS (University of Nevada
Reno, USA), Estimation of the marginal changes in willingness to pay for trips affected
by congestion.

7. Anuţa BUIGA (Associate Professor PhD, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca,

Romania), Aspects concerning the efficaciousness of organizing a sounding with unequal

8. Ilie PARPUCEA (Professor PhD, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania),

Some consideration about the stability of equilibriums.

9. Fănuţa POP (Lecturer PhD, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania), The

analysis of the financial balance.

10. Monica ACHIM (Lecturer PhD), Tudor POPESCU (PhD candidate) (Babeş-Bolyai
University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania), The prediction of financial position.

11. Ema MAŞCA (Assistant PhD candidate, Petru Maior University, Târgu-Mureş, Romania),
Balance sheet in international standards.

12. Cristian DRAGOŞ (Lecturer PhD, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania),

Financial scoring: some R.O.C. curve analysis implications.



Virginia MĂRĂCINE, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest
Anuţa BUIGA, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

Gabriela MIHALCA, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

1. Mihaela JARADAT (Associate Profesor PhD), Florin URS (Lecturer PhD) (Bogdan Vodă
University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Varying the range of rendering valuable the fruit
tree yield in the area of Baia Mare country.

2. Voichiţa Adriana CLECIU (Lecturer PhD candidate, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-

Napoca, Romania), Probabilistic methods for construction of some linear positive
operators of approximation

3. Ilie RÂP (Lecturer), Alin ROŞCA (Assistant PhD candidate) (Babeş-Bolyai University,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania), On some queuing models with priorities.

4. Petra PETRU (Teaching Assistant PhD candidate, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca,

Romania), The application of the Lagrange function in microeconomics.

5. Gabriela MIHALCA (Teaching Assistant, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca,

Romania), Homogenous and omotheties functions used in economy.


1. István BESSENYEI (Associate Professor PhD, University of Pécs, Hungary), Gábor

DEZSŐ (Associate Professor PhD, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania),
Approximation of the cost functions and production functions

2. Vasile Aurel CĂUŞ (Lecturer PhD, University of Oradea, Romania), How to become a
competitor on the Romanian telecommunication market?

3. Ioana Teodora MEŞTER (Lecturer PhD candidate, University of Oradea, Romania),

Explaining business cycles in small open economies. The case of Romania in the
perspective of the integration in the European Community

4. Anton MUREŞAN (Professor PhD, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania),
Equilibria for abstract economies

5. Anuţa BUIGA (Associate Professor PhD), Andreea BOTEZATU (Economist) (Babeş-

Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania), The BET Index – Statistical Overview

6. Diana Andrada FILIP (Associate Professor PhD), Rodica Ioana LUNG (PhD candidate),
Radu TRÎMBIŢAŞ (Associate Professor PhD) (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania), Methods for finding the interest rate

7. Paula CURT (Associate Professor PhD, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca,

Romania), Biholomorphic mappings and quasiconformal extensions in several complex

8. Alin V. ROŞCA (Assistant PhD candidate), Natalia C. ROŞCA (Assistant PhD

candidate) (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Simulation with ARENA

9. Ana Maria DUMITRU (Teaching Assistant PhD candidate, Babeş-Bolyai University,

Cluj-Napoca, Romania), The initial public offerings pricing process in Romania






József BENEDEK, PhD, Professor, Babeş-Bolyai University
Klára DR. TÓTHNÉ DR. SZITA, PhD, Associate Professor, Miskolc University


1. Elena TOBA (lecturer, PhD, University of Craiova, Romania): Current Problems

Concerning Areal Development of the Romanian Regions

2. József BENEDEK (professor, PhD, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania): Territorial

Planning and Regional Development in Transilvania. Results and Experiences of
Transition in Romania

3. Klára DR. TÓTHNÉ DR. SZITA (associate professor, PhD, Miskolc University,
Hungary): Partnerships for Emerging Economies in the European Union

4. Zoltán NAGY (assistant professor, Miskolc University, Hungary): Data on the City
Competition Studies

5. Zoltán KAPOSI (associate professor, PhD, University of Pécs, Hungary): Economic

Integration and National Economy

6. Iuliana CIOCHINĂ (associate professor, PhD, Constantin Brâncoveanu University

Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania), Răzvan DECUSEARĂ (assistant lecturer), Ramona
CHIŢU (assistant lecturer): Regional Development Policy Impact on National

7. György KOCZISZKY (professor, PhD, Miskolc University, Hungary), Kornél

KALOCSAI (PhD student): Modelling the Regional Impact of Regional Subsidies


Attila VARGA, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Pécs
Gábor KOLUMBÁN, Lecturer, Sapientia University


8. Attila VARGA (associate professor, PhD, University of Pécs, Hungary): Localized
Knowledge Inputs and Innovation: The Role of Spatially Mediated Knowledge Spillovers
in the New EU Member Countries from Central Europe: The Case of Hungary

9. Gábor KOLUMBÁN (lecturer, Sapientia University, Romania): The Influence of the

Culture on the Local Embeddings of Globally Linked Producer Companies

10. Edit SÁNDULY (lecturer, Sapientia University, Romania): The Role of Economic
Development Institutes in Szeklerland's Development Policy

11. Asta RAUPELIENE (lecturer, PhD, Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Lithuania),

Linas STABINGIS (lecturer, PhD): Demand on e-services Amongst Agricultural
Institutions in Lithuania



Miklós LUKOVICS, Lecturer, University of Szeged
Dan Marius VOICILAŞ, PHD, Scientific Researcher, Institute of Agricultural


12. Claudiu COŞIER (director, North-West Development Agency, Romania), Ştefana

VARVARI (expert in planning): Key Elements to Define the Sectors in order to Analyse
them and to Choose the Priority Sector at Regional Level

13. Dan Marius VOICILAŞ (scientific researcher, Institute of Agricultural Economics,

Romania): The Perspectives of the Rural and Regional Development under the Foreign
Direct Investments Impact

14. Anikó DEÁKNÉ GÁL (assistant lecturer, Budapest Business School, Hungary): The Role
of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the Region of Western Transdanubia, Hungary

15. Miklós LUKOVICS (lecturer, University of Szeged, Hungary): Catch-up Possibilities of

Lagging Behind Regions in the Enlarged European Union

16. Tamás HARDI (research fellow, PhD, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for
Regional Studies, West-Hungarian Research Institute, Győr, Hungary): Regional Effects
of the Transborder Commuting on the Austrian-Hungarian and Slovakian-Hungarian
Border Region

17. Eszter LÁNG (associate professor, PhD, University of Debrecen, Hungary), Zsuzsanna
TRÓN (associate lecturer, PhD), Fruzsina SIGÉR (PhD student): Preparing for the
Structural Funds: Experiences from a PHARE Project


Tamás HARDI, PhD, Research Fellow, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for
Regional Studies, West-Hungarian Research Institute
Iuliana CIOCHINĂ, PhD, Associate Professor, Constantin Brâncoveanu University
Râmnicu Vâlcea


18. Melinda SMAHÓ (assistant research fellow, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for
Regional Studies, West-Hungarian Research Institute, Győr, Hungary): The Impact of
European Integration on the Regional Development in Hungary

19. Balázs LÓRÁND (PhD student, University of Pécs, Hungary): Possibilities to Improve
the Evaluation of Regional Development

20. Sándor SIMON (associate professor, PhD, University College Tessedik Sámuel Faculty of
Economics, Hungary): Specific Features of the Agriculture of the „Dél-Alföld” Region,

21. Lehel GYÖRFY (assistant lecturer, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania): Regional

Differences in Performance and Homogeneity of Labour Productivity and Development
Perspectives Indicated by Investments, Activity of Enterprises and Human Resource




Franz GREIF, PhD, Senior Researcher, Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics
József Popp, PhD, Director, PhD, Research Institute for Agricultural Economics


1. László VAJDA (director general, PhD, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,
Department for EU Coordination, Hungary): EU Financial Perspectives 2007-2013,
Consequences on CAP and Rural Development

2. József POPP (director, PhD, Research Institute for Agricultural Economics, Hungary):
EU Enlargement 1 Year On: Agricultural Markets in Hungary

3. Andrew FIELDSEND (project manager, PhD, Writtle College, UK), Asta RAUPLIENE
(PhD, Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Lithuania), János NAGY (professor, PhD,
University of Debrecen, Hungary): Providing Support to Rurally-Based Businesses in
Hungary, Lithuania and the United Kingdom

4. Anna BANDLEROVA (professor, PhD, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra,

Slovakia), Jarmila LAZIKOVA (PhD Student), Lubica RUMANOVSKA (PhD Student):
Agricultural Land Tenure - Case Slovakia

5. Márton SZABÓ (senior researcher, PhD, Koping-Dator, Hungary): The Second Year
within the European Union – Lessons from the Hungarian Food Sector


Anna BANDLEROVA, PhD, Professor, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Mária VINCZE, PhD, Professor, Babeş-Bolyai University


6. Franz GREIF (senior researcher, PhD, Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics,

Austria): Forest as a Pillar for Small and Medium-Sized Farms in Accession Countries -
with Some Experience from Austria

7. Márta HOLLÓ (assistant lecturer, Corvinus University, Hungary), Tímea OLÁH (PhD
student): "Shareable Goods" in Rural Development

8. Lajos SZABÓ (professor, PhD, Szent István University Gödöllő, Hungary), Sándor
ZSARNÓCAI J. (associate professor, PhD), Mohamed ABU-RASS ABDOULLATIF:
New Trends of the Rural Development in Hungary

9. Mihai CHITEA (Romania): The Impact of European Integration on the Poor Rural

10. Mărioara RUSU (senior researcher, PhD, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romania):
Farming Patterns: Duality and Specifity on the Agro Regions

11. Kinga KEREKES (PhD student, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania): Ranking of the
Rural Settlements in Cluj County According to their Stage of Development

12. Mária VINCZE (professor, PhD, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania): Could the New
Agricultural and Rural Development Policy be a Success?



István PETE, PhD, Lecturer, Babeş-Bolyai University
József FOGARASI, PhD, Researcher, Research Institute for Agricultural Economics


13. István PETE (lecturer, PhD, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania): The Present and the
Future of Romanian Agriculture

14. Cornelia ALBOIU (senior researcher, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romania): The
Romanian Agricultural Policy on the Edge of the EU Integration

15. János BÁLINT (associate professor, PhD, Corvinus University, Hungary), Mária
JUHÁSZ (senior researcher): Social and Environmental Responsibility of Rural and
Agricultural Enterprises

16. Lajos Zoltán BAKUCS (research fellow, Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of
Sciences, Hungary), Imre FERTŐ (senior research fellow): The Influence of
Macroeconomic Indicators on the Hungarian Agriculture

17. József FOGARASI (researcher, PhD, Research Institute for Agricultural Economics,
Hungary), Gyula MÓDOS (Corvinus University, Hungary): Efficiency of Hungarian
Agriculture Production in the Process of EU Integration

18. Kinga KEREKES (PhD student, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania), Mária VINCZE
(professor, PhD), Éva ALBERT (research assistant): Impact of CAP on Rural
Employment. Case Study: Cluj County


Andrew FIELDSEND, PhD, project manager, PhD, Writtle College
Mária VINCZE, PhD, Pofessor, Babeş-Bolyai University


19. Mirela RUSALI (senior researcher, PhD, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romania):
CAP Adoption in Romania and Effects of the Direct Payment Support on the Main
Agricultural Products

20. Leopold KIRNER (PhD, Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Austria):

International Competitiveness of Small-Scaled Dairy Farms in Austria – Results from the
IFC Network

21. Carmen BUCUR (researcher, PhD, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romania):

Recent Evolutions of the Competitiveness Potential of the Romanian Agrifood Sector

22. Iuliana IONEL (PhD, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romania): The Way to
Prepare the Romanian Cereals Market for EU Integration

23. József POPP (director, PhD, Research Institute for Agricultural Economics, Hungary),
Gyöngyi KÜRTHY (senior researcher, PhD), Márta STAUDER (senior researcher, PhD):
Multifunctional Agriculture, Non-Trade Concerns and Rural Development in Hungarian
Agricultural Policy

24. Camelia TOMA (senior researcher, PhD, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romania):
Family Farms Behaviour on Formal and Informal Markets


1. Floarea BORDÂNC (senior researcher, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romania):

Regionalization of the Rural Space by the Social-Economic Development Degree, the
Infrastructure Improvement and the Favorability of the Environment

2. Andreea Iulia BURUIANA (PhD student, University Al.I.Cuza Iaşi, Romania): The
Absorption of European Funds and The Way of Using Them in the Process of Regional
Development in Romania

3. Andreea Iulia BURUIANA (PhD student, University Al.I. Cuza Iaşi, Romania), Ana
Maria TANASA (student): The Impact of the European Politics on the Regional
Development in Romania

4. Ildikó KNEISZ (PhD student, University of Miskolc, Hungary): Role of Certain

Agricultural Sectors and Rural Development in Northern Hungary

5. Dániel KUTTOR (PhD student, University of Miskolc, Hungary): Carpathian Basin in


6. Réka PATIK (PhD student, University of Szeged, Hungary): Cluster-Development on the

South-Great-Plain in Hungary: Regional cohesion, Co-operation Skills and Beyond

7. Béla SÁGI (PhD student, University of Pécs, Hungary): A Driving Factor of the Rural
Development is the Human Motivation

8. Cosmina-Simona TOADER (PhD student, USAMVB Timişoara, Romania): The

Characterization of Sanovita Town, Timis County, from the Economical Point of View

9. Miklós WEISZ (PhD student, Georgikon University of Veszprém, Hungary), Erzsébet

PÉTER (PhD student): Grain Market Dilemmas in Hungary, One Year after EU




Rodica FRĂŢILĂ, PhD. Professor, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca

Lucia SCORŢAR, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca

1. Gunter GRUNDKE (PhD Professor, Deutsches Verpackungsinstitut e.V., Deutschland):

Developments in the field of packaging-possibilities and limits

2. Rodica FRĂŢILĂ (PhD Professor, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania),

Cristian DABIJA (Teaching Assistant, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca,
Romania): For and against the irradiated food

3. Adriana BÎRCĂ (PhD Senior Lecturer, “ George Bariţiu” University of Braşov):

Traceability of food and food safety

4. Marius BĂLĂSESCU (PhD Lecturer, ”Transilvania” University of Braşov, Romania):

Competition in retailing

5. Adriana BÎRCĂ (PhD Senior Lecturer, University “ George Bariţiu” of Braşov), Marius
BĂLĂSESCU (PhD Lecturer, University ”Transilvania” of Braşov, Romania), Cristin-
Olimpiu MORARIU ( PhD Senior Lecturer, “Transilvania” University of Brasov): The
role of HACCP in the management of food safety and quality

6. Maria Carmen HUBBARD (Research Associate at the Centre for Rural Economy,
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK), Szilard PODRUZSIK (Lecturer, Corvinus
University of Budapest, Hungary): Hungary in the EU: Better or Worse for Food

17,00-17,30 Cofee Break

7. J. MOLNAROVA, H. JAKUBEK, H. FRANCAKOVA (Slovak University of Agriculture

in Nitra, Slovakia): Production and quality of malt barley under different fertilization

8. Rodica-Diana APAN (Lecturer, Northern University of Baia Mare, Romania): Legal

Means for the Protection of Consumers’ economic interests all the conclusion and
performance of distance contracts and distance contracts regarding financial services

9. Timea KUPAI, Attila LENGYEL (University of Kaposvar, Hungary): Growth

measurements of considered tissues and valuable cuts in lamb by CT

10. Răzvan NISTOR (PhD Senior Lecturer “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca,
Romania), Ana Maria PASCU ( Teaching Assistent, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-
Napoca, Romania): Considerations Regarding the Estimation of Human Reliability

11. Romolica MIHAIU (PhD Senior Lecturer “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca,

Romania): The control of food’s quality and safety, using the HACCP System



Marinela GHEREŞ, PhD Senior Lecturer, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

Lucia SCORŢAR, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

1. Florina BRAN (PhD Professor, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania):

Sustainable Development-Premise of a New Territorial Balance

2. Florina BRAN (PhD Professor, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania ),

Marian SPANU: The Economic Component of Environmental Policy

3. Mihaela DRĂGAN (PhD Senior Lecturer, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca,

Romania): The Importance of Environmental Protection and Clean Technologies in the
present-day society

4. Corina Ionela DUMITRESCU (PhD Lecturer, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest,

Romania): The Impact of the European Environmental Acquis on the Mining Sector in

5. Eugen FALNIŢĂ (PhD Professor, University of the West of Timisoara, Romania),

Cătălina POPA (Assistant, University of the West of Timisoara, Romania ): Industrial
Ecology and Sustainable Development in the Context of European Integration

6. Marinela GHEREŞ (PhD Senior Lecturer, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca),

Victor ROŞ (PhD Professor eng, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca): Environment
studies in energetic sector

7. Ildiko IOAN (PhD Lecturer, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania): The
National Environmental Policies among the System of Social-Economic Policies

8. Marius Ioan GHEREŞ (PhD Lecturer eng, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca), Victor
ROŞ (PhD professor eng.), Teodora CHIRA (Drd. Eng.), Lucian Viorel FECHETE
(Lecturer eng): Technical and economical analysis for bioenergy production

17,00-17,30 Cofee Break

9. Romeo IONESCU (PhD Professor, “Danubius” University Galati, Romania), Liviu

MARINESCU (PhD Lecturer, “Danubius” University Galati, Romania) : Romanian

Environmental Policy and The European Union Integration. Study Case: MITAL STEEL

10. Mirela MAZILU (PhD Senior Lecturer, University of Craiova, Romania): The Impact of
European Integration on The National Environmental Quality

11. V. PACUTA, I. CERNY, J. FECKOVA (Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra,

Department of Crop Production): Effect of variety and bioactive substances on sugar beet
root yield and digestion under the BNYVV uninfected soil conditions

12. Teodora CHIRA (Drd. Eng., Technical University of Cluj-Napoca), Victor ROŞ (PhD
professor eng.), Lucian Viorel FECHETE (Lecturer eng), Marius Ioan GHEREŞ ( PhD
Lecturer eng): Comparative analysis of technological solution for efficience biomase

13. Lucian Viorel FECHETE (Lecturer eng, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca), Victor
ROŞ (PhD professor eng.), Marius Ioan GHEREŞ ( PhD Lecturer eng), Teodora CHIRA (
Drd. Eng.): Energetic valuable ways for waste agriculture

14. Carmen Valentina RĂDULESCU (PhD Lecturer, Academy of Economic Studies

Bucharest, Romania), Anca Georgiana BRAN (PhD Student, Academy of Economic
Studies Bucharest, Romania ): Elaborating and Implementing Environmental Policies
Featuring Sustainable Development

15. Vladimir ROJANSCHI (PhD Professor, Ecological University Bucharest, Romania),

Raluca CRETU (PhD, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania): Developing
Systems of Urban and Waste Management

16. Lucia SCORŢAR (Assistant, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania ):

Recycling PET: a problem of major interest


1. Melinda MEZEI (PhD. Student, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary): Agricultural

production as a link in traceability chain

2. Beata Olga FELKAI ( PhD student, SZIE-GMI, TSF-MFK) : Some Aspects of Flood Risk

3. Arpad FERENCZ (assoc. Prof. PhD, College of Kecskemet, Hungary): Work

organisation and economical ecaluation of intensive orchards)

4. Arpad FERENCZ (assoc. Prof. PhD, College of Kecskemet, Hungary): Evaluation of the
horticulture production in Hungary with the method of Standard Grogg Margin)

5. Marta NOTARI (assistant Professor, College of Kecskemet, Hungary): Attitudes of

domestic consumers to hungaricums

6. Marta NOTARI (assistant Professor, College of Kecskemet, Hungary): Marketing

evaluation of main hungarian horticultural products


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