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7th Grade Science Class Behavior Contract

I, _____________________________, hereby agree with the expectations, rewards, and consequences of this behavior contract.

The following behaviors, rules, and conditions both inside and outside of the classroom that are expected of me at all times.

I will:
1. Follow all expectations of my teacher(s) and those listed in the student handbook.
2. Remain in my assigned area.
3. Keep hands, feet, and other objects to myself.
4. Use materials appropriately.
5. Raise my hand and wait to be recognized before talking.
6. Respect school property.
7. Respect my peers’ property.
8. Follow the school cell phone policy.
9. Follow the school I-Pad user policy. This means no use of apps like Youtube unless allowed by Mr. Fitz.
10. Remain quiet in the hallway.
11. Follow direction at all times.
12. Complete my work on time and to the best of my abilities.
13. Respect my peers’ feelings, thoughts, and ideas. Mr. FitzPatrick will not accept any bullying.
14. Understand that Mr. FitzPatrick may not always be able to answer emails immediately especially in later hours of the day.
However, Mr. FitzPatrick will do his best to provide the best services possible.
15. Accept that it is my primary duty to acquire homework, missing notes, and any materials or information I missed from absence.
However, Mr. FitzPatrick will do his best to provide needed materials and help in any way possible.
16. Will be courteous and formal in any communication with Mr. FitzPatrick. I understand Mr FitzPatrick may disregard or report
emails and communications that have no subject, lack clarity, and/or have reason to be deemed too demanding, rude, or inappropriate.
17. Accept responsibility for any late, missing, or completed assignments and understand it is my responsibility to communicate my
grades to my parent(s)/guardian(s).
18. Will communicate any concern with an assignment or grade to Mr. FitzPatrick as I am primarily responsible. Mr. FitzPatrick
however will do his best to address any noticeable concerns with both student and parent.

Mr. FitzPatrick reserves the right to plane grades on behavior. This will be done in an appropriate and unbiased manner.

In the likeliness that a student is courteous and respectful to his or her peers and teachers as well as obedient to Mr. FitzPatrick’s rules,
they will be rewarded in some form. Rewards can range from candy and doughnuts to as far as optional homework, a movie day, and
maybe even a free pizza. This is done at the discretion of Mr. FitzPatrick, who will offer unbiased judgement on all of his students
when issuing rewards.

Hierarchy of Consequences
1. Non-verbal warning
2. Verbal warning/reminder
4. Teacher/student conference.
5. Parental contact
6. Detention/Parental contact
7. Exclusion from field trips and other in class activities
8. Suspension/Exclusion from school

***Teachers Note***
My goal is to provide the most positive classroom environment possible. It is both my duty and obligation to do so. Please understand
that I (Mr. Fitz) am available to talk with should any concerns or anxiety fall on you. You are more than welcome to approach me at
any time and I will do my best to help.

Name____________________ Signature _____________________ Date________

Teacher: Mr. Fitzpatrick

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