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By Ryan Ponce Sur Rep.

Luis Villafuerte scamhas obviouslvthrived health service providers

said, will prevent the Uni- tfuough the sheei incom- and conniving govern-
Pacpaco versal Health Care (LTHC) petence or corutvance of ment executives behind
A BICOL congressman program from taking a certain PhilHealth execs bars.
has lauded President nosedive even before it nationwide," Villafuerte The Camarines Sur
Rodrigo "Rody" Du- could take off, more so said. "The President is lawmaker issued the state-
terte's twin directives to now that this pro-poor correct to point out that ment following reports
effect a leadership program has obtained this issue is big because quotingPresidmt Duterte
shakeup at the Philip- adequatefurdingwiththe public fi-:nds are involved. as saying he would effect
pine Health Insulance passage of new "sin" tax This scam should not go a revamp of top officials
Corp. (PhilHealth) and bill before the 17th Con- unpunished." at PhjlHealth following
throw th€ book at un- gress adjourned sine die Villafuertepointedout allegations of misuse of
scrupulous health service that the congressional ap- billions of government
providers and their co- "The hesident is doing proval of the bill raising funds through "ghost"
horts in the state firm theright thingin effectinga taxes on cigarettes and dialysis treatments. Mr.
believed lesponsible for leadershipshakeupatPhil- neiw tobacco Droducts like Duterte also directed the
the herrorrhage ofas high Healthandatthesametime heat-not-burir or vape de- National Bureau of krves-
as P1g billion in funds odering&€concerPd ageG vices and e-ciearettes will tigation (NBI) to arrest and
since 2013 through bo- cies to throw tlle book at go Iornaughiwithout the probe the ow ners of a dia F
gus treatments of phony eningheal0Nerviceprovid- Fresidkf s twindirectives
or dead patients. ers andtheir cohortsinPhil- last weekend to stem the
President Duterte's Health," Villafuerte said. ftmd leakage at PhilHealth
decisive steps, Camarines .'ThismultibilJion-peso and eventually put erring


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