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Lesson Plan

Day: Thursday Date: 09/05/2019 Time: 8:45 Year: 7

Learning Area: English Topic: Creative writing- NAPLAN prep

Curriculum content description:

Create literary texts that adapt stylistic features encountered in other texts, for example, narrative
viewpoint, structure of stanzas, contrast and juxtaposition (ACELT1625)
Experiment with text structures and language features and their effects in creating literary texts, for
example, using rhythm, sound effects, monologue, layout, navigation and colour (ACELT1805)
Consolidate a personal handwriting style that is legible, fluent and automatic and supports writing for
extended periods (ACELY1727)
Students’ prior knowledge and experience:
We have worked on parts of speech and started creative writing. Students have started planning a three-
element short story.
Learning purpose:
Using aspects of texts in imaginative recreations such as re-situating a character from a text in a new
Imagining a character’s life events (for example misadventures organised retrospectively to be presented
as a series of flashbacks in scripted monologue supported by single images), making a sequel or prequel
or rewriting an ending.
Creating chapters for an autobiography, short story or diary.
Experimenting with different narrative structures such as the epistolary form, flashback, multiple
Transforming familiar print narratives into short video or film narratives, drawing on knowledge of the
type of text and possible adaptations necessary to a new mode.
Learning objectives: Evaluation:
On completion of this lesson, students will be able to: Reading students stories throughout the class
To complete a three-element short story using to make sure they are on the right track.
figurative language and the five sense.

Preparation and Resources:

Student’s to bring out their plans from the previous lesson.
Timing: Learning Experiences:

Silent reading 15 mins
18 mins
2-3 minutes to instruct students to get their plans from the previous lesson out and
on what we are doing for the lesson.
- We should not need to recap language techniques or narrative structure;
they already know it.

10 mins Go through PowerPoint (year 9s)

- Figurative language and narrative structure

Sequence of learning experiences:

5 mins Students to spend 5 minutes looking at their plans

Orientation writing- go through with the class (identify setting and character)
5 mins to go through (choose three students to read)
- How many characters?
- Where is it set?
- How do we know? (Think about descriptive language used.)
Management of behaviour:
‘Listening’ x2 then names on the board.
Move students who are disrupting the class.
Eye contact
Pause and wait for students to listen

Lesson conclusion:
Exit ticket?
Their favourite part of the lesson
Something they are unsure about/didn’t understand

Lesson Evaluation:
Students worked incredibly well this lesson. They developed very strong orientations with excellent uses of figurative and
descriptive language.
I am super pleased with how this lesson went. The students were so engaged and I felt as though I managed to explain the
task well enough that they were able to get to it with minimal issue.

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