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Visicon Smart BIM Tools


Visicon is about simplicity, speed, instant access to model data

and beautiful graphics.

Bring your BIM models to life.

Visicon is a collection of productivity tools built around a powerful BIM model explorer. Designed for AECO
professionals that need to interact with 3D BIM models, it offers practical solutions to streamline day-to-day
BIM tasks. Whether you are trying to simply understand a model you received, manage changes, carry out
quality control, coordinate with project members, quickly extract quantities, analyze the model, or visualize
data, Visicon is the right BIM solution for you. Visicon is not intended to replace enterprise-level collaboration
platforms. Instead, it addresses your basic requirement of having to quickly and efficiently understand and act
on any BIM model from Revit, IFC, ETABS, ADAPT and more.

Interface showing Object Properties and Project Browser panels | Visicon Inc. Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved
Visicon Smart BIM Tools

Visicon workflow examples:

Revit model explorer

Use the one-click option to open any Revit model (versions 2015 –
2019) and explore it using Visicon’s powerful and flexible viewer. Use
built-in colorization modes to get instant quality control feedback. Key
model data is pre-sorted and ready for you to navigate. Combine
multiple Revit models or any other supported BIM model format.
Share your Revit model with anyone using the highly compressed
VXF file format that reduces Revit file sizes by more than 90% without
any loss of data. Others can view your Revit models and any
comments/markups you have added using the free version.
ETABS model explorer

Directly open E2K files to view ETABS models. All geometry, material
properties and loads are visible and easily accessible with amazing
graphics for presentations. Define and save multiple views. Run
quantity reports, compare two models, measure, or markup the
models. Use the Visicon VXF file to share your ETABS models. Run
Visicon Expressions to identify any targeted information about your

ADAPT model explorer

Open ADAPT INP exchange files to view the analysis model,

including loads, rebar and tendons. Use Visicon to present your
design intent, coordinate with other disciplines and check the quality
of your models. Merge the ADAPT model with mechanical or other
BIM models for clash detection and improved coordination.

IFC model explorer

Navigate the model, cut sections, create annotations, extract

quantities, or run clash detection. Key model parameters like
component type and material are pre-sorted.

Markup and coordinate

It has never been easier to markup your BIM models and

communicate coordination issues with other team members. Simply
create custom views, add 3D measurements, annotate, and then
either distribute a PDF summary report or the Visicon model itself.
Save time and improve coordination effectiveness by directly marking
up your BIM models and not static 2D PDFs. | Visicon Inc. Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved
Visicon Smart BIM Tools
Extract quantities

Quantify what’s in your BIM model by using Visicon’s dynamic

inventory feature or run detailed XLS reports. The dynamic inventory
tool gives you instant quantity information on any selected
components. The inventory report is fully customizable and lets you
extract and group quantities the way you need them.

Change management

Use Visicon to manage constantly changing BIM models. Run a

detailed tabular report comparing every attribute of two models,
create a variance report against any quantity type (e.g., volume,
length), check for changes in any specific component parameter
(e.g., supplier), or visualize 3D geometric changes using the Boolean
Difference operation.

Visualize data

Gain insight into the details of your BIM model by applying Rules.
Rules run expressions you create and apply visibility conditions to
their results. For example, “identify all beams that are of material type
X and have a length to depth ratio greater than 15.” Combine rules in
rule sets to carry out more complex model data visualization. Rules
and other custom logic you define can be saved as templates and re-
applied to new models, saving you configuration time.

Import and visualize external data

Visicon lets you import and attach external project data, for example
delivery date of equipment, and attach it to the components in your
BIM model. Run Rules to visualize this data on your BIM model for
more effective coordination sessions, presentations, and general
analysis of your model. All data can also be exported in any format to
an XLS spreadsheet for post-processing.
Check model

Visicon includes model checking operations: filter-based, clash test,

find duplicates, clearance check, Boolean difference, and variance
check. Run these operations to automate model validation tasks.
Each operation is configurable to only analyze those components that
are relevant, within one model or across multiple merged models. The
results of each operation are organized as Issues you can assign and
track using the Issue tracking feature. | Visicon Inc. Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved
Visicon Smart BIM Tools
Track and resolve issues

Efficiently document, track and resolve coordination issues. Issues

can be linked to components, assigned to users, and tracked.
Communicate more clearly by creating multiple views and markups
for each issue. Run a summary report of outstanding issues or view
  them in the Dashboard. Use collaboration to save even more time.

Visicon is focused on supporting fast, work-in-progress collaboration.

Create and share copies of your model with other project members in
less than a minute. Resolving BIM issues on the fly has never been
easier. You can issue Visicon licenses for others as part of your
collaboration setup. A central model helps control all users’ feedback,
updates, and changes.

  Run reports

One of the most valuable features Visicon offers is the extraction of

detailed and structured reports. The reports included are a variety of
PDF and XLS reports that present your markups, summarize issues,
tabulate coordinates, give quantities, or organize any of your model
Tributary load takedown

Use the patented tributary load takedown algorithm to determine load

paths for your structural BIM models. Visualize the load paths to
better communicate horizontal and vertical irregularities in your
model. Columns and walls are colorized based on the magnitude of
the tributary area they are estimated to support. This is a great tool to
help understand the structural composition of your project.

Feature list:
Supported BIM model types
 One-click export from within Revit (2015 – 2019)
 Direct open of ETABS (E2K) files
 Direct open of ADAPT (INP) files
 Direct open of IFC files
 Direct open of Point Cloud (PTS, PTX) files
 Direct open of Wavefront Object (OBJ) files
 Direct open of Visicon (VXF) files | Visicon Inc. Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved
Visicon Smart BIM Tools
Model merging
 Merge models
 Update geometry of models
 Save customized expressions, filters, users, rules, operations, and reports settings as templates
 Apply saved templates to project
Save project as Portable format – a self-contained executable
Import data
Model alignment
 Manual alignment (translation and rotation)
 By coordinates
 By selecting two objects
 By selecting two points
 Center model at origin
 Ortho / perspective modes
 Orbit around selected component
 Gravity walk-through
Project Dashboard
 Lists views with thumbnail
 Organizes relevant issues
Object properties panel
 General component properties
 Family properties
 Instance properties
Project browser panel
 Key model properties organized and listed for easy access
Level mode
 Original – uses each components’ assigned level
 Floors – uses levels or floors defined in model
 Automatic – Visicon algorithm to identify levels
 Apply clip planes – feature to automatically apply top and bottom clip planes when in level mode
 2D projection/floor plan of model
 Component categories visibility switch
 Clip planes – manage up to 9
 Full-screen presentation mode
 Ghost mode
Colorize – automatic colorization of components based on properties
 Component type
 Material (type, unique and color)
 Level
 Model
 Discipline
 Family
 System
 Unique geometry
 Applied load case type
Views | Visicon Inc. Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved
Visicon Smart BIM Tools
 Create custom views (100% of visibility settings retained for each view)
 Lock viewpoint
 Auto save option (keeps track of latest changes)
 Heads-up display of view name and default text
 Line
 Line strip
 Arrow
 Circle
 Rectangle
 Polygon
 Text callout box
 Text
3D measurements and annotations
 Linear
 Clearance
 One to many
 Multi-segment
 Surface area
 Angular
 Cumulative measure
 Spot tag
 Spot elevation
 Spot coordinate
 Spot slope
Dynamic inventory – displays 12 quantity metrics for selected components
 Anonymize – clears out all proprietary information from model
 Compare models – detailed tabular comparison of every model parameter
 Convert to extrusions – needed to run inventory functions
 Delete holes – simplifies geometry
 Compact resources – makes model file more efficient
 Rename column stacks – gives uniform name for all vertically connected columns
 User-defined
 Filter-based – creates an issue for each item selected by a filter
 Clash test – classic clash detection
 Find duplicates – identifies duplicate objects in a model
 Clearance check – runs clearance check against any two categories of components in any direction
 Boolean difference – checks 3D geometric difference between two sets of components
 Variance check – checks change between two models – either quantity or parameter change
 Define issues
 Assign users and track status
 Assign components to issues
 Assign multiple views to an issue
 Issue colorize mode isolates components linked to issues
Revit import of issues
 Import issues back into Revit
 Issues linked to components in Revit | Visicon Inc. Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved
Visicon Smart BIM Tools
 Colorized sphere identifies location
 Issue manager lists issues within Revit for easy resolution of cases
 Option to password protect and encrypt Visicon files
 Create central model
 Create client model (sent to others for collaboration)
 Integrate from client models
 Add users
 Cover page
 Concrete installation coordinates
 Inventory
 Import data template
 Quantity variance
 Views and markup summary
 Issue summary
 Tributaries
Structural analytics
 Generate tributary areas
 Calculate load path
 Load takedown using tributary area
 Colorization of columns and walls by total trib area or trib area divided by cross sectional area
Extensive customizable settings

Product versions and pricing:

Visicon is available as a free viewer with limited functionality or as the Professional Version. The Professional
version is offered as a perpetual license bound to a computer or end-user provided USB key. A USB key-
bound license can be moved from computer to computer. Contact to inquire about
Professional license pricing.

System requirements:

Visicon runs on Windows 7, 8 and 10 operating systems. | Visicon Inc. Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved

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