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Wildfire Prevention in the East Bay Hills:


A. Theile - Fire Chief

-Reduce fire hazards on District-owned lands in the East
Bay’s wildland-urban interface (WUI).

-Maintain and enhance ecological values for plant and wildlife

habitat consistent with fire reduction goals.

-Preserve aesthetic landscape values for park users and

neighboring communities.

-Provide a vegetation management plan which is cost-

effective and both financially and environmentally sustainable
to EBRPD on an on-going basis.
“East Bay Hills Wildfire Hazard Reduction”
“In 1991, the Oakland / Berkeley Hills were the site of
California’s largest residential wildfire, taking 26 lives,
destroying hundreds of homes and costing over $1.7 billion.
Our hillside communities and parks remain at risk.
EastEastBay Hills
Bay Regional - 1899
Park District
EastEastBay Hills
Bay Regional - 2009
Park District
Roundtop (Sibley Regional Preserve ) c. 1900
East Bay Regional Park District
Roundtop (Sibley Regional
East Bay Preserve ) - 2012
Regional Park District
East Bay Hills Eucalyptus Plantation - 1890s
Wildfire Hazard Reduction and Resource Management Plan

➢ Comprehensive, system-wide
➢ Science-based: ecological approach to fuels

➢ Park Operations integral part of fuels

➢ Focus on follow-up and long-term maintenance
➢ Evaluation, review and improvement; adaptive
Fire Prevention
Treatment Areas:
3000 acres;
9 Regional Parks
Fire Hazard Reduction Implementation

Team “Fuels Group” includes

Stewardship Department
Fire Department
Operations Department

From External Partners

City of Oakland
City of Berkeley
U.C. Berkeley
Hills Emergency Forum
Civilian Crews like SCA
CalFire and Counties and other LRA’s
Fire Hazard Reduction Crews

Brontosaurus Feller - Buncher

Rubber-tire Skidder Grapple fed Chipper

Prescribed Fire

© EBRPD Public Affairs

Redwood, Eastridge Trail
RD001 Before Treatment: RD001 After Treatment:
Wildcat Canyon
Before After

TILDEN – RTA TI004 treatment

East Bay Regional Park District
East Bay Regional Park District
Do You Have Defensible Space?
Danger Spots Around Your Home and What you Can Do to Eliminate Them
• Inadequate Defensible Space Around Your Home:
• Wood Shake Roofs
• Debris/leaves on Roofs and in Gutters
• Tree Limbs Too Close to Your Chimney and Roof
• Unscreened Attic and Foundation Vents
• Missing Spark Arrester on Your Chimney
• Address Numbers Not Visible from the Street
• Combustible Materials Stored Too Close to Your Home
• Overgrown, Dry Landscaping
Funding Sources
Measure FF gives the District an additional $14.2
million and continues Measure CC’s investment
of $ 10 million = $24.2 million in additional public

FEMA – $5.7 million

EBRPD General Fund

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