Analysis of Person Using Navamsa

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Key Points

1. Jaimini – was a student of Parasara. Considered a contemporary as well. 2.

Jaimini’s Sutras – are codified, terse and cryptic. Slokas are not to be read and
interpreted as written. 3. But, these have been codified in a numerical format -
encryption and compression together. 4. What is that encryption and
compression? – Katapayadi scheme. 5. Take letters ka, Kha, Ga, Gha, Na (and
so on) - Assign values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0. Split the word into individual
letters and write the corresponding numbers below them. Now, reverse the
number obtained and divide the result by 12. Remainder gives the target house
which Jaimini is talking about (for more details, refer Jaimini Upadesa Sutras
by Pt Sanjay Rath) a. For example, “Labha” is the 11th house, using the
"katapayadi" scheme, we decode it as “La bha”. 4 => reverse => becomes 43 =>
divide by 12 => remainder = 7. Jaimini is talking about the 7th house. b. Idea
was to keep the knowledge safe from people who could misuse it. Now, the
trend is to distribute it. Hence, it was codified. Some aspects are codified and
some are not. c. There are many translations, Original commentator was
Neelakantha, I.T. Ranagacharya (has written commentaries in Sanskrit and
English), T.S. Sastry and Translations by Pt Sanjay Rath are discussed here.

Use of Navamsa (Dharmamsa) to understand characteristics of a person

6. Example of Swargarohana Parva from Mahabharatha. Dog in the story

represents Yama (dharma raja, protector of dharma) who was testing
Yudhisthira if he would forget the dog (and thus his dharma) upon reaching
the gates of heaven since it had equal right to enter swarga as him. 7. Sa
represents Yama. Dogs are shown by Sa. Sa shows discipline and sincerity. Sa
impassionately follows dharma. 8. Sa in 9th means a suspicious person who
wants to know very clearly what his dharma is. Once he understands it, he is
tenacious and will fulfill it even if it is a long journey. 9. Yama and Prajapati
are the adi-devata and pratyadi-devatas of Sa. Yama is Sa’s elder brother
(Agraja). 10. 9th house - Dharma carried from the past life to the present. In
other words, it is Punya from the past life. Whatever potential you had in the
past life. Things which you did in the past life may come very easily to you in
the present life, example, Mozart composing/playing at a very young age. This
is shown by Navamsa Lagna or trines to Navamsa Lagna.

Guidelines for planets aspecting (Rasi Drishti) or occupying Navamsa Lagna or

trines to it. 11. First stanza, Su in Swamsa. Su represents, king, government
authority. Su should be in Navamsa ASC or trines to it. 12. Su - good
administrative capability. Su - is the king, says you do this and expects it to get
done. 13. Ve – Management - rules over demons – like the project manager
doing micro management. 14. Mo + Ve give all luxuries in life - educator.
Teacher or a person who is involved in education. Indicates Luxuries and
opulence. 15. Ma in trines gives good knowledge about metallurgy, warfare and
hot headed person. 16. Me makes a good business, trading and a good student.
17. Ju is karma yogi, wide knowledge with specialization in one, wise. Tends to
be expansive regardless of any house he occupies. 18. Ve also gives government
official, virile and long lived (upto 100yrs). Ve has the blessing of Mrutyunjaya.
One of the Dwadasa Jyotirlingas, “trayambakeshwar” is associated with Pi
where Ve is exalted, hence the link. 19. Sa gives success in any line of activity,
hard working, disciplined. 20. Ra produces
thief/bowman/dacoity/cheating/handles poisonous dangerous
chemicals/medicines/manufacturing/big machines. 21. Ra is called Guha,
one who hides.

Lessons on Vedic Astrology

188 22. Ke signifies small machines. Earning through elephant (modes of

communication, transportation) and swindler. Ke is an extreme form of Ma. 23.
Swamsa - can be ASC (Lagnamsa) or AK (Karakamsa). Generally, Navamsa of
self (Swa) it can be both, mostly it is Lagnamsa. 24. "Dharmo Rakshati
Rakshitah" - past life blessings (Navamsa) protects you in the present. Abilities
that I have, come to me as a blessing. 25. Rasi Drishti will show that which will
manifest at all times. Graha Drishti manifest only during the maha
dasa/antardasa of a particular planet. 26. SL shows the blessings of Sri

Example Chart 1: 27. Su and Ke are in trines. Sa is in exchange with Su,

which can show a traditionalist, working hard and consequently gets a lot of
pain. 28. Ke - Good knowledge about computers, small instruments, swindler.
29. Take ASC as the reference point and look at Rasi Drishti and the trines. 30.
Planets on both sides of ASC forming Kartari, it’s almost as if they are in ASC.
Hence, Me + Ve and Mo also have an impact on the Lagna. Note - it must be
Kartari for this to happen. 31. So, because of the above observation, Me
=>Good student and Ve + Mo => luxuries and teaching. 32. Ve is Fine arts. Me
likes to copy. So, An artist who draws well, combination turns out to be Me +
Ve. 33. If it is a creative person, then it is Ve alone in ASC or trines to
Navamsa Lagna.

Example Chart 2: 34. Navamsa Lagna is in Sc - Ve + Ju + Ke with Mo in trines.

35. Ve - critical minded, Good visual memory, read between the lines. Ve (Jala
tatwa planet) in a watery sign is good for creativity. 36. Ke - spirituality. 37.
Ju, Ke - dual guru yoga. Parivartana between Ju and Ma. 38. Mo - good
teacher, singing (artistic ability). 39. Exalted Su on the ASC - Social worker.
40. Total of 7 planets aspecting or conjoining the Navamsa Lagna shows such
people are very talented. Things come very effortlessly to them. 41. What is
seen from Navamsa Lagna can also be seen from AL. Discussion regarding
Arudhas in a later class to follow.

Lesson #41


42. Talent is manifested during the periods of the planets. Effects of antardasa
brings forth the potential promised by the maha dasa. Also see Yogas and to
what extent. 43. Special dasa called Lagnamsaka dasa, in NAVAMSA which will
show when these abilities are physically fructified. 44. Note on Parivartana -
you need a trigger to make the Parivartana results to manifest. Until then, you
will need to see the planets in isolation forgetting the exchange.

Example Chart 3: 45. Ta rising with Ju in it and Su in trines. Su - good

administration. Ju- Wise, teacher, jack of all master of one. 46. Ju in ASC in
general makes the right calls in all areas of life. 47. Note: There is trinal Kartari
and quadrant Kartari also. Kartari shows balances. a. 4th and 10th - shows
efforts b. 5th and 9th - shows blessings c. 2nd and 12th - resources and

Example Chart 4: Pope John Paul II, May 18 1920, 1730 2E GMT 19E30
49N53 48. Sc rising, Me in ASC, Subha Kartari, Ju + Ve + Ke. 49. Me => good
business man, good occult learner 50. Ju + Ke => somebody born to spread
some traditional knowledge. Ke=Parampara & continuity, Ju=Vedic Knowledge.
51. Ke - Moolatrikona is Pi, Matstya stands for rescuing Vedas. 52. Sa in trine
is a traditionalist 53. Mo in Pi - Good teacher, compassionate. 54. Mo + Me -
acting ability. 55. Simple sloka without any decoding. “Tatra Raho
RajaKaryaparah” - pretty straightforward, standing for if sun in Swamsa
(results already explained above in detail). “Rajakaryaparah” is somebody
engaged in kingly duties. 56. Sloka with decoding “Tathakadayah dharmey”
Aquarius Navamsa lakes, tanks, roads, temple

Dharmey = dha ma 9 5 => reverse = 59 => remainder = 11th sign is

Aquarius Navamsa.

Note this could mean 11th house or 11th sign.

Combinations of planets (guidelines continued): 57. Su + Ra could indicate
death due to snake venom. venom can also be poison in the body. A
combination to indicate drug

Lessons on Vedic Astrology

190 addiction. If benefics are there, then there may be relief or may not happen
at all. 58. If Ma joins such a combination - gives the ability to burn the houses
(arsonist). If Ve joins - then it shows fire fighter. (Side note: Ve deity is Maha
Lakshmi who holds the Agni samhara mantra. Yogurt or dahi is signified by Ve)
59. Note about the nature of planets: a. Ma - Agni tatwa. b. Ju - Akash tatwa.
c. Ve – Jala tatwa. d. Me – Bhoo tatwa. e. Sa – Vayu tatwa. 60. Bear in mind
you can use these in Prasna and see who is influencing ASC in the Rasi chart.
All knowledge is speculative and so be careful. Unlike Parasara, Jaimini is
more secretive and purposely encrypted everything. 61. Ra + Su + Ma + Ju -
people who set fire to their own house. Ju is expansive and likes to spread. 62.
“Guru Drishtey twa samipa gruhaat” - Guru is Maheswara, he is the ultimate
destroyer of the whole world. 63. Sa + Ra = Seller or consumer of betel leaves,
alcohol, drugs, or aphrodisiacs 64. Mo + Ve - produces a sailor 65. Watery
planet indicates ships. Aspect of Ve (natural significator of vehicles) on moon
strengthens it. 66. Gulika in Swamsa - consumes poison or poisons elders,
addictive material that is harmful to the body. 67. Gulika & Mandi - some say
that both are same. Uttarakalamritha says so. They are "sons" of Sa and show
the misdeeds performed - torture that is embraced and given by you. You could
say lot of toxins in the body, not a good combination. In simple words, they
indicate, "what goes around comes around". 68. Is there anything to nullify it?
You have to look at the various planets and worship the house lord in which
they are in. You should also see the house lord if he is benefic or not. 69.
Combinations helpful for prasna: a. Mo aspecting Gulika - receipt of stolen
wealth. b. Me aspecting Gulika - disease of the private parts. 70. Ke aspecting
Swamsa - perforation of ear drums. 3rd house is for hearing. 9th from 3rd
house is 11th house which is the dharma of the 3rd house. Affliction of the
11th house with Ke in Swamsa (trines) and malefics aspecting Swamsa (Rasi
Drishti or trines). Please note 11th house from the 3rd is Lagna. 71. Ve
conjoining Ke - Religious learning, maybe initiated into a religious order.

Lesson #41


72. Me + Sa conjoining/aspecting Ke - impotency. Me + Sa are eunuchs. Me +

Sa or Ve in trines to D7 causes person to be childless. At least 2 planets are
necessary to make it happen. 73. Me aspecting Ke - talkative person, one born
to a maid servant or a concubine. 74. Sa + Ve + Ke = Tapaswi, who works hard,
passionate and headless (detached) in his approach. Pope John Paul too has it.
75. Sa + Ke indicates a fraud. One who goes about with passion. 76. Su + Ve
aspects karakamsa, royal assignment. 77. Me aspecting 10th from Swamsa
gives results like Sa. Beneficial aspects on 10th house produce stable fortunes.
Malefics cause fluctuations. 78. Su in 10th from Karakamsa aspected by Ju,
produces man associated with husbandry, milkman. This, however, may not be
too true since the knowledge may have got corrupted over the centuries.
Observe, in the example of Gopala, it can mean many things and could be
interpreted accordingly. 79. Tom Dellis speaks about his research of 15 years.
Tom described a very interesting speech on a mathematical algorithm to
generate ellipses for each of the planets. All planets are moving in this elliptical
cycle. When moon’s node hits the plane of the vernal equinox, events will
happen. He has been able to predict events in the stock market as a result of
using these algorithms. For more details, please write to Tom.

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