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Dear Sir/Madam:

With this letter I would like to express interest of my team in participating in your project:
We decieded to apply for this project becouse it has many connections with work of NGO, that we
represent in this application. We are member of IAESTE LC SARAJEVO, it is international student
organisation that provides internships for students accros the world. The main idea behind our
organisation is to help students to get expirience in their field of study, gain connfidence and be
more commpetative in job market.

Harsh and owercrowded job market makes demmands for every person who is trying to find job in
they proffesion. For young persons, students, it is now obligation to expend their knowledge in
astmany ways as they can. Our organisation, IAESTE, is doing just that, now only with our interns, but
with ourselves, the members of it.

Budilding confinence is our main priority when it comes to helping our interns, we want them to
belive in themselves, to belive that they can do what they want if they work hard for it. Internships
that we provede are available for every student, but on the begining not many of them have curage
and will to go to other country, to work in their proffesion, and that is time where we try to encurage
them to take that big step in their carriers. While working abroad, they find themselves in many
situations that help them gain confidence, knowladge, which they would never get if they did not go.

On this project, we want to learn more about influenting people, how to treat them in different
situations, and how to help them with problems that are in any way related with work, work
expirience, developing social skils, emotional and physical welbeing.

On this project, we are aplying as a team of 5 people, al of us from same organisation, with same goal
in mind. Going on this project would undoubtedly make us more capeable in our work, which is
basicly making young people more skillfull and more competative on job market.

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