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For the 2019 Independent Directed Studies Fair, Nandini and I planned the IDS Fair. We teamed
up with Maddi, our mentor, to create an event that was both successful and enjoyable. Earlier this year,
we planned two mini IDS fairs, ​one for the grade 11s, and another one for the grade 12s. This was very
helpful as we have never planned an event before. We successfully planned and organized both of the
fairs with Maddie. The first IDS that we planned with Maddie was a bit stressful, however, we were able
to learn from our stresses and use it towards planning a more worry-free event. For the first IDS, Maddi,
our mentor, showed us how to create a layout of all the students. We then had the opportunity to create a
layout by ourselves for the second IDS. The only major issue that we had was that not all of the students
were on the list of presenters. We then had to adapt to the situation and find space for the presenters to
present. We have learnt to be more strict with the students as they do not understand how critical it is for
them to tell us exactly what they need. Overall, we are very proud of ourselves for rising to the situation
and taking responsibility and ownership. We were able to learn from this experience and gain event
planning skills, preparing us for the final year end IDS fair.

For the final year-end IDS, we were given many responsibilities. We had to create two layouts,
one for the cafeteria and one for the auditorium. We also had to create posters advertising the IDS fair and
direction signs. In addition, we created appreciation bags for all of the teachers within the community,
who were coming to the fair. We decided to create appreciation bags because we wanted to show our
gratitude towards all of the teachers in the community. However, we miscounted the number of teachers,
resulting in not enough appreciation bags. We adapted to the situation and decided to give the teachers
parts of the appreciation bag so all teachers could leave with a souvenir. This project of planning an event
taught us many life skills such as thinking quickly, taking responsibility for our mistakes, as well as
communication and social skills. One of the skills that we found the most helpful was communication
skills. We were put in positions where we had to talk to our peers, our teachers, adults and other children.
It was difficult to direct our peers as we were unsure of whether or not we should be strict or lenient.
Giving instructions to our classmates was difficult because we were afraid of coming across as oppressive
towards our friends. We were put in many situations in which we had to act as adults. However, even
though we did find it difficult to do some of the tasks we were responsible of doing, we were able to get
them done successfully. This project had many obstacles, but we were able to surpass them. The most
enjoyable moment was when we got to see what we created. At the start of the project we only had 2D
layouts of how the fair was going to be. On the day of the IDS fair we finally had the chance to witness all
of our hard work.
Our goals for the final IDS was to create connections within the community, collaborate with
others that we do not know that well and create an IDS Fair that better suits the student body. We met our
goals by inviting several elementary schools and highschools from the community to the event. We
welcomed and greeted the teachers and students who came to the fair. Our presenters were able to talk to
them about their IDS projects. We were very respectful to the guests that came to the fair, which allowed
them to have a good perception of the school and the students of JO. Overall, we made sure that they were
having a good time. Throughout the planning process of this fair, we worked with many people. For
example, we did not know Maddie very well, who was our mentor. We had to work with her to
essentially, make this fair possible. We were able to work with our principal, Mr. Wilmann as we needed
his assistance in funding for the goods in the appreciation bags. We worked with Mr. Thind, who was
kind enough to help us laser print key chains within a short time period. And we also had the once in a
lifetime opportunity to work with the one and only, Ms. Ink. In terms of creating an IDS Fair that better
suits the student body, we learnt from last year's fair and created a layout that was easier to follow and
controlled crowds. We received positive feedback from both teachers and students on the layout and the
overall fair. From what we learned from planning this year’s fair, we intend to create a fair that is more
suitable and fun for both the presenters and the audience.

We met and succeeded all of our goals and successfully answered our inquiry question: ​What
makes an event successful​? As a sub-question, we specifically looked into what characteristics and
qualities make events successful. Motivation, Responsibility, leadership and the ability to successfully
execute one’s vision is what makes a successful event. This project was more than an academic project. It
reflected ambition and determination. We also met the ​core competencies. Core Competencies includes
Communication, Creative thinking, Critical thinking, Personal awareness and Social responsibility. Our
IDS project demanded communication. We all had to share our ideas and creativity carry out our
thoughts. We also had to have personal awareness and social responsibility as we had to be respectful of
other people's ideas.

Throughout this project I learnt about my weaknesses and my strengths. I was surprised to learn
that I have strong social skills and good leadership traits. I was surprised to learn that I have these traits
because I have always been very shy and quiet. Usually I am a follower and I am never put in positions
that require leadership and social skills. I volunteered to do this project, thinking that I was only going to
make layouts and talk to only my team members, however, quickly I learnt that I was wrong. From the
very start I had to talk to people that I have never talked to before. I was afraid at first because I wasn’t
sure how to direct people or give teachers tasks, but I was able to learn from Nandini and Maddie. By
watching my team members I learnt how to communicate effectively. Throughout this project I also
learnt that I have difficulty presenting my ideas. When creating the layouts I had a vision in my mind, but
executing that vison through words was surprisingly very challenging for me. I had to physically go to the
cafeteria and with hand motions describe my thoughts. This project was more than an academic exercise
as it taught me life long skills that I will use on a daily basis. From writing essays for home work to
talking in job interviews, all of the skills that I learnt throughout this project will help me significantly. I
challenge myself to continue learning and putting myself in positions that are out of my comfort zone.

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