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A Chocolate Lover’s Nightmare

Situation : Sometimes a small can cause a big problem. In this story, Lydia is
in trouble. Why ? What does she decide to do next ?
I’m in chocolate trouble! Last week ourboss came back from Europe
and brought some Belgium chocolate into the office. At lunch, when I went to
the employee refrigerator to get my lunch, I saw the box there, and I knew it
was for us! But for the rest of the day, my boss didn’t say anything. I kept
checking the refrigerator, and back at my desk, I couldn’t stop thinking of the
Then, around 04:00, I pretended to go for coffee , but in fact I went to
the employees’s longue and took out the box of chocolates. I was only going to
smellit. But when I had it in my hands I thought, “it’s okey, it’s for us. Why not
have my piece a little early?” So I opened it up and ate one and went back to
my desk.
A bit later found myself back at the refrigerator. I looked at the box
and noticed that you couldn’t tell one missing. The box still looked full. I
thought, “I might as well have a second piece”. It was so good. I was in heaven.
Then I thought, “well, there isn’t so different from two......well, four isn’t so
different from three...” until suddenly I had eaten half the box I felt really
stupid. I knew that I’d have admitted that I ate all of those chocolates. But, oh
well – what’s done is done. I closed the box and retied the ribbon and thought,
“ At least it looks okay from the outside.”
The explosion came the next day. The chocolates were for a client.
When the client opened the box and it was half empty, my boss nearly died of
embarrasement . That was a week ago. Our boss is still furious and has been
making everyone work late. She keeps asking us over and over who ate the
chocolates.she says she told everyone before that they were for a client. My
collegues are disgusted with her attitude, but are also disgusted that “the thief”
hasn’t admitted to the crime. I think that they secretly suspect me. I never
thought this problem would get so big. Should I quit my job? Admit the truth?
Just let things calm down? I’m in so much trouble.

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