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Now is the time to make some changes.

Education has always been about giving students the tools to get a better life when they grow up.
So, what’s the difference between the schools we used to attend some years ago and the ones
where we are teaching now? Schools in the past used to be teacher-centered, the teacher was the
star of the show and his/her talking time and authority seemed endless and, in some cases, even
meaningless. Teachers demanded students to sit still and quiet, otherwise, they were considered
mischievous or rebellious. If teachers dared to have different noisy activities, they were labelled as
teachers having some lack of classroom management skills. The playgrounds were neither as
attractive as the ones there are now-a-days nor as safe as they should have been.

Libraries were visited more often by students because they were almost the only reference they
had to develop their investigation skills and to do homework. Students knew how to look up
information in encyclopaedias and dictionaries and were more than lucky if they had such a
treasure at home. Education was based more on memory than on understanding and, also,
respecting teachers was not only taken for granted but it was also mandatory. They were good
schools though, weren´t they? ……most of us were happy there, we learned and here we are …
teaching the new generations. BUT is it the best way to go through the teaching-learning process
in the 21st century?

Why changing? Why improving? Well, because things are and will be a lot more demanding than
they used to be. A global world is the field where students will have to perform in a near future.
They must get ready for a working field that can be even a bit threatening. They will be dealing
with an international and also fierce competence. Therefore, they need to learn a lot more than
just the curriculum that is provided in school. Students need relevant environments, activities,
materials and, obviously, 21st century teachers. What can we do about this? Here are some tips
that might be of some help. Changing from teacher-centered to student-centered classes is one of
the most important tasks teachers can start with. Let students experience the subject matter
being taught, let them talk, listen to them. They must get different activities to build their new
knowledge based on the one they already have (Constructivism).

Give them tools they need to produce their own evidences of learning. Remember that producing
means creating something new and original ….albeit small. Meaningful small project makes them
learn while they do. On the other hand, reciting a poem is not a productive task unless they have
written by themselves. Students should no longer sit in their little boxes, where information is
poured in by the teacher without even knowing if they are receiving or not!! They need to move to
experience, to experiment and to get acquaintanceship!! If teacher tries to explain what the words
salt and sweet mean, it is futile. Instead get some popcorn and a few pieces of candy and let them
taste it. That will explain the differences and the tastes, Isn’t it!!

Prof. Dr. Sarma VSN Rachakonda

Administrative staff such as coordinators, supervisors, principals and/or owners of schools
should change their classroom-management skills concept, as having students move in the
classroom now-a-days is not only suitable but compulsory. Experiencing knowledge will, surely,
become meaningful learning. If students are working in teams sharing ideas, experiencing with
new materials, going out to the garden to look for insects, this is not a waste of time. These are
activities that will help them consolidate the different concepts they are being exposed to.
Obviously, teachers must be committed to the monitoring role they must do while these activities
take place. Remember teachers are guides and guards.

Libraries are no longer that popular among young students. This is not fair. Technology and media
are playing an important role in the modern times. What can we do about this? Help students
rediscover the magic in books. They are a golden resource that learners must re-learn how to use.
On the other hand, students must learn how to get information from the huge amount of
electronic and online resources available and, beyond that, they must learn how to select the most
relevant information. Teachers can help them develop “Critical Thinking” skills, in order to
understand that they cannot believe everything they read and hear and use media to harm others,
as values must always be considered. Using all these electronic tools in a responsible way is part of
the effective communication students need to develop.

Now is time to mention something about students respecting teachers? This issue has changed a
lot and as sad as it may sound, it has changed in a negative way. It is not easy to find respectful
children in schools now-a-days. Much worse is the scarcity of respectable teacher!! This might
seem simple to solve, but it surely means a lot of work and a great commitment from teachers
who must consider that respect must be earned and demanded. Students don't know what it is of
being a good teacher means, they don't know either what a good lesson plan is, BUT they can tell
when they have a good teacher in front of them.

Therefore, mentors should prepare every lesson fondly, thinking about the different types of
students they have, as well as their needs. Include meaningful activities that will help them be
more competitive in their future working environments. Link your subject related class to as many
cross-curricular areas as you can. If you are talking about the English language, don’t hesitate to
include maps of any English speaking country, photographs, videos, information about music,
singers, etc. Keep in mind that visual and global literacies are concepts that must be developed
among students in modern schools. If you are talking about the different currencies in the world,
give them tips to save money and tips to practice smart shopping. If possible show them some
samples of different currencies. They will be thrilled. If you are talking about food, help them
discover how important a healthy diet is and how expensive a health problem such as diabetes can
turn out. If your lesson plan is accurate enough to keep students busy all the time, discipline
problems will be reduced significantly. When students learn and when they enjoy your teaching,
they become your allies and respect will surely bloom all around. Being 21st century teachers is
not a science fiction concept. It is a real concept that can be practiced if all of us are open minded.

Prof. Dr. Sarma VSN Rachakonda

Prof. Dr. Sarma VSN Rachakonda

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