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Questions and Problems

1. A typical room temperature is 68°F. What are 7. BONUS List the relative virtues of gasoline,
the corresponding Celsius and Kelvin diesel, and turbine types of internal combustion
temperatures? engines.

2. The basic equation of carbon burning is 8. BONUS This morning, a 1−kW electric heater
C+O2→CO2 + 95 kilocalories per mole (1 mole of was switched on for one hour. Trace back as far
carbon is 12 grams). From this equation as you can the various forms the energy had
calculate the number of Btu from burning one before it was used for heat. Assume a coal-
ton of coal, assuming it is pure carbon. fired power plant. Now trace the path the
electric energy will take after it has been used
3. BONUS Starting from the Principle of for heat. What will be its ultimate destiny?
Energy Conservation, explain the reasoning that
gives us the expression for thermodynamic 9. An electrically powered heat pump can deliver
efficiency, η, in terms of the temperatures Tc more energy than it draws from the power line
and Th. You may assume the Carnot relation, without violating the Principle of Energy
Qc/Qh=Tc/Th, for an ideal heat engine. What is Conservation.
a heat engine? Explain how this can happen.

4. An inventor claims to have developed a 10. How many tons of CO2 are produced for each
wonderful new heat engine that operates with a ton of methane burned?
relatively cool (and therefore nonpolluting)
flame at 150°C and discharges waste heat to 11. BONUS A heat engine in each cycle extracts
the environment at 20°C. His promotional 50,000 Btu of thermal energy and rejects (or
literature advertises that 45% of the fuel releases) 20,000 Btu of thermal energy. How
energy is converted into useful work. Calculate many Btu of work are done each cycle? What is
the maximum efficiency that can be expected the efficiency of this engine?
for such an engine and compare it to the
inventor's claim. 12. Show that the combination of a 40% efficient
power plant with a heat pump having a
5. BONUS Because individual natural gas-fueled coefficient of performance of 4.0 would
water heaters in homes do not have air pollution actually deliver 60% more heat energy than if
control devices, it has been proposed that the fuel were used directly to heat a house
water in homes be heated with electrical energy with 100% efficiency.
generated at a distant power plant that is
equipped with effective air pollution control 13. BONUS Considering the above problem, in
devices. The power plant burns natural gas and the interest of conserving the fossil fuel
produces electrical energy with 40% efficiency; energy resource and reducing pollution, should
the electric transmission line between the plant it be unlawful to burn fossil fuels directly in the
and the home loses 10% of the electrical energy home or factory for heat?
as heat. All that remains goes into heating the
water. In contrast, the water heater gets only 14. A heat engine operating between a geothermal
60% of the fuel energy into the water. Which steam source at 210°C and a river at 20°C
scheme uses more natural gas to heat a given achieves an efficiency of 20%. What
quantity of water? percentage of its theoretical maximum
efficiency is it achieving?
6. Why are fossil fuel-burning electric power
plants situated near lakes or rivers or provided 15. A refrigerator has an energy efficiency ratio
with cooling towers? (EER) of 10. For each unit of input energy (W),
drawn from the electric power company, how 6. If an ordinary household refrigerator is left
many units of heat energy (Qc) are removed operating in a closed, perfectly insulated room
from the cold box, and how many are delivered with the refrigerator door standing open, after
to the room (Qh)? a long time, the temperature in the room will
16. A heat pump delivers 8 Btu of heat energy to a a. go up
house for each 6 Btu of heat energy that it b. go down
draws from its low temperature reservoir. c. remain constant
What is its coefficient of performance?
d. fluctuate

Multiple Choice Questions

7. A temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit
1) For an ideal heat engine, according to Carnot:
corresponds to ___ degrees Celsius and ___
a) ThTc=QcQh
degrees Kelvin.
b) TcTh=QcQh
a. 346, 73
c) ThQc=TcQh
b. 73, 346
d) TcQc=QhTh
c. 393, 120
2. BONUS For a heat pump in normal operation: d. 120, 393
a. Qh > Q c e. 328, 55
b. Qc > Qh f. 55, 328
c. W = Qh g. 310, 37
d. W > Qh h. 37, 310

3. BONUS One hundred degrees Fahrenheit is 8. BONUS The maximum efficiency of a heat
the same as ___ degrees Kelvin. engine that has steam injected into it at 850°C
a. 38 and that rejects the steam at 225°C is ______
b. 68 a. 74%
c. 273 b. 56%
d. 311 c. 44%
d. 20%
4. One gram molecular weight of octane, C8H18, has
a mass of ___ grams. 9. What is the Carnot efficiency for a heat engine
a. 8 that has steam injected into it at 1000°C and
exhausted at 450°C?
b. 18
a. 86%
c. 26
b. 21%
d. 114
c. 67%
e. 146
d. 43%
f. 224

10. For an ideal heat engine operating between

5. How many tonnes (metric ton) of coal must be
thermal reservoirs at Th = 1000 C and Tc =
burned per day by an electric power plant that
110°C, the efficiency is ___
delivers 500 MWe continuously if the
a. 10%
efficiency is 30%?
b. 29%
a. 1412
c. 70%
b. 4650
d. 90%
c. 8560
e. 92%
d. 9416
f. 95%
g. 98%
h. cannot be determined from information CO2 are produced for each ton of methane that
given is burned?
a. 2.75
11. A typical efficiency for a coal-burning electric b. 3.7
power plant is ______ c. 12
a. 5% d. 36
b. 10% e. 44
c. 25% f. 93
d. 33%
e. 66% 17. Which one of the following is not a heat engine?
a. an internal combustion auto engine
12. A heat engine_____ b. 100 horsepower electric motor
a. pumps energy "uphill" c. a 2000 horsepower jet aircraft engine
b. is identical in function to a heat pump d. an 800 pound diesel truck engine
c. can produce work from a temperature e. a Saturn V rocket
d. can occasionally violate the first law of 18. BONUS The Principle of Energy Conservation
thermodynamics is
e. is only an idea not yet achieved a. frequently violated by practical devices
b. one of the laws of thermodynamics
13. BONUS Compare an ideal heat pump operating c. an exception to Carnot efficiency
between Th = 100 °F and Tc = 0 °F to one
d. correct only on the Kelvin temperature
operating between Th = 100 °F and Tc = 45 °F. In
the second case, the Coefficient of
e. correct only on the Celsius temperature
Performance is _____ times larger than for
the first.
f. a violation of the laws of
a. 0.9
b. 1.8
c. 3.6 19. The Coefficient of Performance for a good heat
d. 7.2 pump is ______
e. 14.4 a. a negative number
f. 18 b. equal to the number 1.0
c. larger for smaller temperature
14. SKIP difference
d. smaller for smaller temperature
15. BONUS The total rate of energy use in the
United States is now such that each person has
e. not a numerical quantity
the equivalent of about _____ horsepower
f. meaningless
working continuously.
a. 0.015
20. A power plant having an efficiency of 30%
b. 0.15
burns 7200 tonnes (1 tonne is 1000kg) of coal
c. 1.5 per day. The coal produces 2 × 104 Btu/kg.
d. 15 What is the electric power output of the plant
e. 150 in kilowatts?
f. 1500 a. 2.75×103
b. 7.25×102
16. The methane in natural gas burns according to c. 6.25×107
CH4 + 2 O2 → CO2 → 2 H2O. How many tons of
d. 5.72×106
e. 6.75×104
f. 5.27×105

21. Cogeneration ______

a. is a vague dream not yet proven to be
b. would increase a nation's demands on
fuel resources
c. might work for a small factory but not
for a large institution
d. offers considerable promise of reducing
a nation's energy waste
e. will probably increase thermal pollution
of rivers
1C 2A 3D 4 D (8*12 + 18*1)
5 B/C 500e6 J/s (1BTU/1055J)(1ton/2e7BTU)
(3600s/h)(24h/d) / 30% = 6825 tons 6
A 7H
8 B Carnot Eff = 1 - Tc / Th = 1 - (273+225) /
(273+850) = 56%
9 D Carnot Eff = 1 - Tc / Th = 1 - (273+450) /
(273+1000) = 43%
10 C Carnot Eff = 1 - Tc / Th = 1 - (273+110) /
(273+1000) = 70%
11 F 12 C 13 B 6.78/3.73 = 1.8
COP(heater) = Qh / Qh – Qc
COP(heater)1 = 373 / 373 – 273 = 3.73
COP(heater)2 = 373 / 373 – 318 = 6.78
14 skip 15 D
98e15 BTU/y (1y/365)(1d/24h)(1h/3600s)(1055J/btu)(1hp/746W)
16 A CH4=16AMU;CO2=44AMU 1ton (44/16) = 2.75 tons
17 B 18 B 19 C 20 F 21 D
20 7.2e6 (2e4btu/kg)(1d/24h)(1h/3600s)(1055J/btu)(.3)

2 Coal = 12 AMUs; CO2 = 44 AMUs
1ton (44/12) = 3.667 tons
4 Carnot Eff = 1 – TCold / Thot
Carnot Eff = 1 – (273+20) / (273+150)
31% is max, untrue statement
9 Need to consider open and closed systems
Physics tries to deal with closed system (account for
everything) to solve for unknowns.
Heat pumps “steal” energy from outside of the
system, thus can easily go way above 100% of
the closed system
10 CH4 = 16 AMUs; CO2 = 44 AMUs
1ton (44/16) = 2.75 tons
11 QH = 50 kBTU; QC = 20 kBTU
Eff = Work / Qh
Eff = (50 – 20) / 50 = 60%
12 COP = Qhot / Work Q = 1.6*fuel, so 60% better
4 = Q / (fuel*40%) than directly burning
14 Carnot Eff = 1 – TCold / Thot
Carnot Eff = 1 – (273+20) / (273+210) = 39.3%
20% / 39.3% = 50% of theoretical max
EER = Qc / Power Work = Qh – Qc
10 = Qc / 1 1 = Qh – 10
Qc = 10 BTU/hr Qh = 11
16 COP(refrig) = Qc / Work
COP(heater) = Qh / Work
COP(heater) = Qh / Qh – Qc
COP(heater) = 8 / 8 – 6 = 4.0

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