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IFAC Industry Committee Update

Initiative to Increase Industrial Participation No.2
in the Control Community April 2019

The need for more and better industry engagement • WS5: Educating control engineers for in-
has been a common refrain in the control research dustry roles (Atanas Serbezov (US), chair)
community for as long as many of us can remem- IFAC Industry Commitee Update
ber! Numerous initiatives have been launched to- • WS6: Industry Committee communication
(Kevin Brooks (ZA), chair) Reminder: IFAC Council and
ward this goal, but, while we can point to occa-
Related Meetings 2019 (AT)
sional successes, the theory/practice gap in our Another workstream, WS3 on Industry En-
field continues to yawn wide . . . witness indicators gagement in IFAC Publications, is currently IFAC President’s Column
such as the (poor) recognition of the importance of dormant. However, aspects of publications are
advanced control in industry, industry attendance in IFAC Journals: An Overview
covered under other WSs.
control conferences, and the participation of indus- Berlin IFAC World Congress 2020
try representatives in IFAC. An Executive Subcommittee (ExCom) has also update
been established to oversee the workstreams,
At the 2017 World Congress in Toulouse, IFAC took manage membership, serve as a liaison to the Reports from Technical Events:
a major step to redress this problem. An amend- Technical Board and the Council, and provide CPHS (US), ANZCC (AU)
ment to the IFAC Constitution established a perma- general direction to the committee. In addition Forthcoming Events
nent Industry Committee, the objectives of which to the WS chairs, the ExCom roster includes
“include increasing industry participation in and im- Roger Goodall (UK), Steve Kahne (US), Carlos
pact from IFAC activities”. The committee is chaired
The IFAC Journals
Eduardo Pereira (BR), and Tariq Samad (US).
by a new Vice Chair of the Technical Board, who is Automatica
an ex officio, nonvoting member of the IFAC Coun-
cil. For the 2017-2020 triennium, Tariq Samad (US) automatica
was appointed the Industry Committee chair by the Control Engineering Practice
Council and thus serves on the TB and IFAC Coun-
cil. It’s worth noting that the establishment of the control-engineering-practice
committee was preceded by extensive planning.
Engineering Applications of
The process started two triennia ago in response Artificial Intelligence
to the strategic planning activity undertaken by Ian
Craig (ZA, IFAC President 2011-2017). A task force engineering-applications-of-
was established in 2013, which was led by Roger artificial-intelligence
Goodall (UK), and a pilot phase of the Industry Tariq Samad, Journal of Process Control
Committee was operational from 2014-17. Industry Committee Chair
Industry Committee Membership and Structure Impact of Control on Industry: A Survey
Annual Reviews in Control
The Industry Committee has now been running for Newsletter readers may be interested in a sur-
over a year and a half. Our membership roster is vey that the Industry Committee conducted annual-reviews-in-control
about 80 strong. The vast majority of the members last year, to assess the perception of the im- Journal on
are currently in or have spent most of their careers pact of advanced control in industry. All com- Mechatronics
in industry, and all sectors with significant control mittee members were asked to indicate, for
relevance are represented. Members are nominated each of a number of advanced control technol- mechatronics
by IFAC NMOs, Technical Committees, and current ogies, whether they thought the impact was (a) Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid
committee members. high, across multiple sectors; (b) high, in one Systems
sector; (c) medium; (d) low; or (e) none. We also
Five workstreams have been set up and are active, nonlinear-analysis-hybrid-systems
asked for a best-guess future assessment, five
as follows:
years down the road. The results are shown in IFAC Journal of
• WS1: Industry/academia/government collabo- Table 1. The top technology is the PID control- Systems & Control
ration (Silvia Mastellone (CH), chair) ler, not an advanced control technology (in fact
a short-hand definition of advanced control ifac-journal-of-systems-and-
• WS2: Industry Engagement in IFAC TCs and could be “anything other than PID control”!)
Events (Philippe Goupil (FR), chair) but included on the list for calibration pur- IFAC-PapersOnLine
poses. System identification, estimation and
• WS4: Gleaning the “Voice of the Industry” (Alex filtering, and model-predictive control are rec-
van Delft (NL), chair) ognized as having had high impact by about
two-thirds of the respondents.
April 2019
Page 2

Regrettably, some of the crown jewels of con-

trol theory—robust control, nonlinear control, Current and Future Activities From the IFAC President
adaptive control—are only seen as having had
The Industry Committee continues to forge Dear IFAC Friends and Colleagues,
high impact by about a fourth.
ahead on several fronts. Our primary objectives
Table 1: Results of a survey by the Industry for the remainder of this triennium are outlined IFAC’s youngest one is just about two years old
Committee on the current and future impact below. by now. That’s certainly quite a gap to its seven
of PID and advanced control technologies * older siblings. I am of course talking about the
Collect and promote industry success stories. newest addition to the IFAC Journal collection:

As noted above, even within the control re- IFAC Journal of Systems and Control. After
Current Impact Future Impact
search community the practical successes of about two years, I wanted to know how our
Control Technology % High Low/No High Low/No control are not appreciated. We need to be bet- newest addition is doing, and I had the chance
ter at patting ourselves on our collective backs! to question the Editor in Chief, Bob Bitmead.
PID control 91% 0% 78% 6%
Better connect control with “hot topic” technol- You might know Bob from conferences, where
System Identification 65% 5% 72% 5%
ogies of industry interest. Control science is a he often wears a deep red hat when he seeks
Estimation & filtering 64% 11% 63% 3%
key discipline for furthering the development of to be found. A concept he implemented after
Model-predictive control 62% 11% 85% 2%
emerging technologies such as deep learning, a first test at the IFAC World Congress in Mu-
Process data analytics 51% 15% 70% 8%
autonomous systems, internet of things, and nich in 1987. No wonder, hence, that the new
Fault detection & 48% 17% 8% 8%
quantum computing. Journal has this distinct red color (which you
can see in the picture with the overview of IFAC
Decentralized and/or 29% 33% 54% 11%
Develop recommendations for IFAC Technical Journals). To quote Bob on the question who
coordinated control
Committees and IFAC events. A few TCs are chose the red color: “I suppose the result is not
Robust control 26% 35% 42% 23%
reasonably successful at attracting industry so much that I had a say in this but that I in-
Intelligent control 24% 38% 5 9% 11%
participation, including for their conferences sisted”. But now back to the Journal:
Nonlinear control 21% 44% 42% 15%
and other events, but most of them (including
Discrete-event systems 24% 45% 39% 27%
most of the application-oriented TCs) are not. Frank Allgöwer: Bob, you’re the first Editor-
Adaptive control 18% 38% 44% 17%
An important goal of the Industry Committee is in-Chief of the Journal, raising and fostering it
Repetitive control 12% 74% 17% 51%
to help all TCs enhance industry participation from the very beginning. So, how is your ‘baby’
Other advanced 11% 64% 25% 39%
in their activities. doing?
control technology
Hybrid dynamical 11% 68% 33% 33% Disseminate the industry perspective to inter- Bob Bitmead: The “baby” is doing well and
systems ested control researchers. Why is industry in- growing strongly but is still not sleeping at night
Game theory 5% 76% 17% 52% terested in advanced control? What challenges and making an occasional mess. We have delib-
are faced by control researchers in different erately chosen a path to establishing the Jour-
* An earlier version of this survey was published on the IFAC
industry sectors in commercializing control nal as a place of high repute and good read-
Blog and included some additional information/impact catego-
technology? Every industry sector brings its ership. By focusing on the readership first, we
ries that are not included in these figures
own requirements and intricacies, including have been quite selective and put good effort
regulatory oversight, commissioning process- into identifying the best papers and into trying
Additional questions were also asked in the es, supply and value chains, and modeling and to improve them during the revision and edit-
survey. Some notable findings from responses identification methodologies. ing phase. This is a labor-intensive process but
to these queries are as follows: reflects in the papers appearing in the Journal.
Increase awareness of “innovation” ecosys-
Control researchers are broadly unaware of tems. In addition to targeting positions in aca- Frank Allgöwer: Tell me, why should I choose to
successes of advanced control, especially out- demia and established corporations, engineers submit my latest research results in the Journal
side of application domains of their own inter- and scientists are increasingly embarking on of Systems and Control and not to any of the
est. For example, only about 10% of respond- entrepreneurial ventures as well. Several con- other IFAC journals?
ents from the process industries indicated that trol scientists have had notable successes with
robust control, adaptive control, and nonlinear Bob Bitmead: The Journal has a scope which is
start-up companies, but many in our commu- as broad as IFAC’s. Indeed, it was established
control had had high impact, whereas for re- nity are unaware of opportunities or how best
spondents from aerospace the numbers were to provide the coverage that the other journals
to pursue them. in the IFAC stable — turning from baby to horse
30-35% (still low, of course).
Develop recommendations for an industry-rel- analogies — could struggle with. The papers
For successful industry application, domain evant first course in control for undergraduate that we accept are quite broad and frequently
knowledge, not just control knowledge, is students. Most engineering undergraduates describe integrative aspects of control, where
crucial. Real-world applications are industry- are not specializing in control, yet they should the methodology needs to accommodate the
specific, and industries differ in their research- all be exposed to the discipline. We are coming application domain. In the most recent edi-
to-practice workflows, value chains, safety up with guidelines for a “first and only” con- tion, there is a paper dealing with ecosystem
criticality, etc. Such issues must be understood trol course (this activity is in collaboration with analysis and its application for maize produc-
if research results are to be applied. IFAC TC 9.4, Control Education). tion. Papers in medical applications and envi-
ronmental systems also have appeared. When
On a related topic, “implementation” aspects Enhance industry content and relevance for these broad application domains are coupled
cannot be ignored in applied research. These the 2020 IFAC World Congress in Berlin. This with the underlying control theory, we see new
include computational platforms, economic event should provide a good target for some of possibilities emerge.
factors, workforce, etc. the first outputs of the Industry Committee. We
also encourage submission of industrial invited So, we are very interested in the latest innova-
A similar survey was also conducted during the
sessions, industry papers, and open industry tive research. If your latest results fit this mould
pilot phase of the Industry Committee. An arti-
benchmark problems from the broader IFAC then we would be eager to see your paper and,
cle on the survey was published in IEEE Control
community. assuming it fits, it would benefit from associa-
Systems Magazine (Feb. 2017). The Industry
tion with this different wide-ranging type of re-
Committee is planning additional surveys as
search and application.
well, through its workstreams.
FA: Are there - apart from quality - any restric-
The IFAC Story E-book is available! Continued on page 3 tions on the content of potential articles?
April 2019
Page 3

Bob: Clearly relevance is critical and should be

included under the umbrella of quality. In the IFAC Journals: mier venue for control engineering researchers
and practitioners to access practicing control
scope of the Journal, I was careful to articulate
its reliance on papers providing “generalizable,
An Overview engineering publications of the highest calibre
and contribute back with their results. With
extensible and transferable innovations” in con- high standards in its processing time and
trol theory and applications. IFAC promotes the development of control sci- broad reach, Control Engineering Practice
ence and technology through various publica- has become a preferred platform for leading
Frank Allgöwer: Well, this certainly sounds very
tions, including the IFAC journals. Under the research publications. Papers from traditional
interesting. I will keep following the Journal
terms of an agreement between Elsevier Ltd. areas of control engineering to emerging fields
with its broad spectrum of topics, looking for
and IFAC, Elsevier is the official, sole publisher of new interest to the control engineering com-
high quality papers in different fields, curiously
of IFAC publications, with the exception of the munity are all welcome.
waiting what the next interesting article I stum-
Newsletter and IFAC Reports.
ble upon in JSC is about. And thanks, Bob, for
your answers, and your overall commitment to Engineering Applications of
In this issue of the IFAC Newsletter readers Artificial Intelligence
have the opportunity to read descriptions of Ajith Abraham (US), Editor-in-Chief
With best regards from Stuttgart, the IFAC Journals that have been provided by
each publication’s Editor-in-Chief. A complete
Frank Allgöwer list of titles and thier links is provided on the
first page of this Newsletter.
Editor’s Note: Links to the IFAC Journals
and IFAC-PapersOnLine can be found on Automatica
page 1 of this Newsletter and are published Andrew Teel (US), Editor-in-Chief
in each IFAC Newsletter issue.
EAAI is a premier journal publishing high-quality
Continued from page 2 innovative knowledge in the field of artificial
intelligence and interdisciplinary engineering
Get Involved fields. Over the last few years, EAAI has grown
If you’re interested in updates from the Industry from an application-oriented journal to a more
Committee, you can “friend” us on Facebook formal platform in accordance to the current
( or needs of engineers, scientists, research
Automatica, which was founded in 1963 and students and attracting new communities.
follow us on Twitter ( became an IFAC journal in 1969, is a leading
mIfac). EAAI provides an international forum for rapid
archival publication in the field of systems and publication of review papers, contributed
We are also interested in comments from the control. It helps to drive the trends in the field, papers, case studies etc. discussing the
IFAC community on all matters that fall under which encompasses a broad set of areas and experience gained and lessons learnt from
the committee’s purview. If you know of excit- topics, and is thriving not only within itself but using or developing novel AI systems for real
ing success stories, or have seen events where also in terms of its impact on other fields, such world engineering applications.
control researchers have been rubbing shoul- as communications, computers, biology, en-
ders with practitioners, or have theories to ergy and economics. Focal points of the journal include but are
propound to explain the theory/practice divide It features a characteristic blend of theoretical not limited to: innovative algorithms and
(and, better yet, how to bridge it), we’d like to and applied papers of archival, lasting value, techniques for AI methodologies; Intelligent
hear from you. reporting cutting edge research results by fault detection; Web intelligence; Big data
authors across the globe. It features articles analysis; social networks; Internet-of-Things,
Finally, the Industry Committee is always look-
in distinct categories, including regular, brief Cyber-physical systems and Industrial
ing for additional members from among IFAC
and survey papers, technical communiqués, applications. For authors, EAAI supports
Affiliates who have a strong background in in-
correspondence items, as well as reviews on contents innovations such as AudioSlides and
published books of interest to the readership. Interactive MATLAB Figure Viewer that would
For all of the above, interested readers can It occasionally publishes special issues on help readers to understand the concepts very
contact the committee chair, Tariq Samad, di- emerging new topics or established mature quickly and also access the underlying data.
rectly at topics of interest to a broad audience.
Journal of Process Control
Submitted by: Tariq Samad (US), Denis Dochain (BE), Editor-in-Chief
Control Engineering Practice
Industry Committee Chair/Ex officio
Biao Huang (CA), Editor-in-Chief
IFAC Council Member 2017-2020

To register as an IFAC affiliate or to update

your information please use the IFAC affili-
ate registration form.
The Journal of Process Control’s first issue
Control Engineering Practice strives to meet was published in 1990 and it became an
IFAC is on social media! the needs of industrial practitioners, academ- IFAC journal in 2002. The journal topics cover
Direct links to IFAC’s presence on ics and researchers with an inclination towards the application of control theory, operations
Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter can be industries. It publishes papers which illustrate research, computer science and engineering
found on the IFAC website. the direct application of profound control theo- principles to the solution of process control
ry and its supporting tools in all possible areas problems. In addition to the traditional chemical
In addition check out of automation. As a result, the journal portrays processing and manufacturing applications,
the IFAC Blog at a unique proposition towards publishing signif- the scope of process control problems icant contributions made towards the applica- involves a wide range of applications that
tion of advanced control strategies. It is a pre- includes energy processes, nano-technology,
April 2019
Page 4

systems biology, bio-medical engineering, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems and communications along with novelty in
pharmaceutical processing technology, energy Alessandro Giua (IT), Editor-in-Chief technique, application domain, and subjects
storage and conversion, smart grid, and data of interest.
analytics among others. Papers concerning
theory in these areas will also be accepted, IFAC-PapersOnLine
provided that the theoretical contribution is Juan de la Puente (ES), Editor-in-Chief
aimed at the application and the development
of process control techniques. Advanced
design methods exclude well-established and
widely studied traditional design techniques
such as PID tuning and its many variants. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems was
created in 2007, and publishes four issues each
Annual Reviews in Control year. It is the main international journal devoted
Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue (FR), to hybrid dynamical systems and represents
Editor-in-Chief an aggregation point for all researchers in this The IFAC-PapersOnLine series, hosted at
multidisciplinary domain. It became an IFAC the ScienceDirect web service, includes
Journal in January 2015 (it had previously been proceedings from IFAC technical meetings:
an IFAC-affiliated journal) and has close ties congresses, symposia, conferences, and most
with IFAC TC 1.3 on Discrete Event and Hybrid workshops. As required by IFAC rules, all
Systems. In 2018, 390 papers were submitted papers published in IFAC-PapersOnline have
to the journal and 86 papers were published. undergone a peer review selection process.
The journal ranks in the top quartile (Q1) in all The series is open access in nature: papers
Subjects or Categories it belongs to on both ISI are accessible to everybody without the need
Annual Reviews in Control is dedicated to
Web of Knowledge and Scopus. for registering or paying any fee. The copyright
provide comprehensive and visionary views of
the field of Systems and Control, by publishing of all papers belongs to IFAC, and must be
IFAC Journal of Systems & Control
either survey articles (review papers on main referenced if derivative journal papers are
Robert (Bob) Bitmead (US), Editor-in-Chief
methodologies or technical advances), or vision produced from the conference papers. IFAC-
articles (cutting-edge and emerging topics PapersOnline is indexed by Scopus, WoS, and
with visionary perspective on the future of the EI, among others.
field or how it will bridge multiple disciplines),
or tutorial articles (fundamental guides for
future studies). Guest edited special sections
gathering the main results and challenges on
hot topics are also carefully selected.
21st IFAC World Congress
Having opened its submission site in January
Special Program
Journal on Mechatronics
Reza Moheimani (US), Editor-in-Chief 2017, the IFAC Journal of Systems and Features Update
Control is the new kid on the block in the IFAC 12-17 July 2020
publications portfolio. Its remit is to explore the
breadth of theory and application of control with Berlin, DE
a breadth reflecting that of the IFAC Technical
Board. In practical terms this means that PREPARE YOUR SUBMISSIONS TO THE
IFACSC - to give the Journal its Elsevier handle IFAC 2020 WORLD CONGRESS IN BERLIN!
- is dedicated to publishing generalizable, There are only 15 months left now until we can
transferable and extensible results in theory welcome you to Berlin for the 21st IFAC World
Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of and applications from across the gamut of Congress, which is scheduled to take place
precision mechanical engineering, electronic control systems. The emphasis here should from 12-17 July 2020. The 2nd Call for Papers
control and systems thinking in the design be clear that we are seeking novel theory and has been issued recently with six months left to
of products and manufacturing processes. practice of broad interest to others. That is, submit your contributions to the world’s auto-
It relates to the design of systems, devices the editorial policy is focused on the readers mation and control society meeting in Germa-
and products aimed at achieving an optimal of papers and we deliberately seek innovative ny’s vibrant capital. So now is the perfect time
balance between basic mechanical structure applications areas and approaches provided to provide the IFAC community with an update
and its overall control. The purpose of this there is a capacity to draw conclusions from the about the IFAC 2020 special program features
journal is to provide rapid publication of topical work; theory should be new and applicable and and helping you in the planning and preparing
papers featuring practical developments applications should be thorough and provide of your submissions.
in mechatronics. It covers a wide range of insight into solutions approaches. Scanning
application areas including consumer product the subject matter of the papers shows that we Following the positive experiences of IFAC
design, instrumentation, manufacturing are exploring control in medicine, agriculture, 2017 in Toulouse we will continue the Open In-
methods, computer integration and process transport, energy, all the while preserving vited Tracks series, complementing the well-
and device control, and attracts a readership good theoretical papers and bringing in new established Invited Sessions on focused top-
from across the industrial and academic areas such as control education. Does this ics. Also the Interactive Sessions substituting
research spectrum. Particular importance mean that IFACSC overlaps with other IFAC former poster sessions by presentation of pa-
is attached to aspects of innovation in journals? Of course, but our focus is on breadth pers using interactive presentation screens
mechatronics design philosophy which in parallel will be continued. We are currently
illustrate the benefits obtainable by an a priori planning four parallel sessions with twelve
integration of functionality with embedded Check out IFAC’s YouTube channel screens per session. The aim of this session
control. A major item is the design of machines, for new and historical type, which was successfully introduced at
devices and systems possessing a degree of IFAC 2017, is to offer optimized presentation
computer based intelligence. The journal seeks IFAC video materials! means for promotion of research results, rather
to publish research progress in this field with than giving the floor to “second class” contri-
an emphasis on the application and application butions.
driven theory.
April 2019
Page 5

The key role of automation and control for suc- consisting solely of musicians from the control Khargonekar (UC Irvine, US). The IPC consisted
cessfully meeting societal challenges of today community, to practice and entertain on-site of 34 members from 16 countries.
and tomorrow will be addressed by Topical during the world congress and to present a live
Days on Mobility and Transportation, Digitali- Following the successful inaugural CPHS con-
performance during the congress. Enrollments
zation, Industry 4.0 and the changing working ference in 2016, CPHS 2018 made a significant
for this orchestra are very welcome at any time,
world, Sustainable green energy and resource contribution to the goal of breaking down the
as well as proposals for the indispensable pre-
supply, Quality of life & health care, comple- silos that separate disciplines and creating a
congress Workshops and Tutorials at the
mented by a special topical day on Artificial In- meeting venue to cultivate innovation and col-
congress website
telligence and Control. laboration. The conference received 107 sub-
A more detailed preview is planned for the June missions, of which 81 were accepted, resulting
Industry presentations at different levels organ- 2019 issue of the this Newsletter. Get ready for in a 76% acceptance rate. (These numbers
ized in Industrial Evening Sessions will offer IFAC 2020 in Berlin! show an increase in both quantity and quality,
an open and lively get together between aca- considering 43 accepted papers with an 84%
demia, research and industry. Late Breaking Please note the following acceptance rate in the first conference.) There
Results and Extended Abstract submissions IFAC 2020 key dates: were a total of 141 registrations with 34 stu-
aim at application-oriented contributions to in- dents. Among the 16 countries represented in
dustrial, economic or social fields, and research 15 May 2019: PaperCept opens for submission the conference, the highest number of registra-
from other scientific communities. 15 Sep 2019: Open invited track proposals tions came from US (80), France (18), Germany
15 Oct 2019: Invited sessions proposals (13) and Japan (13). There were two parallel
31 Oct 2019: Draft manuscript submission tracks of oral sessions on each day and a post-
28 Feb 2020: Late-breaking results submission er session at the end of the first day.

The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF)

Submitted by: Klaus Janschek (DE),
sponsored the travel of 13 US students to Mi-
Coordinating/General Chair, IFAC 2020
ami to attend CPHS 2018. Philipp Jonathan
2nd IFAC Conference on Schleer, a PhD student at Helmholtz-Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, RWTH Aachen Uni-
Cyber-Physical & versity (Aachen, DE), received the Young Au-
IFAC 2020 will feature also a submission cat- Human Systems (CPHS 2018) thor Award for his work Evaluation of Different
egory for Demonstrator Papers to promote 14-15 December 2018 Modes of Haptic Guidance for Robotic Surgery.
research or educational oriented devices, in-
Miami, FL, US Two plenary sessions were held: Adaptation
novative prototypes and attractive transfer of and Complexity in Layered Networks: How New
technologies towards high-tech enterprises. The 2nd
IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical
Technological Capabilities Are Hijacked By Peo-
The demonstrators will be presented at special & Human Systems (CPHS 2018) took place in ple Seeking Advantage, by David Woods (Ohio
sessions. Miami, FL, US from 14-15 December 2018. The
State University, US) and Robotics is a System
conference was sponsored by the International
Science: Educational Implications, by Ruzena
Video submissions accompanied by abstract Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), finan-
Bajcsy (University of California- Berkeley, US).
papers will demonstrate automatic control con- cially sponsored by the American Automatic
tributions to industrial, economic and social Control Council (AACC, which is the US IFAC
fields and will be showcased at special ses- National Member Organization), and technical-
sions and during the session breaks. The best ly co-sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems
video submission will be awarded by a price. Society (CSS).
The IFAC/IEEE Video Clip Contest is soliciting
CPHS is a newly established conference se-
videos that promote the field of control theory
ries, with a focus on the interactions between
to a broader audience, and is jointly organized
cyber physical systems and humans, bringing
with IEEE Control Systems Society. The video
together researchers and practitioners from
clip shall present a subject related to control
academia and industry to share scientific and
theory or automatic control. Winners will be
technological advances, and examining the
determined by a jury and officially announced Left to right: David Woods (US), plenary
underlying multidisciplinary dimensions from
during the IFAC World Congress. speaker, with session chair
the perspectives of engineering, human-fac-
Anuradha Annaswamy (US)
Special attention is directed towards the IFAC tors, and the social sciences.
2020 Competitions, challenging the participat-
Anuradha Annaswamy (MIT, USA) and Dawn CPHS 2018 included a few special sessions.
ing teams to solve a given problem by team-
Tilbury (University of Michigan, USA) served The first of these was organized on Thursday,
work before the IFAC WC. At the IFAC WC the
as the General Chairs of CPHS 2018. The Pro- 13 December in parallel with the opening recep-
solutions will be presented and evaluated at
gram Chair was Sandra Hirche (TU Muenchen, tion, with its focus on research demonstrations,
a public competition (hardware or software).
DE) and the Conference Editor was Berenice using both software and hardware. A total of
Competition projects will be announced soon.
Mettler (ICSI, Berkeley, US). Goldie Nejat (Uni- nine demos ranging from the use of a human
Please also note the very special cultural com- versity of Toronto, CA), Tariq Samad (University wearable device for controlling robotic swarms
ponent of IFAC 2020: The first “IFAC Control of Minnesota, US), served as Vice Chairs for to interactive software games aimed at under-
Orchestra”. The idea is to form an orchestra invited sessions and industry, respectively. Fi- standing how people invest in security.
nance, Publicity and Registration Chairs were
Rifat Sipahi (Northeastern University, USA), The second special session was a panel organ-
ized to emphasize the importance, and discuss
This Newsletter may be reproduced Yue Wang (Clemson U, USA) and Yildiray Yildiz
in whole or in part. We encourage (Bilkent U, Turkey), respectively. Local Arrange- the research challenges at the interface be-
electronic distribution of this News- ments and Special Session Chairs were Tan- tween engineering and social sciences. The title
letter, as well as reprinting in na- sel Yucelen (USFlorida, USA) and Neera Jain of the panel was Interface Between Engineers
tional and local automatic control (Purdue University, US), respectively. Advi- and Social Scientists: Low-hanging Fruits, Lan-
periodicals. Acknowledgement to sory Board members included Mariana Netto guage Barriers, and Synergy and was moder-
IFAC would be appreciated. (IFSTTAR, FR), Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarri- ated by Dawn Tilbury (University of Michigan,
gue (CNRS, UParis-Saclay, FR) and Pramod Ann Arbor, MI, US) and David Woods (Ohio
State University, USA). The panelists were Je-
April 2019
Page 6

rome Busemeyer (Department of Psychological enabled the conference to accomplish all of its 2018 was able to offer lower registration fees,
& Brain Sciences, Indiana University – Bloom- goals. We also thank all of our colleagues for especially the student fees.
ington, US), Frédéric Dehais (head of neuro- their help in making CPHS 2018 a success. We
The Manuscript Review process was skillfully
ergonomics and human factors, The Institut expect CPHS to be a recurring biennial confer-
conducted by Fuwen Yang, who is also the ar-
Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace, ence.
chitect behind the conference’s final program.
FR), Pramod Khargonekar (UC Irvine), and A.
An email list has been created for researchers The conference’s website was designed and,
Michael Froomkin (University of Miami, Law
interested in CPHS activities such as organ- enthusiastically & timely, maintained by Clinton
School, Coral Gables, FL, US). Panel discus-
izing workshops, invited sessions, or the next McKinnon. The ANZCC 2018 is thankful to Grif-
sions revolved around computational modeling
edition of the CPHS conference series. Anyone fithPAY and Sandra Quinell for setting up the
of human decision making, neuroergonomics,
who is willing to join the list can send an email ANZCC online registration page and oversee-
human factors, risk-, trust- and legal aspects
to ing the registration fee payment process. We
of autonomous transportation technologies as
are grateful to the great assistance received
well as the engineering side of cyber-physical Submitted by: Anuradha Annaswamy (US), from Jinxing Zhang and Mangqiu Tao at Swin-
systems. Dawn Tilbury (US), Sandra Hirche (DE), Beren- burne University of Technology, including their
ice Mettler (US), and Yildiray Yildiz (TR)
The third special session was a mini work- skillful management of the local arrangements.
shop on Cross-disciplinary Communication All other remaining tasks were unreservedly
and Collaboration in CPHS Research, whose 2018 Australian & New carried out by us general co-chairs and, thus,
speakers included Ruzena Bajcsy (University Zealand Control Conference we accept the responsibility for any shortcom-
of California- Berkeley, US) and Robert Gregg ings.
(University of Texas- Dallas, US), followed by
(ANZCC 2018)
7-8 December 2018 Our deepest thank-you goes to all of the paper
a moderated panel discussion with panelists
co-authors and paper reviewers. Without their
Yue (Sophie) Wang (Clemson University, Clem- Melbourne, AU dedication and commitment to the ANZCC
son, SC, US), Richard Hull (UTC Aerospace
conference series, the ANZCC 2018 would not
Systems, Kissimmee, FL, US), Jason Siegel The 2018 Australian & New Zealand Control have happened. Numerous testimonials re-
(University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, US) and Conference (ANZCC 2018) was held at Swin- ceived have confirmed that ANZCC 2018 par-
Cedric Langbort (University of Illinois, Urbana- burne University in Melbourne, Australia from ticipants enjoyed a rewarding experience and
Champaign, IL, US). 7-8 December 2018. The ANZCC conference are committed to participating in future ANZCC
Four invited sessions were organized on the series has grown to become an internationally conferences and to nurturing the ANZCC con-
following topics: Estimation, Learning, and recognised scientific event. The ANZCC 2018 ference series in years to come.
Control of Human-Machine Systems, Ad- hosted 92 participants from 17 countries who
made ANZCC 2018 the scientific conference Submitted by: Qing-Long Han (AU) and Ljubo
vances in Control and Automation of Wearable
of their choice and, thus, further upscaled the Vlacic (AU), ANZCC 2018 General Co-Chairs
Robots and FES-Driven Systems to Support
Human Movement, Shared Pilot-Autopilot In- international distinction of the ANZCC series.
teractions and Human-Machine Interactions in
Autonomous Driving. In addition, four regular
The ANZCC 2018 keynote talks were delivered Reminder:
by three world leading control system scien-
sessions were held on Human Behavior Mod- tists:
IFAC Council &
eling, Interaction with Semi-Autonomous Ro- Related Meetings 2019
bots, Smart Cities, Mobility, and Infrastructure -- Jun Wang of City University of Hong Kong
and Decision-Support for Human Operators. (Hong Kong, CN), Intelligent Control Based The 2019 IFAC Council & Related Meetings
on Neurdynamic Optimization 2019 are scheduled to take place in Vienna,
A few social programs were arranged in the -- Xinghuo Yu of Royal Melbourne Institute Austria from 7-9 September 2019. If you will
Hyatt Regency Hotel including an opening of Technology/RMIT University, Australia, be attending please submit your reply form,
reception, a conference banquet lunch and a Switching in Complex Network Systems: A which is available at:
mini-workshop with brown-bag lunches. With Control Engineering Perspective
a relatively large variety of food, drinks and mu- -- Ian R. Petersen (IFAC Council member) of
sic, these activities provided a fun and pleasant the Research School of Engineering, the Form
environment for the CPHS 2018 participants to Australian National University, Australia, A
enjoy their time in Miami. Overall, 2018 CPHS The meetings are being held in conjunction
Survey of Quantum Control Engineering
can be considered a success with the gather- with NOLCOS and Mechatronics 2019.
ing of engineers and social scientists from all Our Council- and Related Meetings are sched-
over the world in an engaging, professional uled to take place at the Fleming’s Selection
and friendly environment. The success of the Hotel Wien City.
conference is verified by the overwhelmingly
positive feedback we have received from the Fleming’s Selection Wien-City (event rate link,
attendees. The feedback becomes even more for booking):
valuable when it comes from upcoming lead-
ers of the field, the graduate students. Here are 09-03&chain=21125&child=0&currency=EU
the two comments they shared with us: “CPHS R&depart=2019-09-06&group=NOLCOS1&
2018 was a wonderful experience for a Ph.D. hotel=3742&lang=1&level=hotel&locale=en-
student like myself. It made me more confident Ian Petersen, US&rooms=1&sbe_ri=0
about my own research, which considers the ANZCC 2018 Keynote speaker and Josefstädter Straße 10-12
intersection of human cognition and engineer- IFAC Council Member 1080 Vienna
ing design, in domains of creativity and intel- Austria
ligence.” (Hristina Milojevic); “Having a back- All submitted manuscripts were subject to a Phone: (43) 1 20599-0
ground in traditional chemical process control, rigorous two-stage peer review process. The Please check to see what the requirements are
CPHS 2018 was an excellent eye-opener to the planning for ANZCC 2018 took 18 months and to enter Austria, and allow sufficient time for
variety of inter-disciplinary research that is pos- required a great deal of effort from the ANZCC your visa application
sible.” (Sambit Ghosh) 2018 Organising Committee. Technical spon- en/travel-stay/entry-and-residence-in-austria/
The organizers wish to thank all the sponsor- sorship was obtained from both IFAC and IEEE. entry-and-visa/
ing organizations for their valuable support that Thanks to corporate sponsorship, the ANZCC
April 2019
Page 7

Calendar of IFAC Events

Title 2019 Place Further information
3 IFAC Workshop on
May Oaxaca
Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential 22 – 24 Mexico cpde/
Equations, CPDE 2019
15th IFAC Symposium on May Delft
Large Scale Complex Systems 26 – 28 Netherlands
LSS 2019

SICE, ISCIE, JSME, IEEE, IFAC Conference on June Kitakyushu,

Asian Control Conference (in cooperation with IFAC) 09 – 11 Fukuoka
ASCC 2019 Japan
IFAC Workshop on June Jeju
Control of Smart Grid and Renewable Energy Systems 10 – 12 Republic of Korea
9th IFAC Symposium on June Orléans
Advances in Automotive Control 24 – 27 France
AAC 2019
Conference on June Naples
European Control Conference (in cooperation with IFAC) 25 – 28 Italy
ECC 2019
1st IFAC Workshop on June – July Haifa
Control of Transportation Systems 30 – 01 Israel
WCTS 2019
10th IFAC Symposium on July Gdansk
Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles 03 – 05 Poland
IAV 2019
3rd IFAC Workshop on July Louvain-la-Neuve
Thermodynamic Foundations for a Mathematical 03 – 05 Belgium
Systems Theory, TFMST 2019
12th IFAC Symposium on July Philadelphia, PA
Advances in Control Education 07 – 09 USA e-mail: not yet available
ACE 2019
12th International Workshop on July Poznan
Robot Motion and Control 08 – 10 Poland
RoMoCo 2019
Conference on July Philadelphia, PA
American Control Conference (in cooperation with IFAC) 10 – 12 USA e-mail: not yet available
ACC 2019
2nd Asian Pacific Conference of the July Beijing
Prognostics and Health Management Society 23 – 26 China conference/phm/asiapacific/19
PHM AP 2019 e-mail: not yet available
16th INSTICC et. all Conference on July Prague
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics 29 – 31 Czech Republic
13th IFAC Workshop on August Oshawa
Intelligent Manufacturing Systems 12 – 14 Canada
IMS 2019
5th IFAC Conference on August Belfast
Intelligent Control and Automation Sciences 21 – 23 United Kingdom
ICONS 2019

Medieninhaber und Herausgeber:
International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Zurich
Schlossplatz 12, 2361 Laxenburg, Austria
Das Sekretariat der IFAC befindet sich seit 1978 aufgrund eines
Verlagsort und Redaktion: Übereinkommens mit der Österreichischen Bundesregierung
Univ.Prof. Dr. tech. K. Schlacher, und mit der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in
Schlossplatz 12, 2361 Laxenburg Laxenburg und wird derzeit aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums
für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie „BMVIT“ gefördert.
Editor: Kurt Schlacher
Layout: Elske Haberl
published bimonthly
April 2019
Page 8

Calendar of IFAC Events

Title 2019 Place Further information

21st IFAC Symposium on August Cranfield

Automatic Control in Aerospace 27 – 30 United Kingdom events-2019/ifac-conference
ACA 2019
9th IFAC IEEE IFIP IFORS et al. Conference on August Berlin
Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control 28 – 30 Germany
MIM 2019
18th IFAC Symposium on August Stellenbosch
Control, Optimization and Automation in Mining, Mineral 28 – 30 South Africa
and Metal Processing MMM 2019
11th IFAC Symposium on September Vienna
Nonlinear Control Systems 04 – 06 Austria
8th IFAC Symposium on September Vienna
Mechatronic Systems 04 – 06 Austria
7th IFAC Symposium on September Sinaia
System Structure and Control 09 – 11 Romania
SSSC 2019
15th IFAC Workshop on September Sinaia
Time Delay Systems 09 – 11 Romania
TDS 2019
14th IFAC Sympsium on September Tallinn
Analysis Design and Evaluation of Human Machine 16 – 19 Estonia
Systems, HMS 2019
8th IFAC Workshop on September Chicago, IL
Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked 16 – 17 (Wintrust Hall) e-mail: not yet available
Systems, NECSYS 2019 USA
12th IFAC Conference on September Daejeon
Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and 18 – 20 Republic of Korea e-mail: not yet available
Vehicles, CAMS 2019
1st IFAC Workshop on September Daejeon
Robot Control 18 – 20 Republic of Korea e-mail: not yet available
WROCO 2019
1st IFAC Workshop on September Delft
Control Methods for Water Resource Systems 19 – 20 Netherlands e-mail: not yet available
CMWRS 2019
5th IFAC Symposium on September Chengdu
Telematics Application 25 – 27 China index.htm
TA 2019
19th IFAC Conference on September Sozopol
Technology, Culture and International Stability 26 – 28 Bulgaria
TECIS 2019
8th IFAC/CACHE Conference on October Valencia
Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering 14 – 19 Spain e-mail: not yet available
FOSBE 2019
16th IFAC/IEEE (Czechoslovakia Section) Conference on October High Tatras
Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems 29 – 31 Slovakia php?page=home&lang=en
PDES 2019
3rd IFAC Workshop on November Eindhoven
Linear Parameter Varying Systems 04 – 06 Netherlands
LPVS 2019
15th European Workshop on November Bologna
Advanced Control and Diagnosis 21 – 22 Italy
ACD 2019

The IFAC Calendar of Events is constantly updated as addditional technical events (Workshops, Symposia, and Conferences)
are approved. The online complete version of the IFAC Calendar of Events is available at:

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