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Module 4: Active SHM using Magnetostrictive Material

Lecture 29: Structural health monitoring using magnetostrictive sensory layer

The Lecture Contains:

Introduction to magnetostriction


Basis of magnetization and hysteresis

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Module 4: Active SHM using Magnetostrictive Material

Lecture 29: Structural health monitoring using magnetostrictive sensory layer

Introduction to magnetostriction

Fundamental research and development in smart materials and structures have shown great potential for enhancing the
functionality, serviceability and increased life span of civil and mechanical infrastructure systems.

Researchers from diverse disciplines have been drawn into vigorous efforts to develop smart and intelligent structures that can
monitor their own conditions, detect impending failure, control damage and adapt to changing environments. The potential
applications of such smart materials and systems are abundant ranging from design of smart aircraft skin embedded with smart
sensors for detection of structural flaws to bridges with embedded sensing elements to detect violent vibrations to name a few.
Smart structures are generally created through synthesis by combining sensing, processing and actuating elements integrated
with conventional structural materials such as steel, concrete, or composites. Various types of smart patches e.g. PZT patches
and PVDF films have been used extensively as smart sensors to sense and detect damage in composite structures. These smart
sensors provide real time sensing by exploiting their functional properties. However, piezoelectric sensors need direct electrical
connectivity which may cause problem in structural integrity, particularly for embedded sensors. Also, piezoelectric sensors have
a limited active life due to discharging of the sensors. Magnetostrictive materials (MS) and sensors based on such materials are
more advantageous in this regard. With the commercial availability of Terfenol-D in particulate form; it is now feasible to
developed MS particulate sensors to detect damages such as delamination with minimum effect on structural integrity on real
time basis.

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Module 4: Active SHM using Magnetostrictive Material

Lecture 29: Structural health monitoring using magnetostrictive sensory layer


Under the influence of an external magnetic field, the grains of certain ferromagnetic and rare-earth materials consisting of
numerous small randomly oriented magnetic domains align according to the applied magnetic field. This is known as

Magnetostrction has following effects:

● Joule effect
● Villari effect
● Wiedmann effect
● Matteuci effect

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Module 4: Active SHM using Magnetostrictive Material

Lecture 29: Structural health monitoring using magnetostrictive sensory layer

Joule effect:

Under the influence of external magnetic field, the magnetostrictive material undergoes deformation in axial direction. This effect
is known as Joule effect. It has application in actuators.

Villari effect

A magnetostrictive material undergoes change in magnetization under the influence of applied uniaxial stress. This effect pertains
to the transduction of energy from the elastic to the magnetic state. Villari effect is used in non destructive evaluation and

Wiedmann effect

When a current carrying ferromagnetic wire is subjected to axial magnetic field, some of the moments align in a helical fashion
creating a twist in the wire. This effect is known as Wiedmann effect.

Matteuci effect

A change in axial magnetization of a current carrying wire when it is twisted is called Matteuci effect.

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Module 4: Active SHM using Magnetostrictive Material

Lecture 29: Structural health monitoring using magnetostrictive sensory layer

Basis of magnetization and hysteresis

The changes in magnetization due to an applied magnetic field can be either reversible or irreversible. In reversible
magnetization, the material can return to the original magnetic state upon removal of the field. Irreversible magnetization is
dissipative as external restoring forces such as large magnetic fields are needed to bring it to its original state. When a
ferromagnetic material is cooled below its Curie temperature, the magnetic moments become ordered within magnetic domains.
Each domain has all its moments aligned parallel producing a spontaneous magnetization Ms . In the absence of magnetic field,
the direction of Ms varies from domain to domain producing almost zero bulk magnetization in the material.

In the presence of small magnetic field, domains get oriented favorably with respect to the field and grow at the expense of the
remaining domains. The main magnetization mechanism at this phase is domain wall motion. With increase in magnetic field,
entire domains rotate to orient with the easy axis [Figure 29.1]. This produces a burst region in the M − H and ε − H curve in
which small field changes produce fairly large magnetization or strain changes.

Figure 29.1 Basis of magnetostriction and effect of prestressing

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Module 4: Active SHM using Magnetostrictive Material

Lecture 29: Structural health monitoring using magnetostrictive sensory layer

Further increase in field makes the material to acts as a single domain as all magnetic moments rotate coherently from the easy
axis into the direction of the field. This produces saturation of the magnetization. Typical magnetization and strain loops [shown in
Figure 29.2(a) and (b)] illustrate the burst region and saturation effects. From a design perspective, magnetic biasing is used to
centre operation in the burst region for optimum performance.

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Figure 29.2 (a) Experimental magnetic induction and (b) Total strain with change in
magnetic field

For low magnetic field levels, partial excursions in the M −H or ε − H curve are approximately linear. The hysteresis can be
attributed to the irreversible impediment to domain motion by pinning sites, such as when domain walls move across twin
boundaries in Terfenol-D.

One advantage of magnetostrictive transducer over other types of transducers is that they can be driven with conventional low
impedance amplifiers suggesting that magnetostrictive transducer may work at low driving voltages. This is useful in many
applications and can greatly simplify the amplifier design.

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Module 4: Active SHM using Magnetostrictive Material

Lecture 29: Structural health monitoring using magnetostrictive sensory layer

Magnetic biasing and pre stressing

Since the magnetostriction is produced by the rotation of magnetic moments, a magnetostrictive transducer driven by an
alternating magnetic field vibrate at twice the drive frequency and the motion takes place in only one direction. For dynamic
applications, like vibration suppression, reversal of actuation strain is very much necessary. For such applications, these
actuators are operated with a biased magnetic field to obtain reversal of strain with respect to the biasing centre [Figure 29.3].

Figure 29.3 Effect of magnetic bias on the strain produced by a magnetostrictive


This leads to reduction in the available actuation strain by approximately 50 per cent. This has been the prime reason for
magnetostriction loosing its cutting edge over the piezoelectric materials. By applying magnetic bias, the frequency of the input is
preserved and the output is made bidirectional with substantial increase in the ratio of output per input. To operate the
transducers in the vicinity of the desired bias point, a permanent magnet is employed in combination with a static field. Permanent
magnet biasing has the advantage of substantial power saving but it adds to bulk and weight. Conversely, DC generates
considerable power losses through ohmic heating but facilitate savings in bulk and weight.

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Module 4: Active SHM using Magnetostrictive Material

Lecture 29: Structural health monitoring using magnetostrictive sensory layer

Although, Terfenol-D rods are manufactured with the magnetic moments nearly perpendicular to its axis, a static stress
(mechanical preload) is must for achieving full alignment of all the moments. The stress and isotropy generated by the static
compression (or tension in the case of materials with negative magnetostriction) enhances the overall magnetoelastic state of the
material [Figure 29.1]. A mechanical preload also adds to the cause as it helps in avoiding operating the rod in tension,
particularly when driving brittle material such as Terfenol-D at/or near mechanical

There has been a resurgence of interest in MS materials during the last decade primarily due to the commercial availability of the
rare-earth iron compounds capable of producing large quasi-static strains of over 1600 µstrain in response to moderate magnetic
field of 160kA/m. The most technologically advanced of these compounds is the alloy Terfenol-D, Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe1.92 , which has
become the primary MS material for transducer applications. Terfenol-D exhibits a combination of high single crystal
magnetostriction and low magneto-crystalline anisotropy. Since magnetostriction is an inherent material property, it does not
degrade over time. More importantly, Terfenol-D layers can easily be embedded into laminated composite structures without
significantly affecting their structural integrity.

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