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Light and Darkness

Author: Anthony
Source: Anthony's GURPS
Date: 2016-06-25
Collected without consent (No email address to contact the author) - and compiled for reference purposes.
Modifiers for Light Levels problems don't start below a few hundred. I've set the
GURPS talks about light and darkness penalties in a lot of zero penalty at the normal minimum for night or indoor
places, but lacks concrete physical rules for what level of sports, which is in the 500 lux range. The scaling below
illumination corresponds to a given penalty. that level is in part because it does a fair job of matching
the few set numbers we have, in part because there are
Without guidelines from GURPS, I went to reality. In theoretical reasons that spotting distance really does vary
reality, vision starts having gradual reductions in color with the 1/4 power of ambient light.
resolution below a few thousand lux, but significant
Level LMin LMax Description
+4 50,000 200,000 Moderate Glare, Sunlight (Sun Above 30°)
+3 10,000 50,000 Moderate Overcast, Sunlight (40m-2h after rise/before set)
+2 2,000 10,000 Heavy Overcast, Open Shade, Sunlight (10-40m after rise/before set)
+1 500 2,000 Bright Indoor Lighting, Sunlight (0-10m after rise/before set)
+0 100 500 Normal Indoor Lighting, Sunrise/Sunset (-1 per 5-10 minutes before rise/after set)
-1 20 100 Dim Indoor Lighting, brightly lit outdoor areas at night
-2 5 20 Major streets at night. Good torch at 2 yards
-3 1 5 Street light at night.
-4 0.2 1 Moon above half. Candle at 2 yards.
-5 0.05 0.2 Moon below half.
-6 0.01 0.05
-7 0.002 0.01 Starlight, no urban glow
-8 0.0005 0.002
-9 0.0001 0.0005 Moonless night, overcast.
Light Sources 7 that will reduce darkness penalties to zero at any range
GURPS also gives no way of estimating how light level (beyond ranges where it will start fires, at least; a candle
varies with distance from a given illuminated area. The produces a light level of 0 at about 2 inches).
above chart is designed to work with the standard range
Firelight is surprisingly dim, and is also quite uneven,
levels, by a simple formula: determine the brightness of
making it poor light at best. Typically, a fire has a
light the source gives at a fixed range, and then add half
brightness no higher than its size modifier, and it may be
the difference in range modifiers. Thus, if a given light
much lower. In addition, anyone seeing by flame, even if
produces no penalty out to 100 yards (range -10), at 1,000
they have night vision, should normally take an additional
yards (range -16) it gives a light level of -3. Note that the
-2 to DX and perception because the light flickers.
example above is a very, very bright light source.
Note that many lights only produce light in a relatively
For standardized light sources, it's useful to give the light
narrow cone. Assume that the width of the cone is equal
source a 'brightness'. This is the range modifier at which it
to its length * degrees/60, so a typical flashlight beam is
will give a light level of 0. To determine the actual light
about 1 hex wide per 15 yards distance. There are
level, add the brightness and the range modifier, and
searchlights that produce 100 million candlepower in a 1
divide by 2, rounding down (so if b + rm = -1, that's a light
degree beam. There are personal halogen flashlights that
level of -1, not 0). Note that published GURPS light
produce a million candlepower, again in a very tight
sources tend to significantly overestimate how bright they
are, there are basically no portable light sources below TL
Candela Level Examples
1 -8 Candle (50 hrs/lb), Match, Light spell.
5 -6 Small Flashlight (60° arc), Continual Light 1, Kerosene Lamp (12 hr/pt).
20 -4 Torch (1 hr/lb), Medium Flashlight (60° arc).
100 -2 Gas Mantle, Light Bulb, Large TL7 Flashlight (60° arc), Continual Light 2
500 0 Large TL 8+ Flashlight (60° arc). Small Flashlight (6° beam)
2,000 +2 Medium Flashlight (6° beam), Continual Light 3.
10,000 +4 Headlight (30° beam), Large TL 7 Flashlight (6° beam)
1,000,000 +10 Large TL 8 Flashlight (1° beam)
3e27 +74 The Sun
Spotting Light Sources leaves out quite a lot of the spectrum, though much of it
Light sources are relatively easy to spot in conditions of is only uncommonly used. These are alternate rules for
low light. When spotting a light source, invert the light extended visual range:
level modifier (positive light levels do give a penalty), and
Enhanced Color Perception [1/level]
use brightness +5 in place of size modifier. Thus, under
You have more than three types of color receptor. Gives
starlight with no urban lights, at a range where spotting a
+1 to vision rolls where the ability to distinguish colors is
human would be +0 in normal light (about 100 yards, if
critical, and allows seeing color distinctions that humans
there's no cover), spotting a human needs a roll vs Vision-
cannot see. It may be possible for a human with
7, whereas spotting a candle (brightness -8, effective SM -
tetrachromacy to qualify for one level.
3) requires a roll vs Vision+4. Spotting a candle at that
same distance in full sunlight would require a roll vs Near UV Vision [0]
Vision-7. Near UV vision allows seeing light in the range shorter
than blue light; in practice, this means the ability to see
Buying a Light Source as an Advantage
UV-A (315-400 nm), as most UV-B and essentially all UV-C
Any moderate light source is basically a perk, as its
is blocked by the ozone layer. Rules text for ultravision
advantage for vision is negated by its rather large penalty
notwithstanding, near UV vision is fairly useless; it
to stealth. Light sources bright enough to be useful as
averages around 5% the brightness of visible light
attacks should be bought as Create (Light) or an Affliction.
(depending on time of day), penetrates water poorly
Vision Between Light Levels (about a tenth as well as green), and is scattered more by
atmospheric haze than longer wavelengths, meaning it's
Normally, it's assume that light levels are relatively even.
often more of a nuisance than a benefit. The practical
However, sometimes you have situations where you're
benefit of near UV vision is that it lets you see and see by
looking at something that is much brighter (or darker)
UV lights (which are of limited value for stealth, as they
than its background. In that case, the modifier is (2 * light
cause fluorescence in common materials), and it's a good
level of target - 1 * light level of background), so a sunlit
excuse for enhanced color perception; if you do not take
satellite (light +3) against a moonless night sky (light -8)
ECP, UV appears blue to you. It's possible for a human
gives a modifier of +14. In the particular case where you
with an artificial cornea to have near UV vision; this is
are carrying a light source, and that source isn't masked in
actually a quirk, as it makes you more vulnerable to
some way that prevents it from blinding you, effective
snowblindness and similar problems.
darkness penalty is half the brightness of your light
source, plus the range modifier.
Near IR Vision [0/1]
Near IR vision allows seeing light in the range 0.75-1.4 µm
Alternate Spectra
range; it is commonly found in night vision gear. Unless
GURPS only has three ranges of vision: ultravision (less
you take ECP, it appears as red to you (it is also possible to
than 400 nm), normal vision (400-700 nm), and
see only in near IR; this is a 0 point feature). Near IR
thermographic vision (roughly 8-15 µm), and the rules for
should be treated as a form of vision, not a form of
ultravision bear very little resemblance to reality. This
infravision -- room temperature objects do not glow produce significant UV if designed to do so. Penetration of
significantly (in absolute darkness, an object that's boiling liquid water is comparable to visible light.
hot might be very slightly visible) and you should mostly
expect to see by reflected light from the sun or other light Visible: 390-750 nm.
sources. Near IR vision allows using infrared flashlights,
NIR: 0.75-1.4 µm.
and it functions as one level of night vision if the primary
Modify light levels as follows: no modifier for sunlight,
light source is incandescent, two levels if the primary light
moonlight, or starlight; +1 if primary light source is
source is a candle or similar bright flame (in sunlight or
incandescent; +2 if primary light source is bright flame; +3
starlight, it is about as good as visible light and thus gives
if primary light source is warm flame; advanced light
no benefit; it's useless if the primary light source is a cool
sources are generally dimmer in NIR than visible light. NIR
source such as bio-luminescence or nearly any TL 8+ light
has some strong water absorption bands, which will allow
source). Near IR penetrates water very poorly, and water
estimating humidity. Room temperature objects do not
vapor will be somewhat visible.
glow noticeably in NIR, but reasonably warm objects do.
Short Wave IR Vision [-50% on IR vision, or NIR penetrates a short distance into water (more than
1 if you also have a better form of IR vision] one hex is unlikely).
SWIR vision allows seeing light in the 1.4-3.0 µm range.
SWIR: 1.4-3.0 µm.
SWIR is treated as a form of IR vision, as room
Modify light levels as follows: -1 for sunlight, moonlight,
temperature objects do glow slightly (treat as a darkness
or starlight; +1 if primary light source is incandescent; +2
penalty of -5 if not using a light source). If you are using a
if primary light source is bright flame; +4 if primary light
light source, it grants one level of night vision for
source is warm flame; advanced light sources don't
incandescent lights, three levels for a bright flame.
produce SWIR unless designed to do so. Like NIR, SWIR
Medium Wave IR Vision [-20% on IR vision, has some strong water absorption bands. Room
temperature objects glow (dimly) in SWIR. SWIR basically
or 1 if you also have a better form of IR
does not penetrate liquid water at all.
MWIR is like SWIR, but covers light in the 3-6 µm range, MWIR: 3-5 µm (5-8 µm is also MWIR, but
and only gives a -2 penalty if you aren't using a light essentially useless in atmosphere).
source (the range 6-8 µm is stopped by water vapor and is Modify light levels as follows: -2 for sunlight, moonlight,
fairly useless in atmosphere). or starlight; no modifier if primary light source is
While it's rare for characters to bother with senses other incandescent; +2 if primary light source is bright flame; +4
if primary light source is warm flame; advanced light
than normal light vision or thermal infrared, it's certainly
possible for characters to be sensitive to other sources don't produce significant MWIR unless designed
wavelengths, and light levels may be different from to do so. Like NIR, MWIR has some strong water
absorption bands. MWIR basically does not penetrate
standard for different light levels. For these purposes, we
define six vision bands: liquid water at all.

Near UV: 200-400 nm (less than 200 nm is LWIR: 8-15 µm.

Light levels are rarely relevant, as objects glow far more
not ordinarily useful).
brightly than they reflect. Penetration of liquid water is
Modify light levels as follows: -2 if primary light source is
basically zero.
sunlight, moonlight, or incandescent; -4 if primary light
source is a bright flame, such as a candle, -6 (or worse) for In addition to lighting, any sufficiently hot object glows.
warm flame colors. Some TL 7 light sources, such as This has two effects: it functions as if illuminated (though
mercury-vapor lamps and damaged fluorescent bulbs, with very poor contrast; reduce effective light level by 2 if
produce considerable UV, TL 8+ light sources only the object and its environment are similar temperature),
and it acts as a light source with a brightness of SM-2 + senses; the 'vision' column incorporates the loss of
glow*2. The following table shows the temperatures contrast expected for seeing by object glow.
required to reach particular glow levels for different
Glow Vision UV Visible NIR SWIR MWIR LWIR
-9 -11 1520 680 205 -110 -230 -370
-8 -10 1620 740 240 -90 -220 -360
-7 -9 1720 810 280 -70 -200 -350
-6 -8 1830 880 330 -40 -180 -340
-5 -7 1960 960 380 -5 -160 -330
-4 -6 2100 1050 440 30 -130 -310
-3 -5 2260 1150 510 70 -100 -290
-2 -4 2440 1270 590 125 -60 -270
-1 -3 2640 1410 680 190 -10 -230
+0 -2 2870 1560 890 260 50 -190
+1 -1 3140 1750 930 360 130 -120
+2 +0 3450 1970 1090 480 240 -20
Other than possible dark vision levels, alternative vision postprocessing being done; measuring raw intensity, a
types give two common benefits: they allow seeing colors spot of warm skin (98.6F) against cool skin (90F) looks
humans cannot see, and they allow using lamps in those something like this, and even against a 70F backdrop only
colors. People unable to see those colors will have a looks like this.
familiarity penalty (-2) to camouflage (and possibly some
other skills, such as forgery) when trying to deceive a The Limits of Night Vision
person with exotic vision, and camouflage clothes While GURPS lets humans buy up to 9 levels of night
intended for normal vision often won't affect alternate vision, and routinely gives that many levels to sensors, in
vision, unless they're actually made of the same material reality that's very difficult to accomplish, and is quite
as what they're pretending to be. Point values of variant unlikely on a man-portable sensor. This is not to say that
vision types are as follows: you can't get a sensor that multiplies light by a million,
but it won't have the performance of 9 levels night vision,
Variant Vision Features/Advantages because of the limits of quantum mechanics.
Near UV: 1, or -3 if you only have UV vision.
Near IR: 2; 0 if you only have NIR; 1 if you have SWIR, The human pupil, fully distended, is about 7mm in
MWIR, or LWIR. diameter, giving it an area of 3.8e-5m^2. Human vision
Short-Wave IR: 5; 0 if you only have SWIR, 1 if you have has a resolution of about 1 minute of arc, or 0.29mm at a
MWIR or LWIR. distance of 1m (an area of 6.6e-8m^2). 1 lux of ideal white
Medium-Wave IR: 8; 0 if you only have MWIR, 1 if you light is roughly 4e-3W/m^2; a 550 nm photon has an
have LWIR. energy of 3.6e-19J. Thus, our 0.29mm object, illuminated
Long-Wave IR: 10 (same as Infravision). by 1 lux, reflects 7.3e+8 photons/sec. How much of that
will reach the eye depends on the way the object reflects
Infrared Vision light, but if the object is normal to the eye, a typical figure
Unlike visible light, lack of light is rarely a problem in the would be about 14,000 photons/sec. The daylight-
infrared; room temperature objects typically are almost adapted human eye can distinguish a 60Hz flicker but
as bright in the infrared as they are in full sunlight. The typically combines images over a longer timescale, so 12
problem, instead, is contrast. Everything glows, so there fps is probably a more reasonable estimate. That works
are no shadows. Hot objects glow more, and objects with out to around 1,200 photons per pixel per frame.
a high emissivity glow more, but most organics are fairly
That sounds like enough for 256 colors (8 bit color depth),
close (metals have very low emissivity). The infrared
but it actually isn't, because the number of photons
pictures you see are false color images with quite a lot of
hitting is random; the maximum color depth you can
reliably get is the square root of the photon count, or 35 brightness until it got back up normal light level, using an
colors (5 bit color depth). As a sample, I've taken a test ideal photomultiplier or CCD (no read noise); darkness
image, and ran it through a mangler to produce what the levels 1 and 2 are discarded due to no visible effect.
image would look like if it was in darkness (using the 'White=' indicates the number of photons that produces a
midpoint of each range) and then you just multiplied the pixel with a value of 255.

Original Image Darkness 3

All subsequent images White=10000
have white listed as a Differences are subtle,
specific number of probably no penalty.
photons per pixel.

Darkness 4 Darkness 5
White=2000 White=500
Still probably no penalty, At this point, the image is
though it's possible to tell visibly grainy; a -1 to vision
something is up. tests seems reasonable.

Darkness 6 Darkness 7
White=100 White=20
A bit worse grainyness. Well, I can still tell what it is,
but it looks like an old
newspaper photo.

Darkness 8 Darkness 9
White=5 White=1
If I didn't already know Well, there's something there,
what it was, I don't think but I'm not sure what. Note
I'd be able to figure it out. that 2+ photons saturates the

From the above images, it seems fair to give around 4 get more photons somehow. There's several ways of
levels of night vision from electronic magnification, but doing that:
that's about it (and we're in grayscale). If you want image
magnification, you're splitting the same number of Use a larger lens; 7mm is not very large, and the available
photons into more pixels, and thus you're dividing photons scale as the square of the lens diameter.
photons per pixel by the square of the magnification; the However, such optics can be bulky, and it's necessary to
net effect is that every level of telescopic vision negates either multiply the sensor size, or divide the sensor field
one level of night vision (unless looking at a point source; of view. This only works for cameras; visual telescopes
and photomultipliers are using the pupil as the end
in that case you're getting the same number of photons in
one pixel, and reducing nearby noise by your sensor, and thus can only get enough to negate the
magnification). If you want more, you're going to need to penalty for magnification, meaning the maximum useful

size is 7mm x magnification (which is why 7x50 is a Color vision can't capture non-visual
standard size for binoculars). photons.
You don't get any additional photons; if you split the
Use a longer exposure time. This is done routinely in
photons into three colors, you've only got 1/3 as many
astronomy, but it causes problems when looking at
photons in each color.
moving objects, because they become blurred. Even 1/12
of a second is really too long without some visual The simplest way to construct a color sensor is to just take
processing tricks, it's typically hard to take pictures three images with three different color filters and
without a tripod at less than 1/60 of a second (astronomy combine them electronically, but this involves filter
also uses visual tricks; adaptive optics change the focal switching and means that any photons that arrive at the
point of a telescope to cancel out atmospheric wrong time are lost, effectively discarding 2/3 of the
fluctuation). photons you could be collecting. It's also possible to make
a color sensor that works the way the eye or color film
Capture non-visual photons. If you start collecting near
works, simply scattering a mix of different sensors across
infrared (700-1500 nm), for a sunlike source you roughly
the collecting plate, but again, this results in losing 2/3 of
double the energy and triple the photon count. For an
the photons due to striking a sensor of the wrong color.
incandescent source, you increase the photon count by a
There are theoretical ways around this (for example, a
factor of more than ten. This does result in false colors if
three layer sensor -- the top layer absorbs blue photons
an object is much more or less reflective in the near
and lets the rest through, the second layer absorbs green,
infrared, but gray is alien enough to normal vision anyway
the third absorbs red), but they aren't available at TL 8.
that people can probably get used to the gray being
slightly wrong.
Tolerate lower resolution. The above images are using the Color Nightvision: A PC may buy color night vision for 1
pixel size of your monitor, which is typically larger than point.
actual max visual resolution, so it makes the graininess a
If you can make it work, low photon counts have similar
bit more apparent than it would actually be. At 0.001
effects. Here, I'm assuming that some advanced form of
lumens/m^2 (roughly the darkness-9 level above), human
color night vision that captures about 60% of the photons
vision would be challenged to even detect an object the
(20% in each color), and then doing the same processing
size of the entire image above, let alone make out internal
as was done above (Saturated= indicates the number of
photons to produce a color bit of 255).
In practice, most TL 7-8 night vision gear captures some
non-visual photons, but also is operating at less than the
theoretical limit, so you're probably capped at around 3
levels for TL 7, 4 levels for TL 8.

Color Night Vision

Now for a related point: color and night vision. GURPS
says that all night vision is colorblind. That's historically
accurate, but it's not like the photons actually lose their
color, it's just that it's technically easier to make black and
white night vision. There's three reasons for this:

Original Image Darkness 3
All subsequent images Saturated=2000
have white listed as a Differences are subtle,
specific number of photons probably no penalty.
of each color per pixel.

Darkness 4 Darkness 5
Saturated=500 Saturated=100
Still probably no penalty, At this point, the image is
though it's detectable. visibly grainy; a -1 to vision
tests seems reasonable.

Darkness 6 Darkness 7
Saturated=20 Saturated=5
A bit worse grainyness. Well, I can still tell what it is,
but it looks like an old
newspaper photo.

Darkness 8 Darkness 9
Saturated=1 Saturated=0.2
Interestingly, this is easier Like the black and white, it's
to recognize than the not really practical to
equivalent black and white distinguish what this is. Note
image. that each byte here is either
0 or 255.

As you can see, losing 40% of the photons didn't cost us contrast, the benefit would likely be smaller for a low
very much, and improves recognition significantly at low contrast image.
levels. However, this source image has rather high color

Compiled Character Options
Anything in [italics], has been added by the editor in an attempt to
improve clarity, and not written by the original author.

Alternate Spectrum Vision: [Varies]

Near UV: 1, or -3 if you only have UV vision.
Near IR: 2; 0 if you only have NIR; 1 if you have SWIR,
Short-Wave IR: 5; 0 if you only have SWIR, 1 if you have
Medium-Wave IR: 8; 0 if you only have MWIR, 1 if you
have LWIR.
Long-Wave IR: 10 (same as Infravision).

Color Nightvision: [1]

A PC may buy color night vision for 1 point. [As the name
implies, color nightvision allows the user to discern color
while using nightvision. If the GM decides color
differentiation would be helpful in a given spot check,
treat the night vision as one point better than it would
otherwise be.]

Enhanced Color Perception [1/level]

You have more than three types of color receptor. Gives
+1 to vision rolls where the ability to distinguish colors is
critical, and allows seeing color distinctions that humans
cannot see. It may be possible for a human with
tetrachromacy to qualify for one level.

Editor Comments
Some of this stuff is very interesting from an
informational standpoint, but not clear how it would be
applied in game terms.

For instance, the "limits of night vision" section refers to

"darkness levels" Initially I thought this was referring to
the light level penalties spelled out at the beginning of the
article, but then he says darkness 5 is when he would start
applying penalties to rolls. As a result, it is hard to tell
what "darkness levels" actually refer to.

Additionally, the table regarding "glow" by heat, for

different light spectrums, the author is not clear on the
unit of measure used for those temperatures. I would
*guess* Fahrenheit, since he uses Fahrenheit
measurements for room temperature and skin, but it is
not clear, and this is not my area of expertise.

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