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class 11 Physics investigatory project(cbse)


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Ayan sisodiya
, Attended choithram

Published on Dec 23, 2016

physics investigatory project on bernoullis theorem

Published in: Science
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morteza latifi , -
Light and its nature have caused a lot of ink to flow during these last decades. Its dual behavior is
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2 years ago

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Great Projects...Helps me a lot too in my academics.Thanks
2 years ago
class 11 Physics investigatory project(cbse)
THEOREM SESSION: 2016-2017 Submitted to-
Submitted by- Mrs.Kalpana Tiwari Pradeep Singh
2. 2. Page 2 of 21 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that
PRADEEP SINGH RATHOUR is a student of class XI
C has successfully completed the research on the
below mentioned project under the guidance of
Mrs. Kalpana Tiwari (subject teacher) during year
2016-17 in partial fulfillment of chemistry
practical examination . ofcentral board of
secondary education (CBSE) PRINCIPAL SUBJECT
3. 3. Page 3 of 21 DECLARATION I hereby declare
that the project work entitled “BERNAULLI’S
PRINCIPLE” submitted to the “CHOITHRAM
SCHOOL “, is a record of original work done by me
except of the experiments, which are duly
acknowledged , under the guidance of my subject
teacher “Mrs. KALPANA TIWARI” and “Mr. Gaurav
4. 4. Page 4 of 21 ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like
to express my special thanks to our school
‘CHOITHRAM SCHOOL’, principal sir Mr. ‘RAJESH
AWASTHI’, to the management team of our school
who gave me the golden opportunity to do this
wonderful project on the topic BERNAULLI’S
PRINCIPLE, which also helped me in doing a lot of
research and I came to know about so many new
things. Secondly I would also like to thank my
parents and friends who helped me a lot in
finishing this project within the limited time.
5. 5. Page 5 of 21 INDEX 1. PRESSURE 2. Pascal’s Law
3. Hydraulics 4. Continuity Equation 5. Bernoulli’s
Equation 6. Derivation of Bernoulli’s Equation 7.
Venturi Tube 8. Atomizer 9. Torricelli and his
Orifice 10. Derivation of Torricelli’s Equation 11.
Streamlines 12. Aerodynamic Lift 13.
Misconceptions of Lift 14. Conclusion 15.
6. 6. Page 6 of 21 PRESSURE 1. Pressure is defined as
force per unit area. 2. Standard unit is Pascal,
which is N/m2 3. For liquid pressure, the medium
is considered as a continuous distribution of
matter. 4. For gas pressure, it is calculated as the
average pressure of molecular collisions on the
container. 5. Pressure acts perpendicular on the
surface. 6. Pressure is a scalar quantity – pressure
has no particular direction (i.e. acts in every
7. 7. Page 7 of 21 Pascal’s Law Pf = P0 + ρgh 1.
“When there is an increase in pressure at any
point in a confined fluid, there is an equal increase
at every point in the container.” 2. In a fluid, all
points at the same depth must be at the same
pressure. 3. Consider a fluid in equilibrium.
8. 8. Page 8 of 21 Hydraulics You have to push down
the piston on the left far down to achieve some
change in the height of the piston on the right. 1.
Pressure is equal at the bottom of both containers
(because it’s the same depth!) 2. P = F2 /A2 = F1
/A1 and since A1 < A2, F2 > F1 3. There is a
magnification of force, just like a lever, but work
stays the same! (conservation of energy). W = F1*
D1 = F2 * D2 ∴ D1 > D2
9. 9. Page 9 of 21 Continuity Equation 1. A1v1 =
A2v2 2. “What comes in comes out.” 3. Av= V/s
(volume flow rate) = constant
10. 10. Page 10 of 21 Bernoulli’s Equation
P+1/2ρv*v+ρgh=constant Where p is the
pressure, ρ is the density, v is the velocity, h is
elevation, and g is gravitational acceleration
11. 11. Page 11 of 21 Derivation of Bernoulli’s
Equation  Restrictions  Incompressible  Non-
viscous fluid (i.e. no friction)  Following a
streamline motion (no turbulence)  Constant
density *There exists an extended form of
equation that takes friction and compressibility
into account, but that is too complicated for our
level of study.
12. 12. Page 12 of 21 Etotal = 1 /2mv2 + mgh W = F
/A*A*d = PV  Consider the change in total energy
of the fluid as it moves from the inlet to the outlet.
Δ Etotal = Wdone on fluid - Wdone by fluid Δ
Etotal = (1 /2mv2 2 + mgh1) – (1 /2mv1 2 +
mgh2) Wdone on fluid - Wdone by fluid = (1
/2mv2 2 + mgh1) – (1 /2mv1 2 + mgh2) P2V2 -
P1V1 = (1 /2mv2 2 + mgh1) – (1 /2mv1 2 + mgh2)
P2 – P1 = (1 /2ρ v1 2 + ρ gh1) – (1 /2ρ v1 2 + ρ
13. 13. Page 13 of 21 Venturi Tube 1. A2 < A1 ; V2 >
V1 2. According to Bernoulli’s Law, pressure at A2
is lower. 3. Choked flow: Because pressure cannot
be negative, total flow rate will be limited. This is
useful in controlling fluid velocity. P2 + 1 /2ρ v1 2
= P1 + 1 /2ρ v1 2 ; ΔP = ρ /2*(v2 2 – v1 2 )
14. 14. Page 14 of 21 Atomizer • This is an atomizer,
which uses the Venturi effect to spray liquid. •
When the air stream from the hose flows over the
straw, the resulting low pressure on the top lifts
up the fluid.
15. 15. Page 15 of 21 Torricelli and his Orifice  In
1843, Evangelista Torricelli proved that the flow
of liquid through an opening is proportional to the
square root of the height of the opening.  Q =
A*√(2g(h1-h2)) where Q is flow rate, A is area, h
is height Depending on the contour and shape of
the opening, different discharge coefficients can
be applied to the equation (of course we assume
simpler situation here
16. 16. Page 16 of 21 Derivation of Torricelli’s
Equation 1. We use the Bernoulli Equation: 2. In
the original diagram A1 [top] is much larger than
A2 [the opening]. Since A1V1 = A2V2 and A1 >>
A2, V1 ≈ 0 3. Since both the top and the opening
are open to atmospheric pressure, P1 = P2 = 0 (in
gauge pressure). The equation simplifies down to:
ρgh1 = 1 /2 ρv2 2 + ρgh2 1 /2 ρv2 2 = pg(h1-h2)
V2 2 = 2g(h1-h2) ∴ V2 = √(2g(h1-h2)) Q = Av2 = A
17. 17. Page 17 of 21 Streamlines 1 A streamline is a
path traced out by a massless particle as it moves
with the flow. 2. Velocity is zero at the surface. 1.
As you move away from the surface, the velocity
uniformly approaches the free stream value (fluid
molecules nearby the surface are dragged due to
viscosity). 2. The layer at which the velocity
reaches the free stream value is called boundary
layer. It does not necessarily match the shape of
the object – boundary layer can be detached,
creating turbulence (wing stall in aerodynamic
18. 18. Page 18 of 21 Aerodynamic Lift 1. Lift is the
fort that keeps an aircraft in the air. 2.In Bernoulli-
an view, lift is produced by the different of
pressure (faster velocity on the top, slower
velocity in the bottom) 3.In Newtonian view, lift is
the reaction force that results from the downward
deflection of the air. 3. Both views are correct, but
the current argument arises from the
misapplication of either view. 4. The most
accurate explanation would take into account the
simultaneous conservation of mass, momentum,
and energy of a fluid, but that involves
multivariable calculus.
19. 19. Page 19 of 21 Misconceptions of Lift 1. In
many popular literature, encyclopedia, and even
textbooks, Bernoulli’s Law is used incorrectly to
explain the aerodynamic lift. #1: Equal transit
time - The air on the upper side of the wing travels
faster because it has to travel a longer path and
must “catch up” with the air on the lower side. The
error lies in the specification of velocity. Air is not
forced to “catch up” with the downside air. Also,
this theory predicts slower velocity than in reality.
20. 20. Page 20 of 21 Conclusion Bernoulli's law states
that if a non-viscous fluid is flowing along a pipe of
varying cross section, then the pressure is lower
at constrictions where the velocity is higher, and
the pressure is higher where the pipe opens out
and the fluid stagnate. Many people find this
situation paradoxical when they first encounter it
(higher velocity, lower pressure). Venturimeter,
atomiser and filter pump Bernoulli’s principle is
used in venturimeter to find the rate of flow of a
liquid. It is used in a carburettor to mix air and
petrol vapour in an internal combustion engine.
Bernoulli’s principle is used in an atomiser and
filter pump. Wings of Aeroplane Wings of an
aeroplane are made tapering. The upper surface is
made convex and the lower surface is made
concave. Due to this shape of the wing, the air
currents at the top have a large velocity than at
the bottom. Consequently the pressure above the
surface of the wing is less as compared to the
lower surface of the wing. This difference of
pressure is helpful in giving a vertical lift to the
21. 21. Page 21 of 21 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Help from
Internet   2. Help from books 
Refrenced from H.C.Verma  Refrenced from
physics NCERT 3. Help from teachers

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