Abstract Missing: Honor Killing Is Defined Murdering A Member of The Family in The Name of The Honor. It Is

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Every year, hundreds of women are killed in the name of honor by their family members
because they have brought ignominy to the family and the community.

Honor killing is defined murdering a member of the family in the name of the honor. It is
usually the female who is murdered for bringing shame to the family. In very few cases men are
also murdered by the family member if the bring dishonor to their family and community.

Under the wide scope of crimes of honor that happen, honor killing is perhaps the most
heinous of them all. Although its crime elements may overlap with the requirements of murder,
it has certain unique features which make honor killing even more heinous than murder. Under
the crime of honor killing the victim is usually not a third person but rather the victim‘s own
family member or social group member. The perpetrator in many cases is a brother or father
whose cultural role initially was supposed to be protecting the victim from any harm. The
perpetrator in these crimes has no economic motivation and is purely fueled by the abstract
desire to bring back the honor to the family by eliminating the family member who brought

Moreover, what differentiates honor murder from ordinary, family violence is that the fault is
often decided by the family as a whole it is deliberate and a performer is appointed on the basis
of given criteria and is treated with respect and pride by the family. Restoring the family’s
honor washing away the shame is seen as a social responsibility and the right of the insulted
groups the family and relatives. The misdeed is often met with understanding and silent getting
by the local community a village or ethnic group, however, the mainstream media reports now
a day’s serve as the vocal tool to bring these issues on the societal level. Hence, in some cases
both men and women are subject to honor killings, but mostly media critics have the view that
media present the women as the victim.

The only primary diversity is that the male accused of dishonoring might be given a chance to
explain his situation and get a chance to escape from death by giving compensation to the
family who has been ‘dishonored’. Women are rarely given the opportunities to defend their
side of the story and the only possible way to restore the honor of the family and the
community is by killing the women who has brought shame to the family.

Dishonor is normally a result of the loss of control felt by the male members of the family on
the sexual behavior of the female In many rural societies, where the value of education is lower
than that of family status, the ideal of masculinity is underpinned by a notion of honor‘- of an
individual man, or a family or a community- and is fundamentally connected to policing female
behavior and sexuality.

These policing could be around arranged marriages, preferred spousal choices, and extramarital
relationships, out of caste marriages or even minor objections to obscene ‘clothing. Thus,
varying from the amount of control exercised ranging from choice of clothing to choice of
spouse. It is important to note here that all these choices which are regarded as rebellious
actions have a common thread of regulation over sexuality ‘running through them.

There are many studies that prove that honor killing is supported by the custom. The honor
murder is also known as Karo-Kari. Karo (Black male) and Kari (Black female). Karo-Kari is the murder of
male or female which cause the dishonor of the family. Four provinces of Pakistan influenced by honor
killing. It is analyzed that one thousand female’s murdered previous year. Female were murdered
because they were against the family decisions’-Kari is a bad tradition by which the growth and live
hood of young generation is affected.472 cases of honor murder were registered in 2009 among them
91 from Punjab,220 from Sindh,32 from KPK,127 from Baluchistan and 2 from Islamabad.

It is indicated in the previous studies that in Pakistan the honor killing has taken an alarmingly
high proportion of incident in recent year. According to Aurat Foundations in 2010, 557 females
were killed in the name of honor killing, while 604 females were killed in the year of 2009 and
the number of women killed in year 2008 was 475. In several cases the jirgahs and panchayats
declared women and men guilty of karo-kari and siah-kari and punished them death. Criminal
law act 2004, which is also known as honor killing act, provides protection to all the citizens’
especially young girls and women. In some recent studies it is analyzed that honor killing is a
belief deeply rooted in culture which consider female as object and commodities. According to
this concept female is the property of male. Male and female has a special importance in those
cultures where honor killing take place. Females are considering as responsible for the honor of
the family. The person who committed the murder in the name of honor killing often speaks
with defiant pride and without guilty on their actions. A Jordan 22-year young boy name Wafik Abu
Abseh, who had committed a so called honor killing said that, we do not consider it a murder.

Some authors like discussed that honor killing is culturally and legally acceptable in countries
like Turkey, Jordan or Pakistan. In western European areas the number of honor crime are
increasing. This crime is often ignored by the state and the law enforcement agencies and
court. In the British court the murdered tries to hide his crime under the religious ground. The
case of honor killing should be taken like the other murder. The proper training should be given
to law enforcement agencies to avoid the further killings. Punishment should be given to the
murdered. Some studies observed that economic crisis or conflicts are also the cause of
increase in the cases of honor killings. A female who is threatened by honor killing by her family
is discriminated not only on the base of gender but also on the basis of racial and gender
prejudice if she wants help from the police. It is difficult to find the total numbers of female
which are killed every year in world.

It is important to note that, the crime of honor are not restricted by gender. Men can also be
the victims of honor killing by the family members of the woman with whom they are perceived
to have an inappropriate relationship. Honor crimes although are targeting more often towards
women, they are in no way restricted to women alone. For example, a report by Human Rights
Commission of Pakistan analyzed the deaths of 97 men as well as 158 women in Karo-Kari
Honor Killings‘in the province of Sindh, Pakistan.

Although there is no reliable method in such developing countries to verify the incidence of
honor killings, since most of the killings are never reported. These figures lay out the minimum
numbers, if not more. The noticeable trend of increasing male victims falling for the offence of
honor killings is also a recent development. This I believe is largely due to the increase in
awareness of the youth who dare to change the orthodox traditions which cause honor killings.

H1: If honor killing is approved by the society as social phenomenon, this practice will continue.

H2: If the people believe in themselves about the act of the honor killing then this practice will
remain continue

H3: if laws keep supporting or do nothing against the honor killing then this practice will remain

Why in country like Pakistan honor killing is so frequent and it is endlessly striking by this
syndrome. Is it because the tradition and the customs that the Pakistani society embraces that
promote the honor killing? Or is it because of the laws in Pakistan that allow the honor killing?
Or both are interconnected and there is no way out except that society changes itself and give
human rights to everyone.

There are many factors that promote honor killing or are responsible for the high rate of the
honor killing in country like Pakistan we will discuss each factor briefly in order to reach to a
conclusion that how many factors belong to the different dimension of the hypothesis that we
selected earlier and then draw the conclusion basis on the factors and the scientific methods
we will use later in this term paper.

Hudood Ordinance

Hudood Ordinance does not strictly differentiate between rape and

Fornication so that a rape victim who cannot prove that she did not consent
To intercourse, risks being charged with fornication and punished accordingly.
Due to the Law of Evidence introduced in 1984, a woman’s
Testimony is not equal to that of a man’s, a gender bias that further disadvantage
Women and reduce their chances of being acquitted

Honor killings for a choosing a marriage partner

According to the article 16 of Universal Declaration of human rights, both men and women of
full age, irrespective race, religion and nationality can enter into marriage with any partner of
their choice. It is our fundamental to marry a partner of our choice, however in Pakistan,
women are not encouraged to have this right because women are seen as personal property of
a man, and therefore women should exercise their right.

Women are seen as commodity owned and controlled by their fathers, husbands and brothers.
Women are not supposed to express any desires and feelings contrary to the wishes of their
fathers, husbands, and brothers.

Traditionally women are not allowed to choose their partners for marriage. The head of the
family, usually the father, chooses the groom. The bride does not have any say in the process
and any defiance against the process is considered a taboo.

Women who have been successful in marrying partners of their choice are often threatened by
their father that charges of zina(unlawful sexual relations) would be brought against them.
Under the Islamic law of marriage, the wali(the closest male adult relative) has the
responsibility and authority with respect to marriage, the wali is usually the father and if it can
be proved that the father did not give consent to the marriage then it will be considered invalid,
if marriage is invalid then any sexual relations which took place between the man and the
women would amount to zina. Most of the time, family members take matters into their own
hands instead of going to court. A woman who married a man of her choice was murdered
outside Peshawar court by her brother in the name of honor.

Women seeking divorce

The article 16 of Universal declaration of human rights states that men and woman should have
equal rights regarding dissolution of marriage. Under Islamic marriage law, a man is allowed to
divorce his wife anytime, the divorce can be given verbally but a women cannot divorce her
husband, she can apply for Khula(Separation) in the court of law. Divorce is seen as a very
serious problem in the muslim world and muslim women are encouraged to avoid divorce at
any cost, even if it means by putting up with a severely abusive husband.

In 1999, Saima Sarwar was shot dead in a lawyer’s office because she attempted to obtain
divorce from her husband severely abusive husband. The killing was instructed by her uncle but
he was soon released Qisas and Diyat laws which states that the person(s) involved in killing will
go free if he is pardoned by the Wali of the victim. Her uncle went unpunished as he was
pardoned by her husband and father in the capacity of Wali. It should be noted that Saima
Sarwar belonged to a upper-class prominent family, her father is a entrepreneur and the
mother is a doctor, this case shows the social evil in question is a cause of concern for both
rural and urban population.

The local newspapers in the region overwhelmingly supported the killing, arguing that it was
accordance to the tradition and therefore it cannot be a crime.

Honor killings for rape

A woman brings shame to the family if she becomes a victim of rape. In 1999, a 16 year old
mentally-retarded girl was raped on many occasions by junior clerk of the local government
department of agriculture in hotel in Parachinar, NWFP. The uncle of the girl lodged a
complaint, the accused was taken into protective custody and the girl was handed to her tribe.
The Jirga(tribal court) decided that she has brought shame to her tribe and the honor can only
be restored by killing her. She was shot dead in front of tribal gathering.

Get rich quick scheme?

“Ratio of honor killings is higher in those provinces where agriculture lands are abundant. Land
is the main reason behind a majority of honor killing incidents in Sindh and Punjab.”

In overwhelming majority of cases, there is always an ulterior motive such as lust for money,
land, lust for other women or to conceal other crimes.

Many individuals exploit the concept of honor killing for gaining compensation or land. If both
accused of karo kari are murdered then the matter usually ends but if only kari is killed and karo
escapes, the karo has to compensate the affected man by giving him money, land or another

Nafisa Shah, a leading human rights activist describes honor killing as industry which has range
of stakeholders including tribe’s people, police administration and tribal mediators, honor
killing is used as an excuse to hide sins and gain money. Police accept bribes of about 7000
rupees (equivalent to £70) for not investigating claims of honor killing.
The above literature clearly states that honor killing is supported and promoted by the society
itself and tradition the laws and the government has very little to do with this.

In order to check the correctness of our hypothesis we decided to adopt the survey method to
collect data through a Questionnaire that consisted of seven to eight questions. We distributed
this questionnaire among the students of the university to check their views about the topic.
The Questions were designed in order to fulfill the requirement of the hypothesis. The analysis
was made on the result of the questionnaire and compiled for further research.

Does women deserved to be killed?

Don’t know
Family did the right thing by killing the woman

Don’t know

Women Family should have killed her husband as well?

Don’t know
A women should have right to marry any women he wants even
without his family permission?

Don’t know

A man should have a right to marry any women he wants even

without the permission of his family permission?

Don’t know
A daughter should always obey her father?

Don’t know

Killing girl in the name of honor is justified?

Don’t know
Killing in the name of honor is always justified?

Don’t know

Killing in the name of honor is justified only in some circumstances?

Don’t know
Conclusion and recommendations

//-> conclusion missing…..

Legal measures

The Government of Pakistan must repeal the Qisas law as it provides a loophole for murderers
to exploit, the fight against the menace cannot be won unless Pakistani Government makes
further amendments to law.

Adopt a legislation which would criminalize all forms of domestic violence, The UN has
developed a framework for a model legislation which can be adopted.

Honor killing should be treated as a crime against the state and Preventive

Run campaigns to inform citizens of their human rights throughout the country. Currently
Ministry of Law, Justice and Human Rights is running a human rights mass awareness campaign
throughout the country. The campaign is approached through print and electronic media, the
campaign is delivered in the form of jingles, talk shows, commercials, slogans and promotional
material in the Newspapers.

In remote areas such as NWFP and interior Sindh, the people don’t usually have access to
electronic media or newspapers. The literacy levels are low in Pakistan, the literacy rate for
women in 16%, this means that media is ineffective in remote areas because there is no
televisions and majority of the women cannot read and write. The women who live in remote
areas are most venerable.

Honor killing crimes are under-reported; as a result it is not possible to estimate the real
magnitude of the problem. Monitoring and collecting information would help the Government
to understand the problem better, and therefore it will enable the Government to come up
with better strategy.

Protective measures

Provide adequate protection to human rights activists and lawyers, often leading human rights
activits such as Hina Jilani and Asma Jehangir. In one incident, the two daughters of Asma
Jehangir were assaulted and illegally held for several hours along with their friends by armed
persons because they were making a video clip. The police did eventually arrive but failed to
take any action against the perpetrators, the police asked Asma Jehangir to remain quiet
otherwise the girls would be kidnapped, raped and killed.
If activists are not adequately protected by law enforcement agencies then they will not be able
to fight for protection of human rights.

Long term strategies

Honor killing is not a recent phenomenon, similar practices have been known since ancient
Roman times, when the Pater Families (senior male within a household) retained the right to
kill an unmarried but sexually active daughter or an adulterous wife. In order to fully eradicate
this menace, we should look at the true root causes in order to curb this heinous crime against
women. The three main factors are:

 Male domination

 Financial dependency

 Lack of education

Male domination

Both men and women should be represented equally in all public institutions; most importantly
there should be proportionate representation of women in the Government. The National
Assembly of Pakistan(equivalent to Parliament) has a total number 342 seats and 60 seats are
reserved for women, only 17.5% of seats are occupied by women, in order to protect rights of
women, it is imperative they are represented proportionally in the Government.

At the moment, there are few women in the Government who are holding key Government
ministry, Sherry Rehman is the only women who is holding the Ministry of Information and
Broadcasting which considered one of the important ministries. Recently Dr Fehmida Mirza was
elected as the Speaker of National Assembly, she is the first woman is Pakistan to be elected as
the Speaker of National Assembly.

Late Benazir Bhutto was the first female prime minister of a Muslim country. To end male
domination, women should participate in politics, proportionate representation would mean
that it will not possible to pass discriminatory laws in future against women such as Hudood
ordinance as women would have a greater say in the law making process.

Financial dependency

Agriculture is the largest of economy of Pakistan, 79.8% of rural women are engaged in some
sort of agricultural work. Majority of rural women have dual responsibilities, they have to look
after house and work in agricultural land as well but they are grossly underpaid, in many cases
they are not paid at all. Most women living in rural areas of Pakistan are not aware of their
rights such as equal pay, the Government should run campaigns to empower women and
inform them of their rights.
The Government should run courses to give women vocational training, this would improve
women’s capacity to earn by increasing women’s access to source of livelihood, in particular
cottage industry, livestock production and agriculture.

Only 9% of the jobs in the services industry of Pakistan are done by women. The Government
should encourage equal employment opportunities, it was only 2001 when an Act was
introduced which ensures equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value.

Study carried by a NGO confirmed the widespread occurrence of sexual harassment of women
at the workplace, the Government of Pakistan been able to implement laws which adequately
protect women at the workplace. Government should undertake measure to make places safer
so women could work without fear of discrimination and harassment.

Lack of education

Only 16% of women in Pakistan are literate. Illiteracy rates are very high Pakistan. The
education sector in suffering from inadequate financing and infrastructure. The budget
allocated to education sector is low; Pakistan is one of the twelve countries who spend 2% of
their GDP on education sector. Education needs to be improved; more schools are needed in
Pakistan so more girls could attend school.

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