Legend of Heroes - Zero No Kiseki Guide

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Version 1.0
By Fragrant Elephant <fragrantelephant(at)icloud(dot)com>
March 7, 2013


Walkthrough - Prologue....................................................[PRO]
Walkthrough - Chapter 1...................................................[CH1]
Walkthrough - Chapter 2...................................................[CH2]
Walkthrough - Chapter 3...................................................[CH3]
Walkthrough - Intermission................................................[INT]
Walkthrough - Chapter 4...................................................[CH4]
Walkthrough - Epilogue....................................................[EPI]
Orbal Arts................................................................[ORB]


Eiyuu Densetsu: Zero no Kiseki Evolution is the 2012 PS Vita version of the
2010 PSP game, Eiyuu Densetsu: Zero no Kiseki. This walkthrough is based on
the Japanese-language version of the game.

The story takes place in Crossbell, an independent state located between the
Calvard Republic and the Erebonian Empire. The main characters work as
investigators for the Crossbell Police's new Special Support Services (SSS).
They solve mysteries, find lost kittens, uncover criminal masterminds, fight
monsters, go fishing, cook, and save the city and/or the world!

The story in Zero no Kiseki Evolution advances through missions/requests.

Completing them earns money and DP, which go toward increasing your rank as an
investigator. Extra DP can be earned by selecting the right answers or actions
when prompted.

Zero no Kiseki follows from the Trails in the Sky series. It's useful to have
played at least Trails in the Sky FC and SC, but playing the previous games is
not necessary to complete, and enjoy, Zero no Kiseki.

Circle: Confirm/Attack (on field map)

X: Cancel
Square: Menu
Triangle: Quick Menu (clockwise from top: Cooking, Enemies, Fishing,
Start: Crossbell State Map (Crossbell City teleport map in Chapter 1)


Combat takes place on the field map outside of Crossbell City/towns/NPC areas.
Equipping the Hawkeye quartz on your lead character shows enemy locations on
the mini-map.

Hitting monsters from behind using the Circle button will stun them. Run into
them at this point to gain maximum advantage in battle -- your characters will
have turn priority and critical hits, and will usually be able to do a team

If you hit monsters from the front, they get angry and stop moving for a couple
of seconds. If an enemy touches your characters while their backs are turned,
that enemy will attack first.

When your characters' levels are significantly higher than a monster's, it

will run away when it sees you. You can destroy a lower-level enemy by hitting
it while on the field map. You get sepith this way, but not items.

In combat, characters will have three status bars at the bottom of the screen:
HP (hit points), EP (ether points), and CP (craft points). HP is your health,
EP is your Arts, and CP is your special attacks, called Craft.

At 100 CP, press the Triangle button so your characters can interrupt the turn
order with a special attack. You can also let it build up to 200 CP for an
especially devastating move. The Crafts section [CRA] details each character's
special attacks.

The Quartz section [QUA] has a brief explanation about quartz and slots. The
Orbal Arts section [ORB] describes the Arts mechanic and lists the Arts
available based on quartz placement.

Apart from Crafts and Arts, characters can also do a normal attack, use items,
move, or retreat during combat.


The Special Support Services team consists entirely of rookies, and must fight
to earn the trust and respect of Crossbell's populace. The team includes:

| Lloyd Bannings |

The main character. Graduated with top marks from the police academy. Very good
at motivational speeches. His big brother, also an investigator, died three
years ago.

Lloyd fights with a pair of tonfa, or nightsticks. He has high strength and HP.
He has two orbment lines and no restrictions on element affiliation.

| Elie McDowell |

The granddaughter of Crossbell's mayor. Well versed in politics and economics.

Initially hides her true identity from the team.

Elie fights with a gun. She has excellent range and high EP. She has two
orbment lines. Two slots are for Wind quartz.

| Tio Plato |

The youngest member of the team. Part of a group deployed by the Epstein
Foundation to test orbal technologies.

Tio uses the "Overstaff" in battle. Her normal attack can hit two or more
enemies, if they're close together. She has high EP and high Arts offense and
defense. She has one orbment line and two slots that only hold Water quartz.

| Randy Orlando |

The big brother/ladies' man of the group. Revealed to be a former member of the
Belgard Gate garrison. Also holds the moniker "Son of the Battle God."

Randy fights with a halberd. He has high strength and good range. He has three
orbment lines and one slot for Fire quartz.

| Support Characters |

Your party will be joined by NPCs. They can remain as Support Characters, or be
grouped together with the team. The team can only have four members at a time.

Support Characters each have specific a Support Craft that randomly comes into
play during battles. In Zero no Kiseki, support characters include:

Noel: The Master Sergeant at Tangram Gate, under Sonya's command. Big sister
of Fran at Police HQ. First joins in Chapter 2. Rejoins in Chapter 4.
Fights with assault rifles.

Lazy: The pretty, cool-headed leader of the Testament group in Old Town. Teams
up with Lloyd and company at the end of Chapter 3.

Dudley: A detective from the elite First Division. Constantly points to your
team's relative youth and inexperience. Fights with a gun. Joins in
Chapter 4.

Estelle: The main character from Sora no Kiseki FC and SC. Bubbly as ever.
Fights with a bo staff. Joins in the Epilogue.

Joshua: Once known as the "Black Fang," a speedy assassin. Inseparable from
Estelle. Fights with two swords. Joins in the Epilogue.


After the scenes, talk to Fran at the Police HQ. Next: the Geofront!

| Geofront A Investigation |

Treasure: Tear Balm x2, Smoke Ball x5, Earth & Water & Fire & Wind sepith x20,
Ceres Balm, all elements sepith x20, Flame Zippo, Battle Scope x5

Reward: 1 DP (+5)

Geofront A exploration serves as your battle tutorial. As dungeons go, this

one is straightforward. Some doors lead to dead ends with treasure chests.

Go down through the tunnels until you find the child. Choose option 2 to take
him with you while you look for his friend, for extra DP.

When you find the other kid, get ready to fight five Frost Gummies. Choose the
second option (lure the monsters over) so that they don't start out close to
the kids. Make sure neither child gets hurt, and you get extra DP.

After the scene, you end up back in the SSS building. Talk to each of your
team members to advance the story.

You get your computer tutorial the next day. Go to the Genten in Cental Square
for a scene. Afterwards, you can explore the city!

Go to the department store in Central Square for a scene. Then buy Crossbell
Times 1 at the 1F store to the left.

In the Administrative District, a guy on the Library 1F has Dark Doctor Glen 1.
All 14 volumes of this book can be traded for a material that leads to one
character's ultimate weapon.

At West Street, Oscar at the bakery will give you the Cooking Notebook and
Exciting Ham Sandwich recipe. At nearby Villa Raisins, a path behind the 1F
staircase leads to treasure (Hawkeye).

The ice cream stand at the Entertainment District has Vanilla Ole recipe.

The Fishing Club on East Street has Crispy Fry recipe on the 2F bookshelf.

Finally, go to Old Town and go west past Trinity for hidden treasure (Flower

| Additional Information about Support Requests |

Reward: 5 DP

Go back to Police HQ and talk to the receptionist. SSS is now connected to

their network!

You will get two subquests. Check the Subquests [SUB] section for details.

| Defeat Monster in Geofront A |

Treasure: All sepith x30

Reward: 1,500 mira, 5 DP

To continue the story, go back to Geofront A (west of the train station). You
may want to buy better weapons and equipment beforehand. It's also a good idea
to fight the enemies here again to level up.

Retrace your steps and grab treasure (all sepith x 30) on the way by climbing
the ladder in the space outside the room where the first kid was hiding. Return
to the spot where you found the second kid for a boss fight against a big bat.
Use Chrono Down to delay him, and use your strongest attacks.

After the fight, you'll have access to a shortcut back outside.

| Conflict Resolution |

Reward: 2 DP (+12)

Your next stop is Old Town. After the scene, flash your badge and choose to
stay. You will fight two Viper and two Testament members. Afterwards, do not
call for backup from headquarters. Go to Testament and talk to Lazy. Select the
second option (the attacked member's scar).

Make sure Lloyd has good equipment and quartz before going to Ignis. After the
scene, Lloyd will fight Wald alone. Use your healing items! You earn extra DP
by defeating Wald in the time allotted.

Afterwards, Grace from Crossbell Times will talk to you. After you leave the
restaurant, talk to Kintz at Testament for extra DP.

You can watch another scene at the Bracer Guild, 2F. Michelle at the front desk
has a hidden quest for you, too. See [SUB].

Go to Police HQ and talk to Rebecca. You will now be able to trade

information from your Battle Notebook for money and items.

Return to SSS and speak to Sergei. Then go to Grimwood Law Office on West
Street. Back at SSS, choose to start the meeting, but only after completing
the sidequests. At the meeting, choose the answer about Hei Yue for more DP.

You'll go back to Old Town. Choose one member to go with Lloyd and Lazy. The
three will fight two Mafia.
A scene occurs after you defeat the Mafia.


Check the computer for requests after you regain control. There will be three
subquests in addition to the main quest. Get the recipe for Juicy Steak from
Auntie Reet in the easternmost room in the Belheim. The juice seller in the
Administrative District will give you the recipe for Fresh Berry Juice.

| Monster Attack Investigation |

Treasure (to Armorica): Tear Balm, Leather Jacket, Silver Brooch, all sepith
x40, EP Charge I x2, Steel Wrist, Ceres Balm x2,
Grasshopper, Cool Necklace, U Material, Demon Sealing
Blade, Attack2 quartz

Treasure (to Ursula): Coral Ring, EP Charge I x2, Rune Cross, Ceres Balm,
Block 1, Twinkle Earrings, all sepith x20

Treasure (to Mainz): Darkness Blade, Mirage & Space & Time sepith x50, EP
Charge I, Tear Balm, Earth & Water & Fire & Wind sepith
x50, Engineer Boots, Ceres Balm

Reward: 5 DP (+10)

Exit Crossbell through East Street. Talk to the grandmother from the opening
scene on the way -- her house is beside the Fishing Club. You may want to buy
better weapons before going out onto the East Crossbell Highway, which is full
of monsters. Head east, then north at the intersection to reach the village.

At Armorica Village, talk to the mayor. Then talk to all the townsfolk. You
can get a fishing rod and Fishing Notebook from the guy fishing on the bridge.
The old man at the General Store has Dark Doctor Glen 2. The treasure chest in
the barn has EP1 quartz. The inn has Country-Style Omelette Rice on the wall

A scene happens after you talk to everyone. Go to the bus stop to go back to
Crossbell. You will receive a map of the city that will allow you to teleport
to the various districts. You can now also access the first hidden quest of
the chapter. See [SUB].

Next, go south to get to Ursula Road. Continue until you see the bus driver
being attacked by monsters. These two are tough, so use Randy's Power Smash to
delay them, and Lloyd's Stun Break if they try to use Arts. Elie should have
Holy Bullet at this point, so she can be the healer. Otherwise, keep Tio back
and have her use healing Arts or items. The two big guys will call other,
lesser monsters, so try to defeat them quickly.

After the blast from the game series' past, continue south until you reach
Ursula Medical College. The dorm on the left here has Special Beef Stew. Go to
the main building and speak to the receptionist. After the scene, go up to the
roof and investigate every area where the red mark shows up, including near the
laundry on the dorm roof. Also look at the boxes on the terrace that can be
reached from the dorm 2F.

Next, talk to the nurse at the nurse's station. Visit a patient in room 304 for
more clues. Return to the bus stop to return to Crossbell.

The next day, check the terminal for three more subquests. To continue the
main quest, exit Crossbell via the Residential District. Follow the Maintz
Mountain Road and ignore the path on the right that leads up to a bridge with a
chest at the end -- it has a level 35 monster inside. Continue and when you
reach a crossroads, go east to the Rozenberg Studio for a scene. Return to the
Road and go through the tunnel on the way to Maintz. After the scene, choose
the third option (both), and proceed to Maintz Mining Town.

Go straight from the entrance to the mayor's house. After the scene, talk to
all the townfolk. You can also buy Dark Doctor Glen 1 and 2 at the store here.
Return to the mayor after talking to everyone.

At the inn, choose options 3 (the monster's aim), 2 (?), 3 (a wolf's ability),
1 (black wolves), 4 (damage in the area), and 3 (Shizuku McClain).

After the meeting, go down to the house with the injured man for Dark Doctor
Glen 3. You can also go up into the mine for EXP and treasures (HP2, Tear Balm,
Ceres Balm, Martial Arts Gear).

When you're ready, examine the table in your room at the inn. A boss fight
will begin outside. First, you fight three Dobenkaiser. They're spread out, so
hit them with Randy's Crash Bomb. They should be no problem if you're properly
leveled. Next, you fight the dogs again, plus two Mafia. Again, use Randy's
Crash Bomb. His Salamander works well here, too. This battle is also not too

A scene occurs after the battle.


Check the terminal for requests and subquests. Go to the Library 1F for a shelf
with the recipe for Homemade Egg Pudding.

| Exterminate the Monsters on Old Private Property |

Treasure: Tear Balm, Feather Tackle

Reward: 2,500 mira, 5 DP

Go to Armorica and talk to the mayor. He'll give you the key to the locked
area that you walked past in Chapter 1. From Armorica, go south three screens
until you see the gate on the right. Unlock it and defeat all the monsters
there. Have Tio summon Zeit to delay them, and use strong attacks.

Back at Armorica, talk to Angie in her house beside the Curio Shop for the
Satisfying Carbonara recipe.

A request is waiting for you when you return to SSS.

| Investigate the Threatening Letter |

Reward: 8 DP (+6)

Go to Arc-en-Ciel and enter the Hall. After the scenes, go to the Revache
Company in the Back Alley. When back outside, choose the second option (the
sender's name).

Go to the law firm on West Street. Go to the Black Moon/Hei Yue Company at the
Harbor. Return to Arc-en-Ciel for a scene.

Walk back to SSS. Talk to Imelda on the way if you like. After the scene in
front of SSS, talk to Elie on the roof. You will learn Lloyd and Elie's
Combined Craft, Star Blast.

You can now visit Elie's mansion at the southwesternmost part of the
Residential District. Talk to her butler twice to receive Dark Doctor Glen 4.
The shelf in her room on the second floor has the recipe for Sweet Cake.

The next day, go to IBC. The secretary there will let you have access to the
elevator. After the scenes, get the key from the receptionist at City Hall.
The entrance to Geofront B is near the stairs leading to Elie's house in the
Residential District.

Before continuing, you may want to grab the Hearty Meat Hot Pot recipe from the
cafeteria at Belgard Gate. One of the troops upstairs has Dark Doctor Glen 5.

At Geofront B, take the stairs down and keep going straight until you go
outside and get the treasure chest that you could see from West Street. It
contains all sepith x80.

Go back inside and take the path to the right for U Material at the end.
Backtrack and go through the middle door. At the intersection, enter the left
room for EP Charge I. Go back to the intersection and take the other path to
get to the elevator.

Go through the door in front of the elevator panel. Go right for Tear Balm
and then left, down, and right. The treasure chest here has a Soldier Suit.
Make sure to turn the valve on the way out.

Return to the elevator and go through the door on the left for an EP2 quartz.
Now retrace your steps. This time, go north and grab the Curia Balm on the way.
Go left and turn the valve. Follow the path and save after you heal up.

The boss here has higher HP than the smaller robots. All of them are weak
against Water. Have Elie and Tio use attack Arts from a distance. Randy's
Crafts also work here. Be careful with getting pulled close to the robots,
since they explode after being defeated.

After the battle, follow the path until you get to a room with a door and a
ventilation duct. Choose to peek in. After the scene, check out the pizza
boxes for the Cheese Pizza recipe. Exit through the duct.

You can now do the hidden subquest of this chapter. See [SUB]. You can also
watch scenes if you talk to Mariabell at IBC, Zeit at SSS, Ernest at City
Hall, Harold at the Cathedral, and Estelle and Joshua in Maintz Mining Town.

Take the bus to the intersection leading to the Stargaze Tower. Go up one
screen from the stop, and go left to the next area. The treasure chest to the
west has level 25 monsters, so leave it alone unless you're up to par. Go
right, then up for a chest. Go down the path to get to the Tower.

After the scene, Noel becomes an optional party member. She has assault rifles,
so she can hit enemies from a distance. There will be another scene with Tio.
Afterwards, you fight two enemies.

Go through the door you see. Follow the path and get the Ceres Balm. Go up the
stairs. Go left and down the stairs for a pair of Stamp Jumper. Go back to 2F
and go south. Grab the contents of the chests and take the stairs up.

You can choose to fight all the enemies on this floor to level up. There's a
treasure chest to the north with a high-level monster. The exit is to the west.
Go up the stairs to get to 4F. The treasure chest on the right has EP2 quartz.
The one on the left has Curia Balm. From here, follow the path and go upstairs.

At 5F, follow the circular path, grab the Teara Balm, and go up the stairs. At
6F, go past the healing pillar and go down the stairs on the right for a Holy
Chain. Go back to 6F and save before going up the ramp. Time to fight the
mysterious In! This battle shouldn't be too tough if your level is high enough
and your CPs are above 100.

After the fight, choose option 3 (about the threatening letter) and 2 (the
letter's sender). You'll end up back in Arc-en-Ciel.

Check out all the doors three times. After the scene with Grace, check on
McDowell's box for another scene.


After the scenes, check the terminal for requests and subquests. Two of them
should be completed as soon as possible. See [SUB].

You can get the Light Popcorn recipe from the popcorn stand in Central Square.

| Search for the Missing Professor |

Reward: 2,000 mira, 5 DP (+3)

Go to Ursula Medical College and talk to the receptionist. After the scene,
return to Crossbell. Enter the Fishing Club. You will receive a bamboo fishing

Take the bus to the area between Crossbell and Ursula. Go down the stairs
and talk to Professor Joachim to the northeast. Go fish in the southwestern
spot. Use snow shrub to nab a Titan for extra DP. After you catch the fish,
talk to the head of the Fishing Club. You will get Aceres Balm.

Peita on the southern bank has Dark Doctor Glen 6. Return to Crossbell.

| Conflict Resolution |
Reward: 2 DP (+3)

After the scene at the city entrance, go to the Harbor. Watch the scenes. When
prompted, choose to plunge in, use Combined Craft, and fight Estelle and Joshua

Completing this request finishes up the second day of Chapter 3.

The next day, check the terminal for more requests and subquests.

| Expose the Sellers of Fake Designer Brands |

Reward: 2,000 mira, 5 DP (+3)

Go to the receptionist at Police HQ. Take the bus to Tangram Gate to speak
with Sonya. Talk to all the tourists in the cafeteria and inn. Go back to the
bus stop.

Inside the bus, choose option 1 (moving alone), and 2 (the grandmother). The
request will be complete after the bus arrives in Crossbell and a scene occurs.

| Pursue "Kitty" |

Treasure: Curia Balm, Marvel Ring, Gentle Coat, Teara Balm, Stride Heel,
Move3 quartz

Lloyd and Tio will handle this one. First, leave Geofront A and go to the
the second floor of the restaurant in the west of Central Square. Roberts will
give you Dark Doctor Glen 7.

Return to Geofront A. Go right and take the elevator down. Head north and
examine the panel so the elevator can go down. After you learn Omega Strike,
go into the air duct beside the door. Go right and follow the path. Grab the
Curia Balm from the chest and leave through the previously locked door.

Go back into the duct and go north. Grab the Marvel Ring from the chest. At the
split, go right for a chest with Gentle Coat. Backtrack and go through the air
duct to the west.

Follow the path. Walk on top of the ducts to reach the valve. Turn the crank to
raise the panel. Enter the door and go down via elevator.

The door to the east has Teara Balm. Now go through the other door and turn the
crank to stop the fan. Follow the path until you see two fans. Enter the duct
to your left. Grab the Stride Heel and turn the crank when you find the valve.

At the next split, go south for a Move3 quartz. Now go north for another round
of cranking. Go through the door on the left. Heal and save. Boss fight time!

Use Tio and Lloyd's Combined Craft or Water Arts against the boss. Defeat it
quickly to prevent it from calling reinforcements.

After the battle, go right through the door for a scene. This ends the third
day of Chapter 3.
Check the terminal again for more requests and subquests.

| Search for Missing Tourists |

Treasure: Fortune Muppet (2), Curia Balm, Tear Balm (4), U Material (2), Aceres
Balm (3), Curia Balm, Hit3 quartz, EP Charge I, Cure quartz, Strong
Rod Horizon, HP3 quartz, Battle Jacket, Fragrance quartz

Reward: 2,000 mira, 5 DP (+3)

Go to the Ash Tree inn at Armorica and talk to the man at the counter. After
the scene, go down one screen from the village, past the small bridge, and go
west into the previously barred area. This is the Ancient Battlefield. Grab
the two treasures on the way in.

Go right at the split. Collect the treasure down the stairs near the fishing
spot. Continue right to the next screen. Go past the stairs for the treasure
chest. Backtrack and go up the stairs for a scene. Go up to the bell for
another scene. Go through the door beside the stairs.

Go down the stairs and into the next screen, collecting all the treasures on
the way. Head southeast toward the next screen, and don't forget the chest
hidden behind the house-like structure nearby.

You will have a boss fight after the scene. Combined Crafts work wonders here.
Heal when necessary. You get extra DP for defeating them. The story will
continue even if you don't.

After the battle, more scenes will land you back at the village. Take the bus
back to Crossbell. You will receive another request.

Before getting to it, go into the back room at Police HQ 1F and get Dark
Doctor Glen 8 from Sergei.

| Search for Young Colin |

Reward: 2 DP (+2)

Talk to Harold and his wife at a bench in the Administrative District. After
splitting up, go into Arc-en-Ciel for a scene. Then talk to the two
receptionists at the hotel, the ice cream and pizza stand workers, the bunnies
inside and outside the casino, and the man walking around near the Back Alley

At the Back Alley, talk to the man standing outside the jazz bar. Go into the
bar and talk to the bartender. Go back outside and talk to the lady walking
around. Go into Imelda's shop and talk to her. There will be a scene after.

In Central Square, go into the department store and talk to the receptionists.
Then go upstairs and talk to the boy near the stairs. Exit and talk to the
man at the counter in the restaurant. Next, speak to Wendy at Genten. Exit and
go down the stairs to interview the weapons shopkeeper. Finally, talk to the
little boy and little girl wandering around in the Square.
Talk to the little boy in the train station area, and examine the entrance to
Geofront A.

At West Street, talk to Bennett outside the bakery. Go inside and talk to
Oscar. Go into Belhaim and speak to Miles in the innermost room. Exit and head
to Tally's store to talk to Tally. Finally, go into the Grimwood Law Office to
speak to Ian.

When prompted, choose 1 (he went inside a vehicle) for extra DP. You will then
need to go to the West Crossbell Highway. Finding Colin triggers a battle.
After you win, a scene occurs that connects Zero no Kiseki to the second game
in the Sora no Kiseki series. This ends the fourth day of Chapter 3.

| Investigate the Black Auction |

Reward: 6 DP (+4)

Grab a copy of Dark Doctor Glen 9 from the man in the 2F dorm at Ursula.
Crossbell Times 5 should be for sale at the department store in the city.

Go to the Harbor and get the Snow Gelato recipe from the gelato stand. Board
the ferry when you're ready. Once on board, go up the stairs and talk to
Lecter. Then go downstairs and talk to Kirika. Go back outside for an

There are two subquests available at Michelam. See [SUB]. When you're ready,
go west into the Residential District and north to the chairman's mansion.
After the scene, go to the hotel and speak to the front desk. Choose a
partner for the mission.

Inside the mansion, go left into the salon and speak to Imelda and Kirika.
After the scene, go out and up the first set of stairs. Go through the door
into the atrium. After another scene, go right and down the stairs into a
room for a scene with Lazy. Next, go out and up the stairs to the top floor.
Go to the guarded room.

Afterwards, backtrack through the atrium and go to the top floor on the west
wing. Then go down to the first floor to check out the main hall. There will
be a scene after and you can choose 1 (there's an intruder) for extra DP.

Return to the auction room and get Dark Doctor Glen 10 from the maid on the
stage. Go to the 4F room on the east wing for a scene.

Next will be a series of fights. Keep KeA safe! She can do buffs and debuffs.
Once you make it to the harbor, you will fight Garcia, three Mafia, and
Dobenkaisers. Garcia hits hard, so give him everything you've got. Debuff him,
pound him with Arts, S-Crafts, and Combined Craft, and if you're lucky, KeA
will debuff all enemies, or buff one or all of your characters.

After the battle, Chapter 3 ends.


The terminal is under maintenance, so all subquests are hidden. See [SUB]. You
can buy Dark Doctor Glen 11 in Tally's Store on West Street. Volume 9 is for
sale there, too, in case you missed it before.

Choose a partner. Take KeA to the Bracer Guild on East Street. Then take the
exit that leads to Maintz Mountain Road to enter the Cathedral area. Go into
the chapel and go right to talk to Sister Marble.

Next, take KeA to Ursula. Speak to the receptionist on 1F. Go up to 3F and go

through the exit to the left to enter the research offices.

When you regain control, head to where KeA and Shizuku are chatting. After the
scene, Intermission ends.


Choose a sauce and watch the scene. After you regain control, check the
terminal. Completing the available subquests now will feature Noel's added
dialogue. See [SUB]. You must complete the subquests before going to the
Moon Temple.

You can grab Dark Doctor Glen 12 by talking to Sonya twice at Tangram Gate.
There are recipes to be gained at the ramen stand at the Harbor, on the roof of
the Ursula dorms, and in the house near the mine in Maintz.

The weapons shop has new goods for each character. Buy them and have Guillame
in Old City upgrade them, for 10 U Material per weapon.

| Investigate the Ruins |

Treasure: Curia Balm, Aceres Balm (3), Manly Suit, Fish Darts, Darkness Stew
"Courage," Bomb Rice, EP Charge II, Action3 quartz, Black Suit,
EP3 quartz.

Reward: 3 DP

Exit Crossbell via the Residential District. You can now ride around in Noel's
military vehicle! Choose to go to Maintz Tunnel Road. Go on foot to the Moon
Temple to the west.

The enemies here are weak against Time, Space, and/or Mirage Arts, so slot
accordingly. Soul Blur, Death Spiral, and Chaos Brand will knock them for a
loop. Elie and Tio have the highest ATS, but Lloyd has decent attack Arts
power, too. See [ORB] for how to get specific Arts.

Avoid the enemies that look like glowing mini-Deaths. They do an instant kill
to characters within range when defeated. Do not engage unless you have
equipment guarding against one-hit kills.

Go through the main entrance and heal if you need to. Go through the door and
fight the enemies that appear. Enter the door to the left in the rear of the
room. Go straight to a room with Curia Balm. Exit and go down the stairs. Go
out the door and go right for a chest. Then go left through the other door.

Go up the stairs for treasures. Backtrack and go down the stairs. You will
reach a room overlooking the chapel. Press the switch. Now go down using the
stairs to the left.

Go through the door to the right in the back of the room. Go down the stairs,
grab the chest, and go into a room with doors on either side. Go into each
room to get treasures and/or fight enemies.

Exit and go up one floor. Choose to unlock the door. This leads back to the
main entrance outside the temple. Go all the way downstairs for treasure. Go
up one flight and exit. Go right and through another door.

Go all the way upstairs for the black chest you saw earlier. Go down one flight
and go east through the door. Grab all the treasure in this garden area and
exit north. You will be back in the chapel, on a balcony. Hit the switch.

Go through the newly accessible door. Heal and save. The boss is weak against
Time. Kill it quickly before it calls for reinforcements.

After the battle, go up the the bell for a scene. When you regain control, go
back downstairs to the chapel. Another scene follows. Next, return to Noel's
vehicle in Tunnel Road.

| The Mayor's Request |

Reward: 2 DP

After the scene, choose 1 (Maintz). Talk to the mayor. Return to Crossbell and
talk to the owner of the casino, on 2F. Use the hotel entrance near Back Alley
and go all the way up the stairs and into the first room on the right.

After the scene, walk back to SSS. You can go into Arc-en-Ciel or stores in
Back Alley to chat, but the shops in Central Square will be closed.

Another scene will occur at SSS. Go to Sergei's office for one more scene. The
day ends.

| The Attack on Hei Yue |

Reward: 2 DP

Check the terminal for two more subquests. Imelda has a hidden subquest.

Go to the Hei Yue office at the Harbor. You have to choose to ask about all the
options presented.

Talk to Grace at the bar. After receiving the call from the Maintz mayor, go
to the casino. After the scenes, do not go back to SSS. First, talk to Li Xia
at Arc-en-Ciel, Sanita at her home in the Residential District, and Slasher
inside Ignis in Old City for extra DP in the upcoming request.

While talking to Sergei, choose 1 (the attackers' physical prowess), 3 (a

grandstanding operation), and 3 (had the blue pills).

| Investigate the Blue Pills |

Treasures: Teara Balm, Tearal Balm, Divine Cross, Curia Balm, Fortune Muppet,
Full Metal Coat, Dual Guarder, Aceres Balm, EP3 quartz, Time &
Space & Mirage sepith x200 (2), Chaos Sword quartz, Hit3 quartz,
Block3 quartz, T Material

Reward: 5 DP (+4)

This is your chance to complete the penultimate subquests of the chapter. Majis
at the train station will give you Dark Doctor Glen 13 after the "Search for
Important Person" subquest.

Dark Doctor Glen 14 can be traded for five Missy gurumi at the Exchange Shop in
Old City.

Go to Ursula and speak to the receptionist. Go up to the third floor and exit
west to go out on the roof and then into the research building. You will
automatically return to SSS after the scene.

There will be four new subquests to close out the chapter. See [SUB].

You have to find other people who took the blue pills. Go into the main hall at
Arc-en-Ciel for a scene. Then go to Sanita's house in Residential District.
Finally, go into Ignis and talk to Slasher and Wald.

Lazy will come to meet you after you leave Ignis. After the scenes, you can
proceed into the Revache compound in the Back Alley.

After Dudley joins, go into the main room and check the large painting on the
right. You need two keys. Exit the room and go upstairs. A room on 2F has the
Thick Cream Soup recipe. There's a Teara Balm in another room.

On the 3F, you will find EP Charge II and a bookshelf that needs an item. Go
back to the main room on 1F and take the gold box from the shelf at the back.
Return to 3F and place it on the bookshelf.

Heal if you need to. Go inside and fight the robots. Go through the door on the
left and follow the path to the switch that turns off the electricity on the
floors. Return to claim the treasure.

The paths forward are guarded by a slender robot. Proceed down to 2F. The door
nearest you has a switch. The door at the farthest end has another switch and
a chest. The door in the middle leads down to 1F.

The east and northwest rooms have the switches to shut off the electricity. Go
west to enter the basement.

The east exit leads outside to a chest with EP3 quartz. Go back inside and heal
if you need to. Go inside the room and fight the robots. Afterwards, get the
key from the wall. Retrace your steps all the way back to the main room that
needs two keys.

Next, go left from the main room and enter 3 (Mark and the Witch of the Deep
Forest) and 2 (Sean Arnam). Go left into the Revache warehouse.

Fight three enemies. In this space, you need to change the switches from blue
to red, or vice versa, to proceed. Hit the northwest switch to get to the
chest on 2F. Then go down and go up the steps that lead to the top of the
crates. Follow the path and hit the other switch to make the southeast stairs

This leads outside to the two treasures on the roof. You can walk on top of the
roof for the second chest on the left, with the T Material. Guillame and
Roberts need that in the subquest to upgrade Tio's weapon.

Go back inside and find your way toward the 3F. Another healing pillar will
signal the presence of enemies. Go in and fight, then grab the second key. Go
all the way back to the main room and insert the key.

Go down and into the long hallway. A boss fight awaits. Its weakness: Water.

After the fight, examine the black chest in the back of the room. Then check
the liquor cabinet on the right. Return to the chest. This ends Chapter 4.

You should be a Rank 1 Investigator by this point if you did all the subquests
and got all the extra DP.


Before you go to Ursula, get the Medicinal Bean Curd recipe from Ruth at the
Dragon Restaurant. At the jazz bar, Sandra will give you the Shiny Brew recipe.

Then, trade all your copies of Dark Doctor Glen to Imelda for a Zemuria Stone.

| Investigate the Drug Incident |

Treasure: Aceres Balm, Curia Balm, Scorpio Sphere quartz, EP Charge II, EP3
quartz, Star Pendulum

Reward: 5 DP (+6)

Walk to Ursula. Fight the dogs and Mafia. Enter the hospital grounds. Go up the
main doors to find them locked. Go into the dorms. Fight more enemies. Go into
all the rooms to speak to the hospital staff and patients. Martha in the last
room will tell you that she had the key but she lost it in the attack.

Go to the 2F terrace. Defeat the Mafia and check them. One of them has the key
to the hospital. Go to 3F if you want another fight or more people to talk to.

Go inside the hospital. Check every room as you fight your way up the floors.
At 3F, check room 302. Return to 301 for a scene. Go to the roof. Fight off the

Next, go into the research building. Heal if you need to. The room to the left
has a chest. Go up the stairs to the second floor. Find the hospital staff in
the second room on 2F for extra DP.

Go upstairs and follow the path until you find the key card as a shiny spot on
the ground. Return to 1F, heal, and go inside the elevator.

On 4F, check the room on the right for treasure. Next, head into the left room
for a scene. After the scene, you fight Ernest and two Hellhounds. The dogs are
weak against Space Arts. Ernest hits hard, so hit him with your strongest
Combined Crafts, S-Crafts, Arts, and buffed physical attacks.

Afterwards, check the two files on the desk. Another scene occurs. Your team
will leave Ursula in Sonya's capable hands.

| Attack on Crossbell |

Reward: 10 DP (+7)

The game is on rails at this point. When prompted, choose 1 (the sound of the
guns). You will then be moving all over the city. When you stop to fight,
everyone's CP will be at 200. Crushing the Mafia should be no problem.

Your team takes shelter at IBC. When you regain control, go to the balcony
area past the elevator to talk to the character who has the highest affinity
with Lloyd. Then check in on both Shizuku and KeA in Mariabell's room.

Go down to 1F and talk to the two receptionists. They will sell you items,
weapons, etc. Guillaume is near the elevator in case you need quartz or have to
upgrade slots. He can also forge the best leg equipment, in exchange for Dual
Guards, which one of the receptionists sells. Most importantly, if you have the
Zemuria Stone, he can make the ultimate weapon for one of your characters.
Choose wisely.

Go down to the basement floor and speak to everyone. Afterwards, go into the
elevator for a scene.

Your next challenge involves six waves of attacks, so heal beforehand. The
enemies stand no chance against judiciously applied Combined Crafts and S-

| Infiltrating the D .'. G Base |

Treasure (Section 1): EP Charge II (2), Luna Pendulum, Curia Balm (2),
Deep Ochre, Aceres Balm, Tearal Balm, all sepith x200
(2), Aries Greaves, S Tablet, Fortune Muppet, Lost

You will be taken to the Sun Fortress. Estelle and Joshua will join your

Go inside and go left and up the stairs. The room to the left has treasure.
Exit and go right into a room with suits of armor. Check the one with the
weapon held differently to open the main door near the healing pillar.

Go back down and go into the room. Fight the boss. It's weak against Space
Arts. Go through the newly opened door.

You will be in the first section of the fortress. This part is straightforward.
Follow the paths and pull the levers you come across. When you lower the
barrier to the second section, go down the stairs and go right and outside for
the two chests in the previously locked room. One of the chests has a powerful
weapon for Elie.
Treasure (Section 2): Evergreen, Harmonia Boots, Curia Balm, Tearal Balm,
Defender, EP Charge II, Aceres Balm

Now go into the second section. An easy mini-boss fight will occur. Afterwards,
go into the next room. Go past the locked door and down the stairs. Enter the
room to the north and check the terminal. Choose both options to read Joachim's
entry and undo the first lock on the door you passed.

Exit the room and go south. Grab the chest and keep going straight. In this
next area, go east and check the terminal at the end of the room. Grab the
contents of the black chest when you're done.

Go back down and head south again. Unlocking the sealed door via the third
terminal will lead to a shortcut back into the first area where you fought the
mini-boss. Don't forget to grab the treasure hidden behind the servers near the
terminal. Go through the sealed door into the third section.

Treasure (Section 3): 10,000 mira (2), Sigma Drive, all sepith x200 (2),
Tearal Balm, Attack3 quartz, EP Charge II, Passion Rouge,
Curia Balm (2), Aceres Balm, Silence Brew, Evade3 quartz,
Aurora Dress

Go east for treasure. Next, go into the room with all the NPCs. Once freed,
two will help you out by selling items and providing orbment services.

Go up through the doorway for treasure. Go back into the jail and go down this
time. You will be in a large room with some chests submerged in the red
liquid. If you still haven't, equip the Hawkeye and Detection quartz on your
lead character so the treasures and enemies show up on the mini-map.

Get the treasures that you can by following the walkable paths. When you run
out of places to go, head southwest to turn the valve. Again, grab the chests
using the newly opened paths. Then turn the valve again. Leave through the
door to the north and loop around to get back into the big room. Turn the valve
for the third time. Get the treasures to the north and south.

Leave the room using the northern door and loop around again. This time, you
can go through a previously inaccessible doorway. A scene will occur in this
second jail area. Talk to Marconi once he's outside for a scene.

Pull the lever to the south. Get the treasure in the cell behind Marconi. Go
down and east through the doorway. Pull the lever to return to the other jail.
Buy items or level up your slots here if you need to.

Follow the path until you reach a healing pillar. Heal, save, and prepare to
face Ernest again. His monster form is a bit tougher, and he comes with two
dragon-like minions. He's weak against Space Arts. Again, hit him with your
strongest Combined Crafts, S-Crafts, Arts, and buffed physical attacks. Using
Arts, Crafts, or items that increase speed would help here, too.

After the fight, proceed to the next section of the Sun Fortress.

Treasure (Section 4): Tearal Balm (2), EP Charge II, Curia Balm, Aceres Balm
(3), Orion Guard

Go into the room missing some sections of floor. Follow the path to the outside
and go west to go back inside. Go north for a chest. Backtrack until you find
the lever. Pull it so there's a floor panel to the left. Go up the stairs to
the right and follow the path to a second lever that takes you back to Section
3. Now return to Section 4.

Go north from the main section with the floor panels. Pull the lever that you
find to open a door leading back to the crossroad. Go to the first lever and
pull to proceed.

Follow the paths until you see a healing pillar. The next boss is Garcia. He
isn't weak to any particular element, so have your casters use their strongest
Arts, buff your attackers, and debuff Garcia. Use S-Crafts and Combined Crafts.
This fight should go well if you're close to or above level 40.

After the scene, go inside the long hallway for an even longer scene. Prepare
to fight Joachim v1 and two of his minions. Joachim is not weak against any
element. Increase your characters' strength, speed, and defense as soon as you
can. Have your attackers wipe out the minions first with Crafts, S-Crafts, and
Combined Crafts. When it's just Joachim, watch out for his Arts and strong
attacks. He can also cast Stealth on himself. Use that chance to heal or
restore buffs. Your supporting characters could help a lot here. Just dig in,
use whatever items you have to regain HP, EP, and CP, and you will win.

Next comes Joachim v2. He starts out with two minions on either side. If you
defeat these two, the section of floor they stood on will sink. Destroy them
from a distance, otherwise any character also on that space will Vanish for a
time. Joachim v2 uses more Arts, especially once you shave off enough of his HP
that he turns golden. When that happens, move your characters away from the
floor section in the back, because Joachim will collapse it.

At this point, Joachim will counter any physical attacks, so use your Arts or
Crafts. Joachim will call for reinforcements, so area Arts/Crafts work best.
Just keep pounding him with Arts until he goes down. Useful buffs here would be
A-Reflect and Fortuna. Also, if you wait for Tio's CP to reach 200, her Zero
Field will keep you safe from all attacks for two enemy turns.

A scene will occur after this battle. Afterwards, Joachim will try one last
time to defeat you. Everyone will have 200 CP for this battle, so get him with
Combined Crafts and he won't have a chance to attack.

That's it! Congratulations on completing the game!


Check the terminal at SSS to see sidequests. They're labeled with the length
of time you're allowed to complete them, so do the ones marked "Short" first.
After completing the quest, return to the terminal to report and claim your
mira and DP. You can report multiple completions at once.

| Prologue |

1. Search for Lost Items (1,000 mira, 3 DP)

- Talk to Toronto in the Hotel Millenium 2F.

- Get his wallet from the receptionist at the Department Store.
- Get his souvenirs from the fish stand on East Street.
- Get his ticket back to Calvard by talking to the ramen seller at the Harbor.
District, and then talking to the woman walking around.
- Return to Toronto.

2. Confirm Empty Units (1,000 mira, 3 DP)

- Talk to Shion, the receptionist at City Hall.

- The three units are in Villa Acacia 2F (East Street), the gated house
nearest the exit from the Entertainment District (Residential District),
and Lotus Heights 2F (Old Town).
- Report back to Shion.

3. Michelle's Challenge (hidden, 500 mira, 3 DP + 2)

- After dining with Grace, talk to Michelle at the front desk of the Bracer
- Choose answers 3 (about 50 years ago), 2 (Dr. C. Epstein), 3 (sepith
fragments), 3 (the Golden Horses), 1 (Verne Inc.), 1 (Sepith Church), 2 (the
Ministry of the Liturgy), 2 (the autonomous state of Leman), 2 (Thief B), and
2 (Peace Treaty).

Note: You can get the answers by reading the books in the Library.

| Chapter 1 |

1. Collecting Overdue Books (1,000 mira, 3 DP)

- Go to the front desk of the Library.

- The books are with Panse (west room in Belheim), Clarice (east room in Villa
Acacia), and Raymond (Police HQ).
- Return to the Library.

2. Ingredient Gathering (1,500 mira, 3 DP + 3)

- Talk to Oscar, then Bennett, at the bakery on West Street.

- Oscar wants 3 monster eggs and 4 monster fish.
- Bennett wants 2 monster eggs.
- Enemies on the East Crossbell Highway and Mainz Trail drop eggs, and the
ugly fish enemies in Ursula Road drop fish.
- Return to both after you have all the items. You will get extra DP for
giving Bennett her order.

3. New Service Operation Collaboration (1,000 mira, 3 DP)

- Talk to the receptionist at IBC.

- Redeem 30 of each sepith there. Afterwards, you can exchange sepith at a
higher rate at IBC.

4. Find the Kitten's Owner (hidden, 500 mira, 5 DP)

- Talk to the two kids in the middle room in Belheim.

- Speak to children in the city: Panse next door, Peach at the grocery store,
Pete at the Grimwood Law Office, Colin in the Residential District, and
Sanita in the southwest of the same area.
- Follow Sanita when she leaves her house. Give her the kitten.

5. Official On-the-Spot Inspection (2,000 mira, 3 DP + 2)

- Talk to Quattro on the second floor of the train terminal.
- Follow him to the train and speak to all passengers.
- Talk to the young man nearby after speaking to the child for extra DP.

6. Apartment Monster Extermination (2,500 mira, 4 DP)

- Talk to Imelda in her shop at the Back Alley. She will give you her key.
- Go to Maison Imelda in Old Town.
- Defeat all enemies in the apartment.
- Collect treasures (Space & Time & Mirage sepith x40, Earth & Water & Fire
& Wind sepith x40, Long Barrel, Sprinter, Fiber Coat)
- After Wald comes in, talk to Elie to heal up before following him.
- Defeat all monsters downstairs. Go into the new area. Go up the stairs for a
boss fight. Wald will fight as an NPC, so make sure to buff and heal him as
necessary. This fight could be tough, so pull out all the stops. Randy's
Crafts are very helpful here.

7. Defeat the Monster on Maintz Mountain Road (2,000 mira, 4 DP)

- Go to the area near the Rozenberg Studio and choose to fight two Fall Eagles.
- They're not too tough, and have no resistance to debuff attacks.

8. Longing for Missy (hidden, 500 mira, 5 DP)

- Talk to Lars in the inn section of the Dragon Restaurant (left of the
- Go to the Entertainment District and get the medals you need to get a Missy
doll at the casino. You get extra DP if you don't gamble.
- Go back to Lars.

| Chapter 2 |

1. Enigma Practice Test (1,500 mira, 4 DP)

- Talk to Wendy at Genten.

- Give a character an orbment line with Mirage 5, Water 3, and Wind 3.
- Have that character use Hollow Sphere in combat.
- Return to Wendy.

2. Participate in Garrison Exercises (3,000 mira, 4 DP + 3)

- Go to Tangram Gate, past the path to Armorica Village on the East

Crossbell Highway (you can take the bus).
- Talk to Sonya on the 2F.
- Fight four garrison soldiers.
- Fight the same soldiers and Noel.
* There's a Soldier Suit in the 2F treasure box, past Sonya's office.

3. Defeat the Monster on the West Crossbell Highway (2,000 mira, 4 DP)

- Walk along the highway (you can't use the bus) until you spot the monster.
* Randy's Salamander is helpful here.
* You can continue on to Belgard Garrison. The cook will give you the recipe
for Hearty Meat Hot Pot.

5. Ultimate Bread Showdown (5,000 mira, 3 DP +2)

- Talk to Morges in the back room of the bakery.
- Oscar needs: monster meat x5, monster gelatin x3, Kasagin x3.
- Bennett needs: monster fish x3, monster egg x5, Oeser x3.
- Get Kasagin in a fishing spot on Ursula Road with akamushi/blood worms bait.
- Get Oeser by the Crossbell Lighthouse using akamushi as bait.
* You will need the Feather Tackle from the Old Private Property near
- For extra DP, give Oscar a Passion Orange and Bennett a Crying Onion.
- Talk to Morges again afterwards for an Espresso recipe.

6. Wanted: Fish Dish! (1,500 mira, 3 DP +5)

- Talk to Sansan, the waitress at the Dragon Restaurant on East Street.

- She needs: five eels or electric eels.
- Get the eels at the fishing spot on East Crossbell Highway using mimizu/
earthworms as bait. Enemies that look like snails or frogs drop these.
- Return to Sansan.

7. Testament's Practice (2,000 mira, 4 DP +5)

- Talk to Abbas at the counter of Trinity in Old Town.

- Fight four Trinity members. Use Randy's Crash Bomb and heal when needed.
- Fight again.
- Fight four Trinity members and four Vipers.
- Talk to Abbas afterwards.

8. Recover Rare Medicinal Plants (1,500 mira, 3 DP)

- You may want to do this quest together with #10 below.

- Talk to Professor Lago on the left 1F medical office of Ursula College.
- Talk to the head priest at the Cathedral just outside of Crossbell, along
the Mainz Mountain Road.
- Talk to the priest in the left room near the entrance.
- Return to Professor Lago.

9. Defeat the Monsters on the Crossbell East Highway (2,000 mira, 4 DP)

- Take the bus to Tangram Gate and walk back out to the highway.
- They're level 18 so level up more than that to easily defeat them.

10. Search for the Oversleeping Doctor (2,000 mira, 3 DP)

- Talk to Martha inside the nurse's station in Ursula Medical College 2F.
- Talk to all the nurses in the room, the nurse at the 2F counter, the nurse
at the 1F reception, the nurse in 202, the resident physician and Professor
Gary in the room at the right of the main entrance, the maid in the 2F dorm,
and the butler in the 3F dorm.
- Talk to the guard outside the gate. Take the bus back to Crossbell.
- Talk to the following people: the guy at the balcony outside the train
station, the policeman at Central Square,the juice seller at the Admin
District, the ramen seller at the Harbor, the lady walking around the
Harbor, the old man fishing off the pier, and the guy at the counter at
Trinity in Old Town.
- Go the Library 2F and find her on the left side of the room.
- You will automatically end up in Ursula, so grab the medicinal plants in
subquest #8 before talking to her.

11. Lost Wedding Ring (hidden, 1,000 mira, 5 DP)

- Talk to Pierre in the conference room in 1F Police HQ.
- Talk to Zeit. Choose to take him with you.
- Examine the fence opposite Arc-en-Ciel. Look at the bench outside Hotel
Millenium. Enter the Hotel and walk out of the other entrance.
- Go to the Back Alley. Examine the sign outside the jazz bar. Go inside
Imelda's shop and talk to her.
- Go inside the jazz bar. Talk to the bartender. Talk to the woman at the bar.

| Chapter 3 |

1. Crackdown on Illegal Parking (1,500 mira, 3 DP+4)

- Talk to the receptionist at Police HQ.

- Put the sticker on the pink car on East Street (CW 6422).
- Put the sticker on the flashy car on West Street (EW 3100).
- Make sure to check for license CL 1101 on both East and West Streets.
- Report back to Police HQ.

2. 100 Photos of Crossbell's Views (2,000 mira, 3 DP +3)

- Talk to the receptionist at the Crossbell Times news agency at the Harbor.
- Take photos of:
a. Armorica's Old Private Property
b. The flower field to the left of the Armorica mayor's house
c. The view from the eastern cliff at the start of Ursula Road
d. The view from beside the largest tombstone at the very back of the
Cathedral area
e. The waterfall at the West Crossbell Highway
f. The railroad tracks near the Police Academy on the West Crossbell Highway
g. The Moon Temple to the west of the tunnel road on Mainz Mountain Road
h. Stargaze Tower
i. Battlefield Tower (after the "Missing Tourists" subquest).
- Return to the news agency.

3. Search for an Important Lost Item (1,500 mira, 3 DP)

- Talk to Officer Mirei in the control room at Belgard Gate.

- Examine the covered vehicle. A scene will occur.
- Talk to Stella in the cafeteria.
- Check the southeast, south, and center areas on the rooftop.
- Examine the galeria that looks out onto the Empire.
- Check the northeast alcove on the rooftop.
- Return to Mirei.

4. Defeat the Monster in Geofront B (2,000 mira, 4 DP)

- Go back to Jonah's area via the duct. Go one screen west.

- The boss will start out with four minions.
- Weak against Earth.

5. Exterminate the Monsters in the Mine (3,000 mira, 4 DP)

- Talk to the mayor of Mainz for the key to the abandoned mine.
- Go into the mine to the north and go to the sealed area to the west.
- This area is fairly large but not too much of a maze. Follow the path, and go
through doorways on the left when you see them for treasure.
- Treasures include: Time & Space & Mirage sepith x 100, Defense3, Earth & Fire
& Water & Wind sepith x100, Ceres Balm, Curia Balm, Battle Boots,
EP Charge 1, and Victory Bandana.
- When you defeat all monsters, you can choose to instantly return to the
mayor's house.
- You can fish for rainbow trout here. They go for ikura/roe.

6. Investigate a Stalker! (1,500 mira, 3 DP)

- Talk to Avan, Ilia, and Li Xia in the Arc-en-Ciel Hall.

- Get the key to Ilia's home on the top floor of Villa Raisins.
- Examine the table with the wine glasses and her bed.
- Talk to everyone in the building.
- Go outside via the hidden path behind the 1F stairs. Examine the area near
the treasure chest.
- Return to Ilia's room for a scene.

7. Defeat the Monsters on the Old Road to Armorica (2,000 mira, 4 DP)

- The monsters two screens down from the village, north of the rest stop.
- Weak against Wind.

8. Investigate a Theft (1,500 mira, 3 DP +5)

- Go to the booth at the Harbor entrance near East Street.

- For extra DP, talk to all of the shop keepers in Central Square, the
Administrative District, the Entertainment District, and the Harbor.
- Afterwards, go back to the tent and choose options 3 (M.O.: steals
while the seller deals with a customer), 3 (half in fun), 2 (two young
boys), and 1 (the Sweets shop in Central Square).
- After completing the subquest, Nadoru, Meiji, Chroma, Lime, and Mishra will
give you dishes.

9. Defeat the Monster on the East Crossbell Highway (2,000 mira, 4 DP)

- The monster is two screens east of the exit from East Street.
- Weak against Water. High physical defense. Use Arts, status attacks and
Randy's Crafts.

10. City Hall's Urgent Request (2,000 mira, 3 DP, Centaur Sphere)

- Talk to Clip on City Hall 2F.

- Go the bell in Central Square via the ladder in Geofront A.
- Go to the fish tank on the Fishing Club 2F.
- Go to Ignis and examine the speaker on the stage.
- Talk to the man beside the conveyer belt at the airport.
- Check the framed certificate at the 1F office in Crossbell News Agency.
- Go to the McDowell Mansion in the Residential Area for a scene.

11. Defeat the Monster on Maintz Mountain Road (2,000 mira, 4 DP)

- The boss is in the Tunnel Road, up a hill near the exit.

- Weak against Fire. Has high attack power.

12. Missy Search (1,500 mira, 2 DP, Missy doll)

- Talk to the employee on the right in front of the theme park entrance.
- Talk to the tourist wearing green at the Harbor.
- Talk to the little girl in front of the boutique.
- Talk to the maid in the left corridor of the hotel.
- Find Missy in the Residential District.
- Return to the theme park.

13. Where is the Engagement Ring Now? (hidden, 1,000 mira, 5 DP)

- Talk to Toma in the Hotel Delphina east wing.

- Get the platinum ring at Restaurant Fortuna.
- Get the gold ring at the north end of the Harbor.
- Get the pearl ring near the fountain in front of the theme park.
- Show the rings to Toma for a scene.
- Go to the viewing benches at the Residential District.
- Fish at the spot for the engagement ring.
- Go back to Toma. He will give you the Spirit Training quartz.

| Intermission |

1. A Delivery to the Mayor (hidden, 2,000 mira, 5 DP, Powder Serum)

- Talk to Mayor McDowell at City Hall. Then talk to the receptionist.

- Go to where the juice stand usually is, to the east between the fountain
and the fences.
- Go to the train station to get juice.
- Drink the juice to get full CP.
- Return to the mayor.

2. Defeat the Monster in Geofront A2 (hidden, 3,000 mira, 4 DP)

- Talk to Rebecca at Police HQ.

- At Geofront A, go right through the door, go left past the elevator to go
down using the other elevator.
- This one hits hard. Use your strongest Arts, S Crafts, and Combined Crafts
when possible.

3. Sunday School Special Guest Lecturer (hidden, 2,000 mira, 5 DP +3)

- Go into the chapel and right for a scene with Sister Marble.
- Choose option 3 (army), 1 (First Division), 1 (Investigation Notebook), 1
(5th generation), and 2 (maintain public order and uphold the law).
- For the second round, choose: 2 (graduate from the police academy), 2
(the white wolf's assistance), 1 (Geofront A), and 2 (the power to intervene
with public authority). You can choose any option for the last question.
- You get a Holy Locket if you answer everything correctly.

| Chapter 4 |

1. Repaying Devotion (2,500 mira, 3 DP +3)

- Talk to Anton at the lodgings at the Dragon Restaurant on East Street.

- Talk to Fran at Police HQ. Return to Anton.
- Afterwards, go to the Department Store. Speak to the shop keeper near the 1F
stairs. Go upstairs and talk to all the sellers on 2F.
- Choose to gift the pompom knit (store to the right of the stairs) for an
extra 3 DP.

2. Recover the Overdue Books in Crossbell State (2,000 mira, 3 DP)

- Talk to the librarian at the Library.
- In Armorica, talk to Alfred at the inn, Elkin at the village entrance, and
Donald at his house near the store. The book is in the shed near the
mayor's house.
- At Ursula Medical College, talk to Flora in the restaurant at the dorms
to gain access to the research building 1F. Search the middle bookshelf on
the right, toward the back, for the book.
- Note: You may want to do the hidden quest at Ursula now (see #3 below).
- In Maintz Mining Town, talk to Rosh inside the mine. Go right and down to the
lowest part of the mine (SW) to find the book and trigger a battle.
- The giant plants are weak against Fire. Watch for their area attacks. Defeat
them quickly using Elie and Tio's strongest Arts, and Randy and Lloyd's
Combined Craft.

3. A Present for Father (hidden, 2,000 mira, 3 DP, Shizuku's Brooch)

- Talk to Cecil twice in room 304 at Ursula Medical College.

- Talk to: Mikhail in room 301, Meifa inside the 2nd floor nurse station, and
Ashura in the 1F medical room to the right.
- Go to the park outside. Talk to Professor Geiri.
- Go into the dorm. Examine the boxes on the 2F terrace.
- Return to Cecil and Shizuku.

4. Defeat the Monsters on the West Crossbell Highway (5,000 mira, 4 DP)

- The monsters are one screen east of the Police Academy bus stop area.
- Weak against Fire.

5. Sunday School Special Guest Lecturer (2,000 mira, 3 DP +2, Holy Locket)

Note: This quest is available if you clear the hidden quest from Intermission.

- Talk to Sister Marble in the Cathedral.

- Choose: 1 (Elie), 2 (Tio), 1 (Elie), 3 (Randy), 1 (Elie), 4 (Lloyd),
3 (Randy), and 4 (Lloyd).

6. Employee's Guidance in Customer Care (3,000 mira, 3 DP, Kill Nightmare x5)

- This quest must be completed before examining the bell at the Moon Temple.
- Equip Tio with Nyantafuru items: clothes, shoes, ears, and tail. They can
be bought at the Casino and at the department store.
- Talk to the innkeeper in Maintz Mining Town.
- Talk to Lucca in the dining area.

7. Seeking Creative Cuisines! (2,000 mira, 3 DP +6)

- Talk to Serteo in the restaurant in Central Square.

- Make sure you have at least 10 "Unexpected" dishes (listed below the main
dish in your Cooking Notebook).
- You get extra DP for having more than 14, e.g. 20 dishes gets 4 extra DP.
Having more than 23 dishes will get you all 6 extra DP.

8. Search for an Important Person (2,000 mira, 3 DP +9)

- Go to the Campbell mansion in the northern house in the Residential District.

- After talking to the two politicians, examine the desk in the room to the
- The answers are: the sudden departure, this morning, and IBC.
- Talk to the receptionist at IBC. Then speak to Mariabell on the 16th floor.
- Talk to the ticket agent at the airport.
- Go to the train station and go to Track 1 to enter the train.
- Talk to Cara in the third car. Answer her this way: they're going to visit
Calvard Republic, it's her dad's fault, and the maid is also worried.

Note: After clearing the quest, get Dark Doctor Glen 13 from Majis, who's
standing beside the entrance to Track 1.

9. Gathering Flowers for the Souls (2,000 mira, 3 DP)

- Talk to Quint in the small cabin at the graveyard in the Cathedral area.
- Talk to Tally on West Street. Then get the flowers on the path to the Moon
Temple, near the ledge with the two treasure chests.
- Gather the other flowers from: west of the gate of the Police Academy on
West Crossbell Highway, and east and up the steps to the lighthouse area on
the East Crossbell Highway.
- Return to Quint.

10. Receiving a New Doll (hidden, 5,000 mira, 8 DP)

Note: This subquest becomes available if you collected over 288 DP.

- Go to Imelda's shop in Back Alley.

- Go to Rozenberg Studio and examine the gate to trigger a battle against two
types of mechanized dolls.
- The ones that look like angels will lauch physical attacks that hit the
entire party.
- The ones in the back reflect physical attacks and Water, Fire, and Wind Arts.
- Buff up your party's speed and defense as soon as you can.
- Destroy the angel types with Combined Crafts and S-Crafts. Be careful not to
hit the ones in the back, as the reflected Crafts will kill your characters.
- Use your strongest Earth Arts against the remaining dolls.
- You receive the New Doll Trunk after you win.
- Go back to Imelda.

11. Developing a New Feature for the Magic Staff (3,000 mira, 4 DP)

- Talk to Guillame and Roberts at Guillame's Factory in Old City.

- Get the T Material at Revache.
- Return to Guillame.

12. Defeat the Monsters at Stargaze Tower (5,000 mira, 4 DP)

- The monster is on the roof.

- Weak against Earth and Space.
- After the fight, you get Elie and Randy's Combined Craft, Riot Star.

13. Defeat the Monsters at the Moon Temple (5,000 mira, 4 DP)

- The monsters are where the boss used to be.

- After the fight, you get Tio and Elie's Combined Craft, Cold Gehenna.

14. Defeat the Monsters at the Ancient Battlefied (5,000 mira, 4 DP)

- From where the dinosaur bosses were, go left and up the stairs to find
the monsters near the treasure chest.
- Weak against Wind.
- After the fight, you get Randy and Tio's Combined Craft, Harken Storm.
| Epilogue |

1. Investigate the Strange Events at the Geofront (5,000 mira, 4 DP)

- Talk to the worker inside Geofront B.

- Go down three levels via the elevator. Examine each level and pick up
- The enemies here are above level 40, so make sure your levels are also high.
Many of them also use attacks that inflict Freeze.
- The last level has a healing point and the boss.


In Zero no Kiseki Evolution, you can cook dishes that have healing and buff
effects. You need recipes and ingredients before you can make dishes. Recipes
can be learned after eating food bought from inns or restaurants. NPCs may also
give you recipes for free, or you can find them on shelves or tables.

Meanwhile, monsters drop some ingredients, and you can also buy other
ingredients from shops.

Your Cooking Notebook holds all learned recipes. In the notebook, the second
page of a dish will show which character can make that particular dish best.
If a character has great success in making the dish, you will get a better
dish, which will also be recorded in the notebook. The section below the
default dish is for when you get the "Unexpected" result when cooking.

Below is a chronological list of the normal dishes, where to get them for free,
and their effects and ingredients.

Note: I took liberties with the translation, so "Crying Onion" is "onion,"

"Seven-Colored Soy Beans" is "soy beans," "Freshly Ground Flour" is "flour,"
"Blazing Hot Sake," is "hot sake," and so on.

| Prologue |

1. Exciting Ham Sandwich (Oscar, bakery): HP20%, remove Poison and Stun.
Fresh herbs, flour, king potato, marbled fillet.

2. Crispy Fry (2F bookshelf, Fishing Club): HP10%, recover from Incapacitate.
Sesame oil, flour, egg whites.

3. Vanilla Ole (ice cream stand, Entertainment District): HP30%, dispel

Royal leaf, honey syrup, fresh milk, monster gelatin.

| Chapter 1 |

4. Country Style Omelette Rice (menu on wall at Armorica inn): HP20%, CP+10.
White rice, onion, tomato, monster egg.

5. Fresh Fruit Juice (juice stand, Administrative District): HP20%, ATS+25%.

Honey syrup, passion orange, ripe apple, tomato.

6. Juicy Steak (Reet, Belheim Apartment): HP30%, STR+25%.

Black pepper, sesame oil, ground salt, marbled fillet, monster meat.

7. Special Beef Stew (Ursula dorm counter): HP30%, DEF+25%, dispel Freeze.
Hot sake, king potato, onion, carrot, marbled fillet.

| Chapter 2 |

8. Heavy Espresso (Morges, bakery): HP20%, dispel Faint, Confuse, Sleep.

Royal leaf, fresh herbs, soy beans, monster feather.

9. Fierce Tiger Fried Rice ("Wanted: Fish Dish!" subquest): HP30%, dispel Seal.
White rice, black pepper, ground salt, egg.

10. Hearty Meat Hot Pot (Belgard Gate cafeteria): HP40%, CP+40
Five-color miso, hot sake, black pepper, red pepper, ground salt, marbled.
fillet, monster meat, monster shell.

11. Boiled Fish Hot Pot (Tangram Gate cafeteria): HP50%, CP+30
Hot sake, royal leaf, fresh herbs, honey syrup, egg white, monster fish,
monster shell.

12. Satisfying Carbonara (house next to Armorica shop): HP20%, remove Petrify.
Black pepper, flour, cheese, fresh milk, egg.

13. Cheese Pizza (table with pizzas, Geofront B): HP50%, CP+25
Red pepper, sesame oil, cheese, flour, tomato, egg whites, monster fish,
monster meat.

14. Sweet Cake (bookshelf, Elie's room): HP30%, ATS+25%.

Honey syrup, passion orange, ripe apple, flour, milk, monster egg.

15. Homemade Egg Pudding (1F bookshelf, Library): HP20%, ADF+25%.

Royal leaf, honey syrup, egg, monster gelatin.

| Chapter 3 |

16. Snow Gelato (gelato stand, Harbor): HP20%, ATS+10%.

Fresh herbs, honey syrup, passion orange, ripe apple, monster gelatin.

17. Light Popcorn (popcorn stand, Central Square): HP10%, SPD+25%, MOV+2.
Sesame oil, ground salt, monster seed.

| Chapter 4 |

18. Ancient Dragon Tanmen (ramen stand, Harbor): HP80%, STR+10%, DEF+10%.
Flour, onion, carrot, egg white, monster shell.
19. Tomato Burger (nurse, roof of Ursula dorm): HP20%, CP+45.
Cheese, flour, onion, tomato, monster meat, monster fish, monster seed.

20. Devoted Lunch Box (upper house, Maintz): HP40%, dispel abnormal status.
White rice, egg, soy beans, king potato, carrot, monster fish.

21. Thick Cream Soup (bookshelf, Revache Company): HP40%, remove debuffs.
Royal leaf, fresh herbs, fresh milk, monster shell.

22. Fermented Onion Soup ("Seeking Creative Cuisines!" subquest): HP40%, dispel
Faint, Confuse, Sleep.
Black pepper, red pepper, ground salt, onion, monster shell.

| Epilogue |

23. Medicinal Bean Curd (Ruth, Dragon Restaurant): HP40%, remove abnormal
Five-color miso, red pepper, soy beans, monster meat, monster gelatin.

24. Shiny Brew (Sandra, Back Alley bar): HP50%, recover from Incapacitate.
Hot sake, fresh herbs, monster feather.


Crafts are special attacks that can hit a single enemy, or have a range of
small (S), medium (M), or large (L). They can be launched once the CP bar
has enough points. Characters gain a new Craft when they advance to certain

When CP reaches 100, your character can launch his or her S-Craft. The S-Craft
gets stronger when the CP value is 200. S-Crafts cannot be canceled once
selected. Also, if your character has 174 CP, the bar will go down to 0 after
the S-Craft, so it's better to either wait for 200 or use other Crafts.

Meanwhile, Combined Crafts will only deduct 100 from each character's CP bar.
Characters learn Combined Crafts via game events or subquests. See the chapter
by chapter walkthrough above for more details.

| Lloyd |

S-Crafts: Tiger Charge, Rising Sun


Axel Rush 20 Whirling attack (S)

Stun Break 30 Cancel enemy Arts; 20% chance of Faint (single enemy)

Encouragement 30 STR+25% for allies (L)

Brave Smash 20 Line attack; 75% chance of Seal

Burning Heart 40 STR/DEF/SPD +50% for allies; no debuffs for five turns

| Elie |

S-Crafts: Aura Rain, Aerial Cannon


Three-Point Burst 20 Single enemy attack

Holy Bullet 40 Healing, CP+20 for allies (S)

Wild Swan 30 Line attack; cancel enemy Arts

Cross Mirage 40 Attack (L)

Strike Bell 30 Speed up for allies (S)

| Tio |

S-Crafts: Ether Buster, Zero Field


Analyzer 20 DEF/ADF -25%; reveal enemy information

Beam Blade 30 Whirling attack (M)

Summon Zeit 30 Insert Zeit into turn order; Zeit will either Howl
(all enemies DEF -25%, delayed) or Heaven Fang (all
enemies hit, delayed)

Energy Circle 40 Restore HP, remove debuffs (M)

Absolute Zero 50 100% chance of Freeze (S)

| Randy |

S-Crafts: Crimson Gale, Death Scorpion


Power Smash 20 Delay enemy (S)

Salamander 30 Line attack; 80% chance of Blaze

Crash Bomb 30 100% chance of Darkness (L)

War Cry - Lose 30% HP; CP+60 to self

Death Storm 30 Line attack; 60% chance of Incapacitate


Quartz are manufactured from sepith fragments, which can come from enemies,
treasure chests, fish, or sparkly spots on the ground on the field map. Sepith
come in seven elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Time, Space, and Mirage.

You can trade sepith for mira, but a better use for them would be unlocking
your characters' orbment slots. Once you unlock everyone's slots, you may
choose to spend more sepith to improve the slots so they can hold higher-level

Quartz can be bought from stores or found in treasure chests. Each quartz holds
an elemental value (EV). Some quartz cannot be equipped until the character's
slot is leveled up. Those quartz are marked with *.

| Earth Quartz |


Defense1 Earth 1 DEF+3%, STR-1%

Defense2 Earth 3 DEF+6%, STR-2%

Defense3 Earth 5 DEF+9%, STR-3%

Poison Blade Earth 3 10% chance of Poison

Petrify Blade Earth 5 10% chance of Petrify

Shining Pulse Earth 3, +1 or 2 enemy sepith drop

Water 2

Machine Merit* Earth 3, EP restore while walking

Water 2,
Time 1

Capricorn Sphere* Earth 5 Double item's HP/EP recovery

White Sheep Sphere* Earth 5 STR+6%, DEF+6%

| Water Quartz |


HP1 Water 1 Max HP+5%

HP2 Water 3 Max HP+10%

HP3 Water 5 Max HP+15%

Magic Defense1 Water 1 ADF+3%, ATS-1%

Magic Defense2 Water 3 ADF+6%, ATS-2%

Magic Defense3 Water 5 ADF+9%, ATS-3%

Silence Blade Water 3 10% chance of Silence

Freeze Blade Water 5 10% chance of Freeze

Recovery Water 3, HP restore while walking

Mirage 2

Sincerity Water 3, Higher success rate of cooking

Earth 2

Buddha Sphere* Water 5 1.5x Arts' HP recovery rate

Cancer Sphere* Water 5 ADF+6%, ATS+6%

| Fire Quartz |


Attack1 Fire 1 STR+3%, DEF-1%

Attack2 Fire 3 STR+6%, DEF-2%

Attack3 Fire 5 STR+9%, DEF-3%

Sealing Blade Fire 3 10% chance of Seal

Blazing Sword Fire 5 10% chance of Blaze

Absolute Kill Fire 3 10% chance of Critical

Spirit Training* Fire 3, CP increase at field encounter

Wind 2
Space 1

Lion Sphere* Fire 5 CP+10 at enemy finishing blow

Scorpio Sphere* Fire 5 20% chance of Critical/Poison

| Wind Quartz |


Evade1 Wind 1 Evade rate +5%

Evade2 Wind 3 Evade rate +10%

Evade3 Wind 5 Evade rate +15%

Move 1 Wind 1 MOV+1

Move 2 Wind 3, MOV+2

Space 2
Move 3 Wind 5, MOV+3
Space 3

Darkness Blade Wind 3 10% chance of Darkness

Sleep Blade Wind 5 10% chance of Sleep

Mischief Wind 3, Higher rate of "unexpected" result

Mirage 2 when cooking

Dash Wind 3 Retreat success rate +50%

Majestic Tiger Wind 3, Enemies flee on field map

Fire 2

Fragrance Wind 4, Easier to be found by enemies on field

Earth 2,
Wa 2,
Fire 2

Maiden Sphere* Wind 5 All abnormal status null for 1 turn

Centaur Sphere* Wind 5 Evade rate +10%, MOV+6

| Time Quartz |


Action1 Time 1 SPD+10%

Action2 Time 3 SPD+20%

Action3 Time 5 SPD+30%

Block1 Time 1 10% chance to interrupt enemy Arts

Block2 Time 3, 20% chance to interrupt enemy Arts

wind 2

Block3 Time 5, 30% chance to interrupt enemy Arts

Wind 3

Driving Force Time 3 Arts takes 3/4 the time to cast

Good Fortune Time 3 Enemy item drop rate +30%

Gemini Sphere* Time 5 Evade enemy magic

Twin Sphere* Time 5 Arts cast time cut by half

| Space Quartz |

Hit1 Space 1 Hit rate +10%

Hit2 Space 3 Hit rate +20%

Hit3 Space 5 Hit rate +30%

EP Cut1 Space 2, EP consumption -5%

Time 1,
Mirage 1

EP Cut2 Space 3, EP consumption -10%

Time 2,
Mirage 2

EP Cut3 Space 5, EP consumption -15%

Time 3,
Mirage 3

Hawkeye Space 2, Show enemies on mini-map

Mirage 1

Heavenly Eye Space 3, Combine Hawkeye and Information

Fire 2,
Mirage 1

Range Space 3 Arts range +1

Taurus Sphere* Space 5 Recover HP25% of enemy damage

Sun Sphere* Space 5, Absorb Earth/Fire/Water/Wind enemy Arts

Earth 2,
Water 2,
Fire 2,
Wind 2

| Mirage Quartz |


EP1 Mirage 2, Max EP+5%

Time 1,
Space 1

EP2 Mirage 3, Max EP+10%

Time 2,
Space 2

EP3 Mirage 5, Max EP+15%

Time 3,
Space 3

Spirit1 Mirage 1 ATS+3%, ADF-1%

Spirit2 Mirage 3 ATS+6%, ADF-2%

Spirit3 Mirage 5 ATS+9%, ADF-3%

Confuse Blade Mirage 5, 10% chance of Confuse
Earth 1,
Water 1,
Fire 1,
Wind 1

Information Mirage 3 See enemy information

Detection Mirage 2, Show treasure chests on map

Earth 1

Glamour Mirage 3, Slow enemy movement on field

Wind 1,
Space 2

Libra Sphere* Mirage 5 Recover EP1% of Arts damage to enemy

Moon Sphere* Mirage 5, Absorb Time/Space/Mirage enemy Arts

Time 4,
Space 4


Characters can perform Orbal Arts based on the arrangement of quartz in their
orbal slots. Slots are connected by one or more lines. To get the Art, the
elemental value (EV) required by the art must be present in a single line.

For example, the quartz HP3 has an EV of Water 5. Equipping it will grant
Icicle Edge, Tear, and Teara, because those Arts require an EV of less than
Water 5. If you added the Evade3 quartz to the same line as HP3, that line
will now have an elemental value of Water 5 and Wind 5. So in addition to the
Arts listed above, you will also obtain Aqua Mirage, Breath, Holy Breath, and
Recuria. And so on.

The arts listed below are divided into three: attack Arts, healing Arts, and
buff/debuff Arts. The (S), (M), and (L) refer to the ranges of the Arts --
small, medium, or large. Arts labeled (all) affect the entire area.

| Attack Arts |


Stone Spike Earth 1 10 Attack one enemy; 10% chance of Petrify.

Quake Earth 2 30 Area attack (M).

Gorgon Breath Earth 4, 40 Area attack (S); 20% chance of Petrify.

Wind 1

Gia Titanis Earth 6, 80 Line attack.

Space 2

Yggdrasil Earth 10, 200 Area attack (L).

Water 3,
Wind 3
Icicle Edge Water 1 10 Attack one enemy; 10% chance of Freeze.

Blue Drop Water 2, 20 Area attack (S).

Space 1

Ice Hammer Water 4, 30 Area attack (M); 20% chance of Freeze.

Earth 1

Hydro Cannon Water 6, 40 Line attack.

Wind 1

Diamond Dust Water 8, 60 Area attack (S); 30% chance of Freeze.

Wind 1,
Space 1

Around Noah Water 12 220 Area attack (all).

Firebolt Fire 1 10 Attack one enemy; 10% chance of Blaze.

Heat Wave Fire 3, 25 Area attack (S).

Wind 1

Magna Blaze Fire 4, 30 Attack one enemy; 30% chance of Blaze.

Earth 1

Flare Butterfly Fire 8 90 Area attack (L); 20% chance of Blaze.

Wind 3

Crimson Ray Fire 12 140 Attack one enemy.

Sparkle Wind 1 10 Attack one enemy; 10% chance of Seal.

Aero Sickle Wind 2, 20 Line attack.

Mirage 1

Aerial Wind 4 30 Area attack (M).

Sparkdine Wind 6, 50 Area attack (S); 30% chance of Seal.

Space 2

Thunder Wind 10, 180 Area attack (L); 20% chance of Seal.
Cyclone Space 2,
Time 2

Soul Blur Time 2 10 Attack one enemy; 10% chance of Faint.

Death Spiral Time 6, 60 Area attack (M); 10% chance of KO.

Space 2,
Mirage 2

Shadow Time 10, 140 Area attack (L); restore 5% of damage.

Apocalypse Space 3,
Mirage 3

Dark Matter Space 6 60 Area attack (L); MOV-2.

Last Disaster Wind 12, 220 Line attack.

Mirage 8
Chaos Brand Mirage 4 30 Attack one enemy; 10% chance of Confuse.

Carrion Tower Mirage 6, 100 Area attack (L); 100% chance of Darkness.
Space 2,
Time 2

Avalon Gate Mirage 12, 250 Area attack (all).

Space 4,
Time 4

| Healing Arts |


Earth Glow Earth 2, 10 Restore one ally's HP for five turns.

Water 1

Tear Water 1 10 Restore some of one ally's HP; cancel Blaze.

Teara Water 3 30 Restore more of one ally's HP; cancel


Tearal Water 6 60 Restore most of one ally's HP; cancel Blaze.

Ceros Water 2 30 Revive and restore some of one ally's


Aceros Water 8 80 Revive and restore more of one ally's HP.

Bless Wind 2, 30 Restore more of allies' HP (S).

Water 1

Holy Bless Wind 4, 60 Restore most of allies' HP (L).

Water 2

Celestial Wind 10, 240 Revive and restore all HP (L).

Water 8

| Buff/Debuff Arts |


Crest Earth 1 10 DEF+25% for one ally for three turns.

La Crest Earth 3 30 DEF+25% for allies (M).

Adamas Guard Earth 8, 80 Nullify physical attack once.

Space 3

Aqua Mirage Water 5, 40 Evasion rate +50% (S).

Wind 3

Cobalt Sphere Water 2, 10 100% chance of Seal Demon.

Time 1
Forte Fire 1 10 STR+25% for one ally for three turns.

La Forte Fire 3 30 STR+25% for allies for three turns (M).

Melty Rise Fire 5, 40 10 CP increase for allies five turns (M).

Wind 1,
Space 1

Sylphid Wind 2, 20 MOV+4 for allies (M).

Space 1

Recuria Wind 5 40 Cure all status ailments (L).

Lorelei Wind 6, 50 Block attacks; 50% chance of Sleep (all).

Space 2,
Time 2,
Mirage 2

Chrono Down Time 1 10 SPD-25% (M).

Chrono Drive Time 3 20 SPD+25% (M).

Calamity Crow Time 8 60 SPD-50%; MOV-3 (L).

Innocent Arc Space 2 10 Cancel debuffs (all).

Fortuna Space 4, 30 ATS/ADF+25% (L).

Water 1,
Mirage 1

A-Reflex Space 6 40 Reflect a single enemy's arts once.

Saint Mirage 3, 30 STR/DEF+25% for one ally.

Earth 1,
Fire 1

Hollow Sphere Mirage 5, 40 Stress for one enemy for two turns.
Water 3,
Wind 3

Luna Blaze Mirage 6 50 100% Confuse for lower-level enemies (L).


Eiyuu Densetsu: Zero no Kiseki Evolution also features fishing, a cat at SSS,
and furniture for each major character's room.

| Fishing |

Fishing can be important when it comes to completing sidequests (e.g. getting

eel for the Dragon Restaurant). It's also necessary for main quests, such as
when you're challenged to a fishing contest at Ursula Road.
To fish, go to a fishing spot. Those look like ripples of water. Select a rod,
then a bait, and hit the Circle button when Lloyd starts to get a big, red
exclamation mark over his head.

Different rods can handle different bait, and the fish or sea creatures you
catch will be based on the bait you use.

The Fishing Club on East Street will reward you with respect and ranking when
you catch certain numbers of fish types. Note that only fish are counted, and
not eels or crabs. To be a great fisherman, you must catch 18 types of fish.

| The SSS Cat |

You can feed this black kitty with fish bait or caught fish. In return, it
gives you quartz. The better the meal, the higher the quartz quality. The cat
usually hangs out at the SSS roof, although sometimes it's in the kitchen
eating out of a dish while Zeit sleeps.

Feeding the cat doesn't seem to contribute much to the gameplay, since the
quartz it gives can be acquired/bought elsewhere.

| Furniture |

You can buy stuff for your characters to decorate their rooms with. Elie can
get a fancy vase and clock, Lloyd gets a race car and a stereo, Randy has
darts and a poster of Ilia, and Tio loves her Missy wall hanging and Missy
stuffed toy.

The first item for each character costs 1,000 mira. The second costs 10,000.
They can be bought at the department store, Armorica, Maintz, Ursula, the
Michelam boutique, and at the casino.

You can play games with the darts, the clock, and the wall hanging. If you
have the spare mira, go for it. Otherwise, skip the furniture shopping.


Thanks to Jim Breen's WWWJDIC and Pierre-Philippe di Constanzo's Imiwa? app

for translation help.

Thanks to the Zero no Kiseki Evolution Wiki (http://alphawiki.net/zero_psp/

index.php?FrontPage), and to WhiteRaito for his excellent walkthrough
for being my go-to resources when I got stuck.

Thanks to Cyrus K. for pointing out mistakes in the guide!

Thanks to Falcom for another great game! Next time, maybe not so text-heavy?

Please write to me at fragrantelephant@icloud.com if you have questions,

comments, or recommendations about this guide.
This guide is intended for GameFAQs.

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