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Chapter 1

what is a model?
A model is a representation of something that is real. This slide here is a kind of model. no doubt a very simple one using tools that are already familiar to us. In this case,
the tools are simple, just images and texts. In IT, people use UML as a common language to model different aspects of a system.
Reasons we create models:
• Learning from the modelling process
• Reducing complexity by abstraction
• Remembering all the details
• Communicating with other development team members
• Communicating with a variety of users and stakeholders
• Documenting what was done for future maintenance/enhancement.
what is a system? A collection of interrelated components that function together to achieve some outcome. what is a sub system? A subsystem is part of a system that
is identifiable and partitioned. Why subsystems? To break up complexity. The activity diagram models the behavior (what the system DOES), so it is a dynamic
Why do you think this diagram is useful during a systems analysis process? (Allow time for students to think).
The activity diagrams can be used by the analyst to verify with users whether the flow of activities are correct for a given process or procedure.
Because only one use case will be developed at a time. May be done in parallel (look up supplier and another use case).
Chapter 2
system development lifecycle (SDLC) SDLC processes covering a wider range of concepts, tools and techniques.
the supply chain management simply means the “Supply chain management involves the coordination of people, organisations, technologies and processes to ensure
optimal supply of products and services. Technology architecture— the set of computing hardware, network hardware and topology, and system software employed by
the organization. Application architecture—the information systems that supports the organization (information systems, subsystems, and supporting technology).
Stakeholders– persons who have an interest in the successful implementation of the system. Internal stakeholders– persons within the organization. External
stakeholders – persons outside the organization. Operational stakeholders – persons who regularly interact with the system. Executive stakeholders– persons who don’t
directly interact, but use the information or have financial interest. Information Gathering Techniques 1. Interviewing users and other stakeholders.2. Distributing and
collecting questionnaires. 3. Reviewing inputs, outputs, and documentation. 4. Observing and documenting business procedures. 5. Researching vendor solutions. 6.
Collecting active user comments and suggestions. FURPS+ is the acronym for functional, usability, reliability, performance, and security requirements.
Chapter 3
Vision and Mission: Your vision statement should inspire people to dream; your mission statement should inspire them to action.”
1.Use case— an activity that the system performs, usually in response to a request by a user. 2. Use cases define functional requirements. 3. Analysts decompose the system
into a set of use cases (functional decomposition). 4. Two techniques for Identifying use cases: 1. User goal technique. 2. Event decomposition technique. 5. Name each use
case using Verb-Noun.
Event Decomposition Technique What is an event? something that occurs at a specific time and place, can be described, and should be remembered by the system. More
Comprehensive and Complete Technique 1. Identify the events that occur to which the system must respond. 2. For each event, name a use case (verb-noun) that
describes what the system does when the event occurs. Types of events: 1. External Event an event that occurs outside the system, usually initiated by an external agent
or actor. 2.Temporal Event an event that occurs as a result of reaching a point in time. 3. State Event: 1. an event that occurs when something happens inside the system
that triggers some process. 2. reorder point is reached for inventory item. Use case diagram— a UML model used to graphically show use cases and their relationships to
actors. Brief use case description is often a one sentence description showing the main steps in a use case.
Chapter 4
class: a type of classification used to describe a collection of objects. Object: a specific instance of the class. Each instance has its own values for an attribute. Class
Diagram: A UML diagram that shows classes with attributes and relationships with other classes. Domain Model Class Diagram: A class diagram that only includes classes
from the problem domain. Domain Class: Classes that describe objects in the problem domain. Attribute— describes one piece of information about each instance of the
class Customer has first name, last name? phone number. Identifier or key One attribute uniquely identifies an instance of the class: Customer ID identifies a customer;
Product ID to identify a product. Compound attribute Two or more attributes combined into one structure to simplify the model. (E.g., full name rather than including first
name and surname separately). Sometimes an identifier or key is a compound attribute. There are three types of relationship: association, whole-part and generalisation.
Brainstorming Technique: Use a checklist of all of the usual types of things typically found and brainstorm to identify domain classes of each type. Noun Technique:
Identify all of the nouns that come up when the system is described and determine if each is a domain class, an attribute, or not something we need to remember
Chapter 5
Composition— a whole part relationship where the parts cannot be removed (filled in diamond symbol): Aggregation— a whole part relationship where the component
part exists separately and can be removed and replaced: Generalisation/Specialisation A hierarchical relationship where subordinate classes are special types of the
superior classes. Often called an Inheritance Hierarchy. Superclass: the superior or more general class in a generalisation/specialisation hierarchy. Subclass: the
subordinate or more specialized class in a generalization/specialization hierarchy. Inheritance: the concept that subclasses classes inherit characteristics of the more
general superclass. Abstract class— a class that allow subclasses to inherit characteristics but never gets instantiated. In Italics (Sale). Concrete class— a class that can
have instance: InStoreSale. CRUD A good cross-check against the existing set of use cases. Ensure that all classes have a complete “cover” of use cases to 1. Create 2.
Read/Report 3. Update 4. Delete. State – a condition during an object’s life when it satisfies some criterion, performs an action, or waits for an event. Transition – the
movement of an object from one state to another. State Machine Diagram – a diagram which shows the life of an object in states and transitions. Origin state – the
original state of an object before it begins a transition. Destination state – the state to which an object moves after completing a transition. pseudostate – the starting
point in a state machine diagram. Noted by a black circle. action-expression – some activity that must be completed as part of a transition. guard-condition – a true/false
test to see whether a transition can fire. Concurrent states – when an object is in one or more states at the same time. Path – a sequential set of connected states and
transitions. Concurrent paths – when multiple paths are being followed concurrently, i.e. when one or more states in one path are parallel to states in another path.
Chapter 6
Typical use case description templates include: Use case name, Scenario (if needed), Triggering event, Brief description, Actors, Related use cases (<<includes>>),
Stakeholders, Preconditions, Postconditions, Flow of activities, Exception conditions
Chapter 7
User Interface (UI): “sets of inputs and outputs that directly involve an application user”. To the users, the interface IS the system. User Experience (UX): Broader concept
than UI, For a digital products (software), includes Actions, responses, perceptions and feelings Direct manipulation metaphor metaphor in which objects on a display are
manipulated to look like physical objects (pictures) or graphic symbols that represent them (icons). Desktop metaphor metaphor in which the visual display is organized
into distinct regions, with a large empty workspace in the middle and a collection of tool icons around the perimeter. Document metaphor metaphor in which data is
visually represented as paper pages or forms. Dialog metaphor metaphor in which user and computer accomplish a task by engaging in a conversation or dialog via text,
voice, or tools such as labeled buttons.
Chapter 8
What is Systems Design? Analysis provides the starting point for design. Design provides the starting point for implementation. Analysis and design results are
documented to coordinate the work. Objective of design is to define, organize, and structure the components of the final solution to serve as a blue print for construction.
Design Models Design is a model building activity. The formality of the project will dictate the type, complexity, and depth of models. Agile/iteration projects typically
build fewer models, but models are still created. Jumping to programming without design often causes less than optimum solutions and may require rework. Security
Controls Controls that protect the assets from threats, internal and external. Integrity Controls Controls that maintain integrity of inputs, outputs and data and programs.
Object Oriented Design Design is carried out use case by use case. The process to identify the classes and their methods, including the parameters (information that needs
to be passed to the methods).
Chapter 9
Right - BICEP
Right: Are the results right? Boundary conditions are CORRECT. Inverse relationship: DBMS: test insert with query. Cross check results? Library: total books owned =
books on shelves + books on loan Error forced to occur. Performance characteristics within bounds. Boundary – CORRECT: Conformance (correct format) Email…
Customer Reference Number (CRN) 9 digits + 1 Alphabet. Etc. Order (right order) Login before logout – what happen if users logout first? Etc. Range (within the range)
Pay scale 1 to 10. Etc. Reference (external state is correct) Web app that displays a customer’s history-> customer must logged in. ? When the customer is not logged in.
Etc. Existence (does a given thing exist?) profile not set, network is down, or files or printers do not exist, nulls, empty strings, etc. Cardinality (Zero, One, Many) Top 10
movies: 0 movies, 1 movie, <10 movies, 10, >10 movies. Etc. Time (timeouts, Daylight Saving). Unit test – tests of an individual method, class, or component before it is
integrated with other software. Integration test – tests of the behavior of a group of methods, classes, or components System test – an integration test of an entire
system or independent subsystem Performance test or stress test – an integration and usability test that determines whether a system or subsystem can meet time-
based performance criteria User acceptance test a system test performed to determine whether the system fulfills user requirements.
Chapter 10
Structured vs. OO Approach System is a collection of processes. Processes interacted with the data entitles. input and output. OOA system is a collected of interacting the
objects. Objects interact with people and each other. Send and respond. Advantages of Object Oriented Method: OO models objects and the real system is made up
objects: objects have attributes and behaviour, so the same domain model class diagram is used as the basis for designing the database (attributes) and software classes
(behaviour). OO use the same notation for analysis and design, which means: the design model = analysis model + more details. the basic structure of the analysis model
is preserved and more recognisable in the design model. translation from analysis to design is less error prone. analysis model is more useful.

18. What is the perfect technology assumption?

The assumption that a system runs under perfect operating and technological conditions. In doing this they avoid particular tasks regarding system failure, which they will
add controls later in the design process.
19.What are three examples of events that involve system controls that should not be included initially because of the perfect technology assumption?
a. Backing up a database b. User logging into the system c. Restoring the database
20.What is a brief use case description?
An often one sentence description that provides a quick overview of a use case. b.
21.What is UML?
Is a general purpose modelling language, it is designed to provide a standard way to visualize the design of a system?
b. Unified Modeling Language. It is the industry standard for object oriented modeling.
22.What is the purpose of UML use case diagrams
Use case diagrams provide a graphical view of use cases and the actors that invoke those use cases. They provide a nice overview of use cases. They can organize use
cases together in meaningful ways.
23.What is another name for “actor” in UML, and how is it represented on a use case diagram?
a. An actor is also an external agent. b. In a use case diagram, it is represented as a stick figure.
24.What is the automation boundary on a use case diagram, ad how is it represented?
a. The automation boundary is the boundary system between the automated system, i.e. the application and the external world, including the actors. It is represented by
a rectangular boundary box.
25.How many actors can be related to a use case on a use case diagram?
As many as necessary. All those that use that particular use case.
26.Why might a systems analyst draw many different use case diagrams when reviewing use case with end users?
An analysis will draw different use case diagrams to organize the use cases in different ways to illustrate different subsystems, or departments, or work associations.
27.What is the <<includes>> relationship between two use cases?
The <<includes>> relationship is where one use case effectively uses the services of another use case. It is as though one use case were embedded within another user
Sample Exam
What is a model and give two reasons why a systems analyst might create a model?
A model can come in many shapes, sizes, and styles. It is important to emphasize that a model is not the real world but merely a human construct to help us better
understand real world systems. In general, all models have an information input, an information processor, and an output of expected results.
1.Reducing complexity by abstraction 2. Remembering all the details
Explain the difference between operational and executive stakeholders.
Operational stakeholders use the system to carry out the business processes and functions. Executive stakeholders might require information and reports about the data
within the system, but not not use the system for business functions.
Explain the difference between a system sequence diagram and a sequence diagram. System Sequence Diagram handles the system as a black-box, all you have to make
is to list the input and the output without caring about the system functionalities. On the other hand, Sequence diagram is a behavioral model, it cares about the
functionalities of the system, one diagram describes a function from the system in detail. Sequence diagrams are really useful for many types of people like ordinary users,
analysts, developers, and quality assurance engineers.
Describe how structured analysis view of a system differs from object-oriented analysis The goal of OOAD is to improve system quality and productivity of systems
analysis and design by making it more usable. Objects are grouped into classes to share structural and behavioural characteristics. OOAD also incorporates the use of
inheritance; it allows the creation of new classes that share the characteristics of existing classes. Similar to the agile methodologies, the object-oriented approach to
systems development is similar in the way of iterative development approach.1 In the analysis phase, object-oriented models are used to fill the gap between a problem
and the solution. The aim, in essence, is to transform the use cases into analysis model to realize the associated goals.
Briefly explain what is meant by Dialog Metaphor in Human Computer Interaction.
A metaphor of HCI in which interacting with the computer is much like carrying on a conversation or dialog. The user asks the computer for something, and the computer
responds. The computer might then ask the user for something, and the user responds. The text provides an example that describes a manager and an assistant carrying
on a conversation about messages (see Figure 7-3). This dialog would be basically the same if the manager were interacting with a computer that talked, or if the manager
were interacting with a computer with menus and dialog boxes. Therefore, designing a natural sequence of interactions, like a dialog, will help ensure usability in a final
physical design.
What is the difference between a static and a dynamic model in UML.
Static (or structural) view: emphasizes the static structure of the system using objects, attributes, operations and relationships. The structural view includes class
diagrams and composite structure.
Dynamic (or behavioral) view: emphasizes the dynamic behavior of the system by showing collaborations among objects and changes to the internal states of objects. This
view includes sequence diagrams, activity diagrams and state machine diagrams.
What does the perfect technology assumption state?
The perfect technology assumption states that events should be included during analysis only if the system would be required to respond under perfect conditions—that
is, with equipment never breaking down, capacity for processing and storage being unlimited, and people operating the system being completely honest and never
making mistakes. Basically, the perfect technology assumption prevents analysts from worrying about systems controls until later during the design phase
Explain what information is captured in a domain model class diagram.
Class diagram describes the attributes and operations of a class and also the constraints imposed on the system. The class diagrams are widely used in the modeling of
object oriented systems because they are the only UML diagrams, which can be mapped directly with object-oriented languages.
What is an association class and why is it needed? Illustrate your answer using an example and a diagram.
In UML diagrams, an association class is a class that is part of an association relationship between two other classes. You can attach an association class to an association
relationship to provide additional information about the relationship. An association class is identical to other classes and can contain operations, attributes, as well as
other associations.
A state machine can sometimes be in a composite state. Explain what is a composite state and give an example.
Composite State. Generally, composite state is defined as state that has substates (nested states). Substates could be sequential (disjoint) or concurrent (orthogonal).
UML 2.4 defines composite state as the state which contains one or more regions.
Describe two main differences between Unit Testing and Integration Testing. Explain how Unit Testing relates to Integration Testing.
Unit testing checks a single component of an application. The behavior of integration modules is considered in the Integration testing. The scope of Unit testing is narrow,
it covers the Unit or small piece of code under test. Therefore, while writing aunit test shorter codes are used that target just a single class.
Describe the metaphors of Interface Design
In user interface design, an interface metaphor is a set of user interface visuals,
actions and procedures that exploit specific knowledge that users already have of
other domains. The purpose of the interface metaphor is to give the user
instantaneous knowledge about how to interact with the user interface.

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