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Simulation model of grid connected rooftop solar power



Prateek Shrivastava (0901EE15079)

Neetesh Sharma (0901EE151069)
Vaibhav Agarwal (0901EE151115)
Himanshu Pandey (0901EE151050)

Under the guidance of

DR. A.K.Wadhwani

Department of Electrical Engineering


GWALIOR (M.P.) – 474005

Madhav Institute of Technology & Science,
Gwalior (M.P.)
(A Govt. Aided UGC Autonomous & NAAC Accredited Institute,
Affiliated To R.G.P.V, Bhopal)

We hereby declare that the work presented in this project entitled ‘Simulation model of
grid connected rooftop solar power plant’which is being submitted in the partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Bachelor of Engineering in
Electrical Engineering is an authentic record of our own work carried out under the
guidance of Dr. A.k.Wadhwani Professor, Electrical Engineering Department.
The matter presented in this project has not been submitted else where by us for the
award of any other degree.
Student1: Prateek Shrivastava (0901EE15079)
Student2: Neetesh Sharma (0901EE151069)
Student3: Vaibhav Agarwal (0901EE151115)
Student4: Himanshu Pandey (0901EE151050)

Date: 22-april-2019
Place: Gwalior

This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidates is correct to the best
of my knowledge and belief.
Guided by

DR. A.K.Wadhwani

Department of Electrical Engineering

MITS, Gwalior
Approved by Forwarded by

Dr. Laxmi Srivastava Dr. R. K. Pandit

Professor and Head Director MITS, Gwalior
Department of Electrical Engineering
MITS, Gwalior

1. Introduction ..................................................................................................... 4-9
1.1 What is Solar Energy............................................................................................ 4
1.2 How Solar Energy is Converted to Electricity ..................................................... 6
1.3 How Solar Panels Work ....................................................................................... 6
1.4 Solar radiations ......................................................................................................7
1.5 Considerations to keep in mind before Installing Solar Panels ............................ 7
1.6 Environmental Impact ........................................................................................... 7
1.7 Potential Overview ................................................................................................ 8
2. Literature Review .................................................................................................. 10-11
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Overview ...............................................................................................................10
2.3 Net Metring ...........................................................................................................11
3. Software Development ......................................................................................... 12-18
3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Description ...........................................................................................................13
3.2.1 PV Array ............................................................................................................13
3.2.2 Solar irradiation ................................................................................................ 13
3.2.3 DC Chopper ..................................................................................................... 14
3.2.4 Three phase inverter ........................................................................................ 15
3.2.5 Triggering Circuit .............................................................................................. 16
3.2.6 Three phase transformer .................................................................................. 17
3.2.7 Interconnected Grid system.............................................................................. 18
4. Results & Discussion ........................................................................................... 19-22
4.1 Result................................................................................................................... 19
4.2 Discussion ........................................................................................................... 22
5. Conclusion & Future scope ..................................................................................... 23
5.1 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 23
5.2 Future scope ........................................................................................................ 23
6. References ................................................................................................................24


1.1 What is Solar Energy

Scientific findings showed that the earth intercepts 173 trillion terawatts of solar power.
That is ten thousand more power than the entire world population utilizes. This shows
that the sun is the most plentiful source of energy on the entire globe and that it can be
used as the most reliant source of energy.

The world’s electrical needs have been fulfilled by fossil fuels like coal, natural gas, and
oil. On the other hand these energy sources have two main negative impacts:

These play a bigger role in acid rain and global warming pollution, which negatively
impacts many plants, animals, and humans in the ecosystem.
Few countries have full access to fossil fuel-based energy resources, which can lead to
global economic and political instability.

Solar energy isthe best alternative , which is a renewable resource, meaning it will not
become unavailable. It provides an unlimited, steady supply through time. Solar energy
is also a green source of energy because it does not emit pollutants during the energy
production process and keeps the environment clean.

“Solar energy is produced by the sun in the form of heat and light”. It is the most
renewable and readily available source of energy on planet Earth. The fact that it is
available in plenty and free makes it one of the most important of the non-conventional
sources of energy. Solar energy has been used by human being since ancient times by
using simple magnifying glasses to concentrate the light of the sun into beams so hot
they would cause wood to catch fire and even in solar cookers.

Solar energy can be used to convert it into electricity or it can be converted into heat
energy. Solar energy is energy harnessed from the sun. It’s harnessed in 2 main ways:

1. Through production of electricity:
This technique utilizes Solar Photovoltaic (PV) modules or solar cells that convert the
sun’s energy into electricity. Photovoltaic modules produce electricity from the sun
rays through an electronic process that naturally occurs in particular material types
known as semiconductors.
Electrons contained in semiconductor materials are excited by solar rays andallowed to
travel via an electrical circuit, sending power to the grid or directly powering electrical
devices or storing power in the batteries . This form of energy can be used to power
solar street lights,calculators or traffic signals. They are useful in remote locations that
are not connected to electricity grid

2. Solar collector devices:

A solar thermal collector harnesses heat by absorbing the sun rays. This technique
harnesses the sun’s energy to heat up water (solar hot water panels) for home and
personal use such as water heaters, hot tubs, and swimming pools. The concentrated
solar power plants utilize the more complex collectors to produce electricity by heating
a liquid to turn a turbine connected to a generator. Simple collectors are normally
utilized in commercial and residential buildings for space heating.

The solar energy converted into electricity can be instantly used to power lights or
many other appliances. It can be stored in batteries for future use or can be given to
grid. Solar cells generate DC type electricity. However, it can be converted into AC
using a device known as an inverter. Solar energy converted into heat energy for the
purpose of water heating can be utilized instantly or stored as hot water in tanks to be
used later. Solar energy is very useful in the remote locations and villages where
connectivity of grid is not feasible.

1.2 How Solar Energy is Converted to Electricity-:

The first step to convert solar energy to electricity is to install Photovoltaic (PV) cells
or solar cells. Photovoltaic means light and electricity. These cells collect the sun’s
energy and convert it into electricity through an electronic process. These solar cells are
made of semiconductor materials that show photovoltaic effect, meaning when the sun

rays strike the Photovoltaic cell, the photons of light excite the electrons inside the cell
and triggering them to start flowing, ultimately producing electricity.
To buy solar panels there are different options available in the marketplace. Here is an
outline of the main one’s with feasible cost and high efficiencies:

• Polycrystalline– This utilizes Multi-crystalline Silicon

• Monocrystalline – this has high efficiency
• Thin Film – Typically bigger in size and a lot more efficient during the day

The disparity between the material used to manufacture monocrystalline and

polycrystalline lies in the constitution of the silicon substrate utilized to manufacture
solar cells and ultimately, solar panels. Accordingly polycrystalline implies numerous
crystals on the other hand mono-crystalline implies a single crystal. The larger the
crystal sizes, the more efficient the solar cells, which explains the reason
monocrystalline cells are normally 10 – 15% more efficient than the polycrystalline

1.3 How Solar Panels Work

Solar panel works by allowing photons, or particles of light, to knock electrons free
from atoms, generating a flow of electricity. Itactually comprise of manysmaller units
called photovoltaic cells. The solar panel should be mounted on an open area that is not
obstructed by trees or any installation. A roof is normally the best bet. It’s then wired
into the building through the inverter. The inverter is a device that converts AC
(alternating current) to DC (direct current). So, in this case, the direct current is the
energy created by the solar panels. This solar energy is converted into AC. The reason
for converting the direct current into alternating current is to enable the energy to be
used by various home appliances and connect it to the grid or form a grid hybrid system
to provide energy at peak times.

1.4 Solar Radiation

Incoming solar radiation from the sun, is modified as it travels through the
atmosphere and specifically known as air mass AM, average solar radiation
reaching earth’s surface is 1.5AM.Solar radiation is further modified by and

surface features and topography, and is intercepted at the earth's surface as direct,
diffuse, and reflected components. Direct radiation is intercepted on the earths
surface in a direct line from the sun. Diffuse radiation reaching earths surface is
scattered by atmospheric constituents, such as clouds and dust. Reflected radiation
reaching is reflected from surface. The sum of the diffuse,direct and reflected
radiation is called total or global.

1.5 Considerations to Keep in Mind Before Installing Solar Panels

Before taking any step to install solar panel in our home, make sure the solar power
befits us and our home. Then, ensure that sufficient sunlight is available in our locality.
The availability of solar energy varies considerably with how much sun an area
receives. It depends on hourly solar radiation, daily solar radiation and monthly solar
radiation data. If our area does not receive sufficient sunlight, investing in solar panels
will not be the best cause of action.

After examining that our area receives adequate sunlight, make sure installation space
is available. We’ve learned that solar panels are typically set on roofs of buildings.
While this is desirable, it’s not the only option. If you have an open space in your
backyard, it would be an ideal place for ground mounts. The backyard option is ideal
for those whose roofs are heavy shaded or not structurally essential for solar panels. It
is compulsory to know the local laws regarding solar panel installation to avoid getting
into trouble with the local authorities. We can get these information from our local solar
energy consultant.

1.6 Environmental Impact

Solar energy is considered as one of the cleanest renewable sources of energy among
the available sources, however it has some environmental impacts. The manufacturing
of the photovoltaic cells requires silicon and produce some waste products to produce
that energy. Inappropriate handling of these materials may lead to hazardous exposure
to the environment and humans. Installing solar power plants may require large piece of
land that impacts existing ecosystems and environment. Solar energy does not pollute
the air and the atmosphere. It is found in infinite quantity and does not cause global

1.7 Potential Overview
Madhya Pradesh:
The Government of Madhya Pradesh(GoMP) has taken record of the impact for the
growing of climate changes at the local, national and global levels and taking steps to
lead to this, the GoMP has decided to use its vast potential for Solar energy. The state
of Madhya Pradesh is enrich with high Solar radiation with around 300 days of clear
sun and offers good sites with potential of more than 5.5 kWh/ sq.m./day for
installation of Solar based projects.
In this context, the state of Madhya Pradesh joined a pioneer movement towards
adoption and promotion of renewable sources of power as a potential solution to the
alarming energy crisis and a pro-active approach by promotion of Solar projects in the
College Name-: Madhav Institute of Technology & Science
District-: Gwalior
State-: Madhya Pradesh
Latitude-: 26˚13´23.30´´N
Longitude-: 78˚11´25.26´´E

Above data from MNRE & ISRO


2.1 Introduction
Solar energy from the Sun gives life to human beings and all living organism on planet
Earth. The existence of an atmosphere with greenhouse gases (GHG) between the Sun
and the Earth is responsible for the survival of human beings in the terrestrial region.
The Sun is responsible for all renewable energy sources on Earth, which meet the needs
of human being. Solar radiation is treated as an electromagnetic wave with wavelength
between 0.30 and 3 μm as well as photons in a visible wave length. These solar
radiation are trapped by the solar cells and converts it into electrical energy, which is
fed to grid.The following figure shows the block diagram of solar PV array connected
to grid, using converters and inverters.

Fig. 2.1 Block diagram of Solar PV module connected to grid

2.2 Overview
Various algorithms are carried out in the building of integrated photovoltaic system’s
performance reveal that an average losses of about 20%-25% in electricity production.
These are caused mainly due to partial shadows, mismatching losses and variation in
current-voltage (I-V) characteristics, difference in inclination of solar surfaces, and
temperature effects. These losses can be minimized by means of suitable electronics
devices, a low cost high efficiency dc-dc boost converter and dc-ac converter with net
metering functions. Analysis on simulation of grid connected PV system were

PV inverter, which plays a very important role in the operation of the PV system, is
used to convert dc power obtained from the PV array into ac power which would be fed
into the grid. The output of the PWM inverter can be improved by reducing its
respective harmonic content, and hence the size of the filter used and the interference
due to the switching action of the inverter. In recent times, multilevel inverters have
become more attractive due to their advantages over conventional PWM inverters.

In this system we have not used battery to reduce the cost of the system.

2.2 Net-Metering
In this system, we have a single new bi-directional meter. When we consume
electricity from the grid, the meter readings will move forward (positive); but, when we
produce electricity and send it to the grid, the meter readings shall move backward
(negative). Suppose we consume 10 units per day and produce 8 units, our meter will
show a reading of 2 units. And if we use 10 units of electricity and produce 12 units,
then our meter will show -2 units. Our bill at the end of month will be based on net
units consumed/produced. If we generate extra electricity in any month, the surplus is
carried over to the next month and netted. At the end of a year, if our total production is
more than, that what we consumed, then we will get paid for the next surplus electricity
produced at the cost decided by our state’s electricity regulatory commission


3.1 Introduction
This model proposes a method of modelling/simulation of rooftop grid connected solar
Photovoltaic (PV) arrays. The main objective here is to achieve a circuit based
simulation model of a solar Photovoltaic (PV) power plant in order to estimate the
electrical power output of the practical rooftop solar power plant with respect to change
in environmental parameters like irradiation and temperature. The proposed method is
implemented in MATLAB/Simulink environment and the results reveal the array
output power, the power has maximum pick with respect to the voltage for particular
environmental condition. The following model is implemented using

Fig. 3.1 Figure shows the simulation model

3.2 Description
The above figure shows the simulation model of grid connected roof top solar PV
module with the concept of net metering .i.e. we calculate the net energy which the
system pay to the grid or get from the grid.
Following are the components of the model.

3.1.1 PV array
The main element of a PV System is the photovoltaic (PV) cell, that is also called a
Solar Cell. It convert solar energy into DC electricity through photovoltaic effect.
To increase their utility, a number of individual PV cells are interconnected together in
a sealed, weatherproof package called a Panel (Module).
In order to obtain the desired voltage and current, Modules are wired in series and
parallel ,this combine system is called PV Array, parallel connection is used to
increase current level while series connection is used to get desired voltage level. This
flexibility of the solar PV system allows designers to create solar power systems that
can meet a wide variety of electrical needs.

Parallel strings Series strings Maximum power

66 5 318.354 x 71= 22578 W

3.2 Table of solar PV array.

3.2.2 Solar irradiation

It is measure of how much solar power we are getting at our location. The time
integration of solar irradiance over a period of time is known as solar irradiation
Solar Irradiance can be measured in space and Earth’s surface .In space Irradiation is a
function of distance from sun and at the Earth’s surface irradiation reached after
atmospheric absorption and scattering which depends upon the tilt of measuring surface
,height of sun from horizontal surface and also on earth atmospheric condition .
Angle of Solar Radiation and Temperature.

The seasonal temperatures on earth surface is mainly influences by the angle of

incoming solar irradiation, due to different latitude the angle of incoming radiation

varies .the surface temperatures at smaller latitudes is warmer while at higher latitudes
the temperature is cooler .

3.3 Fig of Irradiance and temperature.

3.2.3 DC Chopper
A dc chopper (Dc equivalent transformer ) is a device that converts fixed DC input
voltage to a variable DC output voltage .Essentially, a chopper is an electronic switch
that is used to interrupt one signal directly. under the control of another.

Fig. 3.4 Figure of Dc Chopper

Pulse width modulation

The control strategies the are used in Dc chopper to obtain the control output voltage
from the fixed input voltage are .

1. Pulse width modulation control (constant frequency control)

2. Time period control(Varying frequency control)

In pulse width modulation technique the pulse width (either ton Or toff) is varied
keeping chopping frequency ‘f’ and hence chopping period ‘T’ constant. Therefore
output voltage is varied by varying the ON time, tON . Figure shows the output voltage
waveforms for different ON times .
Fig. 3.5 Figure of Pulse Width Modulation

3.2.4 Three phase voltage source inverter

When a DC source (voltage or current) is available an inverter can be used to convert
the energy to an AC source, To invert the direct current voltage to alternating current
voltage the opposite process of the rectifying process should be done. There are two
conduction mode of operation in order to get stepped ac voltage waveform at output .
1-180 degree conduction mode
2-120 degree conduction mode
But here we concerns our focus only on 180 conduction mode due to its advantages of
high output voltage .
The circuit configuration of a three-phase inverter as shown in Figure consists of three
poles. Each pole is switched independently of each other, and the two switches in each
pole are alternately switched. However, in order to obtain three-phase voltages, each
pole voltage should be displaced from each other by 120 electrical degrees. In given
switching arrangement out of six switches three switch always conduct at a time and
each switch conduct for 180 degree .the switching arrangement is given as
123, 234, 345, 456, 561, 612,and again 123 so on.

Fig. 3.6 Figure of Three Phase Inverter

3.2.5 Triggering circuit of inverter(VSC)

The DC bus voltage is regulated by three level Voltage Source Convertor (VSC) and it
also keeps power factor at unity .it uses the control system which further consist of two
control loop. one is external control loop and another is internal control loop . The DC
link voltage is regulated by external control loop whereas the active and reactive
current components are regulated by an internal control loop. To control the current of
inverter of each phase we use PI compensator.Here we use three level VSC to reduce
harmonic content in output voltage instead of two level VSC.

Fig. 3.7 block diagram of vsc

Id current reference is the output of external control loop and Iq current is set to zero
in order to maintain power factor at unity.
Vd and Vq voltage are outputs of current loop, which are converted to three
modulating signals .these modulating signals are used by three –level PWM pulse
The synchronization control over the grid voltages is achieved by the three –phase
locked loop(PLL).

Fig. 3.8 Figure of VSC

3.2.6 Three phase transformer (100KVA,260V / 25KV)

The three phase setup transformer is used to raise the voltage level from 260 Volt to
25KV in order to maintain voltage matching with grid system .the input of three phase
transformer is connected from inverter system’s output .

Fig. 3.9 figure of transformer

3.2.7 Interconnected Grid System( 25KV,2500MVA)

The connection of several generating stations in parallel is known as interconnected
grid system.
Grid interconnection of photovoltaic power generation system has the advantage of
more effective utilization of generated power. However, the technical requirements
from the utility power system grid side and PV system side need to be satisfied, to
ensure the safety of PV installer and the reliability of utility grid .
Conditions for grid interfacing or synchronizing the SPV system with a grid are ,
1. Phase sequence matching-Phase sequence of SPV system with conventional
grid should be meshed.
2. Frequency matching –Frequency of the SPV system should be same as grid
.Generally grid is of 50 Hz frequency
3. Voltage matching -voltage level of both systems should be same.

Fig. 3.10 Figure of interconnected grid

There are two meters connected in our simulation model one is called import
meter another is exportmeter. Now from these we can conclude that the reading
of net meter are ,
Export meter reading – Import meter reading =power fed to the grid from solar PV
So now we can determine what amount of energy is fed to the grid from solar power.
That much of tariff will differ from conventional power tariff. Time Temperature Irradiance Power Power Power

(sec) c generated by grid consumed
by solar by load
1 0.5 38 1000 85.45kw - 100.06kw
2 1 38 2000-1000 118.01 11.92 100
kw kw kw

4.1 Table of net power Time Temperature Irradiance Energy Energy Energy
(sec) c generated by grid consumed
by solar by load
1 0.5 38 1000 43.32kwh -6.68 50kwh
2 1 38 2000-1000 111.92 11.92 100
kwh kwh kwh

4.2 Table of net energy

` Fig. 4.3 Graph of power for 0.5 sec.

4.4 Graph of energy for 0.5 sec

Fig. 4.5.Graph of power for 1 sec

Fig. 4.6 Graph of energy for 1 sec

Here net power and energy are calculated with the help of net metering , we have a load
of 100kw. Which is connected between solar module output and grid of 25kv 2500Mva.
We get result as above .when power generated by PV module is more than the power
consumed by load then excess power goes to grid, On the other hand if the power
generated by PV module is less than the power consumed by the load the the load
consumes remaining power from the grid .
We can recover the cost of investment in almost six to seven years and the average life
of a solar pannels is appx. twenty five years. So in remaning fifteen to eighteen years
we are going to make profit.


In this paper, the installation of solar panels on roof tops is being proposed to reduce
the energy consumption from the non renewable sources. Solar power has the
flexibility that it can be used anywhere and everywhere. The work is to be carried out in
a college building with an aim to cater to the electricity demand through the solar
power. It was concluded that the initial set up of solar power generation is costly but it
is a viable solution for sustainable operation of the building.
It can be a great method to not only reduces electricity bills, but also the generated
power can be routed to places which have a shortage of electricity.


Generation of solar energy has vast scope in India. The geographical location of the
country has its large benefits for generating solar energy.Solar Energy generation that
contribute largely in Green Energy Production to help to reduce the Climatic Changes
in the country and full fill the deficit demand of power generation.
Improvement to this project can be made by reducing the harmonics generated during
synchronization with the grid.


6. Akshay urja magazine


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