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Question Bank - 2 Marks and 13 marks

Unit - I

1. What is marketing?
Marketing is an organizational function and a set of process for creating, communicating
and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationship in ways that benefit
the organization and its stakeholders.

2. What is marketing management?

Marketing management is the art and science of choosing target customers and getting,
keeping and growing customers through creating, delivering and communicating superior
customer value.

3. What is Consumerism?
Refers to the consumer movement to seeking, to protect and inform consumers

4. Define customization.
It means offering customized, personalized and tailor made products or services.

5. What is the basic concept of marketing?

Need, Want, Demand, Product, Exchange, Cost, Value, Price, Satisfaction

6. What is product concept?

Product concept holds that consumers will favour those products that offer the most
quality, performance or innovative features.

7. What is production concept?

Production concept holds that consumers will prefer products that are widely available
and inexpensive.

8. What is selling concept?

The selling concept holds that consumers and business, if left alone, will ordinarily not buy
enough of organization‟s products. The organization must therefore undertake an aggressive
selling and promotions effort.

9. What is marketing concept?

The marketing concept holds the key to achieve the organizational goals consists of the
company being more effective than competitors in creating, delivering, and communicating
superior customer value to its chosen target markets.

10. What are the factors affecting macro marketing environment?

1. Demographic environment 2. Economic environment 3. Social cultural environment 4.
Natural environment 5. Political and legal environment 6. Technological environment

11. Define „Marketing Myopia‟.

It refers to the excessive preoccupation with product, manufacturing or selling by the marketer.

12. What is exchange?

Process of obtaining a desired product from someone by offering something in return.

13. What is transaction?

When an exchange is complete, it is called a transaction.

14. Define metamediaries.

It refers to the intermediaries who assist buyers in meta-market.
15. What are the factors affecting micro marketing environment
1. Suppliers 2. Competitors 3. Marketing Intermediaries 4. Customers 5. Public

16. What is meta-market?

Meta-market refers to complementary goods and services that are related in the minds of

17. Differentiate between marketing and selling.

Sl No Marketing Selling
1 Marketing starts with the buyer Selling starts with the seller
2 Seeks to convert customer needs Seeks to convert products in to
in to a products cash
3 Views business as a „customer Views business as a goods
satisfying process‟ producing process‟
4 Consumer determines price Cost determines price
5 Emphasis on innovation in every Emphasis on staying with the
sphere; on providing better existing technology and
technology. reducing costs.

18. What is Demarketing?

Demarketing is a marketing in which the task is to temporarily or permanently reduce
Demand. Marketing strategy followed when the objective is to decrease the consumption of a

19. List out the features of Marketing Concept.

• Consumer Orientation
• Integrated Marketing
• Long-term Profitability

20. What is societal marketing concept?

Satisfy the customers more effectively and efficiently than competitors in a way that preserves and
enhances the consumer’s and society’s long-term well being

21. What is internal marketing?

It is the task of hiring, training, and motivating able employees who seek to serve customers
well. It ensures that everyone in the organization embraces appropriate marketing principles.

22. What is marketing environment?

The external forces that influence the organization in implementing marketing plans

23. What is environmental scanning?

The process of collecting information about forces in the marketing environment
24. What is environmental analysis?
The process of assessing and interpreting the information gathered through environmental
13 marks

1. Discuss about the Core Concepts of Marketing:

Want and Demand
Value and satisfaction

2.Explain briefly about the Marketing Mix to which marketing decisions can be carried out.
4P's of the marketing mix Proposition for the services industry. The 4Ps of the marketing mix can
be discussed as:
 Product
 Price
 Place
 Promotion

3. Discuss about the Market environment that affect or affected by the organization
The internal environment is generally controllable, and is discussed in other parts of this text. The
external environment is components that are not controlled by the marketing manager or the
 Internal factor, these involve (5M's) Management, Manpower, Machine, Material and Money
 External factors, these include Macro factor and micro factors. Macro factors are the
one that affect the organization indirectly, these are PESTLE
 Social-cultural
 Technological environment
 Economic environment
 Political and Legal

4. Resource Requirements for Marketing Strategies and Plans

 Finance
 Production & Operations
 Accounting
 Human Resources

5. Discuss about the Marketing strategies adopted under various competitive positions:
• Market Leader
• Market Challenger
• Market Follower
• Market Nicher

6. Explain about the Global Marketing Environmentthat influences the business.

• Marketing Environment- consists of the actors and forces outside marketing
that affect marketing management’s ability to develop and maintain successful
relationships with its target customers.
– Microenvironment - forces close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers.
– Macro environment - larger societal forces that affect the whole microenvironment.
Types of Customer Markets:
International Markets, Consumer Markets, Business, Reseller, Government,
Responding to the Marketing Environment
• Environmental Management Perspective Taking a proactive approach to
managing the microenvironment and the macro environment by taking aggressive (rather
than passive) actions to affect the publics and forces in the marketing environment.

7. Describe about the types of analyzing the Business environment.

 SWOT Analysis:

 PESTLE analysis stands for - Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal, and


Porter's Analysis of Telecoms Industry.

 MOST Analysis:
a) Mission
b) Objective
c) Strategy
d) Tactics
 Resource Analysis
 Resource analysis helps identify the strengths and weakness of an
Organization. Resources fall into following main categories:
 Financial - Available funds and capacity to raise funds for new ventures.
 Human - Ability to use/scale existing staff or change by outsourcing, partnerships
 Physical - Available infrastructure, suppliers, assets, IT systems etc and ability
to raise new if required.
 Intangible - Brand recognition, Reputation, Goodwill are the main factors.


Unit - II
2 Marks
1. What is strategy?
„A unified, comprehensive and integrated plan designed to assure that the basic objectives of the
enterprise are achieved‟ - William F. Glueck

2. What is marketing strategy?

Marketing strategy is a plan of action for identifying and analyzing a target market and
developing a marketing mix to meet the needs of that market.

3. What is corporate planning?

Corporate planning determines the overall scope & direction of the entire organization. Top
management is responsible for corporate planning.

4. What is corporate mission?

Corporate mission is a statement of an organization‟s purpose. It embodies the entire goals of the
organization and the objective of its existence.

5. What is Strategic Business Unit (SBU)?

SBU is a division, product line, or other profit center within a parent company. It is different
from the rest of the company. It is a company within a company.

6. What is marketing opportunity analysis?

It is a process of analyzing the marketing opportunities with the help of a matrix. The matrix
has probability of success in one side and attractiveness in the other.

7. List out the key drivers of marketing strategy formulation.

• Customers
• Competitors
• Context

8. What is an organizational resource?

A resource is an asset, competency, process, skill or knowledge controlled by the organization.

9. What is an organizational capability?

Organizational capability is the firm‟s capacity or ability to integrate individual firm resources to
achieve a desired objective.

10. What is an organizational competency?

Organizational competency is their unique or special qualities that make it withstand competition or
adequate for its existence. Resources and capabilities manifest themselves in the form of competencies

11. What is distinctive competency?

Activities that a firm performs especially well compared to competitors. It the qualities through
which the firm adds unique value to its goods or services over a long period of time.

12. What is competitive advantage?

Competitive advantage is a firm’s ability to outperform its competitors and earn higher profits).
It is derived from the distinctive competencies.

13. List out the generic strategies.

• Overall Cost Leadership
• Differentiation
• Focus
14. What is cost-leadership strategy?
It is a strategy attempting to minimize costs in every aspect of the business. In this strategy the
firms try to outperform competitors by doing everything at a lower cost.
15. What is differentiation strategy?
It is a strategy attempting to differentiate its offering form its competitors. In this strategy the
firms try to create a product that customers perceive as unique in some important way.

16. What is focus strategy?

It is a strategy focusing to serve the needs of a limited customer group or segment. In this
strategy the firms try focus all its resources to effectively serve the selected target segment.

17. List out the competitive strategies?

• Market Leader Strategies
• Challenger Strategies
• Follower Strategies
• Nicher Strategies

18. What is service?

Service is an activity or benefit that one party can offer to another party in exchange of a value
without any transfer of ownership.

19. What are the characteristics of services?

 Intangibility
 Heterogeneity
 Perishability
 Inseparability

20. List the factors determining service quality?

1. Reliability 2.Responsiveness 3.Assurance 4.Empathy 5. Tangibles.

22. What are competitive forces?

A set of factors that directly influences a company and its competitive actions and responses.

23. List out the competitive forces.

 Threat of new entrants
 Power of suppliers
 Power of buyers
 Product substitutes
 Intensity of rivalry

24. List out the types of competitors based on reaction.

 Slow reactor
 Selective Competitor
 Tough Competitor
 Unpredictable Competitor

25. What is system selling?

System selling is a process in which a single seller provides the buyer with his or her Entire

26. List out the types of business customer segments.

 Price-Oriented Customers
 Solution Oriented Customers
 Gold-Standard Customers
 Strategic-value Customers
27. What is collaborative strategy?
It is a strategy focus on trust and commitment leading to true partnership between the business marketer
and the business customer.
28. What is organizational buying?
Decision making process by which organizations establish the need for purchasing products
and services; then identify, evaluate and select best possible brands and suppliers.

29. What is a Global Firm?

A firm that operates in more than one country and captures R&D, production, logistical,
marketing, and financial advantages in its costs and reputation that are not available to purely
Domestic competitors.

30. What is Global Marketing?

Doing business in more than one country or on a global level and offers same or
Different market offerings.

13 Marks

1. Discuss the elements of marketing strategy

 Marketing Mix
 Resources of the firm
 Competitive consciousness
 Scoring over competition

2. Explain Marketing strategy Formulation

 Segment the market
 Select the target market
 Positioning the offer
 Assembling the market mix

3. Elaborate the key drivers of marketing Strategy

 Competition
 Political trends
 Technological advancement
 Economic growth and stability
 Legal and regulatory issues
 Socio culture trends

4. Explain factors affecting overall marketing strategies.

 Competitors counter move
 Synergistic potential
 Substitutability
 Diversity in production levels
 Elasticity of marketing inputs

5. Strategies for industrial and consumer marketing

 Industrial Marketing
- Product
- Price
- Place (Channel Strategy)
- Promotion
- Target market
 Consumer marketing
- Marketing product or services
- Create Place strategy
- Extraordinary USP
- Relationship Marketing
- Pricing
- Promotional Strategy.

6. What are the Characteristics of Services marketing and explain its strategies
 Intangibility
 Inseparability
 Variability
 Perishability
 Dealing with intangibility of services
 Dealing with inseparability of services
 Dealing with Heterogeneity of services
 Dealing with inventory of services

7. Explain Porters 5 Force Model

8. Briefly explain the strategic Marketing Mix
 Product
 Place
 Price
 Promotion
 People
 Process
 Physical Environment


Unit – III
2 Marks

1. What is segmentation?
The act of dividing a market into smaller groups of buyers with distinct needs,
characteristics, or behaviors who might require separate products and/or marketing mixes.

2. What is segment marketing?

A market segment consists of a group of customers who share a similar set of needs and

3. Define benefit segmentation.

Consumers can be segmented on the basis of benefits they look for in the product or service. A bike
may give different benefits namely economical transportation, Status, convenience. This type of
segmentation is called benefit segmentation.

4. What is Niche marketing?

A niche is a more narrowly defined customer group seeking a distinctive mix of benefits.
Marketers usually identify niches by dividing a segment in to sub segments.

5. What is local marketing?

Target marketing is leading to marketing programs tailored to the needs and wants of local
customer groups.

6. What is Customerization?
Customerization combines operationally driven mass customization with customized
marketing in a way that empowers consumers to design the product and service offering of their

7. What is target market?

Segments which provide the greatest opportunity and the marketer decide to operate on

8. What is positioning?
Positioning is the act of designing the company’s offering and image to occupy a
distinctive place in the minds of target market.

9. What is point of parity?

Point of parity is the associations that are not necessarily unique to the brand but may intact
be shared with other brands.

10. What is point of difference?

Point of difference is attributes or benefits consumers strongly associated with a brand,
positively evaluate, and believe that they could not find to the same extent with the competitive brand.

11. What is product support service?

Services that support the product and add value.

12. What is product mix?

The full set of products offered by an organization. It includes
• Width: number of product lines
• Length: total number of items in mix
• Depth: number of product variants
• Consistency: degree to which product lines are related

13. What is package?

Package includes all the activities of designing and producing the container or wrapper
for a product.

14. What is trading up in product line strategy?

It is a strategy to offer high end, high priced prestige products along with the existing
products in the product line.

15. What is a Line modernizing?

It is a process of modernizing the product line by making improvements in the
product or package.

16. What is service differentiation?

Differentiation based on product support services

17. What is Line featuring?

It is a process of highlighting one or few product items by promotional activities in order to
increase its sales or building brand image

18. What is Line pruning?

It is a process of identifying and eliminating the product item or line that yield no profits.

19. What is brand?

Brand is a name, term, sign, design or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods
or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of Competitors.

20. What is brand equity?

Brand equity is the added value endowed to products and services. This value
may be reflected in how consumer think, feel and act with respect to the brand as well
as the prices, market share, and profitability that the brand commands for the firm.

21. What are brand elements?

Brand elements are those trademarks devices that serve to identify and differentiate the brand.

22. What is brand audit?

Brand audit is consumer focused exercise that involves a series of procedures to asses the
health of a brand.

23. What is line extension?

Line extension is a process of using a parent brand name for a new product that is closely
related with the existing product by way of new flavor, colors, added ingredients or package size.
Ex: Fare Ever Ayurveda

24. What is Straight expansion strategy?

Straight expansion means introducing the product in the foreign market without any

25. What is brand extension?

Brand extension is brand names extended to new product categories.

26. What is co-branding?

It is a process by which two or more companies combine their brands to generate greater
exposure to their brands.

27. What is brand rejuvenation / repositioning?

It is a process of rejuvenating and repositioning an existing brand by product or package
improvement and modification according to changes in the environment.

28. What is umbrella branding?

When a group of products are given the same brand name, then it became
umbrella branding.
29. What is New Product Development?
It is the development of original products, product improvements, product
modifications, and new brands through the firm’s own R&D efforts.

30. What is market testing?

The new product is introduced in to an authentic setting to learn how large the
market is and how consumers and dealers react to handling, using and repurchasing the

31. What is consumer adoption?

Consumer adoption is an individual‟s decision to become a regular user of a

32. Who is consumer innovator?

He is a consumer who is the earliest purchasers of a new product.

33. What is product life cycle?

It is a graphical representation of stages every product goes through in its life.
They are 1. Introduction stage 2.Growth stage 3.Maturity stage 4.Decline stage.

34. What is penetration pricing?

Setting a Low Price for a New Product in Order to “Penetrate” the Market Quickly and
Deeply. Attract a Large Number of Buyers and Win a Larger Market Share.

35. What is skimming pricing?

Setting a High Price for a New Product to “Skim” Maximum Revenues from the Target
Market. Results in Fewer, But More Profitable Sales.

36. What is reference price?

It is any price that a consumer uses as a basis for comparison in judging another price.

37. What is perceived-value pricing?

It is the method of pricing in which price is determined on the basis of perceived value
of the Product or service by the consumers.

38. What is value pricing?

It is a pricing method in which the marketer charges a fairly low price for a high-quality
offering to win loyal customers.

39. What is value network?

A system of partnership and alliances that a firm creates to source, augment, and deliver
its offerings.

40. What is marketing channel?

They are group of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a
product or service available for use or consumption.

41. What is vertical marketing system?

It is a system where manufacturer, wholesaler and retailers act as a unified system.

42. What is advertising?

Advertising is a paid form of non-personal presentation and promotions of ideas,
goods or services by an identified sponsor.

43. Explain interactive advertising?

It is type of advertisement where the receiver has the option to interact with the
advertiser. It facilitates two-way communication.
44. What is sales promotion?
Sales promotion is a variety of short term incentives to encourage trial or purchase
of a product or service.

45. What is direct marketing?

Use of mail, telephone, fax, e-mail or internet to communicate directly with
or solicit response or dialogue from specific customers and prospects.

13 Marks

1. Elaborate the Classification of products.

 Based on Nature: Goods, Services, Ideas, Experience, Events, persons,
places, properties, organizations, information.
 Based on consumer intentions: Convenience product, Shoping product,
Specialty product, Unsought Products.
 Based on social benefit

2. Explain the concept and strategies of product mix with example.

 Product mix length
 Product mix width
 Product mix Depth
 Product mix Consistency
 Product expansion
 Product modification
 Product elimination

3. Explain the objectives and importance of product planning and development.

 To meet customer needs
 To guarantee firms survival
 To increase firms sales
 To ensure better resource utilization
 To spot strength and weakness

 Starting point of marketing programme
 Influence on the marketing activities
 Customer satisfaction
 Ensures profitability of the product
 Prediction of profit
 Successful production and marketing

4. Describe the stages in Product life cycle with example

 Introduction stage
 Growth stage
 Maturity stage
 Decline stage

5. Explain new product development process.

 Idea generation
 Idea Screening
 Concept development and testing
 Marketing strategy development
 Business Analysis
 Product development
 Market testing
 Commercialization

6. Why new products fail.

 Weakness in distribution
 Inadequate sales force
 Insufficient Marketing effort
 Competition
 Poor timing
 Higher cost
 Product defect
 Inadequate market analysis

7. Explain pricing types / policies and methods.

 Cost oriented: Cost plus pricing, Full cost pricing, Marginal pricing,
Break even pricing, Target pricing.
 Customer demand oriented: Bear pricing, Skimming pricing,
Penetration pricing
 Competition oriented: Going rate, Discount pricing, Premium pricing,
Competitive bid pricing.
 Other pricing methods : Value based pricing, Affordable based pricing,
prestige pricing, market and demand based pricing, Cycle pricing.

8. Explain the types and functions of distribution channel.

 Direct marketing channel
 Indirect marketing channel
 Multi-channel distribution channel
 Information provider
 Time and place utility
 Price stability
 Financing
 Help in production function
 Pricing
 Provide salesmanship
 Provide market intelligence
 Assortment of product
 Assist in merchandising.

9. Elements of promotion mix.

 Advertising
 Publicity
 Public relations
 Word of mouth
 Online marketing
 Direct marketing
 Sales promotion
 Personal selling

10. Characteristics and objectives of advertising

 Mass communication process
 Informative in action
 Persuasive in act
 Competitive Act
 Paid for
 Identified sponsor
 Non Personal presentation


 To increase demand
 To educate the masses
 To build brand preference
 To build Goodwill
 To support salesman
 To enter new geographical area
 To inform about changes in marketing mix.


Unit – IV
2 Marks

1. Define buyer behavior.

The behavior that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and
disposing of products, service, and idea
2. What influences consumer behavior?
A consumer’s buying behavior is influenced by cultural, social, and personal factors.

3. What do you mean by reference group?

A person’s reference group consists of all the groups that have a direct or indirect influence on
his attitudes or behavior.

4. What is the cultural factors influence buyer behavior?

1. Sub culture, 2. Social Satisfaction 3. Values, 4. Attitudes

5. What are the social factors influence the buying behavior?

1. Reference group 2. Family 3. Roles and status

6. What are the personal factors influence buyer behaviour?

1. Age and stage in the life cycle 2. Occupation and economic circumstances 3.Personality
and self-concept 4. Life styles

7. What are the steps involved in consumer buying process?

1. Problem recognition 2. Information search 3. Evaluation of alternatives 4. Purchase decision 5. Post
purchase behaviour

8. Differentiate between belief and attitude

Belief: A belief is a descriptive thought that a person holds about something.
Attitude: An attitude is a person‟s enduring favorable evaluation, emotional feeling and action
tendencies toward some object or idea.

9. What is organizational buying?

organizational buying as a decision making process by which formal organizations establish
the need for purchased products and services identify, evaluate, and choose among alternative brands
and suppliers.

10. What is derived demand?

Demand of a product is depend with the demand of another product. That is known as derived

11. What are the different industrial buying situations?

1. Straight rebuy 2. Modified Rebuy 3. New task

12. What is straight rebuy?

The purchasing department reorders on a routine basis and choose from suppliers on an
“approved list”

13. What is modified rebuy?

The buyer wants to modify product specifications, prices, delivery requirements or other terms.

14. What is new task?

A purchaser buyes a product or service for the first time. The grater the cost or risk, the larger
the number of the participants and the grater their information gathering.

15. What is buying center?

The buying center includes all members of the organization who play any of seven roles in the
purchase decision process and purchase decision.

16. What are the different roles of a buying center?

1. Initiator 2.User 3.Influencer. 4. Decider 5.Approver 6.Buyer 7.Gate keeper.
17. What are the stages in Industrial buying process?
1. Problem recognition 2.General needs description and product specifications 3.Supplier
search 4.E-Procurement 5.Proposal solicitation 6.Supplier section 7. Order- routine specification
8.Performance review.

18. Different types of buying behavior:

1. Routine response
2. Limited problem solving
3. Extensive problem solving

19. Define Impulse Buying.

Buying action undertaken without a problem previously having been consciously recognized or
without a buying intention formed prior to entering the store.

20. What is customer satisfaction?

It is a person’s feeling of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a product's
perceived performance (outcome) in relation to his or her expectation.

21. How do you measure customer satisfaction?

1. Periodic Survey
2. Customer Loss Rate
3. Mystery Shoppers
4. Monitor Competitive Performance

22. What is product and service quality?

Quality is the totality of features and characteristics of a product and a service that bear
on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs.

23. What do you mean by customer life time value?

Customer life time value describes the net present value of the stream of future profits expected
over the customer’s life time purchases.

24. What is customer relationship management?

CRM is process of managing detailed information about individual customers and carefully
managing all customer “touch point” to maximize customer loyalty.

25. What is customer touch point?

A customer touch point is any association on which a customer encounters the brand
and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to causal observation

26. What is frequency program?

Frequency programs are loyalty programs designed to provide rewards to
who buy frequently and in substantial amount

27. Customer relationship and its significance.

1. Loyal customer buy more products
2. Loyal customers are less price sensitive and pay less attention to competitors‟ ads
3. Servicing existing customers is cheaper
4. Loyal customer spread positive word-of-mouth and refer other customers

28. What is value analysis?

It is an approach to cost reduction in which components are carefully studied to
determine if they can be redesigned or standardize or made by cheaper method of
29. What is vendor analysis?
It is the process of analyzing the vendor using attributes. Each attributed is given
weightage based on its importance. Then the each vendor is analyzed.

30. What is online behavior?

The behavior individuals display while they search information and purchase products

13 Marks

1. Importance of consumer behavior.

 Product polices
 Price polices
 Decision Regarding channels of distribution
 Decision regarding sales promotion
 Exploiting marketing opportunities
 Rapid introduction of new product
 Implementing the marketing concept.

2. Consumer buying process

 Problem recognition
 Information search
 Evaluation of alternatives
 Purchase decision
 Post purchase behavior.

3. Buyer behavior model.

 Black box model
 Nicosia Model
 John Howard model
 Howard sheth model
 Engel -Kollat - Blackwell model

4. Participation in the industrial buying process.

 Initiator
 User
 Influencer
 Decider
 Approvers
 Buyers
 Gatekeepers.

5. Industrial buying process

 Problem recognition
 Need description
 Product specification
 Supplier search
 Proposal solicitation
 Supplier selection
 Purchase routine selection
 Post purchase evaluation.

6. Barriers in online buying

Issues related to..
 Customer service, Distribution and logistics
 Mode of payment
 Personalization
 Security
 Portal Design
 Ease of access
 Language problem
 Touch and feel
 Global business environment

7. Determinants of Customer satisfaction

 Product and service feature
 Consumer emotions
 Attribution to service success or failure.
 Perception of equity or fairness
 Other consumers, Family members and co-workers.


Unit – V
2 Marks

1. Define Marketing information system?

A Marketing information system is a set of procedures and sources managers use to obtain
every day information about developments in the marketing environment.
2. What is marketing intelligence?
It is a set of procedures and sources managers use to obtain everyday information about
developments in the marketing environment.

3. What is marketing decision support system?

The marketing decision support system collects and processes information using computer
software programs, advanced statistical tools and other such techniques to obtain a
scientific solution for marketing problem.

4. Mention different forms of internet advertising?

1. Banner ads 2.Sponserships 3.Microsite 4.Intersititials 5.Research related ads.

5. What is banner advertising?

Banner ads are small, rectangular boxes containing text and perhaps a picture.

6. What are sponsorships in internet ads?

Sponsorships are best placed in well targeted sites where they can offer relevant information
or service.

7. What is micro site?

A micro site is a limited area on the web managed and paid for by an external advertiser.

8. Define E-Marketing?
E-Marketing describes company effort to inform buyers, communicate, promote, and sell its
products and services over internet.

9. What is customer driven organization?

An organization which emphasizes understanding and satisfying needs, wants, and resources
of individuals and customers rather than those of mass markets/segments.

10. Define corporate social responsibilities.

The voluntary actions that corporate can take over and above compliance with minimum legal

11. What is marketing research?

Marketing research is defined as the systematic design, collection, and analysis and
reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation.

12. What are the steps involved in marketing research process?

1. Defining the problem and research objectives, 2. Developing the research plan 3. Collect the
information, 4. Analyze the information 5. Present the findings, 6. Make the decision.

13. Differentiate between Primary and Secondary data

Primary data: Primary data is a data that is freshly gathered for a specific purpose.
Secondary data: Data that were collected for another purpose and already exists somewhere.
14. What are the different approaches in primary data collection?
1. Observation, 2. Focus group, 3. Surveys, 4. Behavioral data, 5. Experiments

15. What are the different research instruments used in marketing research?
1. Questionnaire 2. Qualitative measures (attitude), 3. Mechanical devices (audio visual)

16. What are the different contact methods in marketing research?

1. Mail questionnaire, 2. Telephonic interview, 3. Personal interview, 4. Online interview.
17. What is e-mail marketing?
It is the process of sending marketing communication through e-mail.
18. What is search engine optimization?
The process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines
via "natural" ("organic“) search results.

19. What is social network or web community?

It is a virtual space on internet which provides online meeting place where people with similar
interests can communicate and find useful information.

20. What is interstitials?

They are advertisements that pop up between changes on a web site. They often include video
and animation.

13 Marks

1. Components of MIS
 Internal Marketing environment
 Marketing intelligence system
 Marketing research system
 Analysis and processing of information / analytical marketing system

2. Marketing research process

 Identifying and defining research problem
 Literature survey
 Formulation hypothesis
 Research design
 Sample design
 Collecting data
 Analysis and interpret the data
 Preparation of research report
3. Online marketing trends and techniques.
 E mail marketing
 Article marketing
 Display or Banner ads
 Social media marketing
 Mobile marketing
 Blog marketing
 Search engine optimization marketing.


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