Isolation and Characterization of Lectins From Stem and

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Arch. Pharm. Res. Vol.20, No.4, pp.

306-312, 1997

Isolation and Characterization of Lectins from Stem and

Leaves of Korean Mistletoe (Viscum album var. coloratura) by
Affinity Chromatography
Won-Bong Park, Seon-Kyu Han, Myung-Hwan Lee and Kwang-Ho Han
Department of Chemistry, Seoul Women's University, Seoul 139-774, Korea
(Received January 23, 1997)
We attempted to isolate and characterize the lectins from stem and leaves of Korean mistletoe
(Viscum a/bum var. coloratura) by affinity chromatography. Lectin I was isolated only from
stem. Lectin I1 was not isolated from Korean mistletoe, whereas lectin III was isolated from the
stem and leaves. The hemagglutinating activity of lectin I was 16HU and inhibited by D-galac-
tose, lactose, and N-acetyI-D-galactosamine. The lectin I has molecular weight of 60,000D be-
ing composed of two basic subunits with molecular weights of 32,000D and 28,000D which
are linked by a disufide bond. The lectin III from stem has molecular weight of 66,000D be-
ing two basic subunits which have molecular weights of 34,000D and 29,000D and are link-
ed by a disufide bond. The activity of lectin I was stable at the pH range of 4.00-8.50 and at
a wide range of temperature (0N42~ The lectin I showed more potent mitogenic activity to
murine lymphocytes than concanavalin A.
Key words : Hemagglutinating activity, Lectin, Korean mistletoe, Mitogenic, Affinity chromato-

INTRODUCTION groups. The A chain which is the toxic principle

blocks protein synthesis by inactivating the 60S su-
Mistletoe is a common semiparasistic plant which bunit of ribosome (Stirpe et al., 1980; Franz, 1986).
grows on deciduous trees all over the world. Since It is reported that European mistletoe (Viscum al-
the early twenties, an aqueous extract of European bum) contains three toxic lectins, ML I (mistletoe lec-
mistletoe (Viscum a/bum, L) has been used for the tin I), ML II and ML III (Franz et a/., 1986; Dietrich, et
treatment of cancer under the trade name of Iscador aL, 1992; J~ggy, et a/., 1995). ML I is mainly specific
(Evans et a/., 1973; Ribereau-Gayon eta/., 1986, Jung for D-galactose, ML III for N-acetylgalactosamine, and
et a/., 1990). The anticancer activities of mistletoe have ML II for both sugars. ML I, also called viscumin, in-
been ascribed to a combination of cytotoxic and im- creases the production of tumor necrosis factor-cz (TNF-
munological effects. Mistletoe treatments, unlike cy- c~), interleukin-1 (IL-1) and IL-6 by mononuclear cells.
totoxic drugs, are not immunosuppressive (Bloksma et It has been proposed that the biological activity of
a/., 1979; Khwaja et a/., 1981). Other work also sug- mistletoe preparations is due to ML I. The mechanism
gests that lectins from mistletoe have not only cyto- of the toxic effect of ML I is identical with that of ricin.
toxic properties but also immunostimulant properties First, ML I binds to the cell surface through the in-
in low concentrations. A possible correlation between teraction with its B chain and sugars which leads to
immunomodulation and antitumor activity has been dis- endocytosis of the lectin into the cell, and enzymatic
cussed and it has been the subject of clinical studies inhibition of ribosomes by the A chain occurs (Metzner,
(Pffiller et al., 1993). et aL, 1985).
It is well established that mistletoe contains a toxic While a number of investigations concerning the
lectin which is structurally and functionally related to European mistletoe (Viscum album) have been re-
abrin and ricin. Evidence has been presented that lec- ported, few studies of Koeran mistletoe (Viscum album
tins from mistletoe, like other plant toxins, consist of var. coloratura) have been performed (Manjikian et al.,
two polypeptide chains, the "A chain and B chain", 1986; Khwaja et al., 1986; Park eta/., 1994a, 1994b,
linked by disufides. The B chain has a sugar binding 1995). In this study, we attempted to isolate the lectin
affinity to galactose and N-acetylgalactosamine components from leaves and stem of Korean mistletoe
Correspondence to: Won-Bong Park, Department of Chem- by affinity chromatography and characterize their pro-
istry, Seoul Women's University, Seou1139-774, Korea perties.

Characterization of Lectins from Korean Mistletoe 307

MATERIALS A N D METHODS washed with 0.15 M NaCI. The affinity adsorbent

had been prepared by coupling human immuno-
Crude extract preparation globulin G to CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B (20 mg/
ml of gel). Lectin II was eluted with 0.2 M-D-galac-
For the isolation of lectins Korean mistletoe (Viscum
tose in 0.15 M NaCI. The fractions containing the he-
a/bum var. coloratura) grown on oaks was harvested
magglutinating protein were pooled, dialyzed against
in winter and identified by professor Sanghak Doh in
water. After the lectin II had been displaced from the
Dong-Duck Women's University. The sample was stor-
column, lectin Ill was eluted with 0.2 M glycine/HCI
ed at -20~ until use. The sample 100 g (frozen
buffer at pH 2.6. The fractions containing active ma-
leaves and stern respectively) was crushed and press-
terials were pooled and neutralized with Na2CO~.
ed between two rollers going in opposite directions
by vegetable juicer miller adding 500 ml of 50 mM Hemagglutination test
borax buffer (pH 8.0). The juice was precipitated with
saturated (NH4)2SO4 followed by centrifugation at 8000 The lectin solution was dialyzed to remove remain-
rpm for 20 rain. Precipitate was collected and dialyz- ing sugar and hemagglutination test was performed
ed against 50 mM borax buffer (pH 8.0) and cen- by a serial two-fold dilution method using a microti-
trifuged at 8000 rpm for 20 min. The supernatant was ter plate. Red blood cells were washed and resuspend-
concentrated using Amicon ultrafiltration kit and lyo- ed in saline to a 3% suspension. 50 ~1 of red blood
philized. The protein content of the sample was esti- cell suspension was added to the 50 ~1 of lectin solu-
mated by BCA assay. tions in a serial dilution and the plate was incubated
at 37~ for t h. The definition of hemagglutination
Isolation of lectins I, II and III unit (HU) is the maximum number of a serial two-
fold dilution of lectin solution showing hemag-
The isolation procedure of lectins I, II, and III is glutinating activity.
shown in Scheme 1. Crude extract (0.2 g) was solu- To measure the inhibition of hemagglutination by
bilized with 0.15 M NaCI and used as a starting ma- sugars or sugar derivatives, various concentrations of
terial. Lectin I was isolated by eluting 0.2 M D-galac- sugars in saline (using a two-fold dilution method)
tose using acid-treated Sepharose 4B as carrier (Ziska were added to the 50 p.I of lectin solution showing
et a/., 1978; Franz eta/., 1981). The non-adsorbed hemaggluting activity of 2 units. After incubation of
material was applied to a column (2.6• 30 cm) of im- the sugar and lectin solution for 1 h at 4~ human
munoglobulin-Sepharose 4B and the column was red blood cells (3% suspension) were added to the in-
cubation mixture and incubated for 1 h at 37~
Mistletoe (100 g) ground and homogenized To measure the effects of pH on the hemagglutinat-
with 500 ml of 50 mM borax buffer, pH 8.0 ing activities of lectin, the pH of lectin solutions show-
~ Centrifuge and discard precipitate ing 2 HU was adjusted to 2.10-10.20 and incubated
Supernatant for 2.5 h at 4~ The effects of temperature on the
--~ Precipitate with sat. (NH4)2SO4 and centrifuge hemagglutinating activities of lectin were also measur-
Precipitate ed by incubating the lectin showing 2HU at 0-80~
--~ Dialyze against 50 mM borax buffer, for 30 min. The residual hemagglutinating activities
pH 8.0 and centrifuge were examined.
--~ Freeze-dried
Crude extract dialyzed against 0.15 M NaCI SDS-PAGE and molecular weight determination
Purity check and molecular weight determination
Acid-treated Sepharose 4B column washed were performed by discontinuous system, 8% poly-
with 0.15 M NaCI
--~ Elute with 0.2 M D-galactose ~ Lectin I acrylamide gels were used as separating gel and 5%
Effluent as stacking gel. The samples were dialyzed to elimi-
L nate residual amounts of sugar and treated with 1%
Immunoglobulin-Sepharose 4B column washed SDS and 1% 13-mercaptoethanol (Weber and Osborn,
with 0.15 M NaCI 1969) when necessary. Staining was performed with
~ Elute with 0.2 M D-galactose-~ Lectin II Coomassie brilliant blue R-250. Silver staining meth-
Elute with 0.2 M glycine/HCI, pH 2.6 od was also performed when necessary. The results
l were analyzed by Bio-lD program on image analysis
system (Vilber-Lourmat).
Lectin III
Amino acid analysis
Scheme 1. Flow sheet for the isolation of mistletoe lectins 1,
II, and 111. Concentrated 2 ml of sample was hydrolyzed with 2
308 W.-B. Park, S.-K. Han and K.-H. Hart

ml of 6N HCI in nitrogen-filled tubes for 24h at 110~ Absorbance (280rim)

and analyzed with amino acid analyzer (Beckmann
6300 system).
Lymphocyte stimulating activity test
Preparation of mouse lymphocyte was carried out as
described (Hunt, 1987). The spleens of ICR mouse
were removed and put in a petri dish containing a 0.2M D-g~acmse
few ml of Dulbecco's medium (PBS containing 2% bo-
vine serum). The spleen were cut into fragments and
gently disrupted. The suspension was filtered through

a very loose pledget of absorbant cotton and the ab-
sorbant was washed through with a few ml of fresh
medium. Erythrocytes were removed by 0.83% (w/v)
ammonium chloride treatment. Most of macrophages
and granulocytes were also removed by drawing the
cell suspension into a syringe which had been loosely o 20 40 60 80

prepared with glass wool. Dye exclusion tests (Trypan Fraction n u m b e r

blue, 0.5%) for viable test were routinely performed. Fig. 1. Affinity chromatogram of lectin I from mistletoe stem
by eluting 0.2M D-galactose on acid-treated Sepharose 4B.
Lymphocyte stimulating activity test was carried out
as described (Pandolfino eta/., 1983). The lectin solu-
tion was filtered through a sterilized filter paper (Milli- it is assumed that Korean mistletoe has different lectin
pore, 0.22 m). The medium was prepared with RPMI distribution from those of European mistletoe.
1640 (pH 8.0) containing 25 mM HEPES and 1.4 ~1/ The protein content was measured by BCA assay.
ml gentamicin. The lymphocyte was incubated in du- The protein content was 566 ~g/ml in lectin I, 78 ~g/
plicate in the U-shaped microtiter plate. The prepared ml in lectin III from the stem and 65 ~g/ml in lectin
lymphocytes (100 ~tl, 2.4x 106 cells/ml) and fetal bo- III from the leaves.
vine serum (100 were added to the lectin solution The isolated lectins had no blood group specifici-
(100 p_l) in two-fold serial dilution. After incubation in ties of human blood type of A, B, O and AB. The
CO2 incubator (95% air:5% CO2 at 37~ for 48 hr hemagglutinating activity of lectin I was 16 HU and
and MTT and SRB assay were performed. the activities of lectin III from leaves and stem were 2

Absorbance (280nm)
Isolation and purification of lectin 0.5

It is reported that three lectins, ML I, ML l] and ML

III were isolated mainly from leaves of European mist- 0.4
letoe by using affinity chromatography with different
carriers. ML I was isolated by eluting with 0.2M D-ga- 0.2M glycine/HCl
lactose using acid-treated Sepharose 4B. And ML 11 0.3
was isolated by eluting with 0.2M D-galactose using
immunoglobulin G-Sepharose 4B. After the ML II had
been displaced from the column, ML III was eluted 0.2
with 0.2M glycine/HCI buffer (pH 2.6). We also at-
tempted to isolate three different lectins (lectin I, II
and III) from the crude extracts of sample (Korean
mistletoe) by eluting with same buffer using same car-
rier. Lectin I was able to be isolated from the stem of
the sample (Fig. 1), but was not able to be isolated 0 r
from the leaves. Lectin III was isolated from both of o s zo Is 2o ~s ~o 35
the stem and leaves (Fig. 2, 3). Lectin II was not iso- Fraction n u m b e r
lated from the sample. Fig. 2. Affinity chromatogram of lectin III from mistletoe stem
Compared with European mistletoe, where consider- by eluting 0.2M glycine/HCl on immunoglobulin-Sepharose
able amount of three lectins was purified from leaves, 4B.
Characterization of Lectins from Korean Mistletoe 309

Absorbance (280nm) Table I. Inhibition of hemagglutinating activities (concentra-

tion, M/mL) of lectin I from stem, [ectin Ilia from leaves, and
lectin IIIb from stem of Korean mistletoe by sugars. The inhi-
bition concentrations are expressed as M of carbohydrate/ml
0.4 needed for complete inhibition of 2HU
Sugars Lectin I LectinIlia Lectin IIIb
D-galactose 12.5
0.3 0.2M glycinefHCl N-acetyI-D-galactosamine 3.2 6.3 6.3
0.2 D-(+)-mannose
Lactose 6.3
HU respectively.

Sugar specificities
o 5 1o, 15 20 25 Hemagglutinating activity of lectin I from the stem
Fraction number of Korean mistletoe was inhibited by D-galactose, N-
Fig. 3. Affinity chromatogram of lectin III from mistletoe acetyI-D-galactosamine and lactose, whereas lectin I
leaves by eluting 0.2M glycine/HCI on immunoglobulin- from European mistletoe has been reported to be in-
Sepharose 4B. hibited only by D-galactose (Franz eta/. 1981). The
most effective inhibitor for lectin I was N-ac.etyI-D-
SDS-PAGE showed a resemblance between lectin I galactosamine (Table I). From these results, it is as-
from Korean mistletoe and ML II from European mistle- sumed that the lectin I from Korean mistletoe has spe-
toe. Lectin III has N-acetyI-D-galactosamine specificity, cificities for D-galactose configuration. But another as-
which was identical with that of ML III from European sumption related to acetyl group can be deduced from
mistletoe. the result that the hemagglutinating activity of lectin I
from Korean mistletoe was not inhibited by D-galac-
SDS-PAGE and molecular weight determination tosamine. It is quite interesting that the sugar spec-
Investigations using SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sul- ificity of lectin I from Korean mistletoe is similar to
fate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) in the absence those of ML II from European mistletoe which has D-
and presence of reducing agent (2-mercaptoethanol) galactose and N-acetyI-D-galactosamine specificities.
showed that the lectin I from the stem of Korean mis- It is noteworthy that we failed to isolate lectin II, and
tletoe consists of two different chains connected by
disulfide bonds (Fig. 4). In the absence of reducing 8 ? 6 5 4 3 2 1
agent, a major band corresponding to Mr=60,000 and
two minor bands corresponding to M~=30,000 and 26,
000 were found (Fig. 4, lane 7). In the presence of 2- 116,000D
mecaptoethanol (lane 6), only two bands correspondi- 97,000D
ng to Mr=32,000 and Mr=26,000 were found. Com- 66,000D
parison of the panels shows that lighter chain migrat-
ed at the same rate in the absence and presence of 48,500D
reducing agent. In the reduced sample there was no
band migrating corresponding to Mr=30,000. Since no 29,000D
new bands with a more rapid migration rate appeared
in the gel and the densities of two bands correspond-
ing to Mr=32,000 and Mr=26,000 measured by image
analysis system have increased, it is most likely that Fig. 4. SDS-PAGE patterns of mistletoe lectins, lane 1: lec-
material migrating corresponding to Mr-30,000 in the tin III from mistletoe leaves treated with SDS and 2-mer-
unreduced sample was present in the band migrating captoethanol, lane 2: lectin III from mistletoe leaves treated
corresponding to Mr=32,000 in the reduced sample. with SDS, lane 3: lectin III from mistletoe stem treated with
SDS and 2-mercaptoethanol, lane 4: lectin III from mistletoe
Such a decrease in the migration rate could be due to stem treated with SDS, lane 6: lectin I from mistletoe stem
reduction of one or more intrachain disufide bridges treated with SDS and 2-mercaptoethanol, lane 7: lectin I
and a corresponding unfolding of the polypeptide chain. from mistletoe stem treated with SDS, lane 8: molecular
We reported that the molecular weight of mistletoe weight marker
310 W.-B. Park, S.-K. Han and K.-H. Han

lectin purified by gel filtration chromatography was migrating corresponding to Mr=79,000 and Mr=62,000
60,000 daltons and it was composed of two sununits (lane 1) in the presense of reducing agent, whereas
(Mr=33,000 and Mr=28,000) (Park et a/. 1994a), but it the bands of the lectin III from leaves are too in-
is not clear whether the lectin isolated by gel filtrat- distinct to detect in the absence of the reducing agent.
ion is identical with the lectin I isolated in this study. The ML III (molecular weight 50,000 daltons) from Eu-
It is reported that ML I from European mistletoe at ropean mistletoe consist of two different chains con-
higher concentrations forms a dimer (molecular weight nected by disulfide bonds and the molecular weights
115,000 daltons) and that the dimerization may be of each chain are 30,000 and 25,000 daltons, which
due to hydrophobic interactions of the chains (Franz are quite different from the molecular weights of lec-
et al., 1986). The monomer of ML I at lower concen- tin Ill from Korean mistletoe.
trations is composed of two chains linked by disulfide
bond and the molecular weights of each chain of ML Effects of pH and temperature on the hemagglutinat-
I were 34,000 and 29,000 daltons. ML II (molecular ing activity
weight 60,000 daltons) is composed of two subunits Fig. 5 shows the effects of pH on the hemagglutinat-
which molecular weights were 32,000 and 27,000 ing activity of lectin I. The activity of lectin I was stable
daltons respectively. It is noteworthy that the molec- at the pH range of 4.00-8.50 (the erythrocyte was un-
ular weights of lectin I from Korean mistletoe and ML stable below pH 3.90) and decreased to 50% at pH
II from European mistletoe are identical and that the 9.50 and disappeared completely at pH 10.25.
result is in agreement with those of sugar specificities. The hemagglutinating activity of lectin I was stable
It should be noted that in all cases the bands of the at an wide range of temperature (0-42~ (Fig. 6).
lectin III from stem somewhat diffused, possibly in- Half of the activity was maintained at 45~ but the
dicating microheterogeneity. In the absence of 2-mer- activity disappeared over 50~ The results of effects
captoethanol, there were a diffused band correspond- of pH and temperature are in accordance with the
ing to Mr=66,000 and two weak bands migrating cor- results obtained by gel and ion exchange chromato-
responding to Mr=34,000 and 29,000 (Fig. 4, lane 4), graphy (Park et a l . , 1994a).
whereas after treatment with reducing agent, more dis- The effects of pH and temperature on the hemag-
tinct two bands (Mr=34,000 and 29,000) and bands glutinating activity of lectin III are similar to those of
with high molecular weight (Mr=100,000, 66,000 and lectin I (data are not shown).
53,500) were found (lane 3). It is not certain that
these results come from the imputrity of the lectin III Amino acid composition
isolated. The lectin III from leaves shows two bands Table II shows the amino acid composition of lec-
tin I. The major amino acids were aspartic acid, gluta-
Residual activity(%}
mic acid, leucine, and arginine. The histidine, which

~ e s i d u a l a c t i v i t y (%)







O| l l ] ~ i " ' , ' , ' ,,' ~ ' , ' , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,~',~',' 0 I I . !

4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12' 0 20 40 60 80 lO0
pH Temperature (%)
Fig..5. Effect of pH on hemagglutinating activity of mistle- Fig. 6. Effect of temperature on hemagglutinating activity of
toe lectin I. mistletoe lectin I.
Characterization of Lectins from Korean Mistletoe 311

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