Cls 1, Plan

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Teacher: Druga Alina

School: Scoala Gimnaziala nr 51

Date:21th of March 2019
Grade:1st grade
Number of students: 25
Student’s book:Fairyland 1B
Topic:My animals!
Classroom interaction: student –teacher, student-student, individual work, group work
Teaching aids: whiteboard, markers, handouts, cd, notebooks, video,
Time:45 minutes
Objectives:by the end of the lesson
O1- the students will be able to use correctly vocabulary related with farm animals
O2- the students will be able to form sentences using this is.
1.1 Oferirea unei reactii adecvate la o intrebare/ instructiune scurta si simpla rostita clar si foarte
rar,adresata cu atentie de interlocutor
1.3 Manifestarea curiozitatii fata de sesizarea semnificatiei globale a unor filme si a unor cantece
pentru copii in limba moderna respective
2.1 Reproducerea unor cantece/poezii scurte si simple.
2.3 Participarea la jocuri de comunicare in care reproduce rime/mesaje scurte.

Specific aims:
-by the end of the lesson:
 Students will have learned to identify the farm animals
Anticipated problems:
 If teacher things it is necessary, she will offer the students guidance in solving certain
 Some students might need further help and extra indications in solving the tasks.

Evaluation: - continue – through activities, observation, error correction

- Final – through feed-back
Activity 1: Warm up

Aim: To warm students up and assure the introductive part of the lesson
Procedure: Teacher salutes the children and asks them how they are. Teacher plays a song on
the computer “with my eyes I can see”. Teacher points to her face and elicits the words from the
pupils. Then she asks: “What can I do with my eyes,ears,nose etc?”
Timing:5 minutes
Interaction: Teacher-students
Skills: listening,speaking
Methods: revision

Activity 2: Lead in

Aim: To learn the farm animals

Procedure: Teacher tells the pupils that they will work in pairs. The teacher gives each one of
the pupils an envelope. There are parts of some animals (hen, cow, horse, dog, cat, sheep) .The
pupils have to reassemble the parts of the animals.
Timing: 10 minutes
Interaction: Teacher-students
Skills: listening, speaking
Methods: flash cards

Activity 3: Memory game

Aim: To learn the farm animals

Procedure: Teacher writes number 24 on the board and the pupils open the books at page
24.The teacher plays a song and the children pay attention to it. The teacher asks the students to
do exercise number 1:to number the animals in the order they hear them. The teacher plays again
the song to check if the students have numbered the animals in the wright order.
Timing: 7 minutes
Interaction: Teacher-students
Skills: listening, speaking, numbering
Methods: memory game

Activity 4: Play a song

Aim: To learn a song

Procedure: Teacher plays again the song and teaches the students the song. They sing along
with the music.
Timing: 5 minutes
Interaction: Teacher-students
Skills: listening, singing
Methods: learn a song


Aim: To revive the colours

Procedure: Teacher writes number 3 on the board. The pupils have to do exercise number 3
together with the teacher. The teacher elicits the new vocabulary from the children based on the
picture and has a short discussion based on the picture (e.g.What animal is this? How many cows
can you see in the picture? )
Timing: 10 minutes
Interaction: Teacher-students
Skills: listening, speaking, drawing

Activity 5: group work: mime game!

Aim: To revive the farm animals

Procedure: The class is divided in 3 groups. One child from group number one comes in front
of the class. The teacher whispers at his ear the name of an animal. The child has to mime the
animal and the other children have to guess the animal. Each group has a chance to guess the
animal. The teacher tells the rules to the pupils: they mustn’t speak without being asked, if so the
group loses one point. The pupils are familiarized with these rules.
Timing: 10 minutes
Interaction: Teacher-students
Skills: listening, speaking
Methods: group work

Activity7: Feed-back
Procedure: The teacher asks the pupils to enumerate the animals that they have learn today . She
shows some pictures with the animals. The teacher gives the pupils some stickers with happy
face as a reward.
Timing:3 minutes
Interaction: teacher- students
Skills: speaking
Methods: revision of the new vocabulary

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