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Let your kindness flow like rivers,

Quenching the thirst of those who come.

And let mountain strong your spirit be,

Let your heart melt out of love for The


Every cloud has a silver lining,

So stick to the cloud when you are hardest hit,

It’s when things seem worst that you must not


Yes Rekha Ma'am! I am proud of you!

My beacon of light. My inspiration too,

Escaping death I lost my light,

But you rekindled my dreams,

With your magical might.

In the years to come.Harder I strive,

Proudly declaring that you changed my life.

Like a rabbit in spring,

There are always smiles and laughter that you



The soul would have no rainbows,

If the eyes had no tears.

Forever in my prayers, always in my heart,

"Till death do us part"

After all, God gives the toughest battles,

To His strongest soldiers!

Fall seven times. Stand up eight.

Rise. Rise. Rise.

The phoenix must burn to emerge,

Unbreakable.A warrior.

Still you rise.My treasured prize!

Just a look at her uniform,

You'll know what’s in her heart.

Striving for the Nation,

A soldier in disguise.A phoenix who'll arise,

Yes! You are right.

It’s Dr.Rekha Sinha Ma'am.....


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