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E-smart-I Mobile Application (On-Site ATP)

User Manual 2017

1. Installation
a. Download the APK
For downloading the APK can be seen on user profile on e-Smart as seen as

b. Installing the APK

After download on e-Smart web, user just needs to install the APK
c. After Installation
Please make sure that user must trusted application if prompted

2. Login Menu
This is the first menu for user to login on APK, only user registered on http://e-smart- can login with same username and password

Note:-Phone Minimum requirement OS: Android OS 5

3. Site Schedule
After Login Success user can only see site depend on:
- Site already scheduled on ATP Site Visit
- User has the right privilege on region
- Only show last 2 weeks old on site plan schedule

Note: GPS must be turned on for selecting site

a. Turning on the GPS into High accuracy
Please make sure that GPS is on and turn to high accuracy mode
4. Site Information
Site Information is shown after user select the site desired on site schedule as seen as
below, only the blue one can be input once site information saved it can’t be edit.
5. List Menu on APK
a. Site List:
Going back to menu site list that has been scheduled
b. Site Information
Showing site information selected from site list
c. ATP RAN Documents
E-ATP document can be selected here
d. Punchlist
Punchlist for the site selected on site list
e. BOM Actual
Bills Of Material on actual from selected site list shown here
f. Map
A map showing nearest site location on user
g. Clear Photo Cache
To clearing photo cache if user need to delete
6. ATP RAN Documents
In ATP RAN Documents show document that needed for the site, such as eNB, Power
and E-Guard

a. eNB
After User select eNB user can choose the Exhibit as shown as below
b. Power
After User select Power user can choose the Exhibit as shown as below

c. E-Guard
After User select E-Guard user can choose the Exhibit as shown as below
7. On Selected Exhibit
After exhibit selected item check will be shown, icon after item check is shown Desktop
and Mobile, Desktop item is Remote-ATP and mobile is on-site ATP, only do the Mobile
icon in APK

- For the green arrow item check already done
- For the black arrow item check still not complete

8. Punchlist
All item check failed with punchlist will be collected and shown here, all blue
9. BOM Actual
Actual Bill of Materials checks can be conducted on site using the application.
a. User must select the Network Element for the BoM that they would like to view.
User may add a new appropriate NE if not already present with the ‘Add New
NE’ function.
b. User must then select the Actual Config for that Network Element as referenced
in the BOM Plan or may search for, select and add a new config.
c. User may then conduct checks on each individual material present in that
d. In the material detail, the planned quantity of that material will be displayed.
e. User must input the amount of reused quantity and new quantity for the specified
f. The serial number of that material may then be input either by manual input or the
applications barcode scanner.
g. Remarks can also be made about the serial number, barcode condition or the
material as a whole.
h. Extra materials may be added if they are not already present in the BOM Plan of
the associated Network Element
i. Additional extra materials can be filtered by Network Element or by a search for
their Material Name or Material ID
j. The Network Element for the new additional material may then be changed to
better suit the BoM Plan config.
k. Once saved, a Change Request(CR) must be referenced to the new materials as
l. Justifications must also be added regarding the new material to explain the extra
material requirements.
10. Map
Map view may be used to get geographic information on current or surrounding sites.
These locations may also be exported to google maps app for route navigation.
11. Clear Photo Cache
To save memory clear cache is to delete photo that has been uploaded.
Troubleshot on Error
1. Login Error
a. Version Check
Check on APK version if there’s any update will prompt

b. Updating to newer Version

APK will auto update if prompted please make sure if not shown or miss tap on
auto update menu user must restart APK

Just follow the steps to update newer version of APK

c. Login Failed
Login failed username/password means user should re-type the correct username
or password

d. MEID not authorized

This alert shown when user has the right user name and password but doesn’t
authorize because the MEID is not correct, or by by pressing “*#06#” on your
mobile phone will show MEID and IMEI

e. MEID not authorized to show

If MEID not authorized to show means your phone does not trusted the APK to
access your phone, this happen because when installing user not trusted the APK.
User need to follow steps bellow:
i. Go to Settings -> on Personal Choose Security -> Choose Application
ii. By selecting e-smarty-I (M) user must trust the application by trusting all,
make sure all access is Accept
2. Site List
If alert shown like bellow GPS accuracy must set high to prevent kicked out from site too

a. Setting GPS Validation to High

b. GPS Validation Fail
If this alert shown means, it takes too long for validation user need to revalidation
or to set GPS high

3. Failing on Upload Photo

If user has a problem uploading like below and photo still blank it means uploading
already timeout and can’t upload the photo.

a. For first time failed on uploading photo

User need to clear cache to begin with, and user need to restart the APK

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