Name: Shaikh Tanveer Ahmed ID: 5584 Instructor: Sohail Majeed

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Name: Shaikh Tanveer Ahmed

ID: 5584
Instructor: Sohail Majeed


The Role of Barcodes in manufacturing process recognized all companies in data storage should
become primary requirement. In the starting process of manufacturing barcodes aid at every
stage from the identification of material needed for production, elements for finished goods,
inventory and shipping management. Many agencies and regulating bodies have already set the
standard that should be met with regards to printing of barcodes and RFID tags. A company was
done this in order to ensure that our company can comply with the regulations in order to
achieve the maximum benefits of barcodes in several aspects in the supply chain, materials
management and product control.

In the manufacturing we need many steps that have to be taken with good accuracy. We should
start the procedure with the training of raw material by the detection of each product.
Barcodes plays important role in the manufacturing process, companies have known that
benefits of this technology comes to error reduction, accountability, cost effectiveness, best
performance and the ability to search inconsistencies in all steps of the process. Barcodes
scanning quickly identify that which products are moving fast in the process and which product
are slow in demand, so that through barcodes scanning we reduce the loss due to out of stock
products. Barcodes system can track material through each step of the work in the process that
can give us detailed records o each piece or batch.

A RIFD technology is a wireless warehouse, all the works of worker connecting to the back-end
management system application system where warehouse activities are recorded through
wireless devices, scanning the barcodes or RIFD tags attached.

The RFID tagging of apparel is now the largest and fastest growing application of RFID in
retailing, the retail supply chain and associated industries. About 100 organizations are tagging
apparel in trials and rollouts. Just two - taken together - will buy 500 million tags yearly.
According to new IDTechEx analysis, the systems and tag business concerned with apparel RFID
will grow at double the rate of the overall RFID market through the next ten years.
2D barcodes and RFID tags are slow replacing linear barcodes because its ability to store more
information that only requires a small space making it ideal for businesses with limited work


Voice picking has evolved from an experimental technology pioneered by a few to an industry
best practice used by many. At the same time, voice directed picking technology has evolved
from closed systems to open flexibility-through not every one has noticed.

Voice picking technology uses speech recognition and speech synthesis to allow worker to
communicate with the warehouse management system (WMS). Warehouse operatives use as a
wireless, wearable computer with a headset and microphone to receive instruction by voice,
and verbally confirm their actions back to the system. The wearable computer, or voice
terminal, communicates with the warehouse management software via a radio frequency (RF)
local area network (LAN).

Warehouse management system should attach with labor through wireless terminal with real-
time radio communication. It will require radio frequency (RF) network and communication
server in the network.

Warehouse management system requires each user should to guide the system for his or her
individual walking way, dialect, or language. Each user voices usually take some minutes.
System undertakes the training to be much more correct storing in an industrial environment
where there is wide range of accents, dialects, and language, and much noise.


Role of MRP (Materials Requirements Planning) chronologically came next in the late 1960’s,
initially with fixed period lead-time “bucketed’ system. This was the scheduling engine required
for period batch control, which utilize the bill of material within it and the scheduling rules
(periods) to produce a schedule for preceding stages, five weeks in advance. At this time
computer began to be used commercially to generate these schedules.

MRP make sure that the right material is in the right place in the right time, and in the correct
volume. MRP aims to minimize and reduce the material shortage, prevent excess inventory and
keep work in progress to a minimum in the production process.

Role of MRP-2 (Manufacturing Resource Planning) was followed in the 1970’s which combined
MRP-1 capacity planning together with the control system. Whilst widely implemented, the
faulty implementations of MRP systems became a scandal, with little regards for data accuracy,
ownership, and accompanying (new) management processes. The concept of MRP-2 is sound,
the advent of “Just in time” and its control system created an effective and significantly simpler

MRP-2 is the process generating planned and firmed releases to supplier, internally and
externally. MRP-2 read the customer order and forecast, and a master schedule and then
processes the information through the bills of material in order to generate the demand.

Voice picking technology gained a foothold in the warehouse because it enables workers to do
their jobs hands-free and heads-up. While traditional picking solutions such as RF scanning,
labels, and pick-to-light are all successful, voice has driven even more cost from the supply
chain and improved quality at the same time.

Role of ERP is a total business control system integrating the functions and data from various
areas. In the early 1990’s ERP was introduced as software system developed to run MRP-2
business management system in a more integrated manner across all units and sites for a
manufacturing enterprise. ERP integrate all data and processes of an organization into a single
unified system.

ERP’s major objective absorbed every department functions in a company with single computer
system that can serve all of the enterprise needs. ERP improves the order entry allows
immediate access to inventory, product date, customer credit history, and order information.
This information raises productivity and customer satisfaction. ERP also help to increase sales
and decrease inventory by greater percentage that also raises productivity.

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