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Recent Patents on Inflammation & Allergy Drug Discovery 2009, 3, 221-231 221

Corneal Neovascularization: Molecular Events and Therapeutic Options

Yadollah Shakiba*,1,2, Kamran Mansouri2, Delnia Arshadi2 and Nima Rezaei3

Department of Immunology, School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, 2Medical
Biology Research Center, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran, 3Growth and Development
Research Center, Pediatrics Center of Excellent, Children's Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
Tehran, Iran

Received: April 2, 2009; Accepted: June 3, 2009; Revised: August 20, 2009
Abstract: Corneal neovascularization (NV) is a significant complication of numerous infectious and non-infectious ocular
surface disorders. Presence of newly formed blood vessels in the cornea can compromise clarity and therefore vision.
Various growth factors and proteinases seem to be involved in the corneal NV. During corneal injury, angiogenic factors
are released from corneal epithelial and stromal cells as well as infiltrating immune cells like macrophages. In fact, the
balance between angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors is shifted towards angiogenic molecules in the corneal NV.
Numerous investigations support this idea that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays a pivotal role in corneal
NV by inducing endothelial cells proliferation, migration, and tubulogenesis. There is a growing body of evidence that
corneal NV can be reduced by using anti-VEGF agents. This article reviews the most known molecular events in corneal
NV and also some of the recent patents relevant to the field. Understanding the role of growth factors, proteinases and
inflammatory cytokines in corneal NV can help the investigators to design therapeutic options for controlling this
debilitating condition.
Keywords: Cornea, neovascularization, VEGF, MMP, inflammation.

INTRODUCTION occurs when the balance between angiogenic and anti-

angiogenic factors is tilted towards angiogenic molecules.
This phenomenon occurs in a variety of pathological con-
The cornea is the transparent avascular tissue of the eye, ditions, such as hypoxia, chemical burns, ischemia, inflam-
which its transparency is essential for optimal clarity and mation, infection and trauma [3]. Presence of new blood
vision. The cornea is a dynamic structure that interacts with vessels in previously avascular cornea disturbs light passing
its surrounding tissues and plasma through tear fluid, and influences visual acuity and clarity negatively. Newly
aqueous humor and circulating immune cells. These inter- formed vessels are not completely functional. These vessels
actions play an important role in the maintaining of its have no basement membrane and pericytes; therefore, they
normal structure and functions. Moreover, the cornea is an are very fragile and susceptible to hemorrhage. The leakage
immune-privileged site; immune privilege is a dynamic of plasma components leads to the corneal edema. In
phenomenon in which the immune response to antigens is addition, these compounds can be deposited in the cornea
absent in order to protect this highly organized structure of and impair its transparency permanently [4]. To date, many
the eye. The lack of blood and lymphatic vessels in a normal studies have been conducted for clarifying mechanisms
cornea prevents entering innate and adaptive immune system underlying corneal NV and finding new therapeutic options
cells and behaves as a mechanical barrier. The corneal for controlling the formation of new blood vessels and
avascularity is considered as corneal angiogenic privilege maintaining corneal avascularity. In this article, we review
[1]. Recent investigations indicate a close relationship in the the recent findings on the molecular mechanisms of corneal
molecular mechanisms maintaining corneal angiogenic and NV, focusing on the pivotal role of inflammation and
immune privilege. The cornea is supplied with oxygen and therapeutic potential of anti-angiogenic drugs.
nutrients by pericorneal plexus (limbal plexus), tear and
anterior chamber aqueous humor. Limbal plexus of the EPIDEMIOLOGY AND ETIOLOGY OF CORNEAL
cornea arises from the ciliary arteries, which are branches of NEOVASCULARIZATION
the ophthalmic artery that divide and end in the pericorneal
plexus in the limbus area [2]. Corneal NV is a main cause of loss of vision and
In physiological conditions, the corneal avascularity blindness in a wide range of corneal diseases worldwide. It is
requires low levels of angiogenic factors and high levels of estimated that 4% of the US population has corneal NV and
anti-angiogenic factors. Corneal neovascularization (NV) every year 1.4 million patients in the US may develop
corneal NV [5]. Although, the etiology of corneal NV is not
completely identified, numerous pathological conditions
*Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Immunology, such as inflammatory, infectious, degenerative, and
School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Postal traumatic disorders may induce NV. Among these different
Zip Code: 1417613151, Iran; Tel/Fax: +98-21-66419536;
E-mail:; etiologies, infectious disease of the cornea seems to be the

1872-213X/09 $100.00+.00 © 2009 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.

222 Recent Patents on Inflammation & Allergy Drug Discovery 2009, Vol. 3, No. 3 Shakiba et al.

most important cause of corneal NV leading to vision loss ANGIOGENIC MOLECULES INVOLVED IN
[6]. A typical example is trachoma, a chronic infection of the CORNEAL NEOVASCULARIZATION
conjunctiva caused by the Chlamydia trachomatis, which is Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
the leading cause of preventable blindness in the world.
Untreated active trachoma is accompanied by corneal NV as Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), also called
pannus (fibrovascular tissue) formation. The pannus may VEGF-A, belongs to a family of closely related growth
extend to central cornea and cause severe disturbance in factors that are characterized by the presence of eight
corneal transparency. It has been estimated that about 5.9 conserved cysteine residues. Other members of this family
million people are blind or have severe vision-loss due to include VEGF-B, VEGF-C, VEGF-D, VEGF-E and placen-
trachoma infection and 10 million are at high risk worldwide tal growth factor. All of the VEGFs are expressed in
[6,7]. Corneal NV is also a common manifestation of herpes mammalian cells, except VEGF-E that is encoded by the orf
simplex keratitis (HSK), which is the most common virus; a parapoxvirus that affects sheep, goats and sometimes
infectious cause of corneal blindness in the Western humans [16, 17]. VEGF is a homodimeric glycoprotein that
countries [8]. Infection of corneal stroma by herpes simplex is encodeds by a gene resides on chromosome 6 [18]. The
virus (HSV) is usually associated with NV. In fact, it has human VEGF gene spans ~14 kb and contains eight exons
been demonstrated that formation of NV is the essential step separated by seven introns [19, 20]. As a result of alternative
for the pathogenesis of HSK and anti-angiogenic agents can splicing, at least 4 types of monomeric VEGF containing
be used for controlling herpes simplex induced corneal 121, 165, 189, and 206 amino acid residues (VEGF121,
angiogenesis [9]. Corneal NV is also a common manifesta- VEGF165, VEGF189, and VEGF206) have been detected.
tion of severe infections of the cornea by other micro- Exons 1 to 5 are common in all VEGF isoforms, while exons
organisms such as staphylococcus, streptococcus and pseu- 6 to 8 can be added to this backbone and form various types
domonas [8]. Although, all infectious keratitis may induce of VEGF [21].
corneal NV, Acanthamoeba keratitis has been reported to VEGF exerts its pivotal role in vasculogenesis (formation
lack corneal NV even in relatively severe and long-standing of blood vessels from endothelial cells) and angiogenesis
cases [10]. (formation of new capillaries from pre-existing vessels)
Corneal NV can affect the prognosis of corneal trans- through binding to specific receptors. The receptor binding
plantation. It has been reported that 20% of corneal site of VEGF is located in exons 3 and 4; thereby all VEGF
specimens obtained during corneal transplantation show isoforms can bind to their receptors [22]. VEGF is thought to
histopathological evidences of NV [11]. In fact, corneal NV signals through at least two transmembrane high-affinity
can significantly worsen the prognosis of penetrating receptor tyrosine kinases: VEGFR-1 (FLT-1; fms-like
keratoplasty (PK). Previous studies showed that 41% of eyes tyrosine kinase) and VEGFR-2 (KDR; kinase domain
in low risk patients developed corneal NV 6 to 9 months region). Binding of VEGF induces dimerization and
after PK. Active blepharitis and stimulation of corneal autophosphory-lation of the receptor, which leads to multiple
stroma by sutures are considered as risk factors for evolution cellular out-comes, including: endothelial cell migration,
of NV after PK [11,12]. Today, there is a growing body of proliferation, survival, and enhanced vascular permeability
interests to prevent NV after PK using anti-angiogenic that occur during vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. In fact,
agents [13]. VEGF indu-ces vascular permeability 50,000 times more
than histamine [23-25].
Contact lenses have become one of the most common There are several evidences that support a causal role for
etiologies of corneal NV in developed countries during past VEGF in corneal NV [26-33]. It has been shown that VEGF
two decades. The prevalence of soft hydrogel lenses induced expression is significantly higher in vascularized corneas
corneal NV is very higher than hard gas-permeable lenses than in normal corneas. Macrophages, infiltrating leuko-
[14]. Although, the precise mechanism of contact lens cytes, corneal epithelial and stromal cells are the main
induced NV is not clear, there are numerous evidences that sources of VEGF production during corneal NV [34]. In fact,
support the role of hypoxia in its pathology. As noted above, it has been reported that application of recombinant VEGF
the cornea supplies oxygen from surface layer by diffusion; induces corneal NV in animal models. VEGF overexpression
thus contact lens, especially soft lenses, can induce hypoxia in the cornea promotes several steps of angiogenesis,
by reducing corneal oxygen uptake. including proteolytic activities, proliferation, migration, and
Contact lens induced hypoxia causes significant changes tube formation of endothelial cells [35]. The role of VEGF
to the corneal cells such as decreased metabolic rate, stromal and VEGFR-2 in the regulation of corneal NV and wound
edema, and decreased endothelial cell density and function. healing was investigated in an animal model of alkali burn
Moreover, long term hypoxia upregulates angiogenic factors [27]. Moreover the overexpression of VEGF and flt-1 has
that induce corneal NV [15]. In overall, corneal NV caused been reported in miscellaneous morbid corneas that may play
by contact lens wear is generally mild and does not affect an important role in the repair of corneal injuries [33].
vision in the aggressive manner that infections do. However, The critical role of VEGF in the pathogenesis of NV
it is a sign of corneal distress, which needs medical attention confirmed by studies that showed anti-VEGF agents can
[8]. inhibit corneal NV. It has been reported that VEGF
Corneal Neovascularization Recent Patents on Inflammation & Allergy Drug Discovery 2009, Vol. 3, No. 3 223

inhibition with mFlt(1-3)-immunoglobulin G diminishes brane during angiogenesis. Their substrates include most of
angiogenesis and the severity of lesions after HSV infection the extracellular matrix components such as collagen, fibro-
[36]. Another study showed that stromal implantation of an nectin, laminin and cell surface molecules. The MMP family
anti-VEGF blocking antibody can inhibit corneal NV in a rat composed of at least 25 different proteinases that are divided
model [37]. In addition, it has been reported that VEGF into five groups, including: the gelatinases, collagenases,
antagonists, like soluble form of the VEGF receptor and anti- stromelysins, membrane-type MMPs, and others. Several
VEGF siRNA, inhibit herpes simplex induced corneal NV in MMPs are believed to be important in angiogenesis, but
mice [20, 32]. Recently, Bevacizumab (Avastin), an anti- particular interest has been focused on the MMP-2 and
VEGF monoclonal antibody, is considered as a safe and MMP-9 (gelatinase A and B, respectively), because they
effective therapeutic option for corneal NV. Avastin has preferentially degrade basement membrane components such
been investigated in both human and animal corneal NV and as type IV collagen [67,68]. In the cornea, both MMP-2 and
the results are very promising. Many studies showed that MMP-9 are produced by the endothelial cells and stromal
topical and subconjunctival application of Avastin inhibits cells around the invading vessels.
chemical and viral induced corneal NV [38-49]. In addition
MMP-2 is expressed in tissues where NV occurs,
to VEGF neutralizing agents, it has been reported that
including solid tumors, wound healing, and choroidal NV in
tyrosine kinase inhibitors that blocks VEGF signaling
age-related macular degeneration [69]. There is a general
through its receptors can inhibit corneal NV and improve consensus that MMP-2 promotes angiogenesis by breaking
corneal graft outcome in animal models [50,51]. To date,
down either the vascular endothelial cell basal membrane or
there are numerous patents that have been focused on the
the surrounding ECM [68]. The over expression of MMP-2
inhibitors of VEGF and its receptor for controlling ocular
during corneal NV has been confirmed by numerous
NV conditions [52-54].
investigations [70-73]. Kvanta et al. reported that MMP-2
expression increases during inflammation-associated corneal
FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTOR NV in a rat model [74]. A recent study investigated corneal
Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) is another NV in MMP-2-deficient mice compared with wild-type mice
angiogenic factor that its role in induction of corneal NV has and showed statistically significant delay of NV in MMP-2-
been investigated in several studies. bFGF belongs to the deficient mice [75]. Another study reported that MMP-2 is
fibroblast growth factor family, with more than 20 members required for optimal experimental choroidal NV in a mouse
[11, 55]. It has been localized in the corneal epithelial and model [76].
endothelial cells in low levels [56, 57]. Injured corneal MMP-9 (gelatinase B) is one of the major degrading
epithelial cells produce bFGF in response to external stimuli enzymes in ocular surface inflammation. MMP-9 is
[58]. To date, bFGF has been used extensively in corneal overexpressed in vascularized cornea and plays a role in
angiogenesis models and is thought to be one of the major wound healing [77]. There is high level of MMP-9 in tear of
factors involved in the induction of corneal angiogenesis [11, patients with recurrent corneal ulcers [78]. In addition, it has
59]. The angiogenic properties of bFGF are mediated by been reported that in MMP-9-deficient mice, healing of
tyrosine kinase receptors, denoted as FGFR-1, -2, -3, and -4. corneal wounds is accelerated as a result of their increased
Signal transduction through these receptors is essential for keratinocyte proliferation rate [79]. Taken together, these
development and angiogenesis, because FGFR-1 or FGFR-2 data indicate that both MMP-2 and MMP-9 have a role in the
gene disruption leads to embryonic death [60-62]. Numerous disruption of the basement membrane, integrity of the
evidences showed that FGF can stimulate proliferation of the corneal epithelium and corneal NV; thus targeting them may
corneal epithelial cells, stromal fibroblasts, and endothelial be a useful therapeutic option for inhibition of angiogenesis
cells. bFGF is expressed in the normal corneal epithelium, in the cornea. In fact, promising studies showed that MMPs
but is not detectable in corneal epithelial cell basement inhibitors can inhibit corneal NV and help to maintain
membrane (Bowman's layer). Injury to the corneal corneal clarity [80-82].
epithelium results in the releasing of bFGF from epithelial
cells and subsequent binding to the Bowman's layer [63]. It In addition to these mediators, several hormones and
has been shown that FGF-2 is up-regulated in a corneal biologically active molecules may be involved in corneal
stromal cell-vascular endothelial cell coculture [60]. bFGF NV. Numerous studies showed that angiopoietin 1 and 2 [83-
induced micropocket assay is one of the most reliable 85], insulin like growth factor (IGF) [86], placenta growth
methods for induction of NV in the cornea. Placement of low factor (PGF) [87], platelet derived growth factor (PDGF)
levels of bFGF in the cornea in animal models induces new [88], leptin [89] and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) [90]
blood vessels formation from limbal plexus. Anti-bFGF are contributed to the pathogenesis of corneal NV. Further
agents can inhibit in vitro endothelial cell tube formation and investigations are needed to clarify the exact role of these
in vivo corneal NV, which can indicate the important role of molecules in corneal NV.
bFGF in angiogenesis [64-66].

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are considered as Thrombospondin

other key mediators of angiogenesis. They are a family of Thrombospondins (TSP) are glycoproteins encoding by a
zinc-dependent enzymes, essential for degradation of family of five genes that behave as multifunctional proteins.
extracellular matrix (ECM) and vascular basement mem- Among this family, TSP-1 and -2 show potent anti-angio-
224 Recent Patents on Inflammation & Allergy Drug Discovery 2009, Vol. 3, No. 3 Shakiba et al.

genic properties. TSP-1 inhibits critical events in angio- ENDOSTATIN

genesis, including endothelial cell proliferation, survival and
Endostatin is a 20 - kDa fragment of collagen XVIII,
migration [91]. TSP-1 binds to CD36 on endothelial cell
which shows anti-angiogenic properties. Endostatin was first
surface and induces apoptosis [92-94]. Moreover it has been
discovered in the Dr. Judah Folkman laboratory from
reported that TSP-1 inhibits VEGF secretion and down
regulates MMP expression in endothelial cells [95, 96]. In conditioned medium of hemangioendothelioma cells [120].
Anti-angiogenic mechanism of endostatin is mediated by
normal cornea, TSP-1 expresses in the Bowman’s layer,
several mechanisms: 1) Endostatin blocks the activity of
endothelial cells, and Descemet’s membrane [97]. Interes-
gelatinases (MMP-2 and MMP-9) and MMP-13 [121]. 2)
tingly, it has been shown that corneas of TSP1,2-/- mice show
Endostatin inhibits the binding of VEGF to its receptors as
greater NV than normal mice in response to injuries.
well as its signal transduction. It blocks VEGF receptor
Therefore TSP could be a major natural angiogenic inhibitor
in the cornea which plays an active role in preserving tyrosine kinase phosphorylation and downstream signaling
events like activation of ERK, p38 MAPK, and p125FAK
angiogenic privilege [91]. In animal models of corneal NV,
[122]. 3) Binding of endostatin to endothelial cells arrests
TSP-1 derived peptide inhibits bFGF induced angiogenesis
their cell cycle in G1 [123]. 4) Endostatin induces apoptosis
[98]. Moreover, a recent study reported that topical appli-
in endothelial cell by activation of caspase 3 [124]. 5)
cation of mesenchymal stem cells to injured corneas inhibits
Endostatin inhibits endothelial cell tubule formation [125].
NV through production of TSP-1 [99].
The results of microarrays studies covering over 90% of the
human genome showed that endostatin regulated about 12%
PIGMENT EPITHELIUM DERIVED FACTOR of all genes in human endothelial cells [126]. In normal
Pigment epithelium derived factor (PEDF) is a 50 - kDa cornea, collagen XVIII can be found naturally. It seems that
natural anti-angiogenic and neurotrophic protein that was during corneal NV and wound healing, this type of collagen
firstly localized in fetal human retinal pigment epithelial can be digested by MMPs, leading to production of
cells [100]. In the eye, PEDF can be detected in retinal cells, Endostatin like fragments [11, 127,128]. Previous studies
iris, and the cornea [11]. PEDF is a member of serine confirmed the efficacy of endostatin application in control-
protease inhibitors family but in practice it does not inhibit ling corneal NV. In animal models, endostatin inhibits bFGF
serine proteases [101]. In contrast to VEGF that is induced induced corneal NV [129-131]. Altogether, the results of
by low oxygen levels; the expression of PEDF is suppressed numerous studies showed that endostatin and its fragments
by hypoxia [102]. The anti-angiogenic properties of PEDF can be considered as potent and safe anti-angiogenic agents
have been confirmed by numerous studies [103-106]. in ocular NV disorders, including corneal NV [132-134].
Neutralization of PEDF in normal cornea by specific
antibodies induces NV, which shows its important role in THE ROLE OF INFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES IN
corneal angiogenic privilege [11, 102, 107]. It has been CORNEAL NV
reported that application of PEDF can inhibit bFGF induced
As noted above, inflammatory and infectious diseases are
corneal NV in animal models [108]. Further studies are
major etiologies of corneal NV. In fact, corneal NV is almost
needed to clarify the exact role of PEDF in corneal NV.
always accompanied by inflammation. Previous investi-
gations showed that the corneal cells secret various cytokines
ANGIOSTATIN that are involved in ocular surface diseases. In in vitro
Angiostatin is a 38 - kDa protein derived from enzymatic conditions, the corneal epithelial cells express IL-1 [135-
digestion of plasminogen, which is a potent anti-angiogenic 137]; the corneal epithelial, stromal and endothelial cells
factor. It was first found in urine of mice carrying Lewis produce IL-6 [137-139]; and the corneal epithelial and
lung carcinomas [109]. Angiostatin inhibits endothelial cells stromal cells produce IL-8 [140]. It has been reported that
proliferation, migration and tubule formation [11, 110, 111]. IL-1 is the main inflammatory cytokine produced by the
Moreover, angiostatin induces vascular endothelial cell corneal epithelial cells. In the inflamed cornea, IL-1 is
apoptosis, and stops cell growth at the G2/M transition [112]. associated with inflammatory and degradative functions.
Plasminogen and its mRNA were found in all three layers of This cytokine is chemotactic for fibroblasts and inflam-
the cornea. Interestingly, it has been reported that the corneal matory cells and stimulates fibroblast proliferation and
cells have ability to digest plasminogen to angiostatin. In collagenase expression. In addition to the corneal epithelial
fact, all of the essential MMPs for converting plasminogen to cells, IL-1 is produced by infiltrating monocytes and
angiostatin are found in the corneal cells [108]. It seems that macrophages and it’s over expression (along with TNF-) is
angiostatin has a role in maintaining corneal avascularity. one of the early hallmarks of corneal inflammation [141].
Angiostatin can be detected in the tear film of contact lens Previous studies confirmed that the IL-1 receptor, which
bearing patients [113]. Depletion of intra-corneal angiostatin both IL-1 and IL-1 bind, is expressed in the corneal
molecules using specific antibodies increases the risk of NV fibroblasts. Binding of IL-1 to the corneal fibroblast induces
in animal models [114]. In addition, application of angio- the expression of various angiogenic factors [142]. It has
statin inhibits bFGF and angiogenin induced NV [110]. been demonstrated that IL-1 induces NF-B signaling in the
Altogether, these data indicate the importance of angiostatin mouse cornea during NV. In the corneal alkali burns model,
and its fragments in normal and injured cornea and bring it NF-B is activated in the corneal epithelial and stromal cells
to the mind as a potent therapeutic option for clinical uses [143]. Inhibitor of NF-B (IB-) is mainly phosphorylated
[115-119]. in the corneal stromal cells, suggesting that NF-B-activated
corneal stromal fibroblasts play an important role in corneal
inflammatory conditions, such as angiogenesis and wound
Corneal Neovascularization Recent Patents on Inflammation & Allergy Drug Discovery 2009, Vol. 3, No. 3 225

healing [144]. Recently, an interesting study showed that subsets of corneal NV, but it requires high amounts of
topical administration of 2% IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL- thermal laser energy to produce adequate destruction of
1Ra) inhibits inflammation induced corneal NV [141]. vessels, and there is a very high recurrence rate. Moreover,
this high energy can lead to some complications, including
TNF- is another important proinflammatory cytokine
involved in corneal NV. It is a pleiotropic proinflammatory increased inflammation and exacerbation of the NV
[162,163]. Laser photocoagulation is used by some investi-
cytokine that mediates various immunoregulatory functions,
gators for diminishing NV before and after penetrating
such as up-regulation of adhesion molecules, activation of
keratoplasty. Results from laser photocoagulation showed
neutrophils, and activation of the NF-B signaling pathway
that it is more useful for controlling low to moderate forms
[145]. TNF- is produced by various cells in the inflam-
of corneal NV [11].
matory site and induces angiogenic cytokines, including IL-
8, VEGF, and bFGF [146]. TNF- exerts inflammatory Photodynamic therapy is another method that involves
properties through its receptors, TNF-R1 and TNF-R2. the administration of a photosensitizing compound, which is
Binding of TNF- to its receptors on the endothelial cells selectively absorbed by neovascular tissues. In this method,
increases the expression of many angiogenic molecules the photosensitizer may be administered systemic or topical
[147]. Previous studies showed that TNF- is a two-edged on the neovascular cornea. Subsequent activation of this
sword in controlling angiogenesis. It has been demonstrated compound by low energy laser light generates cytotoxic
that angiogenic properties of TNF- is dose-dependent. In mediators, which cause selective newly formed vessel
low doses, TNF- induces angiogenesis, whereas a high dose thrombosis and destruction [164]. This method can be
inhibits it [148]. In the inflamed cornea, TNF- is secreted considered as a safe and effective procedure for controlling
by the corneal resident cells [148,149]. In addition TNF- corneal NV, because total used energy is 20 times less than
significantly increases IL-8 expression in the corneal conventional thermal laser [165]. Moreover, thermal damage
endothelial and stromal cells. IL-8 is a potent chemo- to normal pericorneal tissues is less common. In recent
attractant factor that promotes angiogenesis in vitro as well years, many investigations showed the efficacy of photo-
as in vivo [150]. It has been reported that intracorneal injec- dynamic therapy in both human and animal models of
tion of TNF- increases the number of Langerhans cells in corneal NV [166,167].
limbus and induces migration of them to the central cornea
[151]. More investigations are needed for clarifying the role CORTICOSTEROIDS
of TNF- in corneal NV.
Corticosteroids inhibit inflammation and angiogenesis.
Transforming growth factor  (TGF-) is another main To date, corticosteroid therapy has been considered as the
cytokine that has an important role in corneal NV. TGF- standard anti-inflammatory and anti-angiogenic treatment in
can act as pro- or anti-angiogenic factor depending on the cornea. Previous studies supported this idea that anti-
context and concentration. In low doses, TGF- stimulates angiogenic effect of corticosteroids is due to their anti-
endothelial cells proliferation, whereas excessively high inflammatory properties [168,169]. It has been clarified that
doses can inhibit it [152,153]. During corneal injuries, TGF- various signaling pathways are common in inflammation and
 is produced by inflammatory cells and resident corneal angiogenesis. In the injured cornea, infiltrating inflammatory
cells [154]. TGF- also stimulates angiogenesis by recruiting cells are the major sources of angiogenic molecules like
inflammatory cells which, in turn, release other pro- VEGF. In addition, these cells produce many cytokines like
angiogenic cytokines [155]. It has been reported that three IL-1 and TNF- that are categorized as potent angiogenic
isoforms of TGF- and their receptors are present in the molecules [170]. The steroids exert their anti-inflammatory
cornea [156-159]. In fact, TGF- is present on the edge of effects, mainly by inhibiting the enzyme phospholipase and
wound healing in the cornea [160]. In animal models, thereby the arachidonic acid pathway. Inhibition of phos-
neutralization of TGF- inhibited corneal NV [156]. Further- pholipase decreases production of prostaglandins from cell
more, it seems that TGF- directly stimulates the production membrane lipids. In addition to inflammatory properties,
of VEGF in various cells, including fibroblastic epithelial some prostaglandins act as angiogenic factors. In fact,
cells [161]. Altogether, the exact role of TGF- in corneal steroids behave as anti-angiogenic agents by inhibiting
NV is not completely understood and there are controversial prostaglandin synthesis [171]. Systemically administered
reports regard its role in angiogenesis. Further investigations steroids inhibit the transcription of several inflammatory and
are needed for understanding its role in normal and angiogenic cytokines, including IL-1, IL-3, IL-6, and IL-8
vascularized cornea. [172]. Moreover, previous studies notified that reducing the
expression of VEGF may be another mechanism of steroids
THERAPEUTIC OPTIONS anti-angiogenic effects [173].
Surgical Treatments The first investigated steroids had both anti-inflammation
and anti-angiogenic activities and some of them appeared to
To date, numerous surgical methods have been recom-
require specific cofactors such as heparin or cyclodextran
mended for controlling corneal NV. The first investigations
[174]. Although, this type of steroids has anti-angiogenic
considered diathermy for destruction of newly formed blood
effects, they may cause significant ocular side effects like
vessels in the cornea. In recent years, other techniques like
development of posterior subcapsular cataracts and elevated
laser photocoagulation have been evaluated in the treatment
intra ocular pressure [175-177]. In recent years, new class of
of corneal NV. The effect of laser coagulation is due to steroids discovered, which has broad angiostatic and low
energy absorption by hemoglobin in blood vessels. It seems
glucocorticoid activities. This class of compounds is consi-
that this technique is effective in treatment of numerous
226 Recent Patents on Inflammation & Allergy Drug Discovery 2009, Vol. 3, No. 3 Shakiba et al.

dered as potential therapy for ocular neovascular disease, approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
since undesirable side effects, which are commonly asso- for use in the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer [189].
ciated with glucocorticoids, would be avoided [178,179]. Previous studies confirmed that topical or subconjuctival
application of Bevacizumab controls new blood vessel
Anecortave acetate is a known member of this class of
steroids. This anti-angiogenic drug is derived from the formation in the cornea [190-193]. It is reported that single
subconjunctival dose of Bevacizumab inhibits NV in alkali
glucocorticoid cortisol acetate and has no glucocorticoid
burned rabbit corneas [194]. Moreover, several case reports
activity. Anecortave acetate has broad based angiostatic
notified the therapeutic properties of Bevacizumab in
activity and inhibits critical steps of angiogenesis. It inhibits
patients with corneal NV [49, 195]. Interestingly, the recent
the angiogenic proteolytic cascade at several points by
studies showed the efficacy of Bevacizumab in inhibiting
suppressing production of uPA and proMMPs from
endothelial cells and increasing the expression of PAI-1, an herpetic corneal NV. A recent investigation reported that
subconjunctival application of Bevacizumab decreases
endogenous inhibitor of uPA. Moreover anecortave acetate
corneal NV dramatically 1 week after the injection in a
decreases the expression of gelatinase A and B and inhibits
woman with herpetic stromal keratitis [196]. In addition to
VEGF-induced bovine and human endothelial cell
Bevacizumab, recent evidences showed that inhibitors of
proliferation and tube formation [180]. In animal models, it
VEGF receptors can be efficient in controlling corneal NV.
has been reported that topical administration of anecortave
acetate suppresses LPS and FGF2 induced corneal NV. In In animal models, tyrosine kinase inhibitors decrease corneal
NV and prolong graft survival [51].
that study, it has been reported that application of 0.1% or
1% suspensions of anecortave acetate four times in day Taken together, these data indicate that Bevacizumab can
almost totally inhibits corneal NV in rabbits [168]. After be a promising drug in treatment of cornea NV and graft
confirming safety and efficacy by more investigations, ane- survival [197,198]. Anti-VEGF substances may increasingly
cortave acetate can be considered for controlling corneal NV. play a role in treatment of anterior segment NV in the future.
In addition to these well-known therapeutic strategies
NONSTEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS described above, there are numerous agents that showed
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are inhibitory effects in corneal NV. It has been reported that
widely used in ophthalmology for controlling pain and ‘suleparoide [199], thalidomide [200], suramin [201],
inflammation in ocular surface disorders. NSAIDs inhibit the genistein [202], somatostatin [203], octreotide [204],
activity of the cyclooxygenases (COX-1 and COX-2) that cyclosporine [205], methotrexate [206], rapamycin [207] and
convert arachidonic acid to prostaglandins (PGs). Previous tacrolimus [208] can abolish corneal NV in animal models.
studies showed that COX-2 is an inducible isoform of However, it seems that these medications exert their
cyclooxygenases, which induces multiple events of therapeutic properties through reducing inflammatory and
angiogenesis like proliferation and migration of endothelial angiogenic factors, mainly VEGF. Further investigations in
cells and inhibits apoptosis [181]. It has been clarified that animal models and human cases are needed to place these
some of PGs, like PGE2, induces angiogenesis by increasing agents alongside corneal NV therapeutics.
VEGF and bFGF gene expression [182,183]. In fact, it has
been showed that inhibitors of COX-2 inhibit angiogenesis CURRENT & FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
in vitro and in vivo [184-186]. Both COX-1 and COX-2 are
During past two decades, paralle with our understanding
found in the cornea and their role in the pathogenesis of NV
of molecular events underlying ocular NV, there was a
has been investigated [187].
general interesting for using anti-VEGF angents as a potent
Previous studies showed that NSAIDs can control and safe theraputic option for controlling corneal
corneal NV. Indomethacin and ketoprofen, nonselective angiogenesis. It is expected that VEGF blocking agents or
COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitors, significantly suppress bFGF- tyrosin kinase inhibitors will play an imporant role in
and VEGF-induced angiogenesis in mouse cornea [184]. increasing the graft survival and conserving vision after
Interestingly, this study notified that selective inhibitor of keratoplasty in near future. Moreover, VEGF is known as a
COX-2 (celecoxib and rofecoxib) suppresses bFGF-induced main mediator involves in the pathogenesis of herpetic
NV more effectively than VEGF induced NV. Thus it was keratitis and pterygium; therefore anti-VEGF drugs can
concluded that selective inhibitors of COX-2 should be used revolutionize their treatment strategies. Today, at least two
in the early course of corneal NV and before the upregu- VEGF inhibitors are approved for treatment of angiogenesis-
lation of large amounts of VEGF. Once VEGF is present, related ophthalmic diseases; Lucentis (rhuFab V2;
selective COX-2 inhibitors would be less active in inhibiting Genentech, Inc.) and Macugen (pegaptanib sodium; Eyetech
VEGF-induced angiogenesis [184]. Pharmaceuticals) and more are poised to enter into clinical
practice. Focus on determination of safe and effective
ANTI-VEGF AGENTS concentration, exposure time, and administration routes of
anti-angiogenic drugs can accelerate their entrance to
Over the past decade, there were progressive attempts for ophthalmology in near future.
using anti VEGF agents for controlling corneal NV.
Numerous studies showed that Bevacizumab can inhibit
ocular NV in both human and animal models. Bevacizumab
is a recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody against the The authors would like to thank Dr. Amir Kiani and
VEGF molecule that binds and neutralizes it effectively Dr. Behrouz Nikbin for their valuable assistance.
[188]. Today, Bevacizumab is commercially available and is
Corneal Neovascularization Recent Patents on Inflammation & Allergy Drug Discovery 2009, Vol. 3, No. 3 227

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