Journal Entry Week 3

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Journal Entry Week 3

Do you think collaboration skills need to be taught classroom? Why/Why not?

Collaboration skills should be taught in the classroom because that is part of life. Collaborating
is done from childhood into adulthood whether we desire it or not hence the need to start from
our informative stage. The Ministry must include not suggestions but instead it should be
mandated in our curriculum from Pre-School into University level to incorporate group
assignments. Initially though, collaboration skills need to begin small (two persons) as this will
be the best way to encourage rather than discourage students from working together.

Furthermore, collaboration skills will help students to socialize, attain understanding and create
human bonding. This is so important in today’s world where gaming is considered a sport and
where students spend much time on their devices in isolation. Additionally, collaborative
learning can help shy students learn how to express themselves and eventually become
outspoken in all aspects of their lives.

Also in today’s workplace and tertiary education group work is part of the program. Hence, if
collaborative learning is introduced from Pre-school into Secondary level it will be easier on the
student, teacher and manager. Students will learn when to compromise and when to be a
leader. Stress levels will also decrease because this will not be a new method but a learnt one,
and dealing with difficult persons will be handled. Productivity levels will increase while
efficiency will be on the rise throughout the country.

Thus, although I support collaborative learning in the classroom it must be practical as well. The
Ministry of Education must be sensible: classrooms must be a reasonable size; classrooms must
have proper furniture; classrooms must be separated into individual rooms; class sizes have to
be smaller and more manageable and classrooms must be updated with proper technology.

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