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1. ………….. represents items that are owned or available to be used in a venture

a. Capital
b. Money
c. Assets
d. Management
e. Table
2. The process that enables you to create a road map for your business success is …………
a. Business growth
b. Business ethics
c. Feasibility report
d. Business plan
e. Business road
3. An estimate of the worth of a business entity and its assets is called ……
a. Business branding
b. Business start-up
c. Business valuation
d. Business plan
e. Business success
4. …….. is the process of offering a number of products together
a. Branding
b. Bundling
c. Branching
d. Bending
e. Marketing
5. A group method for obtaining new business ideas is called ………
a. Focus group
b. Discussion group
c. Brain storming
d. Panel technique
e. Conferencing
6. …….. is the environment of a particular organization
a. Corporate climate
b. Corporate culture
c. Corporate image
d. Corporate law
e. Corporate logo
7. The process of obtaining borrowed funds for the company is called ……….
a. Debt-financing
b. Equity financing
c. Finance by stocks
d. Reinvestment
e. Plow back finance
8. Obtaining funds for the company in exchange for ownership is ……..
a. Equity financing
b. Stock financing
c. Credit financing
d. Secondary financing

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e. None of the above

9. The process of creating something new with value and assuming the risks and rewards is
a. Business
b. Venture
c. Entrepreneurship
d. Internship
e. Business venture
10. ……………. Is the combination of at least two firms doing similar business
a. Horizontal merger
b. Acquisition
c. Lateral merger
d. Upward merger
e. Sectional merger
11. The knowledge, experience and skills that have been obtained, preserved, catalogues and
made available for sharing is called ………
a. Intellectual assets
b. Intellectual property
c. Copyright
d. Right owner
e. Patents
12. All these are types of intellectual property except one
a. Patents
b. Trade secrets
c. Know-how
d. Copy rights
e. Patent rights
13. …….. is one who takes on entrepreneur-like venture within a large corporate environment
a. Entrepreneur
b. Intrapreneur
c. Entrepreneurial
d. Intrapreneurial
e. None of the above
14. An individual who creates something new is ………..
a. Inventor
b. Innovator
c. Creator
d. Builder
e. Discoverer
15. …… is having less than 50% ownership position in accompany
a. Majority interest
b. Minority interest
c. Major stocks
d. Full stocks
e. Small share
16. ……… is a business in which a distributor network is needed to build the business
a. Network marketing

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b. Network distribution
c. Network sales
d. Network packaging
e. Network branding
17. …… represents the amount owners have invested and/or retained from the venture
a. Owner equity
b. Owner capital
c. Share capital
d. Capital outlay
e. Share earned
18. Sole proprietorship has unlimited liability
a. True
b. False
c. Vague
d. Ambiguous
e. None of the above
19. Taking calculated chances in creating and running a venture is called …..
a. Calculating risk
b. Risk taking
c. Risk averter
d. Risk issue
e. Risk momentum
20. ……… is individuals influencing an entrepreneur’s career choice and style
a. Role models
b. Role builders
c. Role growth
d. Role career
e. Role sharper
21. CEO is an abbreviation for
a. Chief Executive Officer
b. Chief Executive Operator
c. Chief Excellent Officer
d. Chief Examiner Officer
e. Chief Operating Executive
22. Entrepreneur see opportunities where others see problem
a. True
b. False
c. No answer
d. None is applicable
e. None of the above
23. One of the pros of entrepreneurship is …….
a. Independence
b. Satisfaction
c. Financial reward
d. Self-esteem
e. All of the above

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24. The disadvantages of being an entrepreneur include the following except …..
a. Business failure
b. Obstacles
c. Loneliness
d. Financial insecurities
e. None of the above
25. ……. Is an idea that is based on what consumer want
a. Chance
b. Opportunity
c. Luck
d. Prospect
e. All of the above
26. ……… was the first person to become the word Entrepreneur
a. Schimpeter
b. Richard Cantillon
c. Henry Hurley
d. Rogers & Tyler
e. Hisrich Young
27. …………………… is the description of the future direction of a business
a. Individual plan
b. Business plan
c. Industry plan
d. Corporate plan
e. Professional plan
28. …… is the specific group of potential customer toward which venture aims its marketing plan
a. Focus market
b. Aim market
c. Target market
d. Segment market
e. None of the above
29. ……. Has always been at the heart of human endeavour
a. Innovation
b. Creativity
c. Change
d. Invention
e. All of the above
30. The three components of creativity include the following except
a. Expertise
b. Creative-thinking skill
c. Motivate
d. Eagerness
e. All of the above
31. The drivers of innovation include the following except …………
a. Emerging technologies
b. Competitor action
c. New idea
d. External environment

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e. None of the above

32. ……. Report informs the decision and opinion in the issue of establishment of entities
a. Viability
b. Visibility
c. Profitability
d. Feasibility
33. ………. Is a business organisation managed on the basis of democracy to optimize members
social and economic benefits
a. Sole proprietorship
b. Partnership
c. Cooperative society
d. Joint venture
e. None of the above
34. ………. Is someone who always searches for change, respond and exploit it as an opportunity
a. Intrapreneur
b. Entrepreneur
c. Arbitrayer
d. Gambler
e. All of the above
35. The legal form of ownership is a function of the following except
a. Nature of business
b. Scale of operation
c. Financial resources
d. Amount of control
e. None of the above

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36. Pigs can be found in Schools, Colleges and _________

(a) Farms
(b) Research centres
(c) Large Pig farms
(d) O.O.U farms
37. As scavengers in local areas, pigs can also be _______ and kept in ________ for commercial purposes.
(a) Tethered, pens
(b) Tethered, piggery
(c) Tethered, cages
(d) All of a,b,c
38. One of the following is not a characteristic of pig.
(a) Omnivorous
(b) Scavenging
(c) Multiparous
(d) Omniparous
39. Bacon are salted pig meat from the sides, ________ or back of the pig.
(a) Belly
(b) Body
(c) Thigh
(d) All of a,b,c
40. The breed of pig that is black in colour with white belt around the shoulder extending to the forelegs is
(a) Yorkshire
(b) Tamworthshire
(c) Hampshire
(d) Pietrain
41. The breed of pigs which is very hardy and survives well in tropical areas is ____________
(a) Local breed
(b) Wessex Saddle back
(c) Large White
(d) Duroc
42. The breed of pig that is too short and too fat for bacon production is __________
(a) Tamworth
(b) Landrace
(c) Wessex Saddle back
(d) None of a,b,c
43. The walls of a standard pig pen should be ____________
(a) 1.0 – 1.2m high
(b) 1.1 – 1.5m high
(c) 1.2 – 1.5m high
(d) 1.5 – 2.0m high
44. The spacing provided for adult pigs is ____________
(a) 1.5 – 2.0m
(b) 2.0 – 2.5m
(c) 2.0 – 3.0m
(d) 2.5 – 3.0m
45. ___________ mature pigs of same sex especially females can be housed together
(a) 2 – 4
(b) 2 – 3
(c) 4 – 6
(d) 2 – 6
46. Pig housing unit must allow for all but one of the following
(a) Guaranteed constant temperature
(b) Adequate ventilation
(c) Prevention of theft

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(d) Adequate lighting

47. Feed costs usually accounts for over _________ of total costs in pig production.
(a) 70%
(b) 65%
(c) 80%
(d) 75%
48. Breeders diet contain _________ protein
(a) 16 – 18%
(b) 12 – 14%
(c) 14 – 16%
(d) None of a,b,c
49. The feed that contains 20 – 25% protein for pigs is ___________
(a) Fatteners diet
(b) Breeders diet
(c) Growers diet
(d) Creep feed
50. Feed intake per piglet increases from 0.2kg per day to ____________ at 8 weeks
(a) 8.0kg
(b) 0.8kg
(c) 0.5kg
(d) 0.75kg
51. Weight of pigs for bacon production is ________
(a) 90 – 120kg
(b) 70 – 100kg
(c) 45 – 70kg
(d) 75 – 90kg
52. The quantity of feed required per day per weaner is _________
(a) 1.0 – 1.5kg
(b) 1.5 – 2.0kg
(c) 0.2 – 0.5kg
(d) 1.0 – 1.75kg
53. Breeders require __________ kg of feed per day/animal
(a) 2.0 – 2.5kg
(b) 2.5 – 3.0kg
(c) 3.0 – 3.5kg
(d) 3.5 – 4.0kg
54. Before being used for mating (bred) gilts should be between _________ kg weight
(a) 50 – 60kg
(b) 45 – 70kg
(c) 60 – 70kg
(d) 65 – 75kg
55. Boar for mating should attain a minimum of _________ months before it is used
(a) 6 and 8months
(b) 12months
(c) 8 and 10months
(d) 10 and 12months
56. A mature boar should make about ________ services per week
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 6
(d) 10
57. In caring for piglets, between the 3rd and 4th day after birth
(a) Clip the milk teeth with pincers
(b) Give iron injection and repeat or the 21 st day
(c) Cut off the umbilical cord and apply iodine

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(d) Provide bedding materials

58. The quantity of Tetracycline powder used in artificial colostrum preparation is _________
(a) One tablespoonful
(b) One tablespoonful
(c) Half tablespoonful
(d) One teaspoonful
59. Pigs can be restrained through the use of pig catcher which is applied to their mouth beyond the
(a) Canine
(b) Incisors
(c) Muzzle
(d) Snout
60. The disease which symptoms are sterility and infection of reproductive organs is ________
(a) Swine repisipelas
(b) Pneumonia
(c) Brucellosis
(d) Genitalia infection
61. When a sow dies immediately after farrowing, the act of giving the piglets to another sow which also
farrow about the same time to nurse is ________
(a) Mother nursing
(b) Foster mothering
(c) Sow nursing
(d) Piglet fostering
62. The quantity of artificial colostrum given to piglets due to non-availability of suitable mother to foster is
(a) 100mls/day
(b) 10.0mls/day
(c) 1000mls/day
(d) 50mls/day
63. Another name for pig tusk is
(a) Canine
(b) Incisor
(c) Molar
(d) None of a – c

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64. Weaning in pig production is done between the ages of _________

(a) 4 and 5weeks
(b) 5 and 6weeks
(c) 6 and 7weeks
(d) 6 and 8weeks
65. Milk teeth in piglets is clipped between the __________ with the use of pincers
(a) 1st and 3rd day
(b) 3rd and 4th day
(c) 3rd and 4th week
(d) 1st and 3rd week
66. Iron injection is given to piglets between the 2nd and 3rd day and it is repeated on the __________
(a) 21st day
(b) 14th day
(c) 15th day
(d) 7th day
67. For sustainable development of every agrarian economy, Agriculture is expected to play _______ main
(a) Four
(b) Five
(c) Six
(d) Three
68. The practical cultivational procedure, techniques and cultural practice involved in crop production are
also known as
(a) Cultural practices
(b) Preplanting practices
(c) Crop production techniques
(d) All of a – c
69. Test carried out to determine the germination ability of seeds is termed ________
(a) Germinability test
(b) Sprouting test
(c) Viability test
(d) Seed testing
70. Before planting, one of the following is not a method of seed testing
(a) Floating method
(b) Seed exposure
(c) Laboratory method
(d) Field planting method
71. The arrangement of crop on a piece of land is _______
(a) Planting spacing
(b) Planting pattern
(c) Planting layout
(d) Planting design
72. One acre of land is equal to ________
(a) 10,000m2
(b) 5,000m2
(c) 4,000m2
(d) 2,500m2

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73. One of the following is not a method of fertilizer application

(a) Broadcasting
(b) Bund method
(c) Pocket method
(d) Ring method
74. A well dried agricultural produce for storage should have _________ moisture content
(a) 13 percent
(b) 14 percent
(c) 10 percent
(d) 12 percent
75. One of the following crops cannot be classified directly as an annual crop
(a) Cassava
(b) Sorghum
(c) Wheat
(d) Millet
76. The spacing adopted for sole cassava planting is
(a) 100cm x 100cm
(b) 60cm x 90cm
(c) 80cm x 100cm
(d) 75cm x 100cm
77. The yield of yam per hectare is
(a) 8 – 10tons
(b) 10 – 20tons
(c) 5 – 8tons
(d) 4 – 6tons
78. The seed rate of maize is ______
(a) 10 – 15kg/ha
(b) 15 – 20kg/ha
(c) 20 – 25kg/ha
(d) 5 – 10kg/ha
79. The spacing for soyabeans is _________
(a) 5cm x 50cm
(b) 50cm x 50cm
(c) 15cm x 50cm
(d) 10cm x 50cm
80. Seed rate for groundnut is _________
(a) 5.0kg/ha
(b) 10kg/ha
(c) 25kg/ha
(d) 50kg/ha
81. The spacing for cowpea is
(a) 25 x 50cm
(b) 30 x 50cm
(c) 30 x 60cm
(d) 45 x 90cm
82. All of the following is a fruit tree except one
(a) Mango
(b) Star Apple
(c) Papaya spp
(d) Gossypium spp
83. The spacing of Cocoa is _________
(a) 6m x 6m
(b) 2m x 3m
(c) 3.1m x 3.1m
(d) 10m x 10m

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84. The spacing for Okro is _________

(a) 0.45 x 0.60m
(b) 0.45 x 0.75m
(c) 0.45 x 0.90m
(d) 0.45 x 1.00m
85. The following vegetables except one are planted by drilling method
(a) Cabbage
(b) Amaranthus
(c) Celosia spp
(d) Corchorus spp
86. The opening up of the soil for seed planting is known as _________
(a) Ridge make
(b) Tilling
(c) Bed making
(d) Land preparation
87. ________ is the space between one ridge/line and another ridge/line
(a) Intra spacing
(b) Furrow spacing
(c) Inter spacing
(d) Ridge spacing
88. Adequate _________ of crops is important for good yield
(a) Management
(b) Maintenance
(c) Fertilization
(d) Spacing
89. 1 hectare of land is equal to ________m2
(a) 4,000
(b) 10,000
(c) 50,000
(d) 2,500
90. _______ reduces the yield of crops
(a) Weeds
(b) Poor managements
(c) Pests
(d) Diseases
91. _______ is necessary in order to determine crop yield
(a) Weeding
(b) Fertilizer
(c) Harvesting
(d) Weighing
92. There are ________ types of crop nurseries
(a) Three
(b) Two
(c) Four
(d) Five
93. One of the following is not considered as a factor in nursery establishment
(a) Nearness to market
(b) Availability of labour
(c) Water supply/availability
(d) Pest and disease control
94. Drying in crops allow for the following except one
(a) Mouldiness
(b) Prevent deterioration
(c) Remove/reduce moisture content
(d) High quality

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95. One of the underlisted crops is not a legume

(a) Pigeon pea
(b) Bambara nut
(c) Soyabean
(d) Rye

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