FareXpert Negotiated Fares Database Routing Graph Mode

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Amadeus FareXpert

Negotiated Fares Routing Module



1. Overview ...................................................................................................................... 3
2. Description ................................................................................................................... 3
3. How does this Work? ................................................................................................... 3
4. Functional Examples .................................................................................................... 6
4.1 A Point to Point Routing: Specified Airline, Specified and Unspecified Cities ..... 6
4.2 Routing Specifying Alternative via Points and Alternative Airlines. ..................... 8
4.3 Route Map with more than one Routing String ................................................. 11
4.4 Group Nodes or Ungroup Nodes ..................................................................... 11
4.5 Amending an Existing Routing ......................................................................... 11
4.6 Deleting a Part of a Routing ............................................................................. 12
4.7 Copying Part of a Routing and Pasting ............................................................ 12
4.8 Refresh ............................................................................................................ 12
4.9 Filter Criteria .................................................................................................... 12

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Company Amadeus UK Marketing
Department Product
© 2013 Amadeus IT Group SA

Author R Thwaites
Reviewed by Caroline Jones Date DD / MM / YYYY
Approved by Approver Name Date DD / MM / YYYY
Version Date Change Comment By

January 2013
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1. Overview
This document gives details and examples of a recent enhancement to the Amadeus
Negotiated Fares Routing Module. The new development in this document relates to an
additional method of creating route maps known as „Graph Mode‟

2. Description
The original method for creating route maps is called „Table Mode‟ which will still exist in its
original format. You will now also have the option of accessing a new graphical interface to
create route maps –„Graph Mode‟. The „Coded Restrictions' tab will also still exist.

3. How does this Work?

Access the routing application and add carrier, tariff and routing number in the normal

After clicking „Create‟ on the „routing selection‟ screen a new routing information display
appears with fare evolution dates. The effective date is set to today‟s date and the
discontinue date is set as indefinite. You can enter routing description text in the text box
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Routing description
Evolution dates double
click for next screen

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Double click the evolution date to bring up the Create Routing Information screen:

Click „Add a route‟ or insert line icon to

input route map in the normal way

Select Graph Mode for

alternative new input

Click on Graph Mode to bring up the following screen for input of the routing:

Filter criteria : used for

selecting routing

Main icons – „Cities‟ for input

of city pairs, „Plane„ for
carrier, „Chain‟ for linking It is possible to switch
cities and airlines back to Table Mode to
view the routing
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January 2013
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Icon Information:

1) Switch to Selection Mode

2) Insert a new city / airport

3) Insert a new airline

4) Insert a new link

5) Edit the selected city/airport/airline

6) Delete the selected city/airport/airline

7) Copy the selected city/airport/airline

8) Paste the component of the clipboard

9) Group the nodes

10) Ungroup the nodes

11) Increase the zoom

12) Decrease the zoom

13) Default Size

14) Refresh the panel

Additionally if you right click in the white are with your mouse these Icons will appear.
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4. Functional Examples
In this section various examples are used to illustrate how „Graph Mode‟ can be used.

4.1 A point to point routing using specified airline and specified and unspecified cities
4.2 Routing specifying alternative via points and alternative airlines
4.3 Route map with more than one routing string
4.4 Group Nodes or Ungroup Nodes
4.5 Amending an existing routing
4.6 Deleting a part of a routing
4.7 Copying part of a routing and pasting
4.8 Refresh
4.9 Filter Criteria

4.1 A Point to Point Routing: Specified Airline, Specified and

Unspecified Cities

Select first city of routing using new city/airport icon.

If „Any city/airport‟ is
selected XXX is added
in the route map

Or restrict the routing to a

specified airport/city

Select „insert a new

Input the 3 letter city/airport
city/airport‟ icon
code and enter to accept. The
line changes colour to orange.
Click OK to submit.

Next select the first airline which is required on the route map. Selecting an airline is not
mandatory, however, if no airline is added travel will have to be on the airline whose contract
is being loaded.
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January 2013
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LON has been added

Enter two letter airline

code or YY for all airlines
- enter and click OK
Click on „insert
a new airline‟

The next screen shows the airline code superimposed over the city code. Use the mouse to
drag the airline identifier to the right of the city code. In doing this you are starting to order
your route map string which will run from left to right of the display.

Click and drag airline code

To add the next city in the route map, click in the city icon. Add the city code and drag to the
right of the airline code (again building your route from left to right of the display). In this
example „any city/airport‟ has been selected which has resulted in the XXX three letter code
being applied.

Click and drag city code to the right of the airline

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Finally for this routing string you must link the city and airlines codes together using the chain
icon – „insert a new link‟
1. Click on the arrow for selection mode to switch
from city and airline to „linking routing‟ mode.

3. Draw lines- drag arrowed link icon between cities and airports

2.Click chain to activate drawing tool

to „link‟ the route

At this stage you can either „submit and close‟ this routing, in order to save it, or if required
create another routing string for this route map. If this is the case you can click the Selection
mode arrow at the top to continue with a new routing string.

4.2 Routing Specifying Alternative via Points and Alternative

This is an example of a slightly more complex routing string. This may be a brand new
standalone route map that is being created or it could be amending an existing routing string.

In this example a alternative via point of Boston (BOS) and New York (NYC) are to be
included. The first part of the routing LON BA has already been added. To add the remainder
select next „Specify City‟. Rather than input once city code instead input the two possible via
point options, in this case NYC and BOS.
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January 2013
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Input NYC and then insert or

copy line and input BOS, click OK

Remember to drag NYC/BOS to the left of BA to keep the routing in order (at this stage you
cannot specify whether a point is a stopover or transfer or mandatory)

If more than one airline is permitted to fly to the final point of the routing string, then the input
method will be similar to adding multiple via points.. In this example either BA or AA flights
are permitted to the final destination

Click on the „insert airline‟ icon

Input BA and then insert or copy

line and input AA. Click OK to

Routing via NYC or BOS

Complete the routing string as required. In this example the last city code has been inputted
as XXX. Don‟t forget as well to click on the linking tool to draw „linking‟ lines separately
© 2013 Amadeus IT Group SA

between each element.

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Insert linking separately between Routing via BA or AA to all

each element fare destinations loaded

Up to this point it would have not been possible to specify whether the via points of NYC and
BOS were stopovers or transfers or mandatory or not. This can be done now. To do this
either click on the city code box (e.g. the box containing NYC BOS) and then select the
amendment icon below the linking icon. Alternatively just double click on the city code box.
From the resulting screen you can identify whether points are stopover or transfer points or
whether the point is mandatory or not.

Double click box

Access either „Mandatory‟ or
„Stopover/Transfer‟ drop down
menus and select required
restriction as appropriate
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Transfer points indicated by (T)

If it was a stopover this would be indicated by
Product (S) or if both permitted it will be shown with
January 2013 no letter.
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4.3 Route Map with more than one Routing String

To create another routing you would go through the same procedure of creating the
airline/city and link as above in a clear area of the same white input box.

4.4 Group Nodes or Ungroup Nodes

Only where applicable, routing strings can be combined in „Graph Mode‟. In this example 2
route maps have been created.

You would highlight them both and then click the Group Nodes icon.

To revert back to two separate lines click on the Ungroup Nodes icon.

4.5 Amending an Existing Routing

Click on Update then click on Graph Mode. Double click on the city/airline code to highlight it
in orange or click on it once and then click on the “Edit the selected city/airport/airline” icon.
A pop up box will appear and then click on this and perform your updates and then submit
and close.
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4.6 Deleting a Part of a Routing

To delete a part of the routing click on Update then click on Graph Mode.
Click on the city/airline code to highlight it in orange then click on the “Delete selected
city/airport/airline” icon.

4.7 Copying Part of a Routing and Pasting

To copy part of the routing click on Update then click on Graph Mode.
Click on the city/airline code (to select a view hold down the CTRL button) to highlight them
in orange then click on the “Copy the selected city/airport/airline” icon.

Then to paste click on “Paste the component of the clipboard” icon.

4.8 Refresh
If your screen needs to be refreshed the “Refresh the Panel” icon can be clicked on.

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After “Refresh the Panel” is clicked.

4.9 Filter Criteria

It you have multi lines in Graphic Mode for ease of viewing a filter has been created.
Filtering the different lines can be done by City Pair, Carrier, Location 1 and Location 2.

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In the example below in Location 1 XXX was entered and then when the Filter button is
clicked it displays any line that has XXX.

In this example if you use Location 1 and Location 2 it will search just for that portion of the
flight that you are specifying.

As you can see below it does not show all the routing.
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