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Minimum cost design of sulphur concrete pavements'

R. E. Loov, J. E. G I L L O I.
Department of Civil Engirleering. The Utliversity of Calgary, 2500 University Drive N . W . , Ccrlgnry, Alto., C~zrzaclnR N 1N4
Rcceived Deccmber 24, 1982
Revised manuscript accepted June 20. 1983
Can. J. Civ. Eng. Downloaded from by SAVANNAHRIVNATLABBF on 11/11/14

Two types of paving materials have traditionally been used for surfaces that must be better than can be provided by rnaterials
such as gravel or soil-cement. Portland-cement concrete has been designed based on procedures that recognize the rigid nature
of this material. Asphaltic concrete has, on the other hand, been designed based on a recognition of the flexible nature of this
We have found that, with minor differences in the amounts of suitable additives, sulphur concrete can be tailored to have
different stiffness characteristics ranging between asphaltic concrete and Portland-cemcnt concrete. With this material we have
an opportunity therefore to choose the material stiffness that will result in the minimum pavement thickness for a given
situation. The optimum rnaterial stiffness has been determined, based on different sub-base stiffnesses for standard wheel loads.
The results of this investigation should be of interest to all engineers faced with the responsibility for designing pavements.
Keywords: pavement, sulphur concrete, minimum cost design, highways.

Deux types de matiriaux furent traditionnellement utilisCs dans la construction de surfaces devant &trede meilleure qualit6
que celle obtenue en utilisant le gravier ou le sol-ciment. Le dimensionnement dcs sections en bCton de ciment portland fut
effectu6 en reconnaissant la nature rigide du matCriau. Le dimensionnement des sections en btton bitumineux fut effectut en
tenant compte de la nature flexible du mat6riau.
En variant quelque peu les quantitCs d'additifs convenables, nous avons trouve que la rigidit6 du btton au soufre peut &tre
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ajust6 h volont6 et varier entre la rigidit6 du bCton bitumineux et celle bu btton de ciment portland. Le matkriau offre la
possibilitt de choisir la rigidit6 correspondant h I'tpaisseur minimum selon la situation.
La rigidit6 optimum du mattriau fut Ctablic en fonction de la rigidit6 de la fondation pour les charges de vthicules standard.
Les risultats de cette Ctude devraient intkresser les ingCnieurs responsables du calcul des chausseCs.
Mots-cle's: chaussCe, b6ton au soufre, cot3 minimum, autoroutes.
[Traduit par la revue]
Can. 1. Civ. Eng. 10, 649-653 (1983)

Asphaltic concrete pavement materials improve the pavement properties by replacing some of
In spite of the many problems associated with asphalt the asphalt with sulphur. The resulting pavement is less
concrete it is the most widely used pavement material. likely to deform plastically, and the fatigue resistance
Asphalt concrete becomes less serviceable with time as has been found to be improved (Bergan and Watson
loads and the weather exert their influence. Loss of 1981).
serviceability due to loads may occur as a result of Portland-cement concrete
plastic deformation, which leads to rutting and shoving, Portland-cement concrete is used to produce rigid
or may result from flexural cracking of the pavement. pavement that has many good properties. Plastic defor-
Load-induced flexural cracking may result from mation is not a problem with this material. Because of
fatigue failure of the lower surface of the pavement, the high stiffness of this material it cannot adapt to
which is stressed in tension, or may result from fatigue uneven settlement.
failure of the sub-base material if ;his latter material is Subhur concrete
strained excessively.
Much research on sulphur concrete has been carried
Plastic behaviour such as rutting and shoving are
out during the past 10 years by the authors, who are
more likely to occur at intersections and bus stops
members of the University of Calgary Interdisciplinary
where vehicles are decelerating, stopping, and acceler-
Sulphur Research Group (UNISUL). This research has
- -
been directed toward investigating and im~roving - the
Sulphur-extended asphalr properties of sulphur concrete (Loov 1975). It has re-
During the last several years sulphur-extended sulted in the development of a patented formulation'
asphalt (SEA) has been developed in an attempt to (Gillott et al. 1980a), which is presently being mar-

'Presented at the Annual Confcrcnce of the Canadian 'The formulation is hydrocarbon-based and is referred to in
Society for Civil Engineering, Edmonton, Alta., Canada, the text as the "additive". The term "% additive" used in this
May 27-28, 1982. article refers to percent by weight of sulphur.
650 CAN. 1. CIV. ENG. VOL. 10. 1983

TABLE1. Representative dynamic moduli for different soil concrete pavements under similar loads, while sup-
ratings ported by soils with varying bearing capacity. Cal-
culations were made using a linear 3-dimensional
Representative pavement-analysis program called CHEVS 1M obtained
Soil rating C.B.R. dynamic modulus from the Department of Civil Engineering at the Uni-

Very poor subgrade 24 MPa versity of California. This program has been modified
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Poor subgrade 36 so that the required pavement thickness may be found

Fair subgrade 54 for different material properties and support conditions.
Medium subgrade 80 All calculations have been based on full depth pave-
Good subgrade 120 ment supported directly on the sub-base. This construc-
Medium sub-base 180 tion method has been reported (McLeod 1966) to be
Good sub-base 270 cheaper than that used for roads incorporating granular
fill, because the volume of material that has to be trans-
ported is greatly reduced.
keted through the Sulphur Development lnstitute of
Canada (SUDlC) under the name "SUDICRETE. Loads and soil properties
Commercial use up to now has been limited to Canada. Calculations have been based on a load of
Much of our past work has been directed toward the 80 kN/axle, which is often used as a basis for com-
elimination of durability problems arising from the parison. A tire pressure of 600 kPa has been used to
presence of swelling clay in the aggregate (Gillott et al. determine the assumed radius of the loaded area. The
19806) and toward developing freeze-thaw durability soil properties have been assumed to vary over a rather
(Shrive et al. 198 1). During this work it was found that wide range. Seven values of the modulus of elasticity
a variety of sulphur concrete could be produced that has have been chosen (Table l), based on soil ratings and
For personal use only.

better ductility than other sulphur concretes (Jordaan California bearing-ratio (CBR) values presented by
et al. 19786). While formulations that use dicyclo- Sargious (1975), and credited by him to Shell Petro-
pentadiene (DCPD) to 'plasticise' the sulphur have leum Company. The representative modulus of elas-
good initial ductility, they become brittle after 4 months ticity in MPa has been assumed to be roughly equal to
ageing, apparently because depolymerization takes 10 times the average CBR for each soil rating. This
place; samples we have tested that contain additives in relationship is based on Heukelom and Klomp (1962).
addition to DCPD become brittle after ageing from 5 to Poisson's ratio for soil evidently varies considerably,
14 months. With the formulation we have developed, depending on soil type. For this study a value of 0.40
no ageing effect has been observed within 3 years. All has been chosen.
samples were aged under room-temperature (-21°C) One of the major factors governing the design thick-
conditions in the open laboratory. ness of a pavement is the requirement to limit the
stresses and strains in the supporting soil. Generally it
Sulphur concrete as a paving material is assumed that the vertical stress in the soil directly
When a new material such as sulphur concrete is under the pavement may be allowed to vary in propor-
developed possible uses must be considered so that tion to its modulus of elasticity. This criterion may be
testing and development may be directed to determine more simply stated by specifying a constant limiting
the potential benefits and possible problems associated compressive strain in soil. The major variable affecting
with such use. As a potential paving material sulphur the limiting strain value is the desired fatigue life.
concrete appears to have a number of significant advan- Peattie (1978) has presented a relationship, which he
tages: (a) it should not have the problem of rutting and credits to Dormon and Metcalf. For a fatigue life of
shoving, as the material creeps much more slowly than 1 x lo6 load cycles the suggested limiting strain is
asphaltic concrete (Jordaan et al. 1 9 7 8 ~ )(b)
; abrasion 650 X This value (which has also been used by
resistance is good (Gillott et al. (19806); (c) freeze- Bergan and Watson (198 1)) has been used in this study.
thaw durability can be achieved through the use of
suitable additives (Shrive et al. (1981); and (d) sulphur Properties of sulphur concrete
concrete can be made with varying stiffnesses (Jordaan The properties of sulphur concrete at room tem-
et al. 19786). peratures have been determined by tests carried out at
the University of Calgary. Measurements of the modu-
Stress calculations lus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio have been made
Based on these favourable indications it seemed using compressive tests on 4 in. X 8 in. (100 mm X
appropriate to make some comparisons between the 200 mm) specimens. The values shown in Table 2 are
required thicknesses of sulphur-concrete and asphalt- .based on the average of three specimens. The modulus

4"x4"x16" PRISMS
12" SPAN
Can. J. Civ. Eng. Downloaded from by SAVANNAHRIVNATLABBF on 11/11/14

l0k // \
.. k N AT 5 mm


FIG. 1. Load displacement curves.

of elasticity has been based on the slope of the secant TABLE

2. Modulus of elasticity and limiting strain for
For personal use only.

through a point on the load-strain curve corresponding sulphur concrete

to a strain of 800 X for the different sulphur con-
cretes considered in this paper. The load-strain curve is % additive E (MPa) Limiting strain
reasonably close to a straight line within this range.
Poisson's ratio was found to be approximately 0.25 for
all additive percentages for compressive strains of less
than 300 x With no additive this ratio applied
right up to the point of failure. At higher strainlevels
sulphur concretes that contain additives to increase
ductility have progressively higher Poisson's ratio failed at from 172 000 to 1 7000 000 cycles. (Similar
values. This increase in the measured Poisson's ratio is tests of asphalt concrete stressed to 95% failed at an
probably not a real increase, but is simply a result of average of 56 000 cycles, with a range of 32 860 to
vertical cracking as the concrete is compressed. 75 580 for 5 specimens).
Because the present analysis has been based on strains Ten other samples of sulphur concrete with either 0 %
not exceeding 150 x a Poisson's ratio of 0.25 has or 10% additive loaded to 75% to 85% of the average
been used. static failure load did not fail at the maximum number
Figure 1 compares typical load-displacement curves of cycles imposed on them. Seven specimens were sub-
for modulus-of-rupture test specimens loaded under jected to 500 000 cycles, two to 1 000 000 cycles, and
constant strain to failure. These 4 in. ( 102 mm) X 4 in. one to 1 500 000 cycles of loading. Based on these
(102 mm) x 16 in. (406 mm) specimens were loaded fatigue tests and modulus of rupture tests, a limiting
at the one-third points of a 12 in. (305 mm) gauge strain was determined for each sulphur concrete, and
length. The sulphur concrete can be made to have corresponded to approximately 90% of the average
various load-displacement curves, as shown, simply strain at maximum load obtained in the modulus of
by changing the additive level. The cost is essentially rupture tests. Although these strain values were consid-
constant because the additive cost is relatively ered adequate for these initial comparisons, further
insignificant. testing will be required in order to choose a strain limit
The limiting tensile strain that a given paving materi- that will provide equal fatigue resistance for sulphur
al can be subjected to depends on the desired fatigue concrete with different levels of additive. The limiting
life. Previous fatigue tests on sulphur concrete indicate strains for the sulphur concrete are shown in Table 2.
that this material has a very flat S-N curve (Lee and
Klaiber 1981). In our tests we found that specimens Properties of asphaltic concrete
with 10% additive loaded to 95% of their static strength It is particularly difficult to choose values for the
652 CAN. I . CIV. ENG. VOL. 10. 1983
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C B R %

FIG.2. Pavement thickness limited by vertical soil strain. FIG. 3. Pavement thickness limited by tangential tensile
modulus of elasticity and the appropriate limiting
values of strain for asphaltic concrete. The modulus of pressive strain of 650 x lo-' in the soil. It is apparent
elasticity is particularly affected by loading rate and by that the required pavement thickness reduces as the E,
For personal use only.

temperature. Finn (1967) has provided information on modulus of elasticity, of the pavement is increased. The
the stiffness of asphaltic concrete specimens. The aver- sulphur-concrete pavement would not need to be as
age flexural stiffness with a 0.1 s cycle time for as- thick as asphaltic concrete pavement.
phaltic concrete tested at 68°F (20°C) was found to be Figure 3 indicates the required pavement thickness
approximately 1000 MPa, while at 40°F (4°C) the stiff- for different soil stiffnesses, limited by the tangential
ness was approximately 3600 MPa. Peattie (1978) indi- tensile strain at the lower surface of the pavement. The
cated that the effective stiffness of asphalt can be ex- required pavement thicknesses are affected by the elas-
pected to vary markedly depending on the vehicle tic modulus of the paving material and by the limiting
speed. At 20°C the effective stiffness may be expected tensile strain allowed in the pavement. Again the calcu-
to double as the speed is increased from 10 km/h to lations indicate that substantial reductions in pavement
100 km/h. Brown (1978) has stated that the loading thickness could be made by using sulphur concrete.
time in seconds may be obtained approximately as the Although the calculations indicate that the thinnest
reciprocal of the vehicle speed in km/h. pavements could be made using sulphur concrete with-
For the calculations used in this comparison between out additives, this is not practical if the failure charac-
asphaltic concrete and sulphur concrete a minimum teristics and the durability of the different sulphur con-
stiffness of 1000 MPa has been used at +20°C, and a cretes are considered. The sulphur concrete without
stiffness of 4000 MPa has been used for a temperature additive breaks in a very brittle manner. The sulphur
of 4°C. concrete with 2% additive may have sufficient ductility
The limiting strains for asphaltic concrete have been to work satisfactorily, but is still rather brittle. Sulphur
based on the fatigue life equations developed by Bergan concrete with from 5% to 10% additive fails in a more
and Watson (198 1). For 20°C they found N = ductile manner, as indicated in the typical load dis-
11.06 x (1 /E)'.'", where N is the number of load placement curve for the rupture specimens shown in
repetitions and E is the limiting strain. The limiting Fig. 1. The additional ductility is considered necessary
strain for an N of 1 X 10' is therefore 230 x For so that the pavement can follow some of the unequal
4°C the corresponding fatigue life equation is settlement of the subgrade without fracturing.
N = 3.256 X ( 1 / ~ ) ' . ' ~which
~ gives a limiting
strain of 80 X for a fatigue life of lo6 standard Conclusions
axle loads. Based on information available to this date, it ap-
pears that sulphur concrete modified to obtain ductility
Results and improved durability warrants serious consideration
Figure 2 indicates the required thickness of pavement as a paving material. Further study is needed to ascer-
for different soil stiffnesses, limited by a vertical com- tain whether other problems such as low-temperature

cracking may be a problem, and whether sulphur con- 1980b. Durability studies of sulphur concrete,
crete performs satisfactorily as a wearing course durability of building materials and components. Edited by
material. For future work it would probably be de- P. J. Sereda and G. G. Litvan. ASTM STP69 1, American
sirable to use a non-linear method of analysis, which Society for Testing and Materials, pp. 549-559.
could more closely follow the actual properties of the HEUKELOM, E., and KLOMP,A. J. G. 1962. Dynamics testing
as a means of controlling pavements during and after con-
soil and the pavement. struction. Proceedings of the International Conference on
Can. J. Civ. Eng. Downloaded from by SAVANNAHRIVNATLABBF on 11/11/14

the Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements, pp. 667-679.

Acknowledgements JORDAAN, I . J., GILLOTT, J. E., LOOV,R. E., and SHRIVE,
W e wish to acknowledge financial support from the N. G. 19780. Properties and uses of sulphur mortars and
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of concretes. International Conference on Utilization of By-
Canada and from the Sulphur Development lnstitute of Products and Waste in Civil Engineering, Paris, France,
Canada, who have provided financial support for this VOI. 1 , pp. 101 -106.
19786. Impro~edductility of sulphur concretes and
research. The able assistance of our technicians, Mr. its relation to strength. International Conference on Sulphur
Pollard and Mr. Urquhart, is also gratefully acknowl- in Construction, Ottawa, Canada, Vol. 2, pp. 475-488.
edged. LEE,D. Y., and KLAIBER, F. W. 1981. Fatigue behaviour of
plasticized sulphur concrete. Proceedings of Sulphur-8 1,
BERGAN, A. T., and WATSON, L. G. 1981. A comparison of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. pp. 195-202.
fatigue and permanent deformation properties of con- LOOV,R. E. 1975. Sulphur concrete - state of the art.
ventional asphalt concrete and sulphur extended asphalt Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Con-
concrete. Proceedings of Sulphur-8 1, Calgary, Alberta, crete Technology, Monterrey, Mexico, pp. 22 1 -242.
Canada. pp. 299-322. MCLEOD,N. W. 1966. The asphalt institute's layer equiv-
BROWN,S. F. 1978. Material characteristics for analytical alency program. The Annual Meeting of the National
pavement design. I n Developments in highway pavement Petroleum Refiners Association. San Antonio, Texas.
For personal use only.

engineering - I. Edited by Peter S. Pell. Applied Science PEATTIE, K. R. 1978. Flexible pavement design. III Devel-
Publishers, London, pp. 93- 126. opments in highway pavement engineering - I. Edited by
DORMAN, G. M., and METCALF,C. T. 1965. Design curves Peter S. Pell. Applied Science Publishers Ltd., London,
for flexible pavements based on layered system theory. pp. 1-39.
Highway Research Record, 71, pp. 69-84. SARGIOUS, M. 1975. Pavements and surfacings for highways
FINN,F. N. 1967. Factors involved in the design of asphaltic and airports. Applied Science Publishers Ltd. London.
pavement surfaces. Highway Research Board. National SHRIVE, N. G., GILLOTT, J. E., JORDAAN, I. J., and Loov,
Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 39. R. E. 1981. Freeze-thaw durability of sulphur concretes.
GILLOTT, J. E., JORDAAN, I. J., LOOV,R . E., and SHRIVE, Sulphur-81 Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. pp.
N. G. 19800. Sulphur concretes, mortars and the like. U.S. 185- 194.
Patent 4, 188, 230.

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