Business Ethics: Polemical - Work With Theories and Ideas, With Opposites, Where The Ideas Are at War With Each Other

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Business Ethics

Polemical – work with theories and ideas, with opposites, where the ideas
are at war with each other
Class 1:
 Philosophy – The love of Wisdom / Western Society: Analytical tool
o Philo – Love (Phileo – family, friendship love)
o Agape – God’s love, unconditional love
o Eros – Romantic love, sensual love
o Sophy – Wisdom
 600 B.C – Pythagoras
 Pythagoras – everything in the universe is a number, everything is
giving off a vibration
o Bringing the soul into harmony with Nature
 Analytical Tool – analysis of arguments
 Plato – love the truth, 2 kinds of things in the world – the real and
perceptible world of change, imperfect but formed after the perfect
 Aristotle – 1st causes/ 1st principles
 Metaphysics – What is real, what is exists in the world – diagnostic
 Epistemology – about knowledge
o 1. What do we know?
o 2. How do we know it?
 Empiricism – World of the senses
 Rationalism – World of Reasoning
 Axiology – Study of worth / value
o Aesthetics
o Ethics
 Theoretical
 Applied
 We are in an applied Ethics class
 Deontological – Deontology
o Deon – Rule, Law
o “Don’t you know the rules?” – Means to the good life it to follow
the rules
o Black and White, clear cute
o Kant –
o Ross –
 Teleological – Teleology
o Telos – end
 Not the physical end but a knowledge end (purpose/goal)
 Concept of fulfillment at the end
o Universe is an orderly reality, everything has a purpose or design
o From antiquity to 1859 – everything has design purpose, and this
is the way nature
o 1859 – Charles Darwin, origin of the species
o Aristotle – Virtual Ethics
o Utilitarianism –distortion of Aristotle virtual ethics, pleasure
based ethical system which calls for the greatest good for the
greatest number
 A-teleological -- partial of negation
o Evolutionary theory – result of chaos, mutation, chance
Socio Economics Theories:
 Collectivism
o The collective is the basic unit of society
o The whole group, communism
o Everyone is equal
 Individualism
o Dominate system, individual is the basis of society
o Speaking of the single individual or the traditional view of family
o Individual has the right to their own ends, individual rights,
interests, drives

o Forms the basis for Capitalism
Economics Level:
 Capitalist –
o Owners of Private Property (real estate, businesses, tools, etc)
o Buyers and sellers determine the market
 Collectivist –
o Communism
 MOP is owned by the state
o Social Democracy
 The people own the means of production
 Individuals get to vote, still have a say
 Voting for leadership to guide their economy
o Moderate Social Democracy
 Individuals get to vote, still have a say
 Voting for leadership to guide their economy
 Some limited ownership
 MOP – Means of Production – everything that needs to produce
Class 2:
The Good Life:
 Socrates – 469-399 B.C.
o Natural Philosophy
o Became the most prominent ethical philosopher in history
o Was given to Hemlock, poison – Martyr
Pre-Socratic Philosophy – Pre Socrates
Socratic – After Socrates
ATOM – indivisible particles
 Antisthenes – student of Socrates / anti-institutions
o Cynicism (Naturalist) – Regretted human artifacts (institutions)

 Dog Philosophers
 Plato – Platonism
o Radical dualism
o Eudemonism –
 Plato had a disciple named Aristotle, disagreed with Plato
 Aristotle agreed with Eudemonism
 Aristippus – founder of the school known as Hedonism
 Hedon – sensual pleasure
 Rank Hedonism – getting drunk and naked on Friday night
and staying that way until you have to go back to work
 Only one good and supreme good – it is pleasure
o Epicurus was a follower of Aristippus
 Agreed that pleasure is the supreme good, but without
 2 qualifications:
o Without Pain or Anguish
 Hedonism – supreme good in pleasure and only pleasure
 Eudemonism - Well being
 Supreme good – Well Being / flourishing / self-
o EU- good
o Daimon – spirit
o Required rational thinking
 Both Hedonism and Eudemonism is translated in English to happiness
Sandel –
Introduction of the book:
Market Triumphalism – 1980-2008
Markets are the primary means of achieving the public goods
 Public Good is comparable with the common good
Markets would be whatever you want to sell or pay for

What is the market exchange between?
Capitalism (voluntary exchange between buyers and sellers)
Collectivism (coercive system, in this system the particular good, quantity,
pricing, controlled by the political mechanism

Collectivism: developed as a reaction to Capitalism

Marxist Communism – Utopia via Carl Marx
Traditional Social Democracy
Moderate Social Democracy
Communist vs Socialism –
 Communist – state owns means of production
 Socialism – people or public owns the means of production

Capitalism: came first prior to Collectivism

New, Social, Liberal Capitalism – 1900 to 2019
 Classical Capitalism plus the welfare state
Classical Capitalism – 1700-1900, based on individual
 Theory of classical liberalism – human beings and human nature
 Natural Rights Theory
Libertarianism Capitalism – Mid 20th Century
 Classical Capitalism
 Minimalist State

 10 pts – closed book, vocabulary – writing a definition – go back
through from the beginning
o Kant’s CI2

 Essay – open book / open note – ask you questions conceptual nature
to explain or analyze

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