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Management Information System

Group B4 Assignment
Topic: E-Commerce
Submitted By: Submitted To:
VIPUL GUPTA Prof. Debasis Chanda

Following are the few major MIS systems that has been implemented in
 Executive Information System (EIS): As the name suggests, this is used by top-
management for taking enterprise-wide decisions. Executives need high-level data
with the ability to drill down as necessary.
 Marketing Information System (MkIS): These systems are used by marketing teams to
track & plan campaigns and check the effectiveness of the same.
 Business Intelligence System (BIS): BIS systems are used to make business
decisions based on the collection, integration, and analysis of the collected data and
information from the past. This system is system is used by lower level managers and
 Customer Relationship Management System (CRM): A CRM system is specially
designed to stores key information about customers, including previous sales, contact
information, and sales opportunities which could be analysed for future use.
Departments like-Marketing, customer service, sales, and business development
teams often use CRM.
 Sales Force Automation System (SFA): A specialized component of a CRM system
that automates many tasks that a sales team performs. It can include contact
management, lead tracking and generation, and order management. It uses SAAS
platform and charges on per transaction basis.
 Transaction Processing System (TPS): An MIS that completes a sale and manages
related details. On a basic level, a TPS could be a point of sale (POS) system, or a
system that allows a customer to search for a particular product as per his/her choice
of colours, price range and delivery time then book it. Employees can use the data
created to report on usage trends by making trend line and predict future sales.
 Knowledge Management System (KMS): Customer service uses a KM system to
answer questions and troubleshoot problems.
 Financial Accounting System (FAS): This MIS is specific to departments dealing with
finances and accounting, such as accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable
 Human Resource Management System (HRMS): This system tracks employee
performance records, compensation, benefits and payroll data.
 Supply Chain Management System (SCM): Manufacturing companies use SCM to
track the flow of resources, materials, and services from purchase until final products
are shipped. A part of this system is inventory management system.

Impact of MIS in E-Commerce

Access to worldwide markets
Minimal marketing and sales costs
Can compete with larger companies
Can track purchases and use data to recommend other items to the customer

Can find hard-to-get items from his or her chair
Reduced cost
Automated cost-comparison available

Unique Features:

1. Ubiquity
Internet/Web technology available everywhere: work, home, etc., anytime.
Effect: Marketplace removed from temporal, geographic locations to become
“marketspace” Enhanced customer convenience and reduced shopping costs

2. Global reach
The technology reaches across national boundaries, around Earth
Effect: Commerce enabled across cultural and national boundaries seamlessly
and without modification
Marketspace includes, potentially, billions of consumers and millions of
businesses worldwide

3. Universal standards
One set of technology standards: Internet standards
Effect: Disparate computer systems easily communicate with each other
Lower market entry costs, Lower consumers’ search costs

4. Richness
Supports video, audio, and text messages
Effect: Possible to deliver rich messages with text, audio, and video
simultaneously to large numbers of people
Video, audio, and text marketing messages can be integrated into single
marketing message and consumer experience

5. Interactivity
The technology works through interaction with the user
Effect: Consumers engaged in dialog that dynamically adjusts experience to the
individual Consumer becomes co- participant in process of delivering goods to

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