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Fighting Obesity with Science

Today, over 160 million Americans are obese due to poor eating habits.

Barriers to maintaining a healthy weight: high prices of healthy food, the inconvenience of
preparing it, and the bland taste of vegetables.
Who is Affected

While obesity is on the rise across all demographics, certain groups are more affected than

● Race - African Americans, Hispanics, Whites, Asians

● Income - the poor are more likely to be overweight or obese than the rich.
Why the Disparity?

Time and Money

Why Do We Care?
● One in three U.S. children and teens are now considered overweight or obese.
● Obesity is linked to rising U.S. rates of dozens of chronic illnesses and conditions
○ Cardiovascular Disease
○ Diabetes
○ Cancer
○ Respiratory disease
○ Reproduction
The Cost of an Obese Nation
● Obesity may account for as much as $190 billion annually or 21% of all U.S. medical
● The cost of medical care for obese patients is estimated to be somewhere between
36% to 150% higher than non-obese patients.
● Indirect costs include lost productivity from individuals taking leave from work, higher
transportation costs, and higher insurance rates for all Americans.
● The average U.S. firm with 1,000 or more employees loses $285,000 per year from
such costs associated with obesity.

Between institutional costs and individual expenses, obesity is by far the most expensive
medical condition.
Willy Wonka Solution
Why Bamboo Shoots?
● They are fast-growing
● They are easy to grow
● They contain little waste
● They are full of disease-fighting nutrients
Genetic Process for Modification
● Gene splice delicious seasoned, fried potato flavor into bamboo
● Sprinkle it with some potassium chloride instead of table salt.
● Once cut into shape, the bamboo fries can then be either baked or fried in cottonseed,
corn, canola, and hydrogenated soy oils to get a product with considerably less fat.

This process can be repeated with burgers, using tofu and vegetables and milkshakes, using
fruits and yogurt, and then made available in a fast-food format.
Is This Realistic or Simply Sci-Fi?


Isoamyl Acetate
Why is Our Solution the Best?
Our solution offers new and innovative ways to solve the major problem of obesity.
Genetically modifying healthy, fast-growing foods with vital nutrients and fast-food flavors
that Americans have grown accustomed to can make a significant impact on the affordability
and accessibility of a healthy diet and curb the obesity problem in this country.

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